chinae @ 2004-06-19 23:29:00 |
Ernie post
Complains about Harry taking Hermonie to the wedding, Harry's response by flirting with Hermonie asking her to the Astronomy tower.
lindra @ June 20 2004, 03:36:52 UTC |
*laughs until she cries*
*laughs again* Oh, Ernie. *laughs* Harry and Hermione are so cute and so very snarky. *giggles*
lindra @ June 20 2004, 03:53:49 UTC |
Lisa jumps in!
Ernie calls Hermione a scarlet woman, and Hermione uses it in this commenthere.
tabiji @ June 20 2004, 04:26:31 UTC |
So, I'm reading the grading scale to look something like this:
E=Exceeds Expectations (Hermione)
A=Acceptable/Average (Lisa)
P=Passable (Ernie)
D=Dreadful (Harry)
Uh-oh. Ernie says they have to turn their wands in for pre-exam inspection. *wibble*
sistermagpie @ June 20 2004, 05:16:02 UTC |
Is this thread going on now, or did Draco drop out after Harry's sad post about how they'll never have Potions again?
(parent)black_dog @ June 20 2004, 05:17:08 UTC |
Sorry aboutthe deleted post! So much for attempts at editing (see below). Looks live to me . . .
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 20 2004, 05:20:01 UTC |
Yup--just saw the answer to that myself.
And go ps--because the glasses suit him. That's anything but dreadful, man! And Harry used his sexy icon to reply!!!!
sistermagpie @ June 20 2004, 05:33:34 UTC |
Of course, laughing at Harry's own seductive response isn't exactly the way of the continental...but still, I think he was quite honest saying he liked Harry's glasses. He probably wasn't even being seductive, just telling the obvious truth.:-)
(parent)black_dog @ June 20 2004, 05:44:10 UTC |
I love this whole exchange, though -- Harry, fishing for compliments about his glasses, his eyes, from PS! Using the seductive icon! Inviting fashion advice from PS! And PS is loving it, and he's enjoying making Harry flustered. Not least because he didn't quite catch himself before initially admitting how he looks at Potter's eyes.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 20 2004, 05:54:03 UTC |
I know! And Harry's, "You must be hallucinating again..." And the relentless use of the sexy icon ps picked out. Must he always be so Potter-like. Yes!!
(parent)black_dog @ June 20 2004, 06:08:21 UTC |
It's driving PS mad! Extreme measures are called for. :)
(parent)black_dog @ June 20 2004, 06:16:39 UTC |
Um. I read Harry's "that could be fixed." as pretty directly seductive. I think there's some collar-loosening going on here. As in, no time to finish copying Crabbe's notes.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 20 2004, 06:23:42 UTC |
LOL! Yes-I thought it was seductive too, but I wondered if he wasn't also beside him being seductive too--though we now know for sure he isn't. I definitely agree on the second part, though. C'mon, baby, wouldn't you rather be doing something else?
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 20 2004, 06:15:12 UTC |
And now he's choked.
Sorry had to edit after Harry's last comment--love his, "Oh come on, don't work on Crabbe's notes. You know you want to play with me." Harry is a little tiger!
black_dog @ June 20 2004, 06:18:37 UTC |
Well, at least we're even on replying to deleted posts.
Haha, now he's got PS flustered. I love it.
sistermagpie @ June 20 2004, 06:24:41 UTC |
Yes, we've totally lost it. I so want to go to sleep, but I certainly can't NOW!!!
I think Harry needs to go down to the dungeons and carry Draco upstairs like Scarlet O'Hara.
laurac0re @ June 20 2004, 06:27:42 UTC |
I was going to go to bed but check 'one last time' and suddenly BAM! Harry's being all"look at my sexy icon!" and draco's "however will I keep my cool facade?"
black_dog @ June 20 2004, 06:31:55 UTC |
It's always dangerous to "check one last time." We should all know that by now. :)
(parent)black_dog @ June 20 2004, 06:31:09 UTC |
Although, after that "tell me how my glasses suit me" line, I'm not sure who's Scarlet.
