thestrand @ 2004-06-30 17:40:00 |
(no title)
McGonagall explains Dumbledore's absence and some head boyness here.
*wonders at identity of head boy*
pyrae @ June 30 2004, 16:57:12 UTC |
For just a few brief moments, as I read that post, I thought she was actually going to tell us who the Head Boy was.
Ah, silly me.
pyrae @ June 30 2004, 21:15:42 UTC |
And they keep dropping what might be clues and I still have no idea. I'll just be over here smashing my head on the F5 button.
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 30 2004, 16:58:55 UTC I think my mind is very slow today. |
Man, I had to read over the Wilkes-Bones-Perkins explanation four times and I'm still not sure I get it.
And I also suspect that this was supposed to give away to us the identity of the Head Boy, but I still can't figure that out either. Traitorous Head Boy! I will have his Head.
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unknownwisdom @ June 30 2004, 17:09:57 UTC Re: I think my mind is very slow today. |
I will have his Head.
thestrand @ June 30 2004, 17:38:03 UTC Re: I think my mind is very slow today. |
Man, I had to read over the Wilkes-Bones-Perkins explanation four times and I'm still not sure I get it.
So did I. I grasped the fact that Wilkes = everybody else and that he is now x_x, but not much else.
Traitorous Head Boy! I will have his Head.
The worst of it is that I really used to like the Head Boy with his little notes to Lisa. I am mourning for the person I thought he was. I feel so betrayed.
Haha. Crazy capitalising of Head makes me laugh.
anjaliesque @ June 30 2004, 18:04:56 UTC |
I liked him too! I had envisioned in my head a shy young man who enjoys communicating through small personalized notes, yet very concerned and wishing to do his proper duty.
And then the dream went up in a little POOF.
Come now, since when is Dumbledore's trust misplaced? This must all be some sort of misunderstanding. Perhaps the Head Boy, with his innate sense of caring, felt that Dumbledore was in need of a walk down Memory Lane, and conveniently helped him into the Pensieve after a pleasant tea together.
And then, uh, locked him to, er, provide a sense of security. :>
thestrand @ June 30 2004, 21:36:02 UTC |
I've just read through his notes to Lisa, and now I find some of them quite unnerving, particularly when he seems to know what everybody has been doing. When he wished her Happy Hanukkah was he being genuinely nice or was he already plotting about this and prepared to kill someone? Wah.
I suppose this could all be an elaborate plot engineered by Dumbledore to besmirch the Head Boy's good name. Just because he could have been locked in his pensieve for decades before he was found and that he has memories of the Head Buy trapping him doesn't mean a thing. Not a thing I tell you!
sistermagpie @ June 30 2004, 16:59:10 UTC |
I can't be the only one who thought of James Potter at the idea that Dumbledore appointed him thinking he'd "changed his ways." Sometimes that doesn't always work out.
thestrand @ June 30 2004, 21:15:19 UTC |
I'm thinking that it is like how James was an arrogant troublemaker in fifth year who wasn't even the prefect, yet Dumbledore trusted that he had changed and made him Head Boy.
(parent)sistermagpie @ July 1 2004, 01:49:37 UTC |
Sorry--just that whoever the head boy was seems to be somebody who used to be trouble but Dumbledore felt he'd changed his ways. It reminded me of James Potter who was turning students upsidedown and pantsing them in fifth year but was Head Boy in 7th year regardless.
1anonymous1 @ July 1 2004, 03:31:07 UTC |
I wish so much that we could just find out who he is.
(parent)1anonymous1 @ July 1 2004, 03:31:43 UTC |
I wish so much that we could just find out who he is.
(parent)aquagia @ June 30 2004, 17:16:26 UTC |
Because it would break my heart like 4267546 million times more.
Everyone else is kinda/sorta accounted for, right? NO WAIT.
Okay, it's either Nott, Mullarky, or maybe....a little piece of me wants to say it's Terry Boot, but then another part of me kicks that other part of me in the face.
yamapea @ June 30 2004, 17:29:02 UTC |
Geez. Cruelty.
Is it terrible that I thought of Neville?
small_rodent @ June 30 2004, 18:16:12 UTC |
I'm highly suspicious of Boot, since he's an obvious choice for someone who would have needed to "change his ways" before becoming Head Boy. Also, I went through the posts to see which of the 7th year boys had posted after McGonagall's announcement (thus proving that they are not at the Ministry), and the only one's who haven't are Boot and Goyle. And while I think it would be very funny if it turned out that Goyle had actually mastered his spelling problem but pretended not to to keep his secret identity, I'm putting my money on Boot. Or an NPC, of course, (are there any others besides Nott? I can't remember any off hand) but I think it would be a lot more painful to realize that a character who's posted and we've liked could go bad; I never really got attached to any of the non-posting characters.
