kaffy_smaffy @ 2004-06-25 14:12:00 |
(no title)
*de-lurks to add fuel to the fire wibble*
narcissa and sinistra both post.
sinistra provides some vague details about snape and hooch and an account about what happened outside the great hall.
narcissa's post makes me cry with her talk of draco.
bsafemydeers @ June 25 2004, 04:19:03 UTC |
...a bit confused. Is Sinistra, bless her heart, referring to Draco carrying in Pansy?
Which would have meant she was killed a good twenty minutes before the attack? They weren't going to be at dinner, right?
But, but I must go to bed...
kaffy_smaffy @ June 25 2004, 04:28:44 UTC |
she could be referring to Draco.
In either pansy's or draco's last entry they mention ditching dinner for a walk around the gardens. I'd try to pull up the link but lj's being a bitch.
bsafemydeers @ June 25 2004, 04:37:43 UTC |
LJ is being awful.
Does this mean perhaps they ran into the Death Eaters before the attack? There would have been some sort of altercation (verbal or physical) if they felt they needed to off dear Pansy.
kaffy_smaffy @ June 25 2004, 04:49:17 UTC |
well Lucius has shown time and time again he's never approved of Pansy being Draco's girlfriend so, i guess it was the best possible time to off her? *cringes at how crass that was*
isn't Pansy against the whole DE shebang? might be why they killed her since she's the opposition whilst Draco is the son of the right hand of Voldermort so he's off list of the "killable".
kaffy_smaffy @ June 25 2004, 05:23:04 UTC |
apaprently i mix up my tense and misspell voldemort when i'm busy trying to make lj work properly for me.
(parent)snackbreak @ June 25 2004, 04:33:15 UTC |
I am away less than 24 hours and I return to utter chaos, I can't believe this. This is so horrible!
Was Sinistra talking about Draco coming in with his dead girlfriend? I assumed so, but I might have missed something.
kaffy_smaffy @ June 25 2004, 04:41:41 UTC |
yeah, there is a big fat honking chance that it was draco who bought in a dead pansy.
in his last post he mentions going for a stroll with pansy instead of going to dinner so to avoid millicent.
I'm dying to know what happened on their walk, if they did take one, that caused pansy to die.
bloodybrilliant @ June 25 2004, 05:05:48 UTC |
Really. WAh! Again.
Hermione's post was so informative and slightly detached sounding. Professional.
Sirius's post was so stunned and shock and pow. I cried.
Neville's post made me cry the most, though. *Slightly* rambly and shock-induced/mildly something else that I don't want to call hysterical because it was so mild but it is that sleep-deprived, traumatic-ness behind it. How he talks about Mandy dying and wanting to tell her family what happened. And his partially remembered account of Remus's death, only seeing the look of disbelief of Sirius' face. (Waah!) And how he feels sorry for Malfoy because his dad was responsible for the deaths and he is dead too. Neville's post was sort of like a punch.
And Sinistra's post made me all wibbly and weepy again. I really think she is talking about Draco in the beginning, all hysterical and carrying his dead girlfriend, Pansy. Not understanding that there was nothing Sinistra or Pomfrey could do for her. And M.B. coming in to check on them. (Their fight! *stab in the heart*) ANd they won't let anyone take Pansy away. Pansy!! They were not, as we understand, in the Great Hall for dinner. They *saw* it all before it was happening. What happened to them? Will Draco ever tell? How much time elapsed between killing Pansy and breaking through the Great Hall? Obviously a good bit, 15-20 minutes+. Wow.
I am so all weepy. This story has packed a real punch.
And lj being all weird and wonky and crappy is ruining my finding out all I can know as quick as I want to!!! Mer. *shakes fists*
breze @ June 25 2004, 05:27:05 UTC |
What can I say about Narcissa's post? It's everything it's meant to be, I think. Lucius has been viewed in such a negative light (not to say he didn't deserve it), but I'm glad to see at least one person grieving. No one should die without a single person mourning their loss.
And Draco... what was he thinking? Losing Pansy, knowing his father played a part in her death... what could he've been thinking. I don't think there's been a time when I wanted to see him post something about his feelings more than I do now. But of course, despite his constant updating, he's still one of the best shielded characters in NA.
He reached out and pressed a finger against Lucius' cheek... Any thoughts?
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 05:48:15 UTC |
He reached out and pressed a finger against Lucius' cheek... Any thoughts?
Making sure he was really dead?
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unknownwisdom @ June 25 2004, 05:54:27 UTC |
Something he was never allowed to do when Lucius was alive? (Though I agree with your one).
(parent)breze @ June 25 2004, 06:23:43 UTC |
Just a finger? Why not a hand? Something about how Narcissa worded it sounded as if Draco was poking him... not in a bad way, but as if he wants to touch him but can't? Or doesn't know how to? Which doesn't sound at all like the way he treated Pansy.