(parent)tabiji @ June 20 2004, 06:36:07 UTC |
I think Harry needs to go down to the dungeons and carry Draco upstairs like Scarlet O'Hara.
I like this plan.
black_dog @ June 20 2004, 06:44:52 UTC |
Say, do you think PS could use a little help copying those scrolls?
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 20 2004, 15:18:57 UTC |
Well, ps and jh did not disappoint after I conked out. A persuasive argument indeed.
I must say too, though, that Draco's a nice bloke to copy scrolls for his friend if he's actually doing that. You'd think Crabbe would learn more by copying them himself! (Though I guess that's a nice way for ps to revise himself.) Anyway, you'd think they'd have a spell for copying.
But then, didn't Draco drop the xerox machine on Dean last year? If so I guess it's his own fault he's got to get his fingers so inky. And not wash it off. From his fingers or his neck. Perhaps they ought to sneak into the Prefects bathroom and take care of that together...
black_dog @ June 20 2004, 19:39:18 UTC |
Perhaps they ought to sneak into the Prefects bathroom and take care of that together...
Well, priorities, though. I mean, as long as they're going to the Prefect's bathroom eventually, they may as well get good and inky all over, first. :) Or even better, I'd love to see Ron or somebody wonder why Harry's all inky today.
Wonderful thread. As fun as it was to read in real time, I went over it again today and caught more stuff. I think I missed the irony of the "you must be hallucinating again" post, that Harry had stopped being flustered and started teasing back (and using his flirtatious icon!) And I sort of felt at one point that Harry pushed PS to stop holding back, by backing off the flirtation to talk about MB, giving PS a chance to either change the subject or to declare himself more plainly. But PS came through handsomely with his "working his fingers to the bone" post, which was such a plea for Harry to come visit.
I wonder if this will mark a change in how frankly they acknowledge their relationship on the journals, or if it's just a one-shot caused by end-of-school melancholy. I mean, we both noticed on the "monster" thread that discretion was becoming a bit of a joke (Sorry, Harry), so hopefully there will be more overt threads like this.
I didn't realize school was ending Wednesday -- I thought they had more time for NEWTS and such. I guess I'm assuming at this point that the game will continue post-school, but it will be interesting to see how they keep up the momentum immediately after they all leave.
sistermagpie @ June 20 2004, 19:54:41 UTC |
You just hit a lot of the things I was thinking in the thread as well. When Harry started asking about Nott I thought Draco was a little irritated--MB is fine (why are you worrying about HER?) and Nott's "never even been on a Quidditch team." He wasn't angry, but I thought it did sort of break the mood and I think Draco used his glaring icon after a big string of the various handsome and perfect ones. He was wanting sympathy for MB being busy and Harry starts talking about her being hurt and Nott managing to knock her off her broom.
So he says she's fine and Nott's making Pins a salad--which is either strictly true or Draco also being silly. Harry says the salad sounds pretty weird, which I took as Harry getting more into focusing on Draco again rather than wanting to talk about Nott and MB. Then Draco starts casually detailing all the parts of his body that are in need of attention: his shoulders need rubbing, his fingers need uncurling cleaning, his neck has a smudge, his sleeves are rolling over his arms and his mouth is just parched and needs a drink.
Harry at first just directly speaks to telling him to let it go and come to him, but later when Draco says he will come and references his weary shoulders that need rubbing Harry brings up that mouth and his poor fingers again. I think that was the most explicit pre-sex talk I've ever seen on the game because it was so not explicit. And then there's the capper of Draco saying he's going to keep the ink on and Harry saying good--because he likes him dirty.:-D
Luckily it's in Ernie's journal so he probably won't pick up on it.:) I do wonder what's going to happen after school, though. How will they see each other? It seems silly to leave school and not sort of start a life with your boyfriend. I don't mean they have to move in together or get married or anything, but, you know, ones boyfriend is usually a major figure in one's life as an adult. They have to work something out where it's not like Draco lives with his parents and Harry doesn't see him unless they have a playdate or something.
black_dog @ June 20 2004, 21:32:23 UTC |
Really the whole thread is surprisingly seductive. I should probably double-check this, but in the past, PS has generally seemed to stay away from threads where Harry's sexuality is mentioned too explicitly, avoiding any direct association with it. But here, Ernie is all over the issue, and PS jumps right in as Harry's friend and ally.
