sistermagpie @ 2004-05-30 18:27:00 |
M.B. and ps get creative
Mood: indescribable
There are no words.
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nyxforsythe @ May 30 2004, 22:30:31 UTC |
Isn't it tremendous? They are completely and utterly insane. This is the most fun I have had at Nocturne Alley ever! Yay M.B and P.S
zorb @ May 30 2004, 22:31:48 UTC |
Dude. In the "what happens when you go without REM for too long" cycle, the step after hallucinations is death.
although you are ever such amusing insomniacs
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2004, 23:09:07 UTC |
I think that Millicents the one whose hallucinating, I mean she think Pins is talking to for Draco he seems fine.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 30 2004, 23:19:30 UTC |
Except he saw drawings on her arm that she'd already washed off...
The sound of bells is quite airy. He's right.
Honestly, are they both going to slip into a coma? I can't imagine how this will end. They're going to be face down in the custard!
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chez_caillou @ May 30 2004, 23:54:26 UTC |
I do think that Millicent is a little more crazy than Draco. Perhaps Draco has been taking little naps to make sure he wins? :\
Then again, he is going pretty crazy, too. Haha, I love them so much. <3
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hezzabeth @ May 31 2004, 09:33:14 UTC |
Nah I just think his had way more insombiac experiance.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 31 2004, 20:39:45 UTC |
I'm really feeling badly for him with his most recent post. His eyes hurt and his head aches and he can't find his shoes and it's been 96 hours. Makes me want him to curl up in a basket and sleep.
And how perfect is this whole thing for ps' "Seventh Year of Sleep." At the beginning of the year he was always going to sleep, then he dreamed, then he was woken up against his will, now he seems to be having trouble sleeping, now he's forcing himself to stay awake until it hurts. WHAT DOES IT MEAN???
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hezzabeth @ June 1 2004, 00:36:07 UTC |
It really is getting beyond insane, I mean you're right forcing himself to stay away untill his in physical pain must mean something...
I cant believe his taking a duel with Millicent so seriously, and its been past 72 hours should'nt he be crazy by now?
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lonelyspade @ May 30 2004, 22:40:39 UTC |
They posted it twice, but now Millicent wants a lilac one.
I wonder what they did to Harry...
xnera @ May 30 2004, 22:44:23 UTC |
Why did Draco tell M.B. that he hated her last night? Is it because she keeps interfering with his relationship with Harry? *hopes they at least mention Harry, but hopes more that Harry starts commenting*
(parent)conversant @ May 30 2004, 23:30:26 UTC |
Where is Harry? This is no fun without him! (Ernie and Lisa are no substitute.) PS seems to feel that way, too: he keeps weaving mention of j_h into the conversation.
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chez_caillou @ May 30 2004, 23:56:59 UTC |
I do love Ernie (!!!!) and Lisa but, YES, I want j_h! xD
(parent)tabiji @ May 31 2004, 02:42:04 UTC |
Maybe something to do with this, in between asking if she's lying down, ps asks why she lied, (which looks like he's talking about her lying about laying down) but then M.B. asks, "About what?" and he says "Everything". Maybe he was hating her for lying about something else?
(parent)xnera @ May 30 2004, 23:20:18 UTC |
Draco things M.B. looks like Potter.
I am now imagining that in his sleep-deprived, hallucinatory state, he kissed M.B. because he thought she was Harry, thus leading to their declarations of hate for each other today.
hachi_08 @ May 31 2004, 03:29:54 UTC |
I thought it was just because M.B. used the icon with a scar.
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ex_lev195 @ May 30 2004, 23:20:20 UTC |
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ex_lev195 @ May 30 2004, 23:24:05 UTC |
Followed up by them discussing what Draco sounds like. XD
(parent)frozen_jelly @ May 30 2004, 23:38:28 UTC |
Its interesting that M.B thinks Draco sounds like his mother, with her Peltier heritage, whereas Draco thinks he sounds like his father, who is most definitively A Malfoy.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 30 2004, 23:53:18 UTC |
Or that M.B. thinks Draco sounds like a girl and Draco would rather sound like a man.:-)
ps has a headache and MB is crying. I think they're going to hit a wall soon and explode.
conversant @ May 30 2004, 23:55:57 UTC |
I expect it will be quite messy. I do hope that j_h is around to pick up the pieces.
(parent)black_dog @ May 31 2004, 07:35:14 UTC |
I'm amusing myself with the theory that JH is indeed around, talking with PS on this thread at least part of the time using MB's account. Why? Because this is nraged, and I can make up theories if I want to.
