pokethegeek @ 2004-06-22 11:52:00

(no title)
Mood: curious

Poll #311502 Off Topic Poll!
Open to: All, detailed results viewable to: All. Participants: 189

How old are you?

View Answers
Under 14
Over 25


jiffy_spiffy @ June 22 2004, 10:24:08 UTC


Out of curiousity, if you're 20, which one do you pick?


pokethegeek @ June 22 2004, 10:26:04 UTC

20-25, I guess. Hmmm.. There should have been one more of them saying 25-30, I think *le sigh*


jiffy_spiffy @ June 22 2004, 10:29:42 UTC

Oh well, close enough! And I love your icon, Hufflepuff doesn't get nearly enough support :)

And I suddenly feel quite young.


pokethegeek @ June 22 2004, 10:33:08 UTC

Haha, constant vigilance!! No, the hufflepuffs are much cooler and they deserve more credit, I think <3

(please take special notice of my skiing glasses-icon.)

I started following N_A when I was 13, so I'm one of the youngsters in this group, hmm.


jiffy_spiffy @ June 22 2004, 10:37:23 UTC

Oh no, I had an Ernie "I AM GETTING MY SKI MASK" icon ... only I've deleted it. Why, oh why, did I do that?

I've a Ravenpuff actually, according to that quiz that everyone and their dog has been doing. I hope this doesn't mean I'll be isolated from both camps. They're just jealous of my cooler name.

When you were 13? Wow, I can't remember when I got into it. A couple of years ago, I think? ... ::feels young with you::


pokethegeek @ June 22 2004, 10:43:16 UTC

OH, it was you with that icon! I was |-this-close-| stealing it! Haha, it was so great :)

Me too! I always end out as a Ravenclaw! Really annoying when I am such a hufflepuff supporter *sulk* We should make a new house for confused nrangers with split-house-personalities, I think. But because we are so cool, it would end up being a Mary Sue-house instead. Damn!

Yeah, I started following it in September, when I was 13, because I fell in love with Boot and MB. My life has been so much richer ever since. Thank you N_A.


jiffy_spiffy @ June 22 2004, 10:48:24 UTC

Haha, really?! That is insane because I made that icon myself and it's so bad it's funny *g*

How can I be equally Huffle and equally Puffle? Does that mean I'm not that smart and I'm not that loyal? *g* And we so should. Embrace the MS' ... actually, no, I've gone too far.

I can't even remember what was happening when I joined! Damnit. I think it was around wtf-Remus-had-boobs times. It's mighty confusing, let me tell you, to just stumble across that with no prior knowledge about what the hell you're reading *g* It's great.


pokethegeek @ June 22 2004, 10:54:11 UTC

Haha, I know! ALL of my homemade are.. well.. really homemade if you know what I mean (:

Ah, I can't help thinking of that comic about the all the Mary Sues where they end up in this gigantic battle! THAT would be cool, I think.

I joined just after the ANGSTY AUGUST and I didn't understand ANYTHING at all! GREATNESS!


jiffy_spiffy @ June 22 2004, 11:05:56 UTC

Look how homemade this one is, heh. I think it won an award actually, I'm just so in love with its crapness. It's inaccurate now, and I still don't want to take it down. It's so bad it's good! Or something.

... There's a comic about battling Mary Sues?! Ooh, where?

WHICH ONE? LOL. Everyday seems like Angsty August to me!


pokethegeek @ June 22 2004, 11:11:15 UTC

hahahaha, I love seeing people display their good *cough nonexcistant cough* skills with paint! It's so bad that it goes from bad all the way back to good! And that is quite something I should say.

here! I found it! http://piratemonkeysinc.com/ms1.htm

You're right. ANGST ALL NIGHT LONG! *wibble*

Hey, it's my wibble icon! *score*


jiffy_spiffy @ June 22 2004, 11:26:17 UTC

Paint is terrible. In the hands of icon makers, anyway. Not in this case, mind you! *g*

Eee, thanks! Heh - Snape. Even in cartoon form, he amuses.



pokethegeek @ June 22 2004, 12:19:36 UTC

HAHAHAHAHAHAH those comics are so much fun. I've seen them before <3

snape is always fun! yeeha.



jiffy_spiffy @ June 23 2004, 08:47:31 UTC

I love them so much, I've a link to them on my the side of my journal/FL page. Which is sort of sad when you think about it ... *g*

Snape is love. You know what is weird? That I've never seen one of those banner things proclaiming that.

NEITHER DO I! ::woes::


pokethegeek @ June 22 2004, 11:12:42 UTC

jfdksfsaf nonexistent! I can't spell today!


jiffy_spiffy @ June 22 2004, 11:24:26 UTC

Hah, I can never type so we'll call it even for all the hundreds of typos I probably made up there!


dry_your_eyes @ June 22 2004, 14:29:48 UTC

and what about 18?


pokethegeek @ June 22 2004, 14:31:52 UTC

uhm, 18-20. Actually it should only be a problem if you had to post in the excact second of your birth on your birthday, I think.. Does that make sense? Ehhm.


dry_your_eyes @ June 22 2004, 14:57:42 UTC

yeah. that's what I did actually.
nice idea with the poll!


spiderine @ June 22 2004, 13:07:10 UTC

Not only over 25, but over 35 as well! It's never too late to have a happy (Harry) childhood!


pokethegeek @ June 22 2004, 13:11:36 UTC

ah, I thought fandom was limited for the giggling teenage girls only! But hey, you learn something new everyday. Sorry!


portkey @ June 22 2004, 14:08:20 UTC

*waves arms frantically* There are some moody giggly guys, too!


pokethegeek @ June 22 2004, 15:41:38 UTC

Haha, but really, you must admit that you are very rare!


portkey @ June 22 2004, 19:26:43 UTC

Well, yes. Sadly. ;(


portkey @ June 22 2004, 19:28:24 UTC

Also.. your icon is EXTREMELY hypnotic. *stares*


pokethegeek @ June 22 2004, 19:40:04 UTC

there should be a orginization for the preservation of the rare breed: fanboys! really!

And yeah, my icon is the greatest! I love having new icons :)


bookofjude @ June 23 2004, 04:12:47 UTC

Alas, we are.


tjstein @ June 22 2004, 13:36:58 UTC

*sobs and agrees*

Kids these days, I tell ya.


leftbrained @ June 22 2004, 14:47:29 UTC

Your icon amuses me. Mostly because it's toast. And everyone loves toast, right?


pokethegeek @ June 22 2004, 14:49:03 UTC

Ah thanks. I love toast <3 It's from a Junior Senior video!


cadette @ June 22 2004, 16:43:55 UTC

I was going to comment and say I loved your icon (apparently I was not first with this idea) but then I checked out your profile and it turns out I love ALL of your icons!


pokethegeek @ June 22 2004, 16:47:22 UTC

thank you! I love my icons too, I just bought the icon-pack-thing and I LOVE having all this space! <3
