longtimegone @ 2004-06-24 16:44:00 |
Mood: crushed
firewalkwithme @ June 24 2004, 21:58:06 UTC |
I KNOW! I couldn't even bring myself to post with the link! Oh my God.
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chasingwhispers @ June 24 2004, 21:58:14 UTC |
I'm completely numb. I can't believe this.
Oh, Remus.
firewalkwithme @ June 24 2004, 22:03:12 UTC |
I know, how could they do that? HOW COULD THEY DO THAT?! I'm still in shock. I can't take it. Someone hold me, please!
(parent)firewalkwithme @ June 24 2004, 22:10:47 UTC |
Thank you, kind stranger. *HUG* It just can't be true... :(
(parent)carcinya @ June 24 2004, 22:13:30 UTC |
We need all the comfort we can get. REMUS. REMUS.
I'm actually crying. It's past midnight here - I think I'll just go and sob in my bed. Wah.
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corrupteddreams @ June 24 2004, 22:04:37 UTC |
They can't be serious. They can't be serious.
If they are, I'm not reading anymore.
*gives tissues to all*
imochan @ June 24 2004, 22:02:22 UTC |
fuck fuck not true not true shut up shut up not true not true
(parent)enkeli @ June 24 2004, 22:12:10 UTC |
i almost threw up my lunch, it made me so completely heartsick.
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schnitzel1377 @ June 24 2004, 22:42:19 UTC |
i know. i was eating dinner. i know understand what the saying "food turns to ash in your mouth" means.
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dancingongraves @ June 24 2004, 22:04:58 UTC |
This is much worse than OotP. And his last entry, and and and.
*is actually crying, a lot*
greenapricot @ June 24 2004, 22:09:04 UTC |
Oh, god, I know. I was thinking the same thing.
He was going to teach Harry how to play guitar.
dancingongraves @ June 24 2004, 22:25:49 UTC |
He was going to teach Harry how to play guitar.
(And he and Sirius were back together and they-- oh, god. Remus wasn't allowed to die. Fuck.)
lisdelacroix @ June 24 2004, 22:39:16 UTC |
OMG I just started crying, I had almost forgotten about that...
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dancingongraves @ June 24 2004, 22:42:17 UTC |
I know I know I know oh my god. Remus.
YOUR ICON IS NOW KILLING ME. It's gorgeous but I wish it wasn't so. appropriate.
lisdelacroix @ June 24 2004, 22:45:53 UTC |
I completely forgot about my icon! WAH!
Though its more appropriate than the one of "you are my sunshine..."
bloodybrilliant @ June 24 2004, 22:42:47 UTC WAAAAH!!! |
"He was going to teach Harry how to play guitar."
I second what dancingongraves said. :(((
Your comment made me cry more. *tearsandtears*
the_lady_lily @ June 24 2004, 22:05:35 UTC |
ARGH also.
But hang on, isn't there something in particular needed to kill a werewolf, i.e. silver? Hermione doesn't mention noticing anything like that after she mentions seeing Lupin hurling off curses, but she does say it all gets blurry... Would a Killing Curse like the ones she heard be sufficient or would it need some form of reinforcement? From her account, the Killing Curse seems like the only possible cause.
If I'm logical about this, perhaps it'll just go away and not be true.
(Intro - long-time lurker, drawn out by the WIBBLE of being on the end of my first major Incident and sans any messenger service. Dammit!)
quixotic_sense @ June 24 2004, 22:08:35 UTC |
On the other hand, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy did talk about the purchase of a silver mine a while back.I'm still in denial.
the_lady_lily @ June 24 2004, 22:12:58 UTC |
Yes, I remembered that; but it doesn't seem to fit with Hermione's account of what happened (obviously not foolproof). The timeframe is odd; she mentions Remus just before Lisa's death and Voldemort's appearance, and it all seems quite spell-based; I can't see a DE creeping up to Remus with silver on the sly with all those curses flying around and thus taking serious personal risk, and Voldemort isn't responsible since he was (obviously) preoccupied with Harry. Doesn't fit at all...
