charolastra_ @ 2004-06-27 17:14:00 |
(no title)
Mood: worried
...don't think this has been linked to yet:
I'd like to add some clever, insightful comments about what's going on, but am far too panicky to be able to think properly. Gah.
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Anonymous @ June 24 2004, 15:17:24 UTC |
Wibble seconded. I'd wondered why a lot of the comment threads just sort of... stopped. Waaaaaah. And it sounds like most of them didn't have their wands back. Ugh. What moron decided to take away their wands for several days? (Yeah, yeah, I know it was for the NEWTs but hellooooo evil dark wizard on the prowl?)
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ June 24 2004, 15:39:48 UTC |
Could someone please invite me? My aim sn is the same as this one, Akutenshi2007. Thank you.
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unknownwisdom @ June 24 2004, 15:44:52 UTC |
Could someone possibly do the same for me? (sn = Lyra Silverheart)
(parent)pokethegeek @ June 24 2004, 17:09:58 UTC |
Okay, so I just downloaded aim, how do I join? My SN is xdiddlemyskittle! HELP!
(parent)lisdelacroix @ June 24 2004, 15:20:15 UTC |
I hear your wibble and raise you a OMG [freaks].
Right there with you, I have nothing coherent to say as well.
naodrith @ June 24 2004, 15:22:13 UTC |
WAH. I leave for an hour and this is what NA does to me? *wibbles*
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sprengstoff @ June 24 2004, 15:25:16 UTC |
Why does Vector have the Slytherins' wands? What has happened to Snape? Waaah. :(
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 24 2004, 15:25:39 UTC |
NA does it again. Oh god.
It seems like Snape is either hurt or helping with the investigation, if the Slytherin wands are with Vector.
People don't seem to be missing, I guess, at least. Um, small comfort. No word on anyone.
So brilliantly done.
naodrith @ June 24 2004, 15:55:53 UTC |
I think he's been hurt. I mean, whatever happened seems to be pretty bad, so if he were all right wouldn't he be with the Slytherins, making sure they're all fine, reassuring them?
Did that make sense? So...incoherent right now...*wibble*
sistermagpie @ June 24 2004, 16:06:11 UTC |
Yeah, that's what it seems like to me too. Of course now I'm imagining every student hurt and what that would mean. I mean, Millicent and Draco are fighting-what if something happened to one of them? What about Lavender and Parvati--they're having troubles too and would feel awful if the other was hurt. What about Ron, what with the recent Weasley disaster?
*chews fingernails*
sistermagpie @ June 24 2004, 17:08:42 UTC |
Well, he suggests going for a stroll to avoid MB but we don't know if they actually did that. Pansy tells MB she and Draco are "going to dinner soon" and asks if she will see MB there, and MB said she wouldn't. So it seems like who was and wasn't going to dinner was a point but it's not quite clear what everybody did.
(parent)black_dog @ June 24 2004, 17:22:54 UTC |
This is sort of a random thought, since there's really nothing useful to even theorize about yet anyway. But I was reading the PS-Narcissa exchange last night, and was feeling happy about how well they were relating to one another. That business about flying together in the ballroom was wonderful and has so many associations.
It occurs to me that it would be especially sad and tragic to have something happen to PS, just when he's completed his most important emotional arcs, with his mother as well as with Harry. Which makes me kind of nervous.
sistermagpie @ June 24 2004, 17:32:36 UTC |
Yeah, my usual feeling is that nothing will happen to ps because that's his thing--and it would be too easy to get him sympathy by doing something to him. But still, I can't help but think he's been set up very carefully to be effected by something because of all this. I mean, the Malfoys made a point of all feeling so happy-which could either mean that mwahahaha they do something evil again as a family and Draco sides with them. But perhaps they have earned some poetic justice, with one of Lucius' plans going astray because of Draco. That is, presumably anything Lucius would have done to Hogwarts he'd do in such a way as to avoid ps being hurt, but what if ps wasn't where one would expect him to be, etc.? That would provide some interesting problems that wouldn't be much of a reach. After all, wasn't this sort of an undercurrent with the previous weekend? So Draco was just making plans to go home, be happy with his family, with all of them together, flying with his mother, shopping together, talking about the future, opening a does seem to cry out for somebody throwing a spanner in the works.
