portkey @ 2004-06-24 15:49:00 |
From Wibble Chat - alive/dead/missing list.
Mood: Wibbly
Definitely alive, meaning they've posted:
Minerva, Ernie, Lavender, Hannah, Hermione, Sirius, Justin, Mandy Brocklehurst, Padma, Ron, Parvati, Neville, Dean.
Stated to be alive, meaning mentioned by others but only "off-screen" as of yet:
Lilitou, Ernie's cat, Sean (Ernie's brother), Seamus, Sprout, Flitwick, Vector, Hagrid, Pomfrey, Sinistra, Harry (!!! :D), Ginny, Draco, Millicent, Wormtail (*sighs*).
Implied to be alive, meaning they've been mentioned but not stated (i.e. being asked to come to a certain room):
Entwhistle, Mullarkey, Susan, Vincent, Queenie, Christine Castlemaine and Geoffrey Wood (Neville's post was vague, but it sounded like they made it), Luna (?).
Missing or unknown, but still having been mentioned at all:
Albus, Severus, Evan.
Reported to be dead:
Voldemort, Lisa (no, no, no), Remus (oh god, oh god, oh god), Pansy (oh, bloody hell), Lucius (and he deserved it), Mandy Foster.
Will be updated as more people are mentioned, and assuming LJ lets me.
EDIT: Big edit after Hermione's post. Also, see hachi_08's list of what we know about the attack, including another list similar to mine, with links! (And thanks, Chris, for the help on my list! :D)
Also, if you want to join the wibble, send an AIM message to wibblebot01 saying, "Invite me." Everyone in the chat has helped compile the list; I'm just the messenger. ;)
Edit II: LJ is being crappy, so I may not be able to immediately update when new information is released.. I'm trying my best, though.
sistermagpie @ June 24 2004, 20:26:45 UTC |
Wah Lisa.
Um, Voldemort? Who killed? Did Harry have a wand? Did Snape do it? What?
Voldemort? Dude!
eleveninches @ June 24 2004, 20:55:17 UTC |
Not to be wanky or anything, but could you cut this? Spoilers, and all.
(parent)portkey @ June 24 2004, 21:09:35 UTC |
Yeah, I was in the process of editting it to do that, heh.. LJ is being crappy, and I was distracted by all the names and forgot to cut. :/ Done, now, and sorry everyone! Eep.
(parent)anemonerose @ June 24 2004, 21:58:32 UTC |
Oh, man, and of course this happens right when I have to get my homework for my summer course completed. And, and ... wah, I just read another post on the NA friends list and I'm desperately hoping it's not true. This is so horrible--we all knew something was going to happen, but I certainly wasn't expecting this. :((
(parent)dragynville @ June 24 2004, 22:16:30 UTC |
Remus (oh god, oh god, oh god)
There is no joy left in this day. ;_;
tjstein @ June 24 2004, 22:26:11 UTC |
Do you have a category for "Status uncertain but reported to have taken out a Death Eater with his potted hand"?
*clears throat*
err...go Ron!
portkey @ June 24 2004, 22:28:30 UTC |
Heh! Yeah, that sounded pretty awesome. I'm hardly a Ron fanboy, but I got rather happy reading about that.
(parent)tjstein @ June 24 2004, 22:38:56 UTC |
That Death Eater is now pushing up daisies...
yeah, I'll just be going now...
dragynville @ June 24 2004, 23:12:39 UTC |
legit_regit has reported seeing Harry alive, but unconscious, in the infirmary.
portkey @ June 24 2004, 23:18:33 UTC |
We know! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D I was trying to edit it for about 15 minutes, haha, finally went through. :D
... but still. Oh, gods. Harry without Remus.. *whimpers*
dragynville @ June 24 2004, 23:27:46 UTC |
I know.. Remus was the one who gave Harry all the nuturing and the stability.. wah! ;_; *cannot cope*
(parent)![]() |
ex_lev195 @ June 25 2004, 00:03:47 UTC |
Looks like it was finally Remus's "someday."
I wonder how Draco will react, losing both his father and Pansy.
tjstein @ June 25 2004, 00:15:49 UTC |
It will certainly make for an interesting dynamic in his relationship with Harry.
*hugs them both*
dragynville @ June 25 2004, 01:42:09 UTC |
Especially considering that Lucius and Remus killed each other. *worries*
(parent)1anonymous1 @ June 25 2004, 00:29:23 UTC |
yamapea @ June 25 2004, 18:25:45 UTC |
It broke my heart to read that.
And oh my god Remus.
NA is evil. The end.