PS' first remark about Harry's glasses implies so much about watching Harry's face in Potions -- because you have to "look the right way" to see the reflection. And Harry, usually uncomfortable with compliments, eats it up and asks for more -- "how do they suit me?" After PS laughs at him and Harry maybe genuinely takes a minute to catch himself, he uses his seductive icon to ask "Why not? What am I doing" -- he knows perfectly well, I think.
And on and on -- "it's enough to drive a person mad" is wonderfully ambiguous. And when Harry is deliberately provocative in response, Draco "chokes," which I thought was an extraordinary thing for him to admit.
Anyway, I could go on admiring just about every single exchange in this thread. But you're right -- the way PS itemizes all the parts of his body that need attention, in the form of a classic PS-grievance-at-the-world post, is just as good as it gets. :)
I'd love to know what's going on in terms of behind-the-scenes game planning right now. I imagine the transition from school is going to be a real structural challenge for the game, because they have to come up with ways to make the characters continue to relate to each other without the device of them all interacting naturally at Hogwarts. I guess Narcissa is a model of a character just speaking up naturally on the journals wherever she might be located and whatever she might be doing. Several of the characters are going to be working in/around London/Diagon Alley. I suppose some of the Gryffindor guys might room together, too. But what about the teacher/teacher and teacher/student interaction? I just sense they're going to have to come up with some fairly elaborate and specific plot devices to keep things together, and I'm interested to see what they will do.
As far as PS and JH's immediate future -- well, presumably Harry doesn't have to go back to the Dursleys any more, and he does have that flat in Edinburgh that we really haven't heard much about. Does this Harry want to be an Auror, and would he have to go to London for that? Will PS just hang out at the Manor, or will he go for a quidditch job, maybe based in the same city as Harry? (I liked your idea that he might end up as a columnist of some sort, too.) Fun to think about the possibilities, knowing NA will no doubt come up with something brilliant.
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chez_caillou @ June 20 2004, 05:55:45 UTC |
Harry's sad post about how they'll never have Potions again
:( That post is so horribly depressing.
sistermagpie @ June 20 2004, 05:13:39 UTC |
I must agree with Hermione here. Why did she get an E and Lisa got an A (if that's how they work)?
(parent)black_dog @ June 20 2004, 05:19:19 UTC |
Seems suspicious to me, too. I wonder if they're grading on personal revelations or something like that? Lisa's posts are great, but she often guards herself in a way the others dont.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 20 2004, 05:32:15 UTC |
I don't know about that...she tries to tell us about her feelings about her sister who can't do magic and her family. She talked about feeling like people only liked her for being Morgan's friend. She's not very gushy, but I think in her analytical way she's talked about herself. Certainly as much as Hermione has--she usually posts efficient descriptions of what she's been up to, like with her Clue post again you could see her emotions coming through. But I don't recall her posting about getting together with Ernie or anything like that. (Did she ever post about Ron--like personal things?)
I'm not trying to criticize Hermione's posting or anything, just saying that honestly, having been reading the ljs, I don't know why one would be inclined to grade her higher than Lisa, unless I'm remembering Lisa as posting more than Hermione when that's not true.
black_dog @ June 20 2004, 05:40:07 UTC |
Hmmm, you're right about Lisa, in her more detached way. I get the impression of someone more detatched, but she has, in fact, covered some pretty personal stuff.
OK, Theory B then: If Hermione's grade seems inflated, who did the grading? Presumably the heads of houses, including Snape. Perhaps Snape, in a way he would never admit publicly, feels he owes her?
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hezzabeth @ June 20 2004, 05:44:21 UTC |
But if E means " Exceeds expectations" perhaps Hermione exceeded what every one origenally though, I'm not explaining that very well.
