caithion @ 2004-06-01 07:39:00 |
Conspiracy theories
Mood: amused
I've figured it out! Ready? Hold onto your hats, this is deep....
Draco and MB are tiring themselves out so that they can fall into an exhausted sleep and blamelessly miss out on whatever end-of-the-year Deatheater activity Voldie is planning.
......Obviously I need sleep as much as our favorite slytherins.
laurac0re @ May 31 2004, 22:57:47 UTC |
or maybe they're trying to become so exhuasted they fail their NEWTS and have to redo seventh year, delaying the Death Eater decision for another year in hopes that Harry will defeat Voldemort and they'll be spared choosing a side.
or not.
vassilissa @ June 1 2004, 06:39:36 UTC |
Hey, that's a good idea. Even if they weren't doing it for that reason, they *should*.
I thought it was just for the hurt-comfort with Pansy and Harry respectively, after they collapse in a heap.
xnera @ June 1 2004, 06:45:17 UTC |
I love a good theory--I'm very Hufflepuffian about nocturne_alley--but I really think the sleep duel is about Draco and M.B. being Draco and M.B.
caithion @ June 1 2004, 08:50:30 UTC |
Oh, I agree. I was just being silly for the most part. There's always that niggling doubt where NA is concerned though.