saikogrrl @ 2004-06-15 10:22:00 |
Mood: curious
Hey :) just joined, so sorry if this has already been brought up, but --- who else thinks there's something going on between Harry and Draco??
I mean, after Dean and Seamus' conversation about "someones", and all the time Harry and Draco spend together (without even hexing each other!) and the 'lecture' seamus gave Draco??.... and can someone explain to me why Draco gave harry a christmas present? and what was it?
oh, and what exactly is going on between Snape and Hermione? ;) (or am I just reading too much into things?)
bookofjude @ June 15 2004, 00:54:00 UTC |
Try historic_alley, which is an archive of all the NrAged threads. You should be able to find everything your searching for, along with people's theories on what exactly it means.
tabiji @ June 15 2004, 03:55:25 UTC |
You must also check out The Harry & Draco Q&A. It's a huge post and there are tons of clues and hints there.
(parent)tabiji @ June 15 2004, 05:43:10 UTC |
I love that entry. I'm convinced that the majority of the ps/j_h backstory can be pieced together with information that is spread out on the threads in the Q&A.
(parent)onthehillside @ June 15 2004, 07:17:25 UTC |
Wow, I've not looked at the Q&A for a long time. It is still as awesome as it was then. In retrospect, August was pretty awesome, and not the wibblefest we made it out to be.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 15 2004, 00:55:14 UTC |
Ah, well, Draco is Harry's boyfriend, but no one's allowed to say so, so instead they call him his (Sorry, Harry).
I think NA has a policy of no student/teacher relationships. I don't know how long one has to be out of school before that rule stops holding, but I'd guess it won't come up.
Seamus' lecture was, presumably, regarding his making fun of Seamus' catatonic ex-boyfriend and Ron's family tragedy. And in general not treating people like dirt.
I think Draco mentioned giving Harry a model of the universe for Xmas-and I think last year he sent him a book about Potions.:-)
saikogrrl @ June 18 2004, 00:12:07 UTC |
lol cool :D so how long have they been together, and why is noone allowed to talk about it?
how many people know?
sistermagpie @ June 19 2004, 03:04:33 UTC |
Good questions! Err...we don't really know.
A year ago March Harry first showed an interest in Draco and Draco freaked out and threw up. They started a friendship. In April Draco got angry (I think over Narcissa showing Harry attention) and "outed" him, thinking Harry's interest had been a joke. It wasn't, and that's how we-and Draco-learned Harry was gay. So we know that then they weren't together. However, in the following weeks they did make up and start hanging out. We just have no idea when it moved to anything romantic. Ron accidentally referred to Draco as Harry's boyfriend at one point, but I can't remember when it was. I think it was towards the end of sixth year because it was in response to Seamus hanging around with Draco too much. So at that point, presumably, they were together but nobody's allowed to say it.
As to why, well, Draco is ostensibly going out with Pansy Parkinson (though she herself seems to truly be involved with Millicent). This is something they decided last year as well. So I guess there's a reason Draco needs to keep up the facade of having this girlfriend. I'm not sure if that's the only reason he's not allowed to be referred to that way, though. It also may be that he's making a point of pretending he doesn't want to be Harry's boyfriend when really he does. Harry must have some reason for going along with it and keeping it a secret, though. He could have his own reasons for it--being TBWL he may not want his private life made public, especially considering who his boyfriend is.
It seems like most people know, strangley enough, though I'm not sure Lucius and Narcissa do. Certainly the Gryffindors seem to know, and MB and Pansy. Crabbe and Goyle may as well, but it's hard to tell.:-)
So there's the complicated answer--which basically comes down to, "I don't really know!"
saikogrrl @ June 19 2004, 10:47:27 UTC |
heeee :D thankyousoverymuch ^_^
I havent been following it that long, and somtimes get confused... its cool to have some kind of explanation even if it is complicated and unsure.... :D
hated_and_loved @ June 15 2004, 01:51:10 UTC |
"If" it's been brought up before. Haha. I'm not laughing at you, it's just that the topic's been talked to death, brought back to life, then talked to death over and over again here! :)
(parent)saikogrrl @ June 18 2004, 00:14:16 UTC |
hehe yeah i kinda thought that might be the case... just wanted other opinions on my suspicions -- a friend put me onto this comm, after i wouldnt stop taking her to death about NA :D
vassilissa @ June 15 2004, 05:00:34 UTC |
She wasn't joking. Remember how LiveJournal's memories were broken for the past few days? You try getting into NA without the memories section.
(parent)lestrange @ June 15 2004, 06:10:37 UTC |
Actually, that was what I did. I've only really jumped onto the NA bandwagon several months before. Did not know that the HD was textual here until reading their commentspam to each other.
Of course, it probably helps that I've shipped HD since forever, and even if it weren't, I would have seen it as was. Can read HD into anything, really.
Only checked out memories secction after falling in love with ps&jh, to find more of their interactions with each other.
