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adolfa @ 2004-06-25 03:17:00 |
lazy_daze @ June 25 2004, 07:30:50 UTC |
Yes, I have to really really give my love to his player - it can't be easy, just killing off someone you've put so much work into, for so long. It must really hurt. <3333333333333
And I HATED Lucius, which means I thought he was just damn fantastic. I can't believe we won't see those smug non-so-subtly evil posts anymore...god, this hurts. All of it.
hachi_08 @ June 25 2004, 16:21:29 UTC |
I agree completely. His diabolical ways made N_A that much better. Slurpees for the player and the dead one! Okay, just kidding on that last comment. I just have to say that there is so much obvious detail put into Lucius's character with the things he says and does. Immaculately pulled off. In my opinion the man, himself, would be pleased.
(parent)portkey @ June 25 2004, 07:30:56 UTC |
I consider it a great credit to his player that I gained so much satisfaction in finding out that he was dead. I'll miss him as a character, because if nothing else he always made things interesting, but my complete and utter loathing of him astonishes me and makes that much more blown away by how great the portrayal of him was by whoever plays him.. so kudos to them, because they've done a great job with him.
-Andrew, who STILL CAN'T SLEEP and should just not be on the computer at all, as he's barely coherent.
portkey @ June 25 2004, 07:34:29 UTC |
Hm. That didn't come off well, haha. It's not as bad as all that, really, I didn't actively hate him all the time.. and of course, the shiny Looshie posts were some of the greatest things this fandom has ever seen :D.. but that a single character can ellicit such emotions, I can only consider a good thing.
(parent)onthehillside @ June 25 2004, 07:34:18 UTC |
telling Sirius to Google it
This is honest-to-God my favorite little part of NA ever. I don't know why. I just love it. Google it, Sirius. Classic!
jiffy_spiffy @ June 25 2004, 07:53:22 UTC |
Haha, I know - I agree. And the fact that it's still making me laugh says something, I think.
(parent)doubtful_salmon @ June 25 2004, 18:27:36 UTC |
That thread recently with lupercus and j_h in which Lupin speaks of Harry eating Canada amuses me greatly still.
I think Google references are classic in themselves, though. Automatically.
jiffy_spiffy @ June 26 2004, 05:30:30 UTC |
And the pinecone conversation ... and wasn't there one about Star Wars?
(parent)doubtful_salmon @ June 26 2004, 16:04:32 UTC |
I dunno, but they did reference the Harry Potter books once. "And then there're those other books..."
Oh, lupercus!
onthehillside @ June 25 2004, 08:11:39 UTC |
Oh man, one second.
The Chronicles of Lucius the Shiny
nmissi @ June 25 2004, 07:38:42 UTC |
I fully credit Lucius' player for doing the impossible- making me full-on MOURN for a character I LOATHED. But I feel very much like I just lost a beloved enemy, if that makes any sense at all.
Anyway- brava, player, your Lucius Malfoy was so real and so powerful, so enjoyably portrayed, such a vital presence, that his loss leaves a great, gaping wound in the fabric of the game. He shall be sorely missed.
orpheusinjapan @ June 25 2004, 07:50:17 UTC |
You said everything I wanted to say, so I'll just say "hear, hear".
(parent)the_lady_lily @ June 25 2004, 10:15:52 UTC |
Thirded. It will be a great loss not to have 'shiny' and 'evil' posts to pore over in attempts to extract meaning. Lucius was beautifully written and crafted - player, thank you for sharing him with us for as long as you did.
(parent)tocomfortyou @ June 25 2004, 07:40:57 UTC |
I would offer my thanks to the player right now, but I think I just busted a vital organ at your picture.
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adolfa @ June 25 2004, 07:43:30 UTC |
That scene spoke to my heart, man :)) It said, "Heart, please EXPLODE and throw heavy objects at the screen." I mean, the unfairness of it all. I could not bear to see it relived. :))
(parent)doubtful_salmon @ June 25 2004, 18:12:33 UTC |
(parent)doubtful_salmon @ June 25 2004, 20:51:29 UTC |
That one is pretty nifty as well.
Joaquin Phoenix got ROBBED at the Oscars that year! I have never forgiven Benicio del Toro.
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adolfa @ June 25 2004, 22:12:17 UTC |
I did not even know that Benicio del Toro was an Oscar thief, and I already hated him.
My hate has now doubled.
*destroys* >:0
doubtful_salmon @ June 25 2004, 23:28:53 UTC |
He is more than an Oscar thief. He is, in my personal opinion, the actor equivalent of YKW. A right bastard indeed.
Not only that, but personally I believe had he not been nominated this year for Best Supporting Actor, Sean Astin would have, and he would've bleeding won it, too.
Benicio del Toro is not an actor. He is a dark lord.
We must raise awareness.