Also, I like the idea of Boot helping the Death Eaters over Nott because it breaks down the stereotype of only Slytherins being evil.
I'm not sure why Ernie would be called in to the Ministry, though. I assume it has something to do with the head boy, but I can't figure out why Ernie.
aome @ June 30 2004, 18:18:13 UTC |
I thought maybe Ernie was Head Boy, and the 'change his ways' referred to some of the way he behaved last year, but that doesn't seem to fit the notes and stuff. Also, I couldn't make the 'brother' comment fit in with that, Argh!
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 30 2004, 18:23:51 UTC |
If it's Terry he sure picked some bad people to help out. He was crucio'd pretty badly in the attack and just recently got out of the hospital wing.
(parent)small_rodent @ June 30 2004, 18:50:37 UTC |
It could have been a stray curse, perhaps, that was meant to hit someone else? You have a point, though, if Terry had known that the attack was coming, you'd think that he would have hidden under the stairs or something. Unless he wasn't told about the attack, of course, only that he needed to get Dumbledore out of the way - I could easily see DEs working on a need to know basis, and/or not trusting him enough to tell him that they were going to try to kill all his classmates.
I also find it suspicious that he hasn't posted, since everyone else who got hurt has. I know that he's always been a loner, but it still seems odd.
cottons @ June 30 2004, 18:29:00 UTC |
I think the Ernie bit was because he saw the Head Boy (or somebody) kill Lisa, and maybe they want him to verify, or look at his memories in a pensieve and check that it was actually the Head Boy...or something.
(parent)small_rodent @ June 30 2004, 18:41:19 UTC |
Of course, that makes a lot of sense, that the same person who was willing to trap Dumbledore would be willing to kill Lisa.
(parent)anemonerose @ June 30 2004, 20:47:53 UTC |
I'm not so sure it was Boot -- I mean, wouldn't Ernie have recognized him? He used to post quite frequently on the journals and the icon he usually used was of his face. I was thinking that maybe it was someone who didn't have an LJ, because that could explain why Ernie had never seen him before. *shrug*
(parent)moocow1985 @ June 30 2004, 23:46:55 UTC |
Boot has turned up in a comment thread.
Which completely blows my long-running theory that Boot was indeed Head Boy.
cottons @ June 30 2004, 18:17:16 UTC |
*eyes you*
I am really impressed with McG's player. S/he does not get enough kudos. So whoo! Great entry McG! You are really sexy when you are flustered like that. I paid for the whole seat, but I only used the edge.
thestrand @ June 30 2004, 21:05:32 UTC |
cottons = liar.
You paid for no seat, you consumer of peaches.
lore @ June 30 2004, 18:37:36 UTC |
My two player suspects are Boot and Goyle.
Boot, because he has been quiet almost all year, except for the post he made just before the end, and because there has been precedent for making the Head Boy and Girl be from the same house.
Goyle because...Good lord, can anyone truly be that stupid and get to his seventh year? He said he was in the toilet....
As for NPCs, my brain refuses to cough up likely suspects. Perhaps the teachers thought Zabini was acting as Head Boy, only Zabini had never heard he was appointed and an evil house-elf was acting in his stead.
love, lore
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faelori @ June 30 2004, 19:26:10 UTC |
I'm going with the Zabini theory. AHAHAHA.
But honestly, I agree that Boot is definitely a suspect. I don't like to think of Goyle as evil though...
But besides that, we have to remember that Ernie didn't recognize the Head Boy. He'd recognize Goyle and Boot. Of course... he wouldn't recognize Zabini. Yet I just can't see Zabini doing this. Especially since he seems to hate the Head Boy... maybe he was only pretending to draw attention off of him?
pokethegeek @ June 30 2004, 19:23:46 UTC |
Hahaha, yes, either that or
and the HeadBoy Prat. <3
jacay @ June 30 2004, 19:23:54 UTC |
While I am ENRAGED AT MCG for not telling us who it is, and also somewhat afraid of who it could be, I cannot help but gloat that I was right that Wilkes was both Dumbledore AND Perkinson because he was a metamorphmagus. This is only because my theories regularly suck.
