beadgalsarita @ 2004-06-15 01:08:00 |
da da dum!
Mood: anxious
*insert ominous music here*
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Anonymous @ June 15 2004, 06:20:45 UTC |
I sense doom, DOOM! Grab Draco and head for the hills Harry!
onthehillside @ June 15 2004, 06:22:24 UTC |
I refuse to wibble over this. I guess that we'll just have to wait and see what it means.
(parent)polina_slosvau @ June 15 2004, 06:26:28 UTC |
Oh no...
What has happened? It's interesting that one word can look so creepy... O_o!
Typical. I'll probably fail my test today, because I can't get this game out of my head. Being obsessed with NA is threatening to kill my grades. ;) And of course, I'm loving every minute of it.
- Juwely.
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Anonymous @ June 15 2004, 07:11:04 UTC |
"It's the end of magic as we know it (and I feel fine)"
Oh God.
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adolfa @ June 15 2004, 09:59:28 UTC |
I - I'm torn between wibbling over that and just SCREAMING over how LAME that is. LAME. LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME. YOU *CANNOT* DO ANY WORSE. Also, wizards still have, you know, 'the world'. And REM cycles. Unless they don't sleep or something, which is news to me.
tabiji @ June 15 2004, 10:58:33 UTC |
The players regularly refer to Wizarding bands with names that take a twist on names of known recording artists: Acciohead, Antsy Pine, Broomhandle Confessional, Nine Inch Wands, Weezerd, etc.
It's not all that much of a stretch to figure that WEM is likely Wizard/Witch/Wand E-something M-something.
You may think it's lame, but the players put a lot of time and effort into the game, and if they referred to bands with names that we couldn't associate with actual musicians, we'd have no idea what they were talking about.
jupistrahan @ June 15 2004, 07:30:42 UTC |
Actually, I'm not so worried about what he's just done, as dasterdly as we know it shall be, but rather by his choice of music. 8O!!!!!! That is the sound of my jaw dropping... it's just so un-Malfoy-like. *still in shock*
(parent)black_dog @ June 16 2004, 00:57:09 UTC |
True enough. Now, we know from OOTP that he was 41 in 1996/7, so he was born 1955-56 or so. That would make him, musically, a child of the 70's.
Do a little dance,
Make a little love
Get down tonight
Get down tonight
There, that's better.
portkey @ June 15 2004, 07:59:55 UTC |
And anymore, I'm not sure whether to wibble or expect him to simply be talking about a game of Wizards Chess. Damn the NA players for making it so impossible to tell. :P
lazy_daze @ June 15 2004, 08:14:37 UTC |
*giggles* Yeah, maybe he just won a really hard game of chess. He was so pleased, he had to share.
*wibbles anyway*
dragynville @ June 15 2004, 08:06:59 UTC |
Is it ever a good thing when that man is pleased? :x
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2004, 09:22:47 UTC |
*fidgets nervously*
I don't think I'll be able to play chess today.
1anonymous1 @ June 15 2004, 10:32:53 UTC |
Isnt that wedding here soon? Or did that already happen?
Anyway, maybe he did something to that?
Or maybe hes just being evil cause he can?
Or maybe hes really a good guy who is just misunderstood?
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dry_your_eyes @ June 15 2004, 12:43:14 UTC |
Narcissa is unimpressed. Is it a good sign? I can't decide, but it did ease my nervousness a bit.
(parent)lazy_daze @ June 15 2004, 14:51:28 UTC |
Mmm, me too. Unless she, like all of us, has no idea what's going on? Like, she's trying to convince herself it's nothing - just Lucius being self important, nothing actually worth worrying about - cause she herself is a little worried? Or maybe she knows him well enough to know when he's just being Lucius and when he's actual;y being...serious, like, something is actually going to happen.
*looks back at rambling* That made no snse, it is why I tend to stay away from theorising too much :D :D
sistermagpie @ June 15 2004, 16:01:35 UTC |
It seems like she's been getting annoyed at the way Lucius insists on telling the world when something wicked is going on, warning him that he'd do better to keep silent. So I thought it was that. Which doesn't bode well for the rest of the world!
(parent)black_dog @ June 16 2004, 00:51:39 UTC |
Do you think their falling out, then, was a cover, and they're still effectively allies?
My first thought was that he was crowing about being proved right, on something they had differed on. There's a possible Harry/Draco application there, but then I see one everywhere. :)
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jacay @ June 16 2004, 02:39:47 UTC |
Did we ever find out what his other entries were about? His other "accomplished" entries? Because I seem to remember a lot of wibbling over that, and for no reason. My guess is this is another false alarm.
However, if it's not, apparently Lucius feels like he's beaten someone. This is why I don't think it's something sinister, like with the DEs, because nothing has happened yet that would imply DE activity, unless his plans have been put into motion--but then, if it's only plans, he hasn't beaten anyone yet. Maybe he just had a bet going. I'm kind of with black_dog on the Draco/Harry implications, but I also think it could have something to do with the wedding, and possibly DEs. Eh.