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Anonymous @ June 20 2004, 05:45:08 UTC |
Lisa: Journal entries: 29
Hermione: Journal entries: 60
sistermagpie @ June 20 2004, 06:02:32 UTC |
But didn't Hermione post a lot in the beginning and then post less frequently, until recently? I've just felt reading the game like Lisa was more of a constant presence for a while with posting etc. Again, it's not that I think Hermione deserves bad grades, it just makes me wonder why Lisa deserves an A more than wondering why Hermione deserves an E.
(parent)slinkhard @ June 20 2004, 11:56:33 UTC |
I shall blame it, as I do most things, on Gryffindor bias.
(parent)slinkhard @ June 20 2004, 14:10:11 UTC |
Don't be challenging my theories with logic, you evil anon!
Um, seriously, I don't know? But I notice Ron did suprisingly well...
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Anonymous @ June 20 2004, 15:05:45 UTC |
Don't be challenging my theories with logic, you evil anon!
: )
And I always thought Ron posted often enough.
slinkhard @ June 20 2004, 15:08:33 UTC |
Yeah, I'm just playing with ya.
(This time...
*shifty eyes, ernie style conspiracies*)
sistermagpie @ June 20 2004, 15:32:38 UTC |
LOL! It's very handy!
I think it just kind of fascinates me because our views of this journaling project are so different from the schools so for me it's not going to be about how often they posted or their grammer or whether they said appropriate things. It's more about how they use the journal for the things I read the game for. And I guess I just feel like, for instance, Lisa's somebody I don't know at all from canon but she's made me see her as a real character with a life and a personality and it's mostly been through her journal entries. But I guess the teachers can't really grade that-Ernie doesn't get extra points for his fabulous codes or 40s private dick persona, etc.
slinkhard @ June 20 2004, 15:41:38 UTC |
Ernmie I think is a great example of extrapolation from the books.
Not that I don't think others are, although obviously it's difficult if you're say, Lisa, who's had no lines.
But Ernie, or other minor characters have a tiny amount to use; for example the Hufflepuff's herding and questioning of Harry in CoS; which they've embellished into outright paranoia ;) while still keeping within the narrow box Rowling has provided.
And this is from someone who loathes Book!Ernie, (yes I have festering hate for an extremely minor character) but adores Nraged!Ernie.
Yet there's no appreciable difference, in that the game sticks to Bks1-4 canon; it's just the player applying a different, but valid (and ultimately more entertaining) interpretation.
black_dog @ June 20 2004, 05:16:06 UTC |
So Harry got a "dreadful" on his journal? So nice of PS not to rub it in</i>.
(parent)snackbreak @ June 20 2004, 06:03:02 UTC |
I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out, but that is really funny. I love PS.
(parent)vassilissa @ June 20 2004, 06:38:26 UTC |
Yup. *adores that comment* It also meant "You keep your glasses! I like them!"
(parent)xnera @ June 20 2004, 05:29:54 UTC |
We are squeeing in wibblechat! IM wibblebot01 with "invite me" for a link to the room. If that doesn't work (mac folks sometimes), then ping me and I'll invite you.
(parent)xnera @ June 20 2004, 06:23:48 UTC |
it has been a while since I have used AIM express, and I can't seem to get it working now to test it. But if you can send an IM to me at xnera23 then I will invite you.
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Anonymous @ June 20 2004, 06:26:51 UTC |
I get invited, but it gives me a link thing that only works for the actual program..
(parent)xnera @ June 20 2004, 06:33:32 UTC |
Oh, this is good to know! Now I will redouble my efforts to make bot send a proper invite out. *is a geek*
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Anonymous @ June 20 2004, 05:53:18 UTC |
Can't.. stop.. the.. squeeing (!!
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Anonymous @ June 20 2004, 07:24:32 UTC |
A nice long (and still going, I think...) thread between j_h and PS. This is indeed the best way to wake up in the morning. Arg, it is really very pathetic that I checked NA as soon as I woke up? Oh dear, I need help I think.
Have I missed the over-in-depth analysis?
"Your mouth and fingers, too." OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *thud*
Also, Harry's using icons. Yay.
- UW
laurac0re @ June 20 2004, 07:26:06 UTC |
I think I have died and gone to NrAged heaven.