I dunno... maybe I'm just thinking too much. But those were the words that really grabbed my attention in her post, so... ::shrug::
the_lady_lily @ June 25 2004, 09:39:47 UTC |
What I find interesting about Narcissa's post is that she doesn't take a stand on the way Lucius died. Obviously she's appropriately distraught at his death and that is oh so painful. But it's not at all clear whether she knew Lucius was going to be attacking Hogwarts or whether this has all come as a complete and utter surprise since she thought he was taking an abnormally long turn in the rose garden.
Kudos to Narcissa's player for writing it so brilliantly, but I want to know!
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 05:47:07 UTC |
Anyone else think that Pansy was attacked/killed to keep Draco out of the Great Hall?
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 06:15:48 UTC |
When I first read it, I took Sinistra saying she didn't know at the time why Millicent needed to speak to Draco so badly as saying Millicent was the one to tell Draco. Although, that really doesn't mesh, because why would Draco be in the Infirmary then? I think Draco and Pansy being the two students makes more sense, although I don't understand why she didn't just say their names.
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 06:18:07 UTC *spams* |
gah, and by that I mean Sinistra didn't know Pansy was dead and Millicent needed to tell Draco that. Finals have rotted my brain.
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 06:51:29 UTC Re: *spams* |
If Draco was in the hospital wing with Pansy when everything went down, he wouldn't have known that his father had been killed. Perhaps that's what Millicent wanted to be the one to tell him? Just throwing out a possibility.
lilychick @ June 25 2004, 06:24:53 UTC |
Sinistra just found Draco's note...
(Every time I stop crying something makes me start again, dammit)
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tymbrimi @ June 25 2004, 06:30:20 UTC ;_; |
I got here a half hour ago; does it ever stop?
from above:
Anyone else think that Pansy was attacked/killed to keep Draco out of the Great Hall?
I think the note supports that.... *cries*
In narcissa's post what about lucius's appearance do you think she needed to change before Draco saw him? I'd say dark mark but that would be somewhat... ineffectual at this point.
dragynville @ June 25 2004, 06:39:44 UTC Re: ;_; |
I think the note supports that....
But definitely, otherwise why wouldn't he have killed Draco too. Which also means that Lucius was directly responsible for Pansy's death. Poor Draco is going to be SO messed up by this.
My immediate thought was just that she wanted to make sure he wasn't too gruesome, maybe make sure the wound was covered.
sistermagpie @ June 25 2004, 14:08:59 UTC Re: ;_; |
Actually, does it support that? It seemed to me that he killed Pansy because she recognized him and probably didn't kill Draco because he knew he was Lucius' son. He (shudder) wished him good evening. There's no reason to think killing Pansy would necessarily keep Draco out of the Great Hall-he was nowhere near it at the time. He could have told them to stay outside or even just put them in a body bind.
I think it was just because Pansy recognized him.:-(
Draco's note broke my heart. A winged horse came out of nowhere. And the Cedric Diggory button turned out to be painfully foreshadowing as well. Good for him taking her to the infirmary. I mean, obviously there have been bigger heroes this day (Lisa, Neville, Remus) but ps didn't cut and run out of fear. He picked up his friend and tried to help her.
dragynville @ June 25 2004, 15:21:38 UTC Re: ;_; |
But she said his name, making Draco just as big a danger to him. Plus, he changed into Wilkes (which I'm guessing is who he really is) in front of Draco, making him a double danger. I really think the only way he would have been so certain that Draco would be safe (to reveal his identity in front of) is if Lucius told him so. I just don't think he'd assume so without some kind of assurance because that's a lot to risk on an assumption. Plus, it was my thought at the time that he showed up as Perkins (someone recognizable to Pansy) for the express purpose of putting them off their guard.
He could have told them to stay outside or even just put them in a body bind.
Yes, except he couldn't be certain that they'd do that, or get out of it, and go running into the GH to warn everyone. It just seems to me that Perkins/Wilkes was risking an awful lot (his own identity, the DEs advantage of surprise) on merely assuming that Draco (a complete stranger other than possibly recognizing him) wouldn't say anything or try to warn anyone. He didn't even stun or bodybind Draco, just let him walk away.
Draco's note broke my heart. A winged horse came out of nowhere.
Oh god yes! Draco's crossing out of misspelled words, etc., got to me. I can just see him being so painfully careful to get the information down legibly and correctly. wah! And yes, good on him.
sistermagpie @ June 25 2004, 17:30:34 UTC Re: ;_; |
Oh, I agree that he probably felt he could trust Draco because he was Draco and he knew Lucius. I just don't think the meeting was a set-up in order to keep Draco out of the Great Hall because Draco and Pansy appear to have come upon Perkins unexpectedly while he was fiddlign with his sack (Draco even says he looked surprised). They might have gotten out of a body bind, sure, but it's still a more effective of keeping Draco away from the Great Hall than killing Draco's friend since wouldn't that risk him running for help? In fact, Draco did run for help, he just wasn't able to give a coherent story to the teachers. So killing Pansy made Draco run back into the school instead of keeping him away from it.