And then there's also the fact that Draco and MB were so angry at each other, both refusing to speak, with MB making a point of being friends with Theodore (last we heard he'd just told a joke "only Pansy" would appreciate and MB would not be seeing Pansy at dinner).
Then there's also the fact that Draco was wearing a badge where he changed Cedric Diggory's name for his own--kill the spare. (Not that I think he's dead-no one seems to be.)
So yeah, my first thought is always that the Slytherins will always be okay during these things, but I think they've kept to that rule enough that they could do it without it being too melodramatic or anything, if that makes sense.
Loved Ernie's posts-so scary in their straightforwardness.
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chasingwhispers @ June 24 2004, 18:22:48 UTC |
Okay, that </i>Draco was wearing a badge where he changed Cedric Diggory's name for his own--kill the spare</i> is so amazingly perceptive. You made me squeak in shock and horror. ARGH. You're right anyway, things do seem to have been carefully set up... let's just hope it's coincidence.
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unknownwisdom @ June 24 2004, 15:42:12 UTC |
Oh no...
This is the first time I've been around for a big event, what do we do now?!!?!?
Oh please please let everyone be okay...
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unknownwisdom @ June 24 2004, 16:02:15 UTC |
a - check,
b - check (there was a small amount of denial at first, but i will take your advice, of course),
c - heh, check,
d - check,
e - I'm on!!!
f - wow. okay. *tries to prepare as best she can*
g - No one here except me...I have pillows to hugs should worst come to worst though!
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unknownwisdom @ June 24 2004, 16:59:29 UTC |
Yeah, I know, so far we know that neither Ernine nor McG is dead...
Oh, Harry! *continues to wibble*
ginger_slam @ June 24 2004, 16:35:15 UTC |
Is this the Official Comprehensive Guide to Wibbling? Because it should be.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 24 2004, 18:01:35 UTC |
omg. that was SO me last year. I'm afraid it's happening again. wait, it IS happening. you did it again, NA! and i'm leaving for germany for 3 bloody days in a couple of hours! *cries*
(parent)dr_jekyl @ June 24 2004, 16:13:40 UTC |
I think Draco might have had some idea that something was going to happen. In his last post, he made a specific point about going back for his wand before dinner. Why didn't he have it with him when he wrote the entry?
Now I've to go fetch my wand and have dinner with Pansy. Perhaps we can go for a stroll to avoid dining with unsavoury characters whose names rhyme with Pillicent.
sistermagpie @ June 24 2004, 16:28:08 UTC |
So did the attack happen when all the students were going to get their wands? McG says the Great Hall is off-limits so it might have happened there, with some kids in other places, like in the library.
Harry said he was going to look at the guitar after dinner, right? Draco and Pansy might not have gone for a stroll--didn't Pansy also ask Millicent if she would see her at dinner and MB said probably not? So perhaps she wasn't going to dinner.
And where's Goyle and Queenie?
black_dog @ June 24 2004, 18:01:31 UTC |
Isn't it odd that he would fetch his wand well before wands were generally released? McGonagall's general announcement of a "not quite silver lining" happens of course after the attack. Did PS stash his wand ahead of time, or not surrender it, and is there some guilty knowledge here? Or was he perhaps preparing an act of resistance?
You're right (above thread) about the Cedric Diggory thing being kind of scary foreshadowing. You say no one died, but Ernie makes a point of telling his parents he's alive, which suggests that some people may not be. Clearly there were a lot of injuries, with makeshift infirmaries (plural) all over the castle. And (wah!) PS never replied to Harry.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 24 2004, 18:12:00 UTC |
And (wah!) PS never replied to Harry.
For me it's the worst sign. We can be sure something has happened to him. :/
LJ is playing up, and is very very slow. Takes ages to refresh! or is it only me?
black_dog @ June 24 2004, 18:30:14 UTC |
I'm not sure about the timeline...I mean, why would he be allowed to get it early?
But that's my point. Clearly he was expecting to "fetch" it before dinner. And clearly, wands weren't generally available yet.