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adolfa @ June 25 2004, 23:38:14 UTC |
We must not speak of this year's Oscars. *shudders violently :-s*
Maybe, as a surprise plot twist, Benicio Del Toro will come crashing through the roof and uh, murder a few people with his teeth. The game will end with everyone dead and Del Toro in control. We must act.
doubtful_salmon @ June 25 2004, 23:43:35 UTC |
It could come as soon as the next Oscar Ceremony.
Rally your riders!
We must also make sure there are no Lord of the Rings castmembers or crewmembers present at those Oscars! We must eliminate one of their own TO SAVE THEM!
I say we sacrifice Orlando Bloom.
It is for the good of cinema.
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adolfa @ June 25 2004, 23:55:51 UTC |
See, this is where I disagree.
Clearly it is Liv Tyler who must go.
doubtful_salmon @ June 26 2004, 02:32:20 UTC |
Liv Tyler is pregnant. It would be v. rude. Besides, I am quite all right with her.
Perhaps we should compromise.
Sean Bean?
_inbetween_ @ June 25 2004, 09:59:16 UTC |
i thought i'd reply here, then you both see it? whoever did it, that icon/pic is hilarious excellent sick disturbing wonderful fabulous.
_inbetween_ @ June 25 2004, 10:09:11 UTC |
who hates on whom? 0.0
anyway, you are right, that seems the best way to stop crying ... argh. make more.
snackbreak @ June 25 2004, 07:42:53 UTC |
<33333333 to Lucius's player
You are as cool and loved as Lucius was evil and shiny :)
ewacat @ June 25 2004, 07:54:13 UTC |
I loved Lucius.
Boy, was I jealous of Narcissa for having him.
Still am. Lucky woman, except for the bit where her husband was an evil child-murdering Death Eater, but hey. Not everyone's perfect.
thessamunga @ June 25 2004, 08:51:05 UTC |
AHAHAHAH I LOVE YOU. This whole situation vexes me.
(parent)_inbetween_ @ June 25 2004, 09:56:17 UTC |
without having read all the comments here, let me just congratulate you on the sentiment. that picture sums up my feelings at many movies.
(parent)aome @ June 25 2004, 10:50:46 UTC |
Yes! I definitely want to chime in on this. Lucius was an absolute marvel at deception and subtlety. He snuck his jabs in, he did double-talk like a master, and through it all, he was elegant - I was always so impressed by his player. <3 <3
And let's not forget shiny!Looshie either. *g*
Hats off to the wonderfully evil Lucius.
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 16:39:48 UTC |
I'm just curious to know, since I'm new around here, if the players of dead characters come forward after the dust has settled for a round of applause?
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 21:03:47 UTC |
Not as yet (except possibly in friends-locked posts in their own journals) but many of us are hoping the cast list will be revealed when the game is over, along with all the nagging little unsolved mysteries. Players haven't confirmed that this will happen, either, so best to wait and see and enjoy the game in the meanwhile.
doubtful_salmon @ June 25 2004, 23:34:12 UTC |
Personally I hope it is behind a CUT OF DOOM because I do not want to know.
Except for MB but that is my own personal Quest and looking on a bleeding LJ entry (unless Fierce Detective Work was involved) or asking somebody that may know would destroy it.
Some of them wished to remain anonymous during the game and I do not doubt that some of them will continue to wish to remain anonymous even if this is The End.
doubtful_salmon @ June 25 2004, 18:21:54 UTC |
Lucius is a right bastard.
Cheers, Lucius' player. When I actually believe a character is a bastard (one thing I hate is a character that is a total bastard in canon but is actually soft and gentle in fanon) it is a Good Thing.
I am sad to see Lucius go, as if the RP does continue, I will miss reading his posts and reflecting on what an awful berk he is.
It is the same thing I have with canon Lockhart; he was a dick but an awesome character to read. Ultimately that is what matters, and Lucius' player achieved the Matterism. Indeed.
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malafede @ June 26 2004, 12:49:39 UTC |
I think we should all get together to mourn the dead guy in that picture, as an icon for all the guys whose death counted for shit since the omg true heros had bit the dust as well and death is only tragic when someone you care about dies.
I actually loved Lucius, not because he was a right bastard and was played so superbly and that made me hate him so and that's a credit to his player. Yeah, he was played superbly, but that's not the point, I actually didn't just love the player, I loved him, bastard self-serving darwinist that he was. I don't know if this makes my post a flamebait or not, but I was actually with a lot of the times when he had it out with some of the "good guys". Even if he was aligned with something as evil as the DE, it doesn't mean that in unrelated matters he wasn't right. I love that he never played the self-righteous indignation card to woo the masses. Well, I suppose he really didn't care about wooing the masses.
"I don't think I can learn now. I think it is too late and I've become just like my father was and I was always so afraid that I would be and now it's come true."
Rest in peace, shiny bastard.
sistermagpie @ June 27 2004, 03:34:43 UTC |
Oh, that's fabulous. Perfectly stated. And it looks like the type of activity Lucius would have attended and appreciated. Bravo.