But, uh, onto other things: WHO IS THE HEAD BOY ARRHGSKHGSAOWXSN!!!! I very nearly exploded several times for several different reasons while reading that post. I am DYING HERE.
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gryffindorckr @ June 30 2004, 21:10:53 UTC |
Up until now I was convinced that the head boy was not actually a boy at all, and rather was Hermione (because after all, no one is as qualified as she for head girl/boy position, and head girl is [was :(] already filled by Lisa). So now that my theory has gone down the pooper... Nott?
(parent)lisdelacroix @ June 30 2004, 21:30:01 UTC |
Comment by Snape -
My mind, for some reason, immediately jumped to Colin Creevey...
I didn't come in early enough to be sure of the details, but didn't he do something bad, and then he's been slowly reintegrating? It would fit with "I thought he had changed" & etc, along with Snape's comment...
Of course, this is on 3 hours sleep and physical exhaustion, but thats just my odd 2 cents.
thestrand @ June 30 2004, 21:47:06 UTC |
I don't know. There's a sample of Nott's writing here, and I have a vague memory of people discussing the differences such as the "g"s.
(parent)oneminutemovies @ June 30 2004, 22:50:45 UTC Re: replying to myself because i'm that cool. |
I've been worried ever since Draco mentioned that Nott did his packing. Nott always seems like a shady character to me.
(parent)jacay @ June 30 2004, 22:36:38 UTC |
I was under the impression that the Head Boy was in custody right now (McG: "The Head Boy has been taken to the Ministry of Magic for questioning."). There are only so many candidates for Head Boy, and the most promising ones have posted and/or been posted about, proving they are not in custody: Terry, Blaise, and Crabbe and Goyle are accounted for in Draco's post ("Crabbe and Goyle are, as usual, beating the rush by packing at the last moment."). Personally, I kind of think it is a Hufflepuff or at least one of Ernie's friends, because Ernie has been told to make an appointment to come to the Ministry over this matter.
Unless, of course, the Head Boy is no longer in custody, so my theory gets thrown out like almost all of the rest.
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jacay @ June 30 2004, 22:38:37 UTC |
This still leaves the door open for Nott, of course. Why did we toss out his possible Head Boy-ness in the past? I know we did, but I can't remember when it was. Argh!! >:O
(parent)small_rodent @ June 30 2004, 23:27:40 UTC |
I doubt they would have let him go, knowing all the damage he's done; too much danger that he would cut and run. Still, you'd think that people would be checking to see who is missing from the dorm rooms, or talking about the person. Shouldn't they know by now??
(parent)dragynville @ June 30 2004, 23:28:37 UTC |
Perhaps Wilkes posed as the head boy in order to trap Dumbledore, thereby giving himself the opportunity to impersonate him? And posed as the head boy again during the battle because how better to get close to the opposition than posing as a fellow student? (It got him close enough to kill Lisa, after all.) And now that Wilkes is dead, maybe they've arrested the real head boy (just like when the aurors killed the real Clyde Bones). o_o
(parent)dragynville @ July 1 2004, 00:10:45 UTC |
Maybe he's been posing as the head boy for some time in order to gain inside information? And study people like Dumbledore closer. And the DEs would likely have known who he'd be posing as since the whole thing was coordinated from at least Dumbledore on. I don't think the robes would have mattered. He could have worn student ones, or just plain black, because who's going to look that closely during a battle?
Do we know that he only killed Lisa? Perhaps he was responsible for casting some of those crucio's around (especially on the students)? And if he'd been posing for a while, he may have resented/hated Lisa simply because she's muggleborn and he had to share a role with her.
I guess I really just don't like the idea of Dumbledore being that wrong about someone, since he was right about Snape. But it's possible of course. :\
dragynville @ July 1 2004, 03:33:52 UTC |
But if the HB is a DEs kid, he could have found out that way.
Canon Dumbledore is fallible too, when you think about it, but I still hate for him to have been that wrong. :\
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nyxforsythe @ July 1 2004, 00:50:59 UTC |
For some reason I think it is Zacharias Smith. Does he exist in NA universe? The whole Hufflepuff conspiracy etc and Ernie having to identify him. The hufflepuffs are so obsessed with conspiracy that it could be possible they missed it in their own house. Sometimes you don't see what is right in front of you. Although if it had been Zach Smith Ernie would have recognised him wouldn't he? Ah I am just theorising out loud.