So, here's my theory: a conspiracy of the good guys, including a converted PS, to meet an attack that they had "lured" against Hogwarts with a false impression of vulnerability. Who else would be involved? Snape, almost certainly. Maybe Harry, although maybe PS was determined to show Harry that he could fight Voldemort, himself. Maybe MB was too scared to go in on it. So, Voldemort, Lucius, and the DE's break some wards, appear in the Great Hall, and start attacking "defenseless" students -- only to find Snape, PS, and others with wands out, resisting. And maybe, some completely unexpected casualties.
Over the top? Yes, of course! :) Also, full of holes. But the more I think about it, the more I think PS' early access to his wand is a major signal, a major clue.
Is it DEs that are making lj such a jerk right now? Dammit-load!!!
Glad to know it's not just my system.
sistermagpie @ June 24 2004, 18:19:58 UTC |
I'm not sure about the timeline...I mean, why would he be allowed to get it early? Or was *everyone* going to get their wand at around the same time? And would he be collecting it from Snape, who was injured? Did the attack happen while he was getting it back, like right before dinner? Because it seems like the last we heard from everyone it was right before dinner, with people literally on their way. In fact, ps, Pansy, MB and Harry all seem to take pains to make that clear--that dinner is now, and afterwards they will or won't see each other. Harry was going to see the guitar and then wants ps to explain his notes to him. MB won't see Pansy at dinner but will perhaps see her later. Draco will get his wand, then he will or won't take a stroll with Pansy before dinner.
I have no clue if ps' saying he was going to get his wand was significant, or if it was just a further mentioning of the fact that he didn't have it, as the other students, too, have been mentioning how they don't have theirs.
And Lavender has confirmed there most certainly are deaths! Though she doesn't mention anyone specifically. I'd wondered if she would have mentioned one of the Patils if she knew they were injured (perhaps she doesn't know) because they might have been the "loose ends" to take care of after the Weasleys. She did take care of Lilitou, though. Poor Snape!!!
Also, there's been a running theme regarding ps about whether people would care if things happened to him or see him as "deserving" it. Just recently Crabbe told him he "deserved" to have his dressing gown ripped up for leaving it on the floor, and Blaise threatened him as well. Don't know if that's significant, but it could be either way.
p.s. Is it DEs that are making lj such a jerk right now? Dammit-load!!!
black_dog @ June 24 2004, 18:33:28 UTC |
I'm not sure about the timeline...I mean, why would he be allowed to get it early?
But that's my point. Clearly he was expecting to "fetch" it before dinner. And clearly, wands weren't generally available yet.
So, here's my theory: a conspiracy of the good guys, including a converted PS, to meet an attack that they had "lured" against Hogwarts with a false impression of vulnerability. Who else would be involved? Snape, almost certainly. Maybe Harry, although maybe PS was determined to show Harry that he could fight Voldemort, himself. Maybe MB was too scared to go in on it. So, Voldemort, Lucius, and the DE's break some wards, appear in the Great Hall, and start attacking "defenseless" students -- only to find Snape, PS, and others with wands out, resisting. And maybe, some completely unexpected casualties.
Over the top? Yes, of course! :) Also, full of holes. But the more I think about it, the more I think PS' early access to his wand is a major signal, a major clue.
Is it DEs that are making lj such a jerk right now? Dammit-load!!!
Glad to know it's not just my system.
sistermagpie @ June 24 2004, 19:43:01 UTC |
Okay, Hannah has updated. She says they were *supposed* to get their wands back at dinner but apparently they didn't, so that may have been what ps meant. Hannah talked about sitting at tables, so was the wand during an exam? If it was, she says Ernie was attacked (was he crucio'd? Hannah says she saw whatever was done to him demonstrated on a spider fourth year)-why? Because he did something or because he's friends with Justin and dating Hermione? Anyway, if they were at tables then we know Ernie and ps were sitting together. She mentions shattering glass so other kids may have been hurt in some kind of explosion, but nobody seems to know where anybody else is. Hannah says she saw what happened to Ernie but doesn't mention anyone else-which may be just because Ernie sticks out because he's her friend and a Hufflepuff.
