moocow1985 @ 2004-06-24 20:11:00 |
(no title)
Mood: shocked
If this is inappropriate, just let me know.
I would, on behalf of at least most of nraged, like to say thank you and give a HUGE hug to all of the N_A players. This must have taken a monumental amount of planning. And it must be vary hard for the players whose characters have died in this, namely Lisa's player, Pansy's player, and Remus's player, as well as any others that we haven't heard about yet.
I kind of have the feeling that after this disaster is wrapped up, the players are going to take a bow and end the game. I'm hoping not, even though it certainly won't be the same anymore, but if so, thank you for all the time and effort you've put into this game.
And excuse me as I go cry. This just broke my heart.
naodrith @ June 25 2004, 00:28:11 UTC |
I'm going to second that. Thank you, beloved players, you're all brilliant and we love you even though - or perhaps because - you've created an addictive game that makes us laugh and cry and, well, sit at our computers hitting refresh constantly.
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a_player @ June 25 2004, 05:53:49 UTC |
I'll let you in on a secret. We players have been sitting here compulsively hitting our refresh buttons, too.
Neville's player
doubtful_salmon @ June 25 2004, 06:19:08 UTC |
It hardly seems a secret. A thread rarely lies dormant.
We love you for it.
quixotic_sense @ June 25 2004, 00:29:27 UTC |
Seconded. I like the nods to canon characterisation -- I'm thinking of Sirius standing over Lucius to gloat, and how that exact same trait was his undoing in OotP.
(parent)tjstein @ June 25 2004, 00:30:09 UTC |
That's pretty much what I was thinking too...although hoping they continue, of course.
Thanks so much to all the players. I love the stories they've woven. But I really do hope they continue the story lines.
zen_child @ June 25 2004, 00:34:19 UTC |
My thoughts too. Even though I've only known about this thing for a little while, definitely not since the beginning anyway. It's great stuff; the stories, the characterization...
Thank you and well done.
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unknownwisdom @ June 25 2004, 00:35:08 UTC |
I third it. I've now actually cried over this. I love all of you. This is our canon, and we'll be forever grateful that you have put so much work into it.
(parent)comava @ June 25 2004, 00:35:43 UTC |
As we have disscussed in chat earlier, you guys are da BOMB. Your work this RPG is appreciated very much.
And I must second moocow on the fact that I really, really wish you wouldn't end this, although of course we'll understand if you do.
portkey @ June 25 2004, 00:41:33 UTC |
I agree whole-heartedly. I've been following NA for, hell, a couple years now.. I've always been astonished by it, whether it be how well characters like Lucius can get under my skin (to his player -- BRILLIANT portrayal of evil incarnate), or how much I can fall in love with others (whoever played Remus, I am your fanboy eternally), to how utterly cool characters like Lisa and M.B. can be (same), and all the plots and storylines and suspense and even when it feels like they're torturing us by not giving us all the information, I've always wanted more.
So to every single player - thank you. You're all awesome, and consider yourself fanboyed frantically.
1anonymous1 @ June 25 2004, 00:42:00 UTC |
Big fat ditto.
*huggles the players*
I wont mind if you decide to just pretend they are alive and just continue on anyway.
doubtful_salmon @ June 25 2004, 06:22:33 UTC |
I think they should begin n_a II: AU AU.
It does rhyme.
nmissi @ June 25 2004, 00:43:10 UTC |
I too wish to thank all the players for their brilliant portrayals. Today I feel as if I've lost close friends, not fictional characters. I've enjoyed every moment of your game, and applaud the coordination, plotting, and excellent writing involved in Nocturne Alley. As a roleplayer, and a GM, I can't help but be impressed by the high levels of quality and performance maintained throughout the game, and I thank each and every one of the members for all of their hard work.
(parent)bookwench31 @ June 25 2004, 00:48:12 UTC |
*gives a standing ovation*
You'll forgive me if I'm a bit incoherent right now. You guys did that to me.
I've followed NA for I can't remember how long, and I've loved every minute of it. Even when it's made me want to tear my hair out in frustration.
This has killed me. I'm far to emotional right now. At the moment you have me alternately laughing and crying. I have to laugh at myself because I can't help feeling silly at being this emotionally caught up in a story. Excellent job.
You are all amazing! But right now I can't decide if I love you or hate you. *grins*
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dragonelle_fics @ June 25 2004, 00:54:39 UTC |
Agreed-- thank you, players. I only discovered N_A recently, so it breaks my heart to think that everything might be ending just as I've arrived. But I have no regrets. You have totally made LJ life worthwhile for me for the past month.
Giant hugs to you all.
saffronlie @ June 25 2004, 00:57:07 UTC |
Yes, thank you. It's been great following this game over the years, and the level of skill is awe-inspiring. And well, disaster brings people together, so that's some small comfort.
