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lonelyspade @ 2004-06-20 22:47:00 |
PS update
Apparently people were throwing quaffles at Draco's head.
chinae @ June 21 2004, 02:52:35 UTC |
Oh, my, god. He is jealous! hahahaha
Jealous Millicent is crushing over someone else, letting Nott feed her cat, reading with Nott, studying with Nott...
That is so cute!
sistermagpie @ June 21 2004, 16:43:22 UTC |
I love that the way to MB's heart is to knock her off her broom. Nobody's ever been able to do that before.
Of course, I guess she could be just planning an elaborate revenge.
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a_player @ June 22 2004, 02:36:59 UTC |
I love that the way to MB's heart is to knock her off her broom. Nobody's ever been able to do that before.
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kearie @ June 21 2004, 03:38:15 UTC JH/PS Forever! |
theirloveissoantibook! I'm sorry, but it had to be said... ;)
(parent)laurac0re @ June 21 2004, 03:43:50 UTC Re: JH/PS Forever! |
I love the little offhand comment about Harry being in the history book.
I bet Draco looked it up when no one was looking...
black_dog @ June 21 2004, 03:57:56 UTC |
. . . as though the person planning these teams wanted to put me in my own personal dungeon, which is rather likely. . .
First, ink-fetishes, now bondage kink. Go PS/JH! :)
onthehillside @ June 21 2004, 04:27:46 UTC |
Now it says "personal pit of hell" insted of "dungeon"??
Damn, missed that too.
onthehillside @ June 21 2004, 04:52:34 UTC |
From the Lexicon Wilkes - A Death Eater, killed along with Rosier by Aurors c. 1980 (GF).
Draco says to his mother: I don't see what's so lovely about him.
I am going to pencil this in (lightly) under good
onewallaway @ June 21 2004, 05:00:00 UTC |
I think the "I don't see what's so lovely about him" is to Narcissa's comment that Nott is a lovely boy, not Wilkes.
(parent)onthehillside @ June 21 2004, 05:12:40 UTC |
Ah, well. That was what the pencil was for. Thank you.
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unknownwisdom @ June 21 2004, 05:43:43 UTC |
laurac0re @ June 21 2004, 06:00:48 UTC |
*waits for the kink and suggestive comments to come out and play*
(parent)lostuponme @ June 21 2004, 07:52:10 UTC |
I wish I knew a language no one else knew.
And Draco's response? HAH!
Sorry, that was just great.
acetal @ June 21 2004, 08:47:16 UTC |
LOVE to the players. Upon reading that line I headed over to nraged solely to post about how much I loved it.
*goes back to reading*
lazy_daze @ June 21 2004, 08:25:47 UTC |
"I'd just rather that way."
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chez_caillou @ June 21 2004, 08:34:16 UTC |
I AM DYING!!! My face hurts from the squeeing. <3333 OMG I love them!
(parent)tabiji @ June 21 2004, 08:35:51 UTC |
From the conversation, it would appear that they did not get much sleep last nite. I wonder why. You'd think they would have been tired from Quidditch! *winks*
*still squeeing*
lazy_daze @ June 21 2004, 08:43:43 UTC |
*dies* indeed! And Draco would rather that way too <333333333 *oh* my *god* it is adorable *big grin* they are, indeed, trying to kill us with the squee.
(parent)tabiji @ June 21 2004, 08:54:44 UTC |
Can you just picture them, meeting up at Draco's hideout, and then curling up together, all snuggly and sweet? Guh. Guh. Guh. <33333.
This is why 'I love them so much' is an lj interest :)
lazy_daze @ June 21 2004, 09:02:02 UTC |
oh my god stoppit i cannot cope! too cute oh oh <3333333 and OK that is so going on my interest list now <333!
(parent)saikogrrl @ June 21 2004, 12:06:54 UTC |
Harry's all like "c'mere, I wanna shag you again!"
*fans self*
saikogrrl @ June 21 2004, 12:08:00 UTC |
and I can't believe I missed that live thread!! after I watched Draco's entry all morning.......
daisy_drabbles @ June 21 2004, 08:38:35 UTC |
re: the live thread (since it's already all linked everywhere.
Oiii. Harry's treading on thin ice, I think. PS seems not so comfortable with how unsubltle Harry is being at the moment. Subtextsubtext! And he used his Alarmed but Composed icon.
