susan_voight @ 2004-06-25 22:55:00 |
Did LJ burp . . .
. . . or did Seamus just post duplicate comments almost 9 hours apart? "This is like some horrible practical exam. I have to go back to the wards soon! Come up here now!" in his unofficial announcement post.
I was so excited to see a new comment, any new comment, too. Why are there no updates tonight?
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Anonymous @ June 26 2004, 03:03:38 UTC |
Why are there no updates tonight?
Because N_A feeds on our misery.
From the wibblebot: wibble + nocturne_alley = 90% <- no lie.
ginger_slam @ June 26 2004, 14:10:04 UTC |
ROFL!!!!!!!! YES!
bot !love JKR + rabid fans = 0%
>:O >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O
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Anonymous @ June 26 2004, 03:38:52 UTC |
I think that's just because of the recent LJ problems.
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Anonymous @ June 26 2004, 04:12:59 UTC |
. . . or did Seamus just post duplicate comments almost 9 hours apart?
I'd chalk it up to LJ.
Why are there no updates tonight?
I'm a fan not a player, but I'd say it's because the players have lives too and they've spent a great deal and engery on playing things out here recently.
xnera @ June 26 2004, 04:39:22 UTC |
Why are there no updates tonight?
In recent weeks I have stayed up for over 24 hours, watching NA. And I'm only a fan. I imagine the players have kept crazy hours this week, and are not updating because they are sleeping.
susan_voight @ June 26 2004, 13:20:42 UTC |
It was a rhetorical wail, not a serious question. :-)
I hope you all slept well!