shusu @ 2004-06-25 12:53:00 |
theories from wibble-chat
Mood: curious
These are not my theories. I'm sorry I don't have attributions except for one theory -- what little chat I saved is hard to scan through. If you were in wibble-chat, and there's something missing that's not already posted, please chime in!
1 - polyjuiced!Dumbledore. Why would he ask for wands, for polishing, and from those Years? Why did he disappear? Side theory: Hooch's brother. Note the two people who disposed of him now cannot testify. Also, many many variations on the polyjuice theory, mostly out of grief. Otherwise it begs the question: is the real Dumbledore dead or alive, and for how long?
2 - Who locked the Great Hall doors, as per Hermione's post? Were they locked magically from the inside, or was someone waiting in the outside?
3 - Narcissa. She signed for deliveries earlier. Was she leading Remus on all along? How much did she know? Personally I don't even want to know.
4 - "Mansex saves lives." wednesday_tea. From the H/Ders in the crowd. Disproven by Goyle's potty breaks save lives.
5 - Draco was warned. Not a lot of support, methinks, other than long shots that his Potions doodles and going to retrieve his wand were signals to Harry. However, Remus (WAH) told Harry never to be without his; Hermione mentioned some resistance to giving up their wands. A corollary: the DE warned their (loyal) children and got them out.
Other theories include much spec on the student killer / Head Boy / Blaise, and Nott, and ghosts, and Wilkes, and of course, nEville. Please feel free to elaborate ^^;;;;
Unsubstantiated theories include: wibble-chatters kill chatbots, and the N_A diet works.
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 18:54:55 UTC |
Why would he ask for wands, for polishing, and from those Years?
It's a point of contention, I suppose, but, well, it could have been entirely innocent. After all, how many people announced that they had to give up their wands? On a forum that Lucius reads?
Lucius: *reading LJ* Hmmmm. *picks up the red phone owl and sends note reading, "No wands -- STRIKE NOW!!!" to Voldie*
Pettigrew: My lord, we have an owl from Malfoy. Could it be that he's found an opportune time to unleash our forces that we've had prepared for the past twelve months but couldn't let loose until Harry Potter was near graduation for the irony of the thing?
Voldie (spreads note on EvilToyPercy's back): Hmmmm. I have an idea! Let's strike now!!!
Lucius: *rolls eyes* How clever. Why didn't I think of that?
EvilToyPercy: I won't remember this in the morning, will I?
enkeli @ June 25 2004, 18:55:43 UTC |
However, Remus (WAH) told Harry never to be without his
can you point me in the direction of this post, pls? i searched for it all night last night and couldn't find it... also tried to find the posts where the students were asked to turn over their wands and couldn't find that either. any help would be appreciated!
enkeli @ June 25 2004, 22:39:43 UTC |
thank you!
i read that post, but somehow missed that bit. maybe because it was 2am when i was looking at it, eh? :)
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Anonymous @ June 25 2004, 20:17:26 UTC |
Ernie ( is the only one I could find to have talked about the wands before they were taken, but I'm almost certain there was more discussion of it than that, perhaps in collapsed comment threads somewhere.
And heliopath already beat me to the other link while I was searching. :D
-ww, not logged in
comava @ June 25 2004, 20:23:32 UTC |
I had a hard time making out Draco's testimony, so correct me if I'm wrong - didn't he say that the Perkins guy changed his looks? I assumed he transfigured or polyjuiced himself into a student and then could've killed Lisa. Or what were his looks then exactly? And who came to pick him up? The shaky handwriting is awful to read.. especially from the usually so poised Draco.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 25 2004, 20:30:25 UTC |
Yeah, it's awful, isn't it--I mean because it's so sad to read? It says this:
After we finished eating dinner, Pansy and I went for a walk in the courtyard. We ran into an old man who was fiddling with a sack. Pansy seemed to recognise him and called him Mr. Perkins. He said something about the Ministry. Then he took out his wand. Then he killed Pansy. He changed his looks. He looked like another, younger man, like Pellinor Wilkes. He wished me a good evening. A winged horse came out of nowhere. He left. I took Pansy to the hospital wing. Draco Malfoy 24/6/98
So he says he became a man, but a younger one. Not sure if he could pass for a student or not.
comava @ June 25 2004, 20:39:41 UTC |
They way he says "winged horse out of nowhere" gets to me - he hadn't seen them before and then Pansy was killed. And should I know Pellinor Wilkes? I feel very blonde right now.
I agree with the passing for a student; it's not certain. It would explain why Ernie didn't know him though.
sistermagpie @ June 25 2004, 20:45:02 UTC |
Yeah, the winged horse is really chilling.
Draco mentioned Wilkes recently when he was copying over his HoM notes for Crabbe. He said he had to copy the part about Pellinor Wilkes three times or something, and wondered why they had things "so recent" on the exam. Then he said his father knew Pellinor Wilkes "before he died" so he could just ask him anything he needed to know about him. Narcissa said PW was a strange man, iirc.
Of course, he could have looked like Pellinor Wilkes and not been him--like this could have been his son or something. Or maybe he was only pretending to be dead. It's unfortunate Ernie didn't get a close look-though if he'd recognized him right away he'd have said who it was. Draco didn't give much of a description of the "old man" either except that he was old and looked "surprised." Though if it was Mr. Perkins they could show him a picture. Certainly saying he looked like Pellinor Wilkes is pretty descriptive, though!
comava @ June 25 2004, 21:42:53 UTC |
Oh, that's who is! Now I remember, thanks. As Looshie seemed to know PW, it's possible he was some DE friend of his and his son (if he had one) is also.
I agree that if it was someone Ernie knew he would have recognized him... but he could still be under shock, like Neville. Crucio can't really be taken lightly.
I'm still wondering why this old/young man killed Pansy in the first place. If it was Perkins, one could assume that he was surprised to see them and that Pansy perhaps knew too much? Why kill her and not both? It's all very confusing.
orpheusinjapan @ June 25 2004, 22:58:50 UTC |
I think the theory going around was that Pansy was killed to keep Draco out of the Great Hall.
Certainly worked.
lilychick @ June 26 2004, 04:00:22 UTC |
Random thought on the whereabouts of Dumbledore:
In the Lisa/Head Boy discussion further down somewhere, there was a link to this post by PS...this was the part that caught my eye.
Of course, I would have gone directly to the Headmaster, as I'm not certain that the Deputy Headmistress qualifies as someone with much power, but I couldn't get into his office. And while I've mentioned that, I'd just like to ask what the point of that is. Yes, that's very wise. Have the Headmaster's office be entirely inpenetrable. It's a good thing I hadn't just had a limb amputated by another student or something. What if I was coming to him to report a murder? I wouldn't even get to do it. I'd be stuck standing outside shouting at gargoyles.
Don't know that I'm convinced that's where Dumbledore *is* (whatever state he's currently in), mainly because when Lisa went to see him, "a very unhappy house-elf" said that he was *out* with the Head Boy. But I thought I'd mention it anyway.
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jacay @ June 26 2004, 04:13:21 UTC |
I want to know why no one is more concerned about Dumbledore being gone with the Head Boy. Did the Head Boy lure him away or something, or was Dumbledore somewhere else by the time the DEs attacked?
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ June 26 2004, 08:08:16 UTC |
3 - Narcissa. She signed for deliveries earlier. Was she leading Remus on all along? How much did she know? Personally I don't even want to know.
On the topic of Narcissa, did we even find out what exactly as the gifts she gave to Remus when they went to tea? I've been entertaining the notion that Narcissa knew what was going to happen and went to tea to say goodbye. Hmmm.