We know Seamus is in the infirmary, though not whether he's attending others or recuperating. GAH GAH GAH GAH!
hated_and_loved @ June 24 2004, 20:31:28 UTC |
I think the attack came during dinner, not exams. Hannah talks about being able to see what happened to the Hufflepuffs, but having no idea what was happening to the Gryffindors, which suggests that the attack came when the students were separated by house, like they would be at dinner. She and the others never got their wands back during dinner like they were supposed to, either. She probably saw Ernie put under Cruciatus because she was sitting with him and the other Hufflepuffs at dinner as usual. (I'm going to assume it was that curse because the other demos done on spiders that we know of don't make sense in Hannah's context—he's obviously still alive, so it wasn't AK, and I can't think of why Ernie under Imperius would be the most horrible thing that Hannah's ever seen.)
I'm puzzled by these implications, though. Does this mean DEs apparated into the Great Hall? Shouldn't barriers against this sort of thing have been firmly in place, considering what happened last year? Or could there have somehow been traps set up that would be set off by either a person or an action (thinking of Resonant's "Transfigurations," here)? I'm finding this the most likely option, mainly because the Aurors and Unspeakables seem to be working at something in the Great Hall, which is still strictly off-limits to students.
sistermagpie @ June 24 2004, 20:53:54 UTC |
Well, now we know.
I can't believe how upsetting this is.:-(
hated_and_loved @ June 24 2004, 21:31:23 UTC |
Yeah. LJ is kicking my ass today; if I would have been able to view Hermione's post, I could have spared you my droning. :)
I think I need a moment to absorb. VOLDEMORT IS DEAD. Everything seems different now, you know?
wordsworthy @ June 24 2004, 16:29:07 UTC |
The wands were taken away from all the students on Monday. Ernie mentioned it in a post, complaining about it, implying that it was because there was an implication that some of the students were trying to cheat on the exams. Neville's mentioned it a couple times, saying it was annoying that they couldn't practice for the practical portion of their exams. Maybe there was an announcement that all students should come to get their wands at a certain time? Think about it: all the students assembled in one place. The Great Hall? Without their wands.
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chasingwhispers @ June 24 2004, 17:04:36 UTC |
Sir, yes sir, downloading sir, coz of new comp.
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Anonymous @ June 24 2004, 17:40:43 UTC |
While we're talking about possible victims, I think Remus is marked with Victim. First, because he'd been so happy with Sirius lately,; second, because Sirius had said he had the rest of their lives to figure him out, that just screams for Something Bad to happen; and third, because he was so cautious about the wands and so protective towards Harry.
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chasingwhispers @ June 24 2004, 17:53:39 UTC |
And it cause more pain to J_H who always gets the short stick, and DEs (if this is DEs, but then what else?) have tried before with the silver and Lucius said there were "loose ends to tie up" and Remus keeps saying "I will kill you", which even Snape has pointed out is taking the bait.
But I'm still for hoping Remus is okay! The seeming new friendship with Narcissa just seems suspicious to me and I wonder if that would make a positive or negative difference to his 'Victim' markedness. If you get what I mean. :D
1anonymous1 @ June 24 2004, 17:42:51 UTC |
I am not answering my phone while waiting for this,lol.
Hey, why havnt any of hte other students posted yet? Could they all be injured?*is worried*
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dry_your_eyes @ June 24 2004, 18:11:23 UTC |
I am not answering my phone while waiting for this,lol.
my best friends just called and i was so rude to her that she must be really offended now. but i need to refresh!!
1anonymous1 @ June 24 2004, 18:15:12 UTC |
lol, I didnt pick up the phone for my mom. Nraged is going to make me go to hell.
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dry_your_eyes @ June 24 2004, 18:22:22 UTC |
She was mewing by the makeshift HW
my brain's damaged by wibbling, but HW?
the_lady_lily @ June 24 2004, 18:37:51 UTC |
I'd guess Hospital Ward if Madam Pomfrey is involved.
(parent)butindreams @ June 24 2004, 18:43:16 UTC |
HW= hospital ward? I'm guessing...and if Lilitou was mewing nearby, could mean Snape's in there...?
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dry_your_eyes @ June 24 2004, 18:48:19 UTC |
wtehre's hoping that if he's in HW he's not dead.