danibennett @ 2004-07-01 01:35:00 |
(no title)
Mood: numb
One of the longest-running RPGs in the fandom has just ended.
Even if you didn't follow nocturne_alley, chances are you knew what it was, or were at the very least confused as all get out with some of your flists postings about it--What the BLOODY HELL is Martin/Scorpio?
Let's just face it, NA has touched a lot of people. It's been heartbreaking, hysterical and just plain bizarre.
Over in wibblechat, the idea came up, to get people to comment here, and please leave links to their final thoughts or other outgoing posts? We thought it might be nice to have a record of them all.
So, if you've made a post outlining what NA's meant to you, favorite moments etc. in your personal journal, it would be very nice if you could leave a link here.
See you then, Unscarhead.
noirenails @ July 1 2004, 09:03:13 UTC |
*sobs and laughs*
Finished this post couple of minutes ago...
kat99999 @ July 1 2004, 09:04:50 UTC |
I haven't said anything for a while, but I love those players. Players, I love you guys. I sat here the past twenty minutes reading the last entries and burst into tears. Wah. <33333
(parent)saucy_kate @ July 1 2004, 09:14:13 UTC |
I also just finished this post a few moments before I saw this. What a wonderful idea.
Unscarhead. Best nickname ever, and they saved it until last. <3
snowballjane @ July 1 2004, 09:52:55 UTC |
This was mine.
And I'll just add again: thank you Nocturne Alley for a year of highs and lows, for all the wibbles and giggles, for giving the characters such depth and the story so much thought. Thank you.
orpheusinjapan @ July 1 2004, 10:42:40 UTC |
Mine is not entirely N_A, and as so many things in my life right now are ending (I return home in three weeks after three years in Japan) it might be a little depressing, but here it is.
*tips hat to N_A*
You will always have a piece of my heart.
anjaliesque @ July 1 2004, 13:22:18 UTC |
At first just here, but then the incoherent shock flooded over here as well. :O
(parent)divinelight @ July 1 2004, 16:16:47 UTC |
I had my goodbye/thank you post completed, and it was everything I needed to say about how much I loved this game. Then LJ and my computer screwed everything up. All I have left is this.
So I thought I would say just this:
I loved N_A, but Nraged is what made me obsessed with this game. So as well as a huge thank you to the players, I would also like to thank the members here for being so nice and obsessed. You guys are amazing (players and fans).
zhonnika @ July 1 2004, 16:49:10 UTC |
Mine is here : http://www.livejournal.com/users/legomy
sistermagpie @ July 1 2004, 16:56:50 UTC |
I guess my good-bye started here, after the attack.
And then this is my goodbye post.
1anonymous1 @ July 1 2004, 17:01:39 UTC |
Well...I didnt make a post. Im just sorta trying to move on because I hate long goodbyes. I would like to say that I really enjoyed this RPG, while I got to follow it. Its too bad I wont have this to look forward to anymore.
*loves the players*
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empress_nothing @ July 1 2004, 17:14:01 UTC |
Here's my post. Ineloquent, but hey. All my love.
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kearie @ July 1 2004, 17:39:22 UTC |
My thoughts on the end of an era...
Thank you NA. I adore you.
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kearie @ July 1 2004, 17:40:12 UTC |
Arg. OK the actual link is this:
My thoughts on the end of an era...
shusu @ July 1 2004, 18:31:21 UTC |
Collected Fandom Directory posts which I will update later today.
And my own. I couldn't say much.
goddamnbatman @ July 1 2004, 20:00:51 UTC |
It's not eloquent, mostly wailing and gnashing of teeth, but I posted here and here.
Goodbye Nocturne. You were so amazing, and every character became as real to me as canon. It's hard to let you go. Thank you for being so good to us.
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seren_himitsu @ July 1 2004, 20:24:23 UTC |
Mine is here. And now I think I'm going to go re-read past N_A entries.
(parent)novembersnow @ July 1 2004, 20:46:42 UTC |
My bitterness of NA withdrawal post, duly linked.
dramaturgy @ July 1 2004, 21:37:20 UTC |
I've never really followed NA extensively, but as a fellow RP'er, I just had to say this, but I'll reiterate the important parts -- congrats on a great game and I hope you continue to have fun.
(parent)nothingbutfic @ July 1 2004, 21:52:45 UTC |
As a former player, my thoughts probably don't mean much, but I did have something to say here.
(parent)lazy_daze @ July 1 2004, 22:13:53 UTC |
My NA posts are all very disjointed, posted as random thoughts came to me, but will link them here – the last, at least, has some content.
First reaction
Random thought
Loss of third window :/
Longer post – And they’ll all of them keep living and they’ll grow up and become adults, and we just won’t be able to see it.
evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 22:57:56 UTC |
Instantaneous reaction to the fate of lupercus here.
Post made while it was ending here.
And....today's goodbye post here.
*goes off into corner to weep again*
dallazkatt @ July 1 2004, 23:26:31 UTC |
I wish I didn't want to cry everytime I think of NA now. Anyway, here's my short entry. It's just a mention because honestly I haven't been following that long. <3
(parent)jiggery_pokery @ July 1 2004, 23:32:10 UTC |
Not quite the same thing, but I've been following it for perhaps a week or so and have summed up my thoughts for a non-specialist audience. Fingers crossed that I'm not too far from the mark.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ July 2 2004, 00:49:53 UTC |
Here's mine although its not really memories of NA, its kind of what I got out of it. ^^
(parent)mordororbust @ July 2 2004, 01:34:45 UTC |
My thoughts from before I slept last night. Er, this morning. I want to post something more coherent later ... but here's this anyway.
(parent)greenapricot @ July 2 2004, 03:02:23 UTC |
These are both rather random and more like overall reaction than specific memories but... one from this morning and one from just now after reading through other's posts and nearly crying again. It really does feel like the end of an era. I'm glad I was here to witness it. <3
(parent)susan_voight @ July 3 2004, 01:56:52 UTC |
Mine are the end of the very last fandomcrack summary.