xnera @ 2004-05-31 19:28:00 |
How much longer can they last?
Mood: worried
M.B. seems to be having password issues
edit: sinistra says that Draco and M.B. are sitting a few chairs from each other, but appear not to notice, as they are shouting for each other. Heh!
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empress_nothing @ June 1 2004, 00:45:14 UTC |
Current Music: OKAY?
I squeed myself, and I feel no shame.
moocow1985 @ June 1 2004, 00:48:12 UTC |
Too many live threads at once!
And yet so entertaining.
Though I am worried about Draco and M.B. They need to SLEEP.
sistermagpie @ June 1 2004, 01:16:05 UTC |
Why is it I've been watching that "Don't call me ugly" thread even more closely than the more active one? I just knew Draco couldn't let that lie.
And why does that so make me love the nasty little git all the more?
moocow1985 @ June 1 2004, 01:19:21 UTC |
Well, he's obviously not taking the insult very well, seeing as he rarely swears like he just did here.
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hezzabeth @ June 1 2004, 03:39:23 UTC |
This just prooves how vain Draco really is, he goes psycho over some one calling him ugly!
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lonelyspade @ June 1 2004, 03:52:13 UTC |
Noooooooo! Not my potterstinks! But you're right.
Vanity + lack of sleep = not a pleasent Draco.
Although...I don't suppose Draco is ever too pleasent to be around. Unless you are Millicent, of course. Hm...
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hezzabeth @ June 1 2004, 09:46:45 UTC |
Yes but his never called any one a grandmotherfucker before.
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empress_nothing @ June 1 2004, 01:23:50 UTC |
I have been watching it eagerly as well. It's this comment that makes me love him even more. Grandmotherfucker? So very, very sleep-deprived.
We're going to lose another night to this, aren't we? They're trying to make us as sleep-deprived as the characters. XD Well, I'm off to get some tea, because I damn well need the caffeine.
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empress_nothing @ June 1 2004, 01:57:18 UTC and now we know |
This is the single, funniest thing I've ever read in my life. I can die of laughter now. Thank you, player. XD
yamapea @ June 1 2004, 02:11:12 UTC |
In fact I also saw Mr Malfoy ask to borrow a sheet of parchment from Ms Bulstrode and I am not entirely certain that they recognised one another. This is pure, unadulterated madness and I enjoy it.
I am in love with Sinistra. This thread is amazing. There are no words. Only laughter.
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lonelyspade @ June 1 2004, 03:19:15 UTC |
And I love it.
They're going to fall asleep during NEWTS. That's sure to play out well. [insert snarky grin here]