I think it may be a mystery on purpose--we don't know what Pansy's relationship to him was. She worked at the Ministry a lot. Though I don't think he changed into this guy on purpose just to fool Pansy because first, he was already Perkins when he was "surprised" by them and secondly it's beginning to seem like Perkins was just the everyday look of this Death Eater, since he gave Percy Scabbers. He's been Perkins for years, it seems, so Pansy probably really did know this DE. So I figured this was his usual way of looking and it was just now, when he was attacking as a DE that he was going to reveal himself for who he really was--and he assumed this was fine to do in front of Draco because Draco's a Malfoy.
I figured that would also be why he wouldn't kill him--if Pansy had been walking with MB he might have killed both of them, but I could believe any DE would know Draco was off-limits and presumably trustworthy. Or at least somebody who would be quieted by Lucius.
dragynville @ June 26 2004, 01:05:33 UTC Re: ;_; |
He's been Perkins for years, it seems
That's part of what made me suspicious of Lucius' possible involvement. Because if I had maintained a successful disguise for 18 years (or at least 11? counting from when he gave Scabbers to Percy), I would not be willing to risk being identified (both my disguise and my true identity) by a kid whom I know nothing about personally (other than that his father is a fellow DE). I would have at least stunned Draco to insure that he didn't tell anything beforehand.
The very fact that he didn't do anything to Draco is suspicious. It frankly makes no sense to kill one witness and let the other walk away. What was the point of killing Pansy then? She'd already identified him to Draco. And I would be most uncertain of trusting someone whose friend I'd just killed in front of their face.
sistermagpie @ June 26 2004, 05:23:32 UTC Re: ;_; |
Oh I agree all of this is suspicious and hopefully we'll learn about it eventually. I'm just saying parts of the original idea (that Perkins was lying in wait to kill Pansy to keep Draco out of the Great Hall) seem to go against what we know--Perkins didn't seem to know he'd run into anyone in the courtyard, and killing Pansy could easily have led to Draco running straight into the Great Hall rather than staying away from it.
But as to something fishy about just killing Pansy--definitely there could be something there. His wishing Draco a good evening sort of underlines this as well--it almost seems like a way of marking Draco as one of his own somehow. Not necessarily as a DE (which Draco obviously isn't) but maybe in some more general way.
Either that or he wasn't worried about his identity at all but something else we don't know about, something Pansy would be killed over but Draco wouldn't need to be. In that case the "good evening" would mark Draco more as nothing, not important enough to kill just then.
dragynville @ June 26 2004, 20:53:15 UTC Re: ;_; |
That's true, and I hadn't read where sisnistra posted that Draco said Perkins looked "surprised" when I first posted on this, so that does throw quite the different light there. I hope we do find out more about what he was doing there in the courtyard.
Yes, and also about that. Whether he was marking Draco or dismissing him, and whether Pansy knew anything more about him.
kaffy_smaffy @ June 25 2004, 06:33:36 UTC |
his crossing out, the words that a written incorrectly, the whole illegible-ness of it all.
breze @ June 25 2004, 06:33:49 UTC |
Oh my gosh... I didn't notice it at all...
You know, when they first mentioned the getting info part, I thought they were interrogating Pettigrew. A CRIMINAL. Gods.
doubtful_salmon @ June 25 2004, 06:26:04 UTC |
Hey, is it just me, or have we seriously forgotten somebody: Hooch's brother?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but she and Snape did send him away, they are the only two professors in critical condition, and he followed people constantly, thus making obtaining certain bits of info easy.
dr_jekyl @ June 25 2004, 06:39:13 UTC |
I agree, and think we need to set up a timeline of suspcious events somewhere.
My poor Sevvie! And Hoochie!
lilychick @ June 25 2004, 06:50:34 UTC |
I thought the same thing, as soon as I saw the two of them at the top of the critical condition list...
(parent)noirenails @ June 25 2004, 09:00:52 UTC |
I can't possibly tell how relieved I'm at the fact that Snape's alive. If N_A kills him now, I'll never forgive them. *hopes thats her bad karma isn't going to strike right now*
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kearie @ June 25 2004, 16:35:35 UTC |
I don't think they will, because he didn't get to make One Last Post like the rest of the deceased. Hooch did. She's the one I'd be worried about. (Although she could be hanging in the balance for awhile, based on what Sibyl saw in her tea leaves: could mean good OR bad luck!)
(parent)dr_jekyl @ June 25 2004, 18:40:15 UTC |
He might have gone insane, though, like Neville's parents. Ernie's on the critical list, and from what we've seen of him so far, he's not all that stable.
Regardless, if he lives, I don't think he's going to recover completely, both physically and mentally.