Really in that order, yes.
notapipe @ June 15 2004, 04:01:21 UTC |
ahhahahahaha. *memorizes*
It's not terribly your fault that you brought up something that people don't stop bringing up, EVER (H/D speculation has been an nraged staple since its inception). But it's amusing.
To help you avoid this again, I've compiled a short list of acknowledged subtextual and textual realities and relationships (feel free to squee and speculate, even if you don't claim to be the first to notice it. This is the purpose of this forum, after all.):
* Harry loves or loved Draco (this is textual) and they've had a secret affair involving copious amounts of sex (as far as I know, this is only subtextual, but in very very large font between the lines).
* Something was/is going on between M.B. and Pansy.
* Trelawny should get some Emma Thompson as Trelawny icons so that we're not all as grossed out by Trelawny/Hooch. Or possibly so that we're more grossed out but still cool with the visual anyway as Emma Thompson rocks.
* Justin and Ron are not actually going to follow in Harry and Draco's path. There just isn't enough time. Alas.
* Neville is evil.
* Hermoine and Ernie rut like dogs in heat, it helps them study.
* Lisa Turpin is the coolest and most attractive character in NA. People who tell you they think otherwise are trying to pull a fast one on you. No one could reasonably not believe this.
vassilissa @ June 15 2004, 04:58:14 UTC |
*drags self away from Pipe's icon*
Hi saikogrrl!
* Harry loves or loved Draco (this is textual) and they've had a secret affair involving copious amounts of sex (as far as I know, this is only subtextual, but in very very large font between the lines).
My theory is that they aren't, in fact - or not very often. Because they do want each other, but it's all so complicated, and besides, spending time together is more important. But Harry did try to kiss Draco (text) and they did do something once that Harry considers sex and Draco doesn't (Q&As) and I really really hope Draco stays with Harry this time.
* M.B. is God.
* Lupin and Black loved each other, split up, got together again, got married, split up again (because Black cheated on him with Lucius Malfoy) and they've just gotten back together again. And Snape's not impressed about that.
* Hufflepuffs are insane rabid conspiracy theorists, which is why we love them.
* Neville is NOT evil.
* Percy is evil, but not in the way we thought (actually he's just a lot of a dickhead)
* Hermione and Ernie study like dogs in heat, it helps them... never mind.
* Dean likes riding Seamus's horsie. What?
* Lisa Turpin is very cool and most attractive, but I prefer M.B. Really.
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hezzabeth @ June 15 2004, 12:01:03 UTC |
You wound me Felicity, really you do.
Neville is as pure as snow, and ice cream, and kittens.
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hezzabeth @ June 16 2004, 00:33:28 UTC |
He is not evil, it's like calling a puppy evil or a frog!
(parent)deathbyshinies @ June 15 2004, 06:19:56 UTC |
Hufflepuffs are insane rabid conspiracy theorists, which is why we love them.
Or are you just SAYING that to throw off SUSPICION, hmmmn?
notapipe @ June 15 2004, 06:22:42 UTC |
* Lisa Turpin is very cool and most attractive, but I prefer M.B. Really.
Clearly, you're a terrible person without an honest bone in your body. (Given that anyone who holds another above Lisa is dishonest as I pointed out above.) Or at least without the ability to perceive correctly.
So saikogrrl, DO NOT TRUST HER ABOUT NEVILLE! She is a liar or a fool.
nannyo @ June 15 2004, 08:30:57 UTC Re: Neville |
How can sweet Neville be evil? Neville isn't evil, that's all down to Pansy...she is the mostest evil
saikogrrl @ June 18 2004, 00:25:42 UTC |
*Is very amused*
*considers turning off LJ comment notification after clogged up inbox....*
saikogrrl @ June 18 2004, 00:20:47 UTC |
*attempts to screw head back on*
I knew it want a good idea to check LJ replies before my exam........
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hezzabeth @ June 15 2004, 11:58:33 UTC |
You still have no proof over the "Neville is evil" thin Pipe.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ June 15 2004, 06:25:51 UTC |
This may sound like a silly question, but does anyone know what animal Harry is? (Animagus - I think that's the correct spelling...o.oU)
(parent)polina_slosvau @ June 15 2004, 06:30:22 UTC |
I think his animal is a snake. I seem to recall Draco mentioning it once, some time ago... *is in doubt*
tabiji @ June 15 2004, 07:38:01 UTC |
Ages and ages ago they tested all the students' aptitude for becoming Animagi and Harry's Animagus form was a snake. The few students that showed more promise as Animagi then took further lessons. Harry didn't have whatever qualities they were looking for, so he did not continue the lessons.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 15 2004, 13:57:40 UTC |
Is there a list of what everybody's was somewhere?
(parent)tabiji @ June 15 2004, 14:10:54 UTC |
Ugh...all I can remember is ps' ranting that it was irresponsible to put all the students in a room where someone could turn into a bear and eat them. There were posts scattered here and there, and I found this entry where Hannah talks about their progress.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 15 2004, 13:57:40 UTC |
Is there a list of what everybody's was somewhere?