joosetta @ 2004-06-15 15:15:00 |
Er. More fanart.
Mood: accomplished
I drew some more ^_^
The scene where PS is repairing the burnt robes and listening to Harry talk about his day. It's incorrect, because I reread the post and PS specifies Harry was sitting on the /table/ but- Artistic license? >.>
Thanks for the ideas too ^^
chinae @ June 15 2004, 15:40:29 UTC |
Oh, this is great. This is so them and I love that HP pose.
(parent)joosetta @ June 15 2004, 21:58:16 UTC |
Thankyouthankyou! And NA totally does, doesn't it T__T. I have so many NA moments I want to draw!
(parent)taradiane @ June 15 2004, 15:52:47 UTC |
These are gorgeous! I saw the other ones you posted as well...just gorgeous...
(parent)tabiji @ June 15 2004, 15:53:56 UTC |
It's lovely! I like how Draco looks a bit irritated and Harry looks a bit puzzled. <3333
*proclaims Joosetta as 'Official Unofficial Artist of Nraged'*
sistermagpie @ June 15 2004, 15:58:45 UTC |
OMG, this is awesome! Draco looks wonderful fixing his robes--with that slight irritation, as Harry tells him about his day. I love it!
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chasingwhispers @ June 15 2004, 16:13:45 UTC |
... How do you make them look so young, sexy, innocence, cute and HOT at the same time?!?! Love it.
(parent)spuzz @ June 15 2004, 17:06:36 UTC |
The facial expressions, Harry's slightly amused contemplative happy look and Draco's slight annoyance and secretly pleased look, and the lips are probably my favorite parts. Just wonderful representations of them, I think these are my diffinitive just_harry and
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Anonymous @ June 15 2004, 17:19:03 UTC |
Ooohhhh if you're still taking suggests might I suggest MB and her patronus? ^_^
(parent)joosetta @ June 15 2004, 21:59:36 UTC |
I'm on it! T___T TOO CUTE TO IGNORE.
*runs off to draw it*
dragynville @ June 15 2004, 17:42:22 UTC |
Really really beautiful! I think this is how I'll be picturing them when reading N_A from now on. :D
(parent)hachi_08 @ June 15 2004, 17:53:06 UTC |
I agree with the above.
And I'm loving the color (or lack thereof) of Draco's hair. ^^" Have a Slurpee!
heliopath @ June 15 2004, 20:18:46 UTC |
I absolutely love, well, how they're both sitting, but Draco especially, with his legs crossed over like that. The expressions are just gorgeous - Harry's sweetness, and Draco's slight irritation. They look so young and perfect. Eee, I love it!
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kearie @ June 15 2004, 21:44:46 UTC |
*sings your praises*
OK, so I'm a little off-key, but it's the thought that counts right?
joosetta @ June 15 2004, 22:02:42 UTC |
Aww thank you all ^^ i always thought my style was a little weird >.> but you guys have given me MUCHO confidence ^^. <3333333
(parent)aome @ June 17 2004, 12:14:03 UTC |
I feel like I'm on another planet or something. I've been reading NA and yet I just don't remember this at all - same with one of the prior pieces of art. *feels stupid* But I *like* this - their expressions and postures are wonderful! Love how Harry looks a little bit sheepish, too. :D