Actually, there are some interesting bits of evidence:
* The way "MB" uses "okay" and other special Harry-words.
* MB says she will stay up longer than PS because she "is three people." (Who's the third?)
* The way MB sometimes seems to be in dialogue with herself -- "Pins is talking to me." "No he's not."
* The way MB sometimes seems to be in two places at once. "How are you typing to me if you're flying around the common room?"
* MB "looks like Potter." "I noticed that too but did not want to mention it."
* At one point, he/she signs her own name incorrectly as "m.b." lowercase, and then corrects herself, which provokes Draco to remind her of what his own name is.
* Frequent use of H/D impersonator and TBWL icons.
* And really, after last night, where else would JH be?
If this is the case, it adds some real poignance to some of their discussions on the thread. Especially the one that begins "Let us be friends again." "I miss you quite a lot." And goes on to cover some really interesting ground -- "I tried to think of you that way, but never again" -- ending with a gentle admonition from "MB," using a TBWL icon, that PS should "not be" confused.
There are other passages that take on an interesting spin if you read them this way. As usual, I have no clue what's actually going on, but I'm just putting the suggestion out there . . .
xnera @ May 31 2004, 08:24:01 UTC |
I really like this suggestion. And yeah, the "Okay" pinged me, too, although I missed all the rest. I will have to reread the thread. Oh, darn.
(parent)conversant @ May 31 2004, 15:17:02 UTC |
I think you are right that there are three people using the M.B. icons in this thread. I had wondered about the inclusion of question marks in some of the posts and in fact, thought the whole discussion of quidditch where this occurs sounded oddly not-Millicent... but I hadn't considered that it was j_h typing.
I can't sort the icons into clear categories as signals of who was posting. For instance, I think j_h may have used the sorting hat icon and the "Be nice to Pins" icon with the picture of M.B.? holding her hair up in horns. This latter, because it shows a snapshot could be used to indicate impersonation, as of course, could the icon which is a sketch of M.B.'s default shot. However, I'm not convinced that it is always j_h who uses that sketched M.B. icon. Likewise, it does not seem that he is always behind the Halloween H/D icon. I'm not even convinced that he is the one behind the TBWL icon following PS's "I'm confused"!
Your suggestions have me looking back at the thread where "M.B." says PS must wait because "Pins is talking to me." My reading is that j_h is the one posting ("You hate me." "We used to be the same height. Do you remember?") and that "Pins" is M.B., who interrupts to scold j_h for his lousy impersonation of "M.B.": "Look, TBWL. I do not use question marks. Do not forget. I also do not use contractions. Watch yourself."
"M.B." identifies Pins as a "she" in that comment.
Then there is the "I've missed you" conversation, which -- as you point out -- seems very important, but also bloody confusing. I can't decide whether it is really Millicent who says, "Let us be friends again." It follows her grammatical rules (I think), but it sounds more awkward than she usually does. I agree (I think this agrees with you) that PS may think he's got j_h at the other end of this thread -- and perhaps he does. "You can shout at me once a week" sounds like j_h. (Would M.B. say, "You may"?)
Whoever makes those first two M.B. posts, it is really Millicent who teases PS by jumping to the wrong conclusion about his setting a date: for that comment, she uses her Terry Boot matched rings icon. Perhaps she doesn't want to allow PS to get maudlin and sloppy. Perhaps she's keeping him from making admissions in print that he'd be appalled to have made (when he returns to a more functional state of mind). Perhaps she's just playing anonymous comment games to tease PS and get him to come to the common room.
In any case, I do not see j_h in that exchange until the "You hate me more," which -- with your help -- I now read as a reminder of the "three person" posting as M.B.: "You hate me more."
The third person is surely Pansy, but I don't "hear" her very often in the thread. In fact, I wonder if she is not the author of the abortive parallel post about the lilac candle. If so, the double thread could be read for the ways in which it delineates the differences between Pansy and j_h, the ways in which it illustrates the affinity between M.B. and j_h (which run deeper than the Iconfacts that "the sorting hat said Slytherin" to both of them and that they both have black hair), the ways in which it suggests a richer understanding among PS, j_h, and M.B. than between PS and Pansy.
conversant @ May 31 2004, 19:31:12 UTC |
Oh, gigglesnort!
As a response to my post full of theories and uncertainty about what is and isn't really Millicent, that gold star is a masterpiece of equivocation. (Does this mean that it is all really Millicent and all theories of three person are a crock? Or does this merely mean that the persona behind the T.B./M.B. icon is really Millicent? How much or how little did I really get right? You mock me, NA! *shakes tiny fist of doom*)
Serves me right, I know.