(parent)ginger_slam @ June 25 2004, 01:04:54 UTC |
Had a much longer comment of appreciation but LJ ate it and I'm much too consumed by wibbling and sadness now that I don't know if I can retype it.
N_A is certainly a great RPG.
lazy_daze @ June 25 2004, 01:07:41 UTC |
*takes a moment from wibblechat* Yes. Just...yes. It's amazing, and ohmyfuckinggod. So much <3 for players. Wow. *in so much awe* *and wibble*
(parent)wednesday_tea @ June 25 2004, 01:08:57 UTC |
Seconded, seconded, seconded.
I can't put into words how much fun, heart-wrenching, and inspiring this has been throughout the years. Years. It's so strange to think that, but over time, N_A's been as much canon as the books. So many memories. I am constantly amazed at the skill of the players--you guys are incredible.
If this is the end, it's one hell of a way to go out.
Thank you.
ewacat @ June 25 2004, 01:11:59 UTC |
Hell, yesyesyes. Word yes.
*Is sitting in wibblechat and... wibbling and chatting and wibbling a bit more*
bluekivrin @ June 25 2004, 01:14:16 UTC |
Thank you for being. Thank you for making me feel.
moocow1985 @ June 25 2004, 01:57:19 UTC |
You guys have given me so much enjoyment since I started reading spring of 2003. And if this breaks my heart, you players must just be crushed. Sure, we're attached to the characters, but you are the characters.
Thank you so much. I wish you were all next door so I could give you tremendous hugs.
orpheusinjapan @ June 25 2004, 01:20:54 UTC |
I don't even know where to start. I've been following NA for almost two years and it's the first site I log onto in the morning and the last I check at night. (strangely enough my bookmark is Lupercus' friends page and always has been. Guess that alone shows how much he meant to me).
I can honestly say I enjoy following NA as much as I enjoy reading canon. Each character is so vividly portrayed that they have become almost real. We have all laughed, cried and grown along with the characters, and this says so much about the players. Each and every one of you can be very very proud. To envoke that kind of response and emotion from your readers, you must be truly gifted writers.
I have checked out so many other RPG looking for something along the lines of NA. There is nothing that measures up. If you decide to end the game here I'm sure we'll all understand, applaud you and tuck NA into a corner of our hearts and memories. There is no doubt it will leave a huge hole for many of us, but what is it they say? "It's better to have loved and lost...".
We love you NA. We love the characters, we love the humour, we love the angst, we love the storylines and most of all we love the players for their dedication and talent which has created a world we all can play in. . . even if it's only for awhile.
kenboy @ June 25 2004, 01:24:49 UTC What they all said. |
Players, y'all rock.
I really hope N_A continues after this. You guys are amazing.
Just in case it somehow helps you realize how great you are: I'm 33, male, and straight -- and I've entirely bought every relationship presented here -- especially Sirius/Remus. I watch the HP movies and read the books, and I realize that this "fanon" is so great that I can't remember what the canon is. Hell, even Harry/Draco -- which from canon, is just so not there -- with these characterizations, it's totally real.
Keep it up.
arisato @ June 25 2004, 01:25:30 UTC |
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts.
bsafemydeers @ June 25 2004, 01:27:55 UTC |
A giant word to that.
I adored Pansy. Honestly, NA's Pansy, more than any other characterization of any other Slytherin in RPG or fiction form that I've seen better embodies what could be of a Slytherin not gone bad. The ambition, the gentile sort of civility, the utter deviousness and fierceness when crossed.
"Look like th'innocent flower, / But be the serpent under't." --Lady Macbeth
I'll miss Pansy.
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 01:43:58 UTC |
Yes, exactly. I always swore I wouldn't get attached to another RPG, and you all broke my will when I wasn't looking.
HUGE kudos to Lucius' player. I loved hating your character so much. If/when you're ever revealed, I hope I can read fic you've written.
Also to Remus', Pansy's and Lisa's players... (so far :( ). Amazing job. Your last entries are certainly testament to your fantastic characterizations. Remus's especially -- I love the relationship he and Harry had formed.
And, to Hermione's and Sirius's players -- thank you for the fantastic, informative and obviously painful-to write posts.
Ron -- I'm glad you got your hand back. Now go grope Parvati!
blue_raven @ June 25 2004, 01:45:14 UTC |
Seconded wholeheartedly.
Just wanted to echo the above sentiments, and I have no words to express how much I love this game, and the characters, the plots and the time that has gone in to it.
To the players, my gods, whoever you are, THANK YOU. You have no idea how much you are loved.
athene_51 @ June 25 2004, 01:51:22 UTC |
This is not the first time I've cried over lupercus (WAH), but it is the first time
jadedsirius was responsible for the tears. I don't even know where to start.
turpinol... You really weren't Head Girl for nothing.
