unknownwisdom @ 2004-06-30 18:30:00 |
(no title)
Mood: Squee
I can say nothing beyond; OMG!
lazy_daze @ June 30 2004, 18:00:59 UTC |
<3333333 ‘that thing’ <333333333333333333333333333333
(parent)pyrae @ June 30 2004, 18:01:34 UTC |
I will now be deliriously incoherent for the rest of the day (barring more wibble-posts).
*silent squee*
danibennett @ June 30 2004, 18:13:39 UTC |
You can't tell me at breakfast? And on the train? And at the station?
Um, if they're talking about what I think they're talking about, this is very sad and romantic. SQUEESQUEESQUEE
If they're not than I feel stupid.
snackbreak @ June 30 2004, 18:21:02 UTC |
They must be! What else could it be? NOTHING ELSE. *plugs ears*
code??? I feel like I should re-read everything where PS/JH interact to check for this alleged Code...
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unknownwisdom @ June 30 2004, 18:23:42 UTC |
The 'code' refers to the I wish I knew a language no one else did comment from last week. And yes, 'it' does indeed mean 'it'. I think both these were starred in wibble chat ^.^
(parent)portkey @ June 30 2004, 18:25:16 UTC |
Eek, is wibble chat going on?! Can you invite me? Please? :>
AIM: naturalfollower
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Anonymous @ June 30 2004, 18:30:13 UTC |
I wish people who don't go into wibble chat could learn these things. : (
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pbyhe @ June 30 2004, 19:12:01 UTC |
So do I. I can not run AIM. What is wrong with discussing on LJ? *confused*
(parent)pyrae @ June 30 2004, 18:31:21 UTC |
Does that mean he lost Parseltongue along with his scar?
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Anonymous @ June 30 2004, 19:08:12 UTC |
No, I don't think he's saying he wishes he could speak a secret language because he once could and now he can't, but rather he wishes he still wishes (following from their thread last week) that the two of them had a secret code.
I mean, he might have lost the ability to speak Parseltongue, but I don't think that's what that comment's about.
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Anonymous @ June 30 2004, 20:22:16 UTC |
thank you so much for telling us this!
this next part is in bold merely so that it will attract people's attention...
could someone or a few someones please please please take it upon their kind, generous, compassionate selves to make sure that anything that gets starred/confirmed in wibble chat also gets posted here in nraged..for the less fortunate ones that cannot download/run AIM? please?
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Anonymous @ June 30 2004, 20:29:14 UTC |
for the less fortunate ones that cannot download/run AIM?
Or who can't chat at work, but like to sneak on LJ every so often to get their crack NA/nraged fix?
onthehillside @ June 30 2004, 21:00:22 UTC |
There has only been one star, and it doesn't really make sense out of context. Basically, we were wibbling OUT OF CONTROL earlier today, and weren't getting that Draco's message was meant to be playful rather than cold. Honestly, we don't get a lot of things done in Wibblechat. We mostly just talk in all caps and discuss oatmeal. If there is anything, we will post about it here.
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unknownwisdom @ June 30 2004, 21:28:24 UTC |
That is so true. We basically just speak in caps every time someone updates. That's about it. Oh...and poking...
(parent)danibennett @ June 30 2004, 18:39:49 UTC |
Have you seen this? It's kind of a live thread. *cartwheels*
(parent)snackbreak @ June 30 2004, 18:22:33 UTC |
Does anyone know whateever happened to Cho? I haven't seen any comments/posts from her lately, and I was wondering.
(parent)morganmuffle @ June 30 2004, 18:23:32 UTC |
I tried to keep calm, I really id, after all we've interpreted these things wrong before but...
*bursts into tears*
Sorry, I'm a little emotional what with all the angst.
onthehillside @ June 30 2004, 18:38:49 UTC |
It's not angst! It's happy! All is well in the world! They are in lovvvvvvvvvvvve. Be happy!
(parent)feraltigerlily @ June 30 2004, 18:36:33 UTC |
I didn't intend to bring this up again, and it's likely that I won't, so if you react inappropriately I'll certainly deny the fact that I know what you're talking about. That being said, if you still think that I was lying, you are stupid. I wasn't, you realise. I rarely go on at length about how I wasn't lying about something if I actually was.
Oh, *happy happy happy sigh*!
1anonymous1 @ June 30 2004, 19:09:55 UTC |
Can anyone tell me where he did that thing where he stuck his foot in the fire?
(parent)lisdelacroix @ June 30 2004, 20:43:03 UTC |
That's referring, I believe, to the period around Easter, after a disagreement, I think, and Draco was "I NEED TO TALK TO YOU RIGHT NOW." in a comment to Harry, and Harry was brushing him off, and then Draco replied in a screened comment and Harry was like "YOU TELL ME THIS NOW? I hate you sobad!!!"
Something like that, anyway, that's paraphrased, I'll try and find the actual link...
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fevvy @ June 30 2004, 21:09:50 UTC |
good god that made me CRY.
lisdelacroix @ June 30 2004, 21:12:47 UTC |
I remain firm in my original belief that it is an "I LOVE YOU" in very big font.
lol. It was no problem... just searching through all of the April Nraged posts ... haha. The things we do.
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fevvy @ June 30 2004, 21:14:35 UTC |
i disagree. i think it translates as:
I. *SEX*. YOU.
lisdelacroix @ June 30 2004, 21:17:07 UTC |
hahaha. Perhaps plans for their future. After a while of doing their own thing, they shall find a nice flat somewhere and live together with nice cuddly pets, and somewhere down the road they shall adopt tiny little children. And bicker/flirt to the end of their happy days.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 30 2004, 21:16:27 UTC |
Err...that's the thing Draco said that he's saying he didn't lie about.
Harry is referring to something he (Harry) said that made Draco stick his foot in the fire.
So they're two different things, though I suspect they were both saying the same thing to each other. Harry said it to Draco and Draco stuck his foot in the fire. Draco said it to Harry in a screened comment and Harry accused Draco of lying.
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malafede @ July 2 2004, 17:41:33 UTC |
Oh, yes, that's what I was wondering about (the fire). I just don't remember that episode being played on NA.
(parent)bloodybrilliant @ July 1 2004, 02:04:54 UTC |
When he stuck his foot in the fire is from about this time last year. I don't have a link, nor did I read the thread as of yet. We are still searching for it.
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Anonymous @ July 1 2004, 16:25:18 UTC |
1anonymous1 @ July 1 2004, 16:48:53 UTC |
hehe, thanks.:D I wonder what this has to do with the I love you bit though.
(parent)comava @ June 30 2004, 22:28:42 UTC |
My God, I'm crying. Apart from the obvious, of course, but PS wanting to be with Narcissa and JH going to Amsterdam..
(parent)shusu @ July 1 2004, 02:24:48 UTC |
Dear Harry, do not get high on pot lollies and end up sipping absinthe with a contortionist prostitute. Draco would be enraged.
Enjoy the cheese and the Sex Museum!
<3, me