breze @ 2004-06-08 05:43:00 |
(no title)
Mood: curious
Is anyone online at the moment? There's a live thread between ps and j_h.
lindra @ June 8 2004, 06:29:23 UTC |
He does, doesn't he? He's just making all these flat-sounding statements, not as exuberant as he usually would. I mean, talking to p_s would normally get him fired up, but now he just sounds vaguely disinterested.
(parent)lindra @ June 8 2004, 06:32:58 UTC |
Whoa. That 'It is.' doesn't sound good at all. j_h sounds tired. I mean, where' the Harry we know and love that would be picking a good-natured fight with p_s about that? His acceptance of that is just... *wibble?* I think p_s noticed it too, and attempted to rile him up, but it doesn't seem to have an effect..
(parent)hated_and_loved @ June 8 2004, 06:37:54 UTC |
Wow, I read that completely differently from you. I took it as straight-up flirtatious. Kind of like, "Oh, you just presume that I'll want to come see you?" And Harry's response is, "Oh, please. You know you want to."
Am I alone on this one?
lindra @ June 8 2004, 06:40:24 UTC |
... *blink* Oh.
.... heeeey...
I see what you're getting at! You can interpret it that way too. I guess I'm just in a pessimistic frame of mind. *amused* Too much 'DEATH AND WOE'-type stuff today, I think.
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nyxforsythe @ June 8 2004, 06:41:52 UTC |
No not at all alone I totally agree. There is a very flirtatious undertone to this thread (says my fangirlish brain anyways) Particularly with the icons I think theyhave chosen for the statements and j_h knows that ps can't resist coming to see him. It is all very cute and squee worthy.
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nyxforsythe @ June 8 2004, 06:47:49 UTC |
YAY! NA is so fun!!! Hopefully this means that we are going to get a j_h entry soon to squee over as well. This thread is adorable. As fun as Sleep deprived PS was I like seeing him back to his fabulous self.
(parent)lindra @ June 8 2004, 06:52:55 UTC |
Are you having pervy thoughts about that last comment of his - not having a bedtime? It seems like when p_s is concerned, he's willing to forgo sleep to be with him, and p_s is just taking this in his fabulous, suave way.
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nyxforsythe @ June 8 2004, 06:57:10 UTC |
They are being so obvious with this flirting! Yes my mind is definately in pervy overdrive. Yay I am in Australia and it is only 5.00 in the afternoon here. I shall be able to stay up and watch for a j_h entry!! PS is very suave isn't he? I love the icons he is using they are so appropriate.
(parent)lindra @ June 8 2004, 07:01:16 UTC |
I'm in Australia too! I shall wait up with you. *grin*
They are, aren't they? And Harry's using that 'friendly-to-friend' icon, the playful one, which is as much an indication of their flirting as anything else.
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nyxforsythe @ June 8 2004, 07:23:26 UTC |
*grins* I love being an Australian NA fan the posting times while inconvenient for most are pretty much perfect for us.
(parent)lindra @ June 8 2004, 07:25:23 UTC |
Pretty much, yes. And as they tend to update late or early in the morning, it's perfect for those who have to go to school or work or whatever. And times like this, too. Late night threads at 5, without having to catch it the next morning? Bliss.
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amirah_kaessi @ June 8 2004, 06:42:06 UTC |
No your not I read it in exactly the same way. It seemed playful to me, it contained a quiet confidence that P_S would want to see him.
breze @ June 8 2004, 06:43:08 UTC |
Well... ps *did* volunteer to write an entry for Harry, didn't he?
(parent)lindra @ June 8 2004, 06:46:17 UTC |
... Oh, wait! He did! *grin* Think we might be seeing a collaborative entry sometime soon?
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hezzabeth @ June 8 2004, 09:55:33 UTC |
Especially since I think Harry's using Draco's favourite icon in that comment, if he was disinterested he would'nt bother changing them.
(parent)lindra @ June 8 2004, 06:28:21 UTC |
Oh, my. Professor? WHO? *CURIOUS AS HELL*
And, eee! They're teasing each other! Their semi-seriousness is just... it all has this undercurrent of 'You're not mad at me?' 'No, I'm not.' 'Oh, okay. Good.' 'Yeah. Are you mad at me?' 'No. I'll still talk to you.' 'Ah. Okay, then.' 'Yeah.' and it's just... *squee*
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Anonymous @ June 8 2004, 14:32:49 UTC |
Oh, my. Professor? WHO?
I figured that's about his detention.
breze @ June 8 2004, 06:36:28 UTC |
Are live-threads always this draining to watch? I'm waiting and waiting and bouncing off my seat and still waiting... and j_h takes forever to reply. Yet I can't leave either because I NEED to see their reply. Argh. I'm beginning to understand the word 'addiction'.
(parent)lindra @ June 8 2004, 06:41:36 UTC |
Yes, they are. *grin*
*bounces in seat* 'uurrry up already, players!
I'm beginning to understand it, too. If I had a slot free for an N_A 'addicted' icon, I'd take it.
lindra @ June 8 2004, 06:50:44 UTC |
You are not the only one.
