onthehillside @ 2004-06-20 19:34:00 |
Attn: Lucius
Shut up and let your kid savor his last few days. Please stop being EVIL.
As much as I know Draco's got to make some sort of a decision here, I'm still wibbling in the corner.
arisato @ June 21 2004, 00:43:37 UTC |
Ugh! The temptation to beat him with his own cane is almost suffocating. He's the cheerleader of EVIL.
(parent)onthehillside @ June 21 2004, 00:48:52 UTC |
Also, all of this ambiguity. Hate hate. And that comment about no one wanting to go back to Hogwarts. What's THAT supposed to mean??
(parent)arisato @ June 21 2004, 00:50:20 UTC |
Evil, obviously. You expect anything else from this game? *joins in the wibbling*
(parent)luna_lg @ June 21 2004, 00:48:42 UTC |
He's up to something...some last, great battle with the new generation, I'd bet--with Wormtail fillin' him in on what he needs to know, of course.
Gods, I hope Sirius kills him.
saikogrrl @ June 21 2004, 01:12:25 UTC |
I CAN NOT believe that sirius had an affair with him!!!
(parent)black_dog @ June 21 2004, 01:35:36 UTC |
"unless, of course, something intervenes"
How perfect is Lucius?
daisy_drabbles @ June 21 2004, 02:24:24 UTC |
I have my doubts at times, but it's best to keep them to myself until I have concrete proof--which Draco has always been quite good at avoiding.
At least it seems as if Lucius himself is not entirely sure where Draco's loyalties lie. Though I personally don't think Draco would break from his family at all... I am intrigued to see whether or not his loyalty to his family brings with it a default loyalty to Voldemort. I am hoping Draco is smarter then that to work out something to his own advantage, as well as his families advantage, which does not necassarily mean Voldemort's advantage.
Christ, I'm on the edge of my seat here.
vassilissa @ June 21 2004, 03:26:01 UTC |
He was listening to Samuel Hexber's Adagio for Strings.
Which entry did he last listen to that?
vassilissa @ June 21 2004, 03:29:25 UTC |
I found it. It was the duck a l'orange entry. Just after George and Charlie...
(parent)laurac0re @ June 21 2004, 03:35:14 UTC |
I am so nervous about Narcissa's meeting with Lupin. All that revious talk about the silver Mine and then the gifts and now this :(
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unknownwisdom @ June 21 2004, 05:35:20 UTC Not Good. |
Oh God, the temptation to over analyse it too strong. Every time the term 'students/classmates' was used in that entry I mentally replaced it with Harry.
All of his classmates are soon to face the harsh reality of life outside school, unless, of course, something intervenes.
Ahhh! *wibble* I hate the fact that I have no clue whats going on, though I think we can safely say Wormtail is involved somehow. And Harry's been so happy lately. Someone mentioned that he sounded as though something had been resolved for him. Does he have an idea of whats coming, do you think?
Everything changes drastically once you leave, and you can never go back. Nor will anyone want to, I'm thinking.
We need no further proof. That clearly states that they are going to destroy Hogwarts. Or, failing that, do something equally terrible so that, in Lusius' opinion, no one would ever want to go back there.
I am so scared for everyone. After the nice flirting we had yesterday NA brings me right back down again. *sniff*
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unknownwisdom @ June 21 2004, 06:08:39 UTC |
Woah. That was so forward...That boy isn't in Gryffindor for nothing you know. *thud*
(parent)xnera @ June 21 2004, 06:16:06 UTC |
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unknownwisdom @ June 21 2004, 06:18:20 UTC |
Lucius' reply...oh God. *wibble* He basically telling Harry not to rely on and/or trust Draco.
laurac0re @ June 21 2004, 06:26:39 UTC ANGST! |
I was a little curious about whether Lucius would notice (and how he would react to) the shift in Harry and Draco's relationship and well.
I guess I just got my answer.
I also love the fact Lucius didn't even mention Harry's accusation/suggestion. He just brought the conversation right over to Draco.
I'm assuming Draco will avoid getting involved in this particular exchange like the plague.
sistermagpie @ June 21 2004, 16:47:43 UTC Re: ANGST! |
Also it's just wonderfully funny that anybody would think they needed to tell *Harry* that what Draco says isn't always what he means. It's probably Lucius who needs that lesson more than Harry does at this point.
I'm interested in where ps stands as well--at least he's got whatever happened that weekend behind him, and whatever it was, it seems to have prompted some much better relationship with Harry that required some kind of effort on ps' part.
lazy_daze @ June 21 2004, 07:33:37 UTC |
I don't like this. I don't like this at all. I hope whatever it is that happens, happens after the NEWTs are over so I can get my exams out of the way and give NA the attention it deserves the poor kids can at least have their exams in peace. But I'm thinking that, what with them having to give their wands in (which I think is ridiculous really, given the times), during the NEWTs is too perfect a time. Wah.
Someone just needs to Vanish Lucius to somewhere. Somewhere far away, like Alaska. Damn the bastard for STEPPING ALL OVER MY SQUEE >:(!!!
luna_lg @ June 21 2004, 15:01:58 UTC |
Girl friend, you're not alone.
Go Harry! ^^ You tell 'im!
God, I love how Harry had developed over the last couple of years. It's exactly the kind of character development shown in the latest HP movie--except much more advanced, due to Harry's age here. ^^ Kudos to Harry's player for a job well done!
vassilissa @ June 22 2004, 06:59:18 UTC While I'm wibbling, |
Famous last words from Sirius.
He might just as well have said "What could possibly go wrong?" or "The enemy can't hit us at this range."