If he doesn't comment to Harry's "I'd just rather that way." .... I think I may cry. Harry seems so .... sad and longing and wanting. And Draco seems so skittish over it. Though at least he isn't dismissing it either.
daisy_drabbles @ June 21 2004, 08:39:39 UTC |
NIX that! He replied. OH how he replied. YES. *SQUEE*
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unknownwisdom @ June 21 2004, 08:52:32 UTC |
AHHHH, I didn't realise it was still going.
Yes, I reckon I would as well. Such casual language from our dear PS. So cute!
daisy_drabbles @ June 21 2004, 09:06:16 UTC |
Casual yet so meaningful.
I have reached a State of Squee. It's like Zen. Only Funner.
And I'd like to overanalyze the sentance "Now I shall go wash my face." in the context of being pointed out during a highly emotional subtextual conversation as an activety people tend to do after such high emotional states to rid evidence of such.
lazy_daze @ June 21 2004, 09:22:18 UTC |
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. *pets Draco*
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <33333333333333333333
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unknownwisdom @ June 21 2004, 09:34:07 UTC |
And I'd like to overanalyze the sentance "Now I shall go wash my face." in the context of being pointed out during a highly emotional subtextual conversation as an activety people tend to do after such high emotional states to rid evidence of such.
I am right there with you. I can imagine him comments away, happy as can be and then seeing the recent comments in his father's entry. He can't stand up and console Harry without letting his father know about where his loyalties now lie. (Which me and my inner fangirl are automatically assuming are with Harry ^.^) He knows how careful he has to be now, as whatever is going to go down is almost here.
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Anonymous @ June 21 2004, 09:39:57 UTC |
I really thought he was just getting ready for bed, and saying "I'm going to do this and be right there" since he couldn't openly say "be right there".
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unknownwisdom @ June 21 2004, 09:46:04 UTC |
...I prefer your interpretation.
thereloveissosecret :)
daisy_drabbles @ June 21 2004, 17:31:45 UTC |
I prefer your interpretation as well, since I can't see PS being weepy Anyway. But then, that's overanalization for you. :D
And you got a gold star! For this! OMGYAY.
... Now.. if only I could shake that horrible sense of foreboding.
wednesday_tea @ June 21 2004, 21:04:02 UTC |
Much with you on the foreboding. I have a horrible feeling that they're just throwing us a bone before EVERYTHING DIES.
But... even n_a would never be that cruel. :(( Right??
slinkhard @ June 21 2004, 11:07:19 UTC |
I took it in a much filthier context originally, but that's because I have no class.
Serious, nice analyzing! *takes hat off*
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lonelyspade @ June 21 2004, 14:25:59 UTC |
a. Overanalyzation = v. good
b. I love you.
c. I love them.
daisy_drabbles @ June 21 2004, 17:37:35 UTC |
The love is so grand. Join me in my state of Squee!
Sleep? Sleep?? I think, like the students, sleep during this week will be impossible. I ended up going to bed Three Hours beyond when I should have.
But then... thereloveissoworthit.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 21 2004, 09:51:42 UTC |
1. squeeeeeee at j_h/ps interaction!
2. I wonder who PS meant here:
Oh, you could laugh at the fact that I'm unable to do it, but then you'd be laughing at some of your own friends as well.
Seamus? I'd love to know what his Patronus is. Also, it's pleasant how Dean and Draco seem to be more friendly with each other now!
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ex_lev195 @ June 21 2004, 14:30:49 UTC |
Things are going much too well with all the lovely PS/J_H interaction. I'm waiting for people to start dying.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 21 2004, 16:40:34 UTC |
It seems Lucius thinks so too--he's back to warning Harry not to trust Draco.
But I can't believe this thread. For ps/jh this is positively schmoopy.
manynames @ June 21 2004, 17:44:35 UTC |
So glad I joined this community because I really don't think I can hold the squee in any longer!
(parent)laurac0re @ June 21 2004, 20:23:34 UTC |
the conversation does not seem to be going very well
(parent)dragynville @ June 21 2004, 21:35:44 UTC |
I swear, every time I go off and do something non-internet, there's a Harry/Draco thread. ><
This one was lovely and yet sad too. I love the idea of them curling up together to sleep, but Harry sounds so weary of their having to be careful in what they write/say to each other.