*beats dirty thoughts out of brain*
Wonder why he's meeting a professor this late?
steph_hime @ June 8 2004, 06:52:43 UTC |
Glad I'm not the only one.
J_H: I don't have [a bedtime] anymore.
OMG he is so flirting.
steph_hime @ June 8 2004, 06:54:50 UTC |
I just wanna lock them in a room together and hope they get back together.
(parent)lindra @ June 8 2004, 06:59:36 UTC |
Me too! It implies that Harry's willing to stay up to be with p_s, which is so very Harry. And p_s was almost concerned about Harry getting enough sleep, and given the recent sleep duel... *grin* The cuteness of it is overwhelming.
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amirah_kaessi @ June 8 2004, 07:00:46 UTC |
*Blinks* After these comments I kinda assumed that they already were.
(parent)lindra @ June 8 2004, 07:02:39 UTC |
Not quite yet - there were problems still - but from these comments, they're well on the way. *grin* And I must admit that it does sound like they've come to an accord.
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amirah_kaessi @ June 8 2004, 07:08:04 UTC |
*Is grinning like an idiot.*
It does seem like they've overcome the point where contact has to be forced.
lindra @ June 8 2004, 07:15:07 UTC |
*is grinning too*
It does, doesn't it? No-one forced p_s to offer to help with j_h's entry, and no-one's forcing p_s to come to the library to see Harry.
Oh, this warms my fangirly heart. *squees*
steph_hime @ June 8 2004, 07:03:20 UTC |
PS has to go and see a Professor before he goes and helps J_H with his entry.
(parent)steph_hime @ June 8 2004, 07:06:39 UTC |
I don't know, I have a hunch that's it's Lupin, but I can't figure out why I think that.
(parent)lindra @ June 8 2004, 07:20:08 UTC |
Hmm. Lupin and Severus seem to have reached an accord, Severus is being given commands by Narcissa, and Draco seems to be more friendly towards Lupin than he would've been normally. And given the former split between Lupin and Narcissa, and the fact that they're friends now... hmm. Indirect action against his mother?
*mind fills with conspiracy theories*
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amirah_kaessi @ June 8 2004, 07:42:12 UTC |
Hmm at this point I really can't see Draco taking action against his mother. He seems to prefer blatant indifference where she is concerned.
And I've looked through recent posts and entries but I can't find why you think P_S is being more friendly to Lupin.
I suspect P_S has probably gone to meet Snape, perhaps it has something to do with Narcissa's Owl?
lindra @ June 8 2004, 06:56:30 UTC |
I noticed that too! It's just 'Here, lookit, I'm gorgeous!'
It's just so deliciously flirty. *hearts j_h and p_s*
lazy_daze @ June 8 2004, 09:07:10 UTC |
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hezzabeth @ June 8 2004, 10:00:05 UTC |
Personally I cant wait to see what kind of entrys Draco will end up writing in Harrys journal.
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 8 2004, 13:18:14 UTC |
Heh! Me neither, I can imagine it will be hilarous :D *awaits impatiently*
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hezzabeth @ June 9 2004, 00:14:40 UTC |
Eh it really depends on what Harry will let him get away with.
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lonelyspade @ June 8 2004, 21:50:40 UTC |
Busy being in looOOOooveee.
*giggles like a madman*
(finals + NA = going mad)
lindra @ June 8 2004, 23:11:53 UTC |
I had that feeling too! *squee* The cuteness is overwhelming.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 8 2004, 13:59:10 UTC |
What a great thing to wake up to-if I'd seen it last night I would have been refreshing for an hour! To sum up, yes I thought Harry's, "It is," was...actually I wouldn't even say flirting. It seemed too straightforward and bold, one of those moments where he's all seriously sexy and "Who's your Daddy?" Go jh! And ps loves it, "Well, I don't know if I will be there. You'd better not be asleep!" Scarlett O'Hara wasn't half so coquettish. I imagined him bopping Harry with a fan the whole time.:-)
I figure he's going to see Snape, though I suppose I could be wrong. He might have said Snape or his Head of House if it were Snape. But it seems like Snape has decided something must be done to wise Draco up before he skips out into the world, and last night he may have been with Millicent so Snape couldn't speak to him man-to-man as it were. Or perhaps Draco is planning something himself so he made an appointment to see somebody--there again it seems like it would be Snape because there's no too many professors Draco would speak to willingly.
Oh, and I really am looking forward to a jh entry that comes with ps' help. I can't even imagine what it would be like. Because it would be funny enough to just have ps write it, but I don't think they'll do that. Much better to see the combination--what does ps think Harry should write about (himself?) and how does Harry translate that into something he would honestly say? Honestly, I think an entry of jh's that ps pulls out of him could be both hysterical and revealing. And perhaps jh will help with one of ps' as well.:-D
Also, bouncyflea's icon is making me laugh very hard.
moocow1985 @ June 9 2004, 02:14:44 UTC |
That's downright adorable! Can't wait to see the entry that ps is going to write.