Am shaking. Dammit.
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Anonymous @ June 24 2004, 22:42:08 UTC |
yeah, but mightn't it make sense that lucius did it?--he'd have gone in prepared and on a mission.
and also, wah.
the_lady_lily @ June 24 2004, 22:49:02 UTC |
Very wah.
If Lucius did it, I see him doing a Captain Jack Sparrow and waiting for 'the opportune moment' - he's not going to risk his hide in a wide open space filled with rogue and vicious spells, regardless of the depth of his grudge. Opportune moments, one assumes, died out when Harry and Voldemort did whatever they did, but the hall continued to be full of spells until then, so when did Lucius take his chance? Argh. Brain melting in attempt to subvert reality.
the_lady_lily @ June 24 2004, 23:07:10 UTC |
Oh, exceptionally rude words repeated at volume several times.
Tears now forthcoming. They can't let Lucius off scot-free after this. And what's happened to Draco?
But mainly tears and disbelief.
carcinya @ June 24 2004, 22:07:12 UTC |
Must. Breathe. Oh, my god. THEY KILLED REMUS.
I think I'll just curl up in a ball and cry now.
greenapricot @ June 24 2004, 22:07:12 UTC |
Usually I love angst but... WAH.
This is too much. Way way to much.
immora @ June 24 2004, 22:07:39 UTC |
... Maybe it's a horrible horrible trick and it just LOOKS like it, like somebody made a fake body and abducted him so he'd be believed dead, or something...
firewalkwithme @ June 24 2004, 22:12:34 UTC |
Does anyone know if Snape still had feelings for him?
(parent)eponis @ June 25 2004, 13:43:58 UTC |
He did.
He had to have. He had to have. He couldn't have loved him that much and stopped loving him. And all I want any more - besides to have Remus back - is to see a requiem from Snape.
::uses this icon, because it was theirs and it will make me cry::
firewalkwithme @ July 1 2004, 23:59:42 UTC |
I know! He has to still love him! He does in my mind. Sigh.
(parent)naodrith @ June 24 2004, 22:20:04 UTC |
I'm actually...not crying. What a shock. Just...numb.
And, oh God, how long have the players been planning this? I mean, it's huge. HUGE. And horrible. And awful. Oh God. *gives random hugs to those who need them* *self-hug*
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queeniefox @ June 24 2004, 22:29:09 UTC |
I feel rather silly (and actually a bit mad) right now, because I just burst into tears reading that. Tell me I am not the only one who has a shaky grip on real life!
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Anonymous @ June 24 2004, 22:33:56 UTC |
I have tears in my eyes.
I know this is just a RPG.
But still.
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dancingongraves @ June 24 2004, 22:39:18 UTC |
You're not the only one. I don't know how I'm going to explain the heaving sobs and red eyes to my parents when they inevitably barge into my room in a few minutes.
Ohgod, though. Remus.
kitaoroshi @ June 24 2004, 22:32:43 UTC O_O |
Oh God! Not him! ;_; Not anyone!
tenebris @ June 24 2004, 22:34:02 UTC |
Oh. Oh oh oh oh NO.
Remus got me into N_A, and...nooo, how can he be dead?
bookwench31 @ June 24 2004, 22:41:19 UTC |
If he is dead...oh god I don't want him to be dead...if he is, please let him have taken Lucius with him. The thought that Remus is dead and that smug bastard isn't is the worst thing ever.
*wibbles in a huge mess*
I'm sitting here at work and have to look somewhat composed and all I want to do is find a corner somewhere with a computer, and cry. must keep repeating "it's just a game" WAH!!!
dragynville @ June 24 2004, 22:41:34 UTC |
All I could think when I read that was, oh GOD, not Remus! Not when he had to go through SO MUCH already. It's just not FAIR or RIGHT or anything! Oh god.. Sirius.. and Harry! ;_;
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Anonymous @ June 24 2004, 22:41:41 UTC |
i hope he succeeded in killing lucius (if he was there) before he died...
