tabiji @ 2004-06-21 08:19:00 |
The N.E.W.T s begin...
Mood: good we go...
Hermione's thoughts on the journal project, and the fun of exams.
Neville posts about N.E.W.T s also. He feels like a Muggle without his wand. *wibble, wibble, wibble*
lazy_daze @ June 21 2004, 12:24:45 UTC |
WHY did they take their wands away? WHY? Can't they ignore exam rules in favour of STUDENT SAFETY just this once? Oh god, it's just so glaringly obvious something will happen while they're all wandless. Oh crap *wibbles into heap*
Although, NA isn't always obvious...but then nothing might happen and they lull us into a false sense of security before BAM something worse happens...
tabiji @ June 21 2004, 12:50:04 UTC |
Although, NA isn't always obvious...but then nothing might happen and they lull us into a false sense of security before BAM something worse happens...
You are so right. I betcha after exams they will get their wands back, only to find that they have been secretly replaced with decaf, or explosives, or poison, or something else ungood.
*assumes wibble postion*
xnera @ June 21 2004, 13:23:00 UTC |
I betcha after exams they will get their wands back, only to find that they have been secretly replaced with decaf
I am now imagining what a decaffinated wand would be like. Perhaps you would try to perform the Full Body Bind spell, and end up with the Leg Locker Curse instead. And oh, can you imagine what would have happened if Ron performed his self-dismemberment spell with a decaffinated wand? Instead of Nearly Headless Nick, we'd have Nearly Handless Ron.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 21 2004, 13:39:35 UTC |
*cracks up at nearly handless ron*
on the other note: i suspect some students may disobey and for example give the stuff a fake wand. *crosses finger* and some members of stuff may prentend not to not notice. If only there still was George to make some... *wibbles like mad*
lazy_daze @ June 21 2004, 15:11:58 UTC |
*clings to that hope* I really cannot see Harry giving up his wand, especially now, I really really can't. Or Draco letting him. Or Draco giving up his wand for that matter - remember him stealing a first year's wand to give in on the London trip last year?
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dry_your_eyes @ June 21 2004, 15:15:45 UTC |
ohhh that's an excellent idea. they can always catch some poor first year and use his/her wand if something happens!! *tries to cling to this possibility and not worry too much*
(parent)tabiji @ June 21 2004, 15:30:51 UTC |
In his last post Remus said, "I have just instructed Harry to never let his wand out of his sight in the hopes that he will never be caught offguard."
Now, since he's not a teacher anymore he wouldn't really have any say in allowing Harry to keep his wand...but I'm hoping he may have furnished Harry with a fake wand to turn in, or a back-up wand to hide in his sock or something.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 21 2004, 15:37:51 UTC |
that's exactly what I'm hoping too, seems like Remus the only sensible grown-up in the castle!
But at the other hand - surely they'll see it's a fake wand and so it would only be allowed if professors decided to make and exception for harry, which i can actually see hapenning to draco's dismay :D; however if harry gives away his real wand and even has a back-up one it would not the same. He's the most powerful with the wand that chose him, so I can see possibilities of that wand playing up leading to serious (or funny) accidents...
umm I'm going too far I think :)
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dry_your_eyes @ June 21 2004, 12:27:40 UTC |
spending the next couple days without my wand
couple of days?! why so long?! surely they could check them in no more than half an hour!
I'm starting to get really worried. >_
tabiji @ June 21 2004, 13:02:24 UTC |
Not sure, but I am guessing that they took them so they can't cheat during the written exams, and they'd get them back for the practicals.
What REALLY concerns me is that in McG's post, she says "N.E.W.T.s will take place over the days of 21, 23, 24, 25 and 28 June". So, why not tomorrow? No wands OR exams for tomorrow? Wasn't the day after exams the day of last year's attack? Am I paranoid, and they're only skipping tomorrow because they're doing Astronomy late tonight?
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dry_your_eyes @ June 21 2004, 13:42:27 UTC |
and why not on the 26 and 27th? wait, those are saturday and sunday. Have no clue then...
I hope you're right about Astronomy or else it starts to look like as if the stuff makes everything possible for a smooth attack evil plot!
wordsworthy @ June 21 2004, 14:19:53 UTC |
Not sure, but I am guessing that they took them so they can't cheat during the written exams.
That's what Ernie seems to imply here.
jiffy_spiffy @ June 21 2004, 12:36:15 UTC |
This is weird - I'm actually nervous for them, and I'm not even the ones taking the bloody exams.