I can feel death, can see its beady eyes
All these things into position
All these things we'll one day swallow whole
And fade out again
and fade out againla_pensee... au revoir, darling.
athene_51 @ June 25 2004, 01:55:56 UTC |
I can't believe I forgot purestblood who was such a magnificent bastard <3
*insert cryptic phrase here* Ta mort est très triste.
black_dog @ June 25 2004, 02:07:11 UTC |
Is this the end? (I hope it's not quite the end -- I'll take whatever I can get, but I hope we get at least a taste of the survivors' plans and hopes.) But if it's the end, it's been a spectacular finish! Some final reminders of how intensely we feel about all the major characters, and then a scarily-foreshadowed crisis, a big dramatic battle that only slowly comes into focus, bodies all over the floor. Mourning the dead, whose prospective lives and happiness you really made us care about; hoping for the best for the survivors.
I can't even begin to sum up my feelings, but I just want to give a big, huge thank-you to the creators and players of this brilliant, brilliant game. I've been following it closely since about the time NrAged started up, and it's been so much fun, and so absorbing, that it's really been one of the highlights of fandom for me. The characterization and the writing has just been consistently, absolutely first-rate. The characters' problems, and challenges, and growth been totally compelling. The presentation of the game, as a kind of puzzle to the spectators, has been wicked fun.
If its time is really up, I will miss it terribly, but that's the price of falling in love with anything that can't go on forever. Thank you, NA.
Fortinbras: Go, bit the soldiers shoot. ;)
bloodybrilliant @ June 25 2004, 04:20:33 UTC |
bloodybrilliant @ June 25 2004, 04:34:18 UTC |
Man, lj is wonky today! I thought it was just my comp these past 2-ish days, but I suppose not. How did my text get italicized and the quote erased?
I quoted :
I just keep thinking how poor turpinol will never get to find out who the Head Boy is.
That went first in my other post.
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unknownwisdom @ June 25 2004, 07:38:41 UTC |
Oh God. We all have so much love for you right now...
Sorry. I needed to say that.
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 13:58:44 UTC |
Oh my God. This started me crying all over again. I loved Remus, and I am so sad to see you/him go.
(parent)lilychick @ June 25 2004, 07:45:55 UTC |
I am still crying. I have to go to sleep just so that I stop *crying*.
First I wanted to stop in here and voice my agreement with all that's been said...I love NA. I don't know how long I've been following it (although I know I finally friended nraged to keep up around last year's attack) but I often find myself thinking, as well, that this is "my canon".lupercus was my favorite. My absolute FAVORITE. Remus is my favorite character in the books as well, but as played here, I just...totally fell in love with him. Any time he posted, it was really a bright spot in my day. I don't even know what to say. I actually *screamed* when I saw Sirius' first post today, and after the second, I bawled, and I was shaking for ten minutes afterward. It hurts to talk about this too long, which I suppose gets across my feelings better than anything else I can say.
la_pensee got me to delurk. I told her player, during the Q&A, that Pansy was the character that sucked me into NA...I just adored her, and her ambition, and her manners, and her scheming, and her devotion to Draco and M.B. I was so happy that she was going to head off to the Ministry like she wanted... (*tears up again*)
turpinol...I *identified* so much with her. Especially her posts lately -- the offbeat smart girl who can't figure out what to do with her life. I aspired to be as cool as Lisa, and after reading about her actions during the attack, I respect her even more.
And of course we can't forget purestblood...oh, I've always been so conflicted about this Lucius (in the best possible way). Because I hated him, for everything that's done, but I loved him for his wicked ways, his devotion to his family, his occasional hints of conflict and doubt (which never lasted) -- the way I never knew exactly where he stood, and yet always suspected where he'd wind up standing.
Much love to *all* of NA's players -- I have wonderful things to say about all of you -- but right now, particularly these, because I will miss each of you deeply.
jiffy_spiffy @ June 25 2004, 11:36:43 UTC |
To echo what's all ready been said, thank you to all the players. I've got a feeling this is NA coming to a stunning conclusion, and really - for me, LJ will not be the same without NA.
(parent)greenapricot @ June 25 2004, 13:49:03 UTC |
Just reading everyone's thoughts has me crying again. I feel like I've been crying for days and I'm going to be crying for days.
I just wanted to say to all the players, especially Lisa's, Pansy's, Remus's, and Lucius', how completely amazing you all are, how in awe of the amount of work you've put into your characters I am. My view of canon is now forever skewed in the direction that N_A has gone and I don't want it to go back. All of the characters of N_A have become real people to me and I don't even want to think about the fact that it's probably going to end soon.
Thank you all so much for everything.