notapipe @ 2004-06-20 18:08:00

M.B. update
Mood: excited

So M.B.'s little Draco Patronus has up and walked off. She should dress it up in little glowy Osh-Kosh overalls, and give a little glowy stick to pretend is a wand, and have it try to take Malfoy's N.E.W.T.s for him. That would rule.


tabiji @ June 20 2004, 23:18:57 UTC

It sounds like Draco really thinks she should feel guilty for something. *intrigued*


chinae @ June 21 2004, 00:46:16 UTC

I thought Draco was upset that Millicent had left him alone and gone off with Nott, this was regarding the rewriting of his notes for Crabbe. He mentioned it in his conversation with Harry.


laurac0re @ June 21 2004, 02:21:19 UTC

that's what I assumed too


onthehillside @ June 21 2004, 00:12:14 UTC

That would rule.