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Anonymous @ June 20 2004, 07:29:39 UTC |
This has to be the most obvious flirtation I've seen from them! It's wonderful. PS just used his 'distracting' icon. *squee*
- UW
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tymbrimi @ June 20 2004, 07:32:41 UTC |
I know I know I know
*joins you on floor*
and and am I wrong or is this PS's most outright admission of Harry and Draco's relationship online?? I mean I read "You make a rather persuasive arguments." and my jaw was like, permanently dislocated.
omg. reply. Ink. Ink fetish. I'm going to somewhere and die happily now.
laurac0re @ June 20 2004, 07:34:17 UTC |
a really sadistic part of me REALLY can't wait until Ernie checks his e-mail tomorrow and sees this conversation...
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tymbrimi @ June 20 2004, 07:36:09 UTC |
you are gloriously evil and I love you.
at least he'll be able to rest easy about Harry and Hermione's hot and steamy love affair. Or maybe he'll just kind of, add it on to the conspiracy. You never know. Hufflepuffs *shrug*
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Anonymous @ June 20 2004, 07:39:49 UTC |
I think it very well might be, perhaps now that the journals have been graded (anyone know what PS got?) and the fact that they're leaving soon has made PS bit less defensive (for lack of a better word, which I'm such exists, but I haven't really woken up yet...)?
Of course, it also might be because PS figures he'll never have to bother with j_h again, and is merely humouring him. Though I am quite sure this isn't the case, so don't hurt me!
Ink fetish indeed. I would join you in the happy place, but I want to know if Harry's 'Good.' has actually signaled the end of the thread (*.*)
- UW
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tymbrimi @ June 20 2004, 07:49:00 UTC |
Yeah, I'd say PS is a little less... 'on guard' lets say ;)
but also tonight, Harry has been making me laugh so much! It's like something is resolved for him, somehow. Which is odd. I don't know when his NEWTS are, but I doubt they're over yet.... Just j_h being so assertive and ps being so much more approachable than usual is driving me nuts. In a good way.
It looks like they're off somewhere in the gutter now, and I'm not too dissapointed. NA seems to be giving us alot of happy times lately, it's almost creepy.... *paranoia sets in*
Stop it with your pessimistic theories, I'm almost in the mood to entertain them now hehe
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Anonymous @ June 20 2004, 07:58:54 UTC |
Yes, oh mighty evil one! Let us enjoy this happy time while it lasts. Seeing as I am still on the floor of the ink fetish thing anyway...
- UW
jukajong @ June 20 2004, 08:01:35 UTC |
HAHAHAHAHA Harry, Hermione and Ernie. You guys rule.
Oh my god. Sex. That is the most blatant thing they have ever said to each other on these journals... I have no words, just squeeing. *is dead, but in a very good way*
lazy_daze @ June 20 2004, 09:16:09 UTC |
THAT IS MY PS/JH SQUEE QUOTA NICELY FILLED FOR TODAY. Harry flirting and Draco LAUGHING AT HIS ATTEMPTS and then 'MOUTH AND FINGERS' and oh em ef gee *sososodeaddeaddead* <333333333333333333333333333
(parent)woo2step @ June 20 2004, 09:36:40 UTC |
OK, seriously. I was supposed to be in bed two hours ago, but for the life of me I cannot fall asleep because I'm still too busy making excited squealing noises over The Most Obvious Flirtation In H/D History. I'd hate them if I didn't love them so much.
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chasingwhispers @ June 20 2004, 13:29:39 UTC |
FLIRTATIONS! SO OBVIOUS! LOVE IT! OMG! Mmph- it's an end of an era for them... I love the understated sadness of that between them. GRAB THE OPPORTUNITIES WHILE YOU CAN PS! Ah, but this H/D thread makes me happy enough for now. <333
(parent)saikogrrl @ June 21 2004, 01:36:45 UTC |
hey, am new so havent read all of the back-posts etc, but where exectly is it that Draco is referred to as Harry' "boyfriend"? (squeeee!)
you know, the post that sparked the whole (Sorry, Harry) thing....