xnera @ 2004-06-21 15:30:00 |
posting from under an invisbility cloak
Mood: naughty
You don't see me. I am not here.
Goyle doesn't understand why he is still writing in his journal. Ginny and Luna are mischevious and flirty (ladybug jewelry == COOL!). And Draco is rather ticked at Millicent.
![]() |
unknownwisdom @ June 21 2004, 20:54:49 UTC |
I actually feel quite sorry for PS, I mean, he isn't exactly 'friendly' with anyone else in his house, is he? He's come right out and said (however indirectly) how he feels, which is odd for him I think.
I hate to be the pessimist here, but what on Earth is up with him recently? Suddenly he doesn't mind the outright (by NA standards) flirting with Harry, nor admitting that he feels abandoned by M.B. due to her interest in Nott (is there some sort of rivalry between Nott and Draco that I have missed in my newbie-ness or something?). He seems a lot less careful at hiding his feelings at the moment. I can't help but think that it's because he knows something bad is going to happen at that it wont matter how he feels by the end of it.
pokethegeek @ June 21 2004, 21:21:47 UTC |
well, according to JKR's website Nott has always been somewhat different from the rest of his house mates:
"Raised by a very elderly widower and Death Eater father, Theodore is a clever loner who does not feel the need to join gangs, including Malfoy's."
However, I don't know if this is part of the whole N_A thing, but it would give PS a reason for disliking Nott, wouldn't it?
xnera @ June 21 2004, 21:45:32 UTC |
I actually feel quite sorry for PS, I mean, he isn't exactly 'friendly' with anyone else in his house, is he?
He has been plenty friendly with M.B. and Pansy. He's been spending less time with Pansy, but I don't think that is due to him not wanting to be around her, but rather that she simply hasn't been available. And I'd still say that M.B. is one of Draco's closest friends.
He's come right out and said (however indirectly) how he feels, which is odd for him I think.
He has never been shy about voicing his displeasure.
nor admitting that he feels abandoned by M.B. due to her interest in Nott
I'd say this is very normal for him, actually. He really does depend on M.B. an awful lot, and would be hurt if she suddenly stopped spending as much time with him, for whatever reason.
Nott (is there some sort of rivalry between Nott and Draco that I have missed in my newbie-ness or something?)
Well, we haven't seen too much of Nott in the game. I wouldn't call them rivals--I don't think Nott cares enough about Draco to consider him a rival--but yes, Draco does not like Nott very much.
I can't help but think that it's because he knows something bad is going to happen at that it wont matter how he feels by the end of it.
It depends on what you mean by "bad". I really don't think he knows anything about what His Father and the Death Eaters are up to. I think we pretty much had it confirmed that Draco only met Voldemort on Walpurgis Night, and wasn't indoctrinated into the DEs or anything. Besides, Lucius seems pretty sure that Draco is hiding something from him, so why would Lucius trust Draco with inside information?
However, something "bad" IS going to happen -- school is coming to an end, and that means he and Harry may possibly go separate ways. And those two boys are too damn stubborn to talk about their feelings, or really understand what the other is trying to say. I don't think they have talked about the future at all. So each of them are likely getting more and more desparate and worried, because they are unsure of where exactly they stand.
So I see Draco's open flirtation of less than letting his guard down, and more of being too anxious about his relationship with Harry, and wanting to spend as much time with Harry as possible while he can.
However... I do worry that Lucius will notice Draco's flirting with Harry, and I don't expect he'd be happy about it at all. *wibbles*
And I get to go home from work now. Whee!
onewallaway @ June 21 2004, 23:58:13 UTC Percy comments! |
I am a big fan of a study in character. And all the other new Percy icons... very nice, player!
It's interesting to see what an influence Penelope has on him - Percy is still worrying Ginny about her exams, but he's showing that he has a fun side, too. Strictly professional, indeed.
1anonymous1 @ June 22 2004, 00:52:13 UTC |
NA is making me the biggest Luna/Ginny shipper.
*loves them*