(parent)hated_and_loved @ June 24 2004, 22:46:44 UTC |
Unfair, un-fucking-fair.
Please tell me there is no way Narcissa could have been a part of this.
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unknownwisdom @ June 24 2004, 22:50:03 UTC |
You lot better be in the damned wibble chat. That is all.
*continues to weep*
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unknownwisdom @ June 25 2004, 00:17:13 UTC |
Ahh! icon goodness!
*friends, hugs, sobs some more*
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dragonelle_fics @ June 24 2004, 22:59:06 UTC |
I knew it was going to be Remus >:-(
coocoocthulhu @ June 24 2004, 23:07:44 UTC |
Dear N_A,
Let me start this off by saying *insert incoherent wibbling and whimpering here*.
Not cool.
And you had to start this on a night I can't have internet access and find out what exactly happened to everyone and who else is dead or not dead. I hate you.
Love, me.
PS: nooooooooo remus noooo *whimper*.
PS#2: I'll be both happy and not happy if Lucius is dead. *whimper*
PS#3: waah his last post. *cries*
Right, I have to go try not to cry and make food and keep sane 'til tomorrow morning.
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Anonymous @ June 24 2004, 23:33:58 UTC |
I feel like Lucius better effing be dead. Why should all of the characters on the "good" side have all of the pain? The Weasleys, Lisa, and now Remus. I can't handle it that Remus is dead. I'm going to go curl up somewhere and cry, cry, cry.
(parent)bloodybrilliant @ June 24 2004, 23:48:28 UTC |
Could anyone tell me how to get into wibblechat if I don't have AIM? (What is AIM? AOL's chat-thing?) I have Y!M (isobelamela), if that is any help or an asset. I also have Trillian, but my Y!M does not work through that for some reason. It does not connect. ??? So I don't know if anything else will. If anyone could help me, I would so appreciate it. My Y!M is connected right now, but I have to run an errand for a bit so I won't be around for a little while. If you could email me (isobelamela@yahoo.com) or just reply here...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
and *wah!*
xnera @ June 25 2004, 00:48:50 UTC |
AIM is indeed AOL's Instant Messenging system. http://www.aim.com
It does work with Trillian, but you need to have an AIM screenname. You can get a screenname at the above URL.
Y!M and AIM are totally separate networks, so they are not compatible. Trillian is software that allows you to be on multiple IM networks via one portal, but it still does not allow you to, say, talk to someone on AIM with your Y!M account.
Hope this helps!
bloodybrilliant @ June 25 2004, 03:48:20 UTC |
Thanks so much! I will try to set up an AIM account. (I don't have to have AOL as my service provider, right? Its sort of like having a Y!M account?) I hope. I will try to figure it out! Thanks for the clarification of Trillian, too. (My Y!M account still won't hook up through it, though. Hm.)
Oh. Yes. It does help! :)
xnera @ June 25 2004, 03:54:13 UTC |
Correct -- you do not need an AOL account to use AIM. They are separate.
(parent)tortietta @ June 25 2004, 00:37:50 UTC |
Oh God. I keep thinking I've woken up and I'm in some-sort of horrible nightmare. It can't be true. It really can't. Oh god.
NA, I love you so much that it hurts. Damn you, NA, DAMN YOU!
orpheusinjapan @ June 25 2004, 00:58:15 UTC |
You know, I checked NA just before I went to bed and the last entry was Draco's. I get up this morning and the world has exploded. Now I'm at work pretending to be working while hanging out here. Good thing the students are writing tests today.
Remus' death is devasting. He was always my favourite, and for some reason, I always checked NA using Lupercus' friends page. Not sure why, it just happened to be what I had bookmarked when I first started following NA 18 months ago.
So, what happen's now?
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unknownwisdom @ June 25 2004, 01:01:57 UTC |
We honestly don't know. This could be the end of the game, but then again it could continue...
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queeniefox @ June 25 2004, 07:41:28 UTC |
I always checked NA using Lupercus' friends page
Me too. And this morning I've gone to change it about five times and then changed my mind.