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a_player @ May 31 2004, 21:01:34 UTC |
The part you got right is what I quoted. :) It means that it is all really Millicent.
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Anonymous @ June 1 2004, 01:38:14 UTC |
*sigh* Some things are to good to be true. :)
-- BD (from a public computer)
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Anonymous @ June 1 2004, 02:20:44 UTC |
I like your theories even better than what is actually going on, so pfffffft! to the star.
Also, I suspect the real Blaise Zabini is impersonating a_player here.
-- BD, still not logged in, and therefore perhaps not BD.
conversant @ May 30 2004, 23:37:43 UTC |
This is making me crazy: their threads are too wide for my screen (and it's a wide screen). I'm getting tired of scrolling sideways as well as up and down to follow the two PS/MB threads as well as the Hufflepuff and Head Girl threads.
Oy! They are way too hyper.
frozen_jelly @ May 30 2004, 23:40:20 UTC |
It is annoying, i keep forgetting which I have read and not read, very confusing, especially this late at night. But its so worth it!
(parent)conversant @ May 30 2004, 23:41:51 UTC |
I periodically click on the last post in the line so that its link changes color: that way I know how far I've read.
frozen_jelly @ May 31 2004, 00:05:58 UTC |
yes! I do this too! its the only way of keeping up, except sometimes when i refresh all the links turn blue again and I have to resort to staring at the time tags and figuring out where I was at.
(parent)bluekivrin @ May 30 2004, 23:45:13 UTC |
If you open each comment at the very end of the long long long threads, it will do the "used link changes colour" code and then you will know where you left off and will not have to keep opening all the layers to see if they've added things.
Also, this is amazingly facinating. Tres bien!
frozen_jelly @ May 31 2004, 00:10:34 UTC |
I'm multi-tasking, writing my CV while refreshing the insomniac tale of doom and woe! It can be done!
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Anonymous @ May 31 2004, 00:24:29 UTC |
They've stopped commenting. (Right?) Maybe now I can finally get to work!
frozen_jelly @ May 31 2004, 00:28:16 UTC |
Yes, I think so. Draco must have gone to meet Millicent, bringing his pat along with him. Aw!
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Anonymous @ May 30 2004, 23:58:47 UTC |
Hee (
I find that thread way funnier than I should. I think I'm empathising too well with PS and MB because I've just stayed up all night completing a 2400 word essay. It's 10am where I am and I am exhausted yet have no inclination for sleep. So I just laughing like a hyena at this thread. Ha! Ha! Ha! One deserves some craziness after the completion of a mammoth essay, I believe.
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Anonymous @ May 31 2004, 00:07:54 UTC |
Hey, at least you've finished your essay.
This is cute. (
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Anonymous @ May 31 2004, 00:15:46 UTC |
I was in the angst of the unfinished essay vs. NA yesterday during the whole PS/MB/J_H post-a-thon. It severely hindered progress.
I wish you luck. (You are the anon with the unfinished paper? My brain is not what it used to be. I think I may try sleeping soon. One would think watching this insanity I would be encouraged to sleep, but strangely it is the exact opposite.)
Insane logic is the cutest. :)
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Anonymous @ May 31 2004, 00:22:09 UTC |
And you are the anon with the finished pager, hehe.
No marks doth insane logic geteth. :(
Go to sleep, or bed at least. ;) (I'm such a hypocrite.)
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Anonymous @ May 31 2004, 00:27:01 UTC |
Aren't we a pair. ;)
I am already in bed with my laptop. :D I have no study etiquette, I was writing my essay like this, too.
It appears that they've stopped posting while PS delievers MB her pat.
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Anonymous @ May 31 2004, 00:39:58 UTC |
Yeah, it's so cute. Maybe they'll end up falling asleep on top of each other. Er. I'm not implying anything at all, oh no.
I read somewhere that if you work on your bed, your brain will start associating bed with work, when really you want it to associate bed with sleep. Or not, perhaps. ;D
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Anonymous @ May 31 2004, 00:04:06 UTC |
I wonder of the players of Draco and Millicent have really been awake all this time, as their characters have been? O.O
(parent)windtear @ May 31 2004, 00:17:18 UTC |
Should we send them a candlemaking kit, with black and lilac wax?
(parent)frozen_jelly @ May 31 2004, 00:20:46 UTC |
I was going to be a bit of a sart-alec and say 'sleeping' but, then I realised its 5.30pm NA-time so its not very likely.
(parent)mira_nevlome @ May 31 2004, 02:33:18 UTC |
This really says it all, especially when MB replies to PS' confusion with her TBWL icon! *g*
MB is such a good friend to PS! *g*