NA is making me mad, clearly. *g*
onthehillside @ June 21 2004, 15:33:02 UTC |
*rocks back and forth with the wibble*
I agree with the above, I cannot see Harry giving up his wand. I can't see most of the Slyths doing that either. I think that I'm going to have to read everything with my hands over my eyes from now on.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 21 2004, 15:42:12 UTC |
Reading with hands over your eyes is an excellent habit when it comes to NA. If I had any sense of self-preservation, I'd do it too :)
off-top - love your icon!
onthehillside @ June 21 2004, 15:51:43 UTC |
Oh man oh man I just can't take the wibble sometimes. Every time I think, "this is ridiculous i couldn't possibly be more nervous" NA up and does something to futher raise my blood pressure. And I love it!
Thank you!
tabiji @ June 21 2004, 15:49:36 UTC |
Eep. Do we want the Slytherin kids (who are more likely to have DE loyalty/sympathy in their families) to have their wands?
Then again, I get the impression that this generation of Slytherin is more about thinking for themselves, and less likely to hop on the DE bandwagon. And of course, it would be wonderful if Draco ended up as the hero again this year by scamming a way for Harry and himself to hang onto their wands.
Now I'm wondering if it's just the 7th and 5th years that have to give over their wands, or all students, as the rest are taking final exams.
lazy_daze @ June 21 2004, 15:53:22 UTC |
this generation of Slytherin is more about thinking for themselves, and less likely to hop on the DE bandwagon.
Mmmhmm, especially as Draco is the representative, in a way, ringleader type for this particular generation and he is appearing to do just that. Of course, he could blindly follow his father (*hopes not*), as we haven't seen any concrete proof he won't but he certainly so far, what with forging relationships an freindships with the 'enemy', seems to be not acting in the way of a model DE junior. If that made any sense whatsoever.
tabiji @ June 21 2004, 16:04:00 UTC |
That definitely makes sense. I hope that's the case. Then again Draco hasn't publicly declared his loyalties. For all we know, he could totally betray Harry to gain an important position within the DEs and approval from Lucius. I don't think it's likely - DE stuff is a nasty dirty business and Draco's a bit of a wuss. He doesn't seem like he'd be a good fit, but it shows how little we know.
*turns up the wibble*
onthehillside @ June 21 2004, 15:57:39 UTC |
Like you say, they seem to be big on self preservation. Last year a bunch of them apparated out of town when things got bad, I could see them doing something similar if there is another attack.
(parent)onthehillside @ June 21 2004, 16:00:26 UTC |
Although, to correct my own comment, that could have been because they were younger. Now that they stand to graduate, the parents that are DE's are more likely to expect them to stay and fight.
(parent)tabiji @ June 21 2004, 16:08:14 UTC | can't apparate at Hogwarts. I'm not certain, but I think the only reason they were able to do it was because the DE's had broken down the wards.
I've only just thought of this just is it that the Slytherin kids knew the wards were down and they'd be able to apparate?!?!
tabiji @ June 21 2004, 16:14:05 UTC |
Okay, we're even, I'm modifying my own comment too.
It wasn't just the Slytherins. There were 7th years from other houses too.
onthehillside @ June 21 2004, 16:18:52 UTC |
I wasn't saying that they would apparate again, but that they might do something similar this year. But if the pressure that Lucius is putting on Draco to show his true colors is similar to the pressure all DE children are facing, I doubt they'll be given such an easy way out this time.
*goes back to check to apparated* NOTT DID. He also didn't get splinched. What if he was practicing??
tabiji @ June 21 2004, 16:24:27 UTC |
Ah, no, I didn't think you meant that they'd apparate again, I was just all in Hufflepuff mode going, "Aha! How did the Slytherins know?!?" until I realized that other houses had students that apparated too.
Ah yes, Nott. Hmm. Such a mystery, that one. It was starred someplace that he's not evil, but who knows! :D
onthehillside @ June 21 2004, 16:31:10 UTC |
Actually, I am finding all of the posts from the attack last year very interesting, now that I've been doing the nraged thing a whole year now. I had just gotten into it then the attack happened, and I didn't understand a lot of the backstory. If you are in hufflepuff mode, imagine me in Percy mode. I've glasses perched on my nose, and I am am saying things like "this is quite quite macabre you understand, but interesting to consider" to my cat.
tabiji @ June 21 2004, 17:30:30 UTC |
I am wanting to go re-read also. I doubt that NA would repeat what they did last year, but there could be some similar themes. I don't remember if Lucius went on a evil posting rant before the attack last year, as he did with the Weasley attack. I guess that would be the first thing to look for.
Now I wonder: how long does one have to be around here before they're not a newbie anymore? I still feel like one and I've been here since shortly after the beginning. Maybe that's just a side effect of never knowing what's going on. :))
onthehillside @ June 22 2004, 04:51:05 UTC |
Eh, I feel like every bit the newbie that I was a yearish ago. We really don't know what the hell is going on. :D
(parent)onthehillside @ June 22 2004, 05:32:46 UTC |
I love that the mod(s) put it as the title. It makes me smile every time I log on.