kearie @ 2003-04-10 20:59:00 |
No one dateable in Hogwarts :(
Mood: contemplative
It appears that, in his latest entry, potterstinks has officially decided there is no one at Hogwarts worthy of dating. If only he had said there were no dateable girls I might be more inclined to forgive him for his harshness on account of his undying love for
just_harry, but it appears there is no one worthy of his time at all. In other news, he thinks Hogwarts has entered an alternate universe. Are Harry's unexpected actions a part of this? Hmmmm.....
greenapricot @ April 10 2003, 18:49:06 UTC |
That entry had me alternately laughing and completely heart broken.
For some reason I found the crack about the stupid breasts quite funny (it may just be the cabernet). But oh when, when will he stop with the denial? Gah.
Such an emotional roller coaster ride is NA.
anjaliesque @ April 10 2003, 18:52:56 UTC |
For the life of me, I can't remember that hilarious and fairly well-known fic in which Draco is convinced that he has entered an alternate reality. Like NA's Narcissa and Fake!Lucius, he refers to Harry as Fake!Potter, especially after Harry asks him out on a date. He blames all of this on the day of the week, proclaiming, "I fucking hate Wednesdays." If it's Wednesdsays. It might be Tuesdays. There was some nice comic-style illustrations done for the fic too. *bangs head against desk* I wish I could remember!
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kearie @ April 10 2003, 18:56:36 UTC |
It's Tuesdays :) The fic is How Harry Potter Got His Groove Back by durendal. I thought of the same thing when I read the entry :D
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 10 2003, 19:04:18 UTC |
Whee, thanks muchly! It's hilarious how everyone jumped to answer at the same time. *giggles* I hope just_harry gets his groove...with
ishuca @ April 10 2003, 18:56:51 UTC |
it was durendal's 'how harry potter got his groove back'. durendal's dite is at
happy reading. ^^
anjaliesque @ April 10 2003, 19:07:31 UTC |
Ah, thanks for giving me that itch-at-the-brain title, plus including the site! You have saved me the eyestrain of relentlessly hunting that fic down. That means more time to squee! :D
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luleh @ April 10 2003, 18:57:22 UTC |
"How Harry Potter Got His Groove Back" by Durendal.
Maybe we should watch for something wacky to happen on tuesday?
anjaliesque @ April 10 2003, 19:04:17 UTC |
Ahaha, you should owe each other packs of purple Bertie Bott's beans! I think it's hilarious how you all jumped to answer at the same time. My e-mail notification's said, "You have 3 messages," and I'm like O_O;; Great minds think alike!
(parent)notapipe @ April 10 2003, 22:04:57 UTC |
I completely thought of How Harry Potter Got His Groove Back as well, now I'm just waiting for the inevitable "Fine, Fake Harry Potter, I will go out with you."
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luleh @ April 10 2003, 18:53:56 UTC |
Ok, this post sorta kinda related to your post but not quite. Forgive the semi-OT...
I was wishing that NA would do fake-filtered posts cause that was the only way I could imagine potterstinks and
just_harry revealing anything about any sort of relationship.
But then I thinking that it would be such a coup for potterstinks to be Harry's boyfriend. Imagine the furor it will cause! Both on a jealousy level (Harry is off the market) and a sheer what the fuck, MALFOY???? level. And Draco gets to smirk and say, "Yes, he chose ME!"
Of course, I still think potterstinks is still in his denial I'm So HET It Hurts mode so who knows what will happen....
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kearie @ April 10 2003, 19:03:35 UTC |
That really does sound like a good idea. What would they do then? I'm pretty new to LJ so I don't know too there a way to limit who comments to just specific people? I don't mean just to your friends list, I know they do that anyway... I mean, could ps potentially make a "filtered" post that only j_h could comment on? If that's possible, I could see that working. I mean, it wouldn't contribute very much to the overall plot etc but it would flesh out things for the audience a bit. But at the same time, half of the fun is in not knowing!!
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luleh @ April 10 2003, 19:29:42 UTC |
I was thinking it could be a pretend locked post.
I think p_s and j_h could set up filters so only they could see each other's filtered entries and they could do the comment screening thing but then we wouldn't be able to see it either!
ishuca @ April 10 2003, 19:34:53 UTC |
or it could be a real locked post, but...
be open to NRaged?
yes, i'm shameless. so the characters couldn't see, but.... it's not very likely to happen. one can dream, though. ^^
milenalupin @ April 11 2003, 02:23:29 UTC |
That would be shutting of all non-regular nocturne_alley readers as well as all people who only listed nraged as a friend instead of joining the community.
But they had this idea (which I found pretty neat) when knight_to_h3 was playing with fake!locked posts - they could just reactivate the idea.
It's just a matter of RPG policy, I'd say.
If all nocturne_alley members agreed on a special sign they could have personal dialogues nobody except for the two characters involved was allowed to quote, forward or use (not even in out-of-NA-comments like other LJs or
And the good thing is - we non-character NrAged-addictives could all see it and rub our hands in glee. Mwah.
*wants pretty J_H/PS lurve NOW*
trigaria @ April 11 2003, 13:56:29 UTC |
Yeah, over at shrieking_shack we use cut tags and "private" markers or "owl to so-and-so" so people know what they can respond to and what they can't. Makes things tons easier, let me tell you. :)
anjaliesque @ April 10 2003, 19:42:35 UTC |
I admtt it'd be great to see behind-the-scenes for an H/D relationship, if one ever got off the ground. But I think having fake-filtered posts would sort of distract from the unique unity of NA. We all know that the characters have players, yet the way NA's set up it's almost like there is in actuality a Hogwarts somewhere with professors and students and parents participating in this online journal project. Very realistic, y'know? There isn't any OOC commenting or fake-filters to distract, it's very carefully maintained, very professionally done. That's why I think fake-filters would detract, if only that it's a way to keep our little castle-in-the-air intact. Though it really does seem improbable that we get any real H/D action, if it comes about, for fear of revealing the relationship to parents, professors, peers, etc. I suppose that's one reason why delve so much into subtext! :D
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luleh @ April 10 2003, 19:46:00 UTC |
Yeah, that's why I'm sure they wouldn't do it.
Subtext it is!
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kearie @ April 10 2003, 19:50:23 UTC |
Hey, subtext is a wonderful thing! I cling desperately to every little bit I find :D
(parent)marysiak @ April 11 2003, 04:02:56 UTC |
They could have posts where nobody is named, you know like a journal post by just_harry where it's all "there's this person I like and they won't talk to me and it's so frustrating". Alternately they could have overheard conversations or found notes passed surreptitiously during class or something.
sistermagpie @ April 10 2003, 20:07:51 UTC |
Man, he's really back on his game. My two favorite lines were, indeed, the "stupid breasts" and also the whole thing with Terry asking him to choose a weapon and picking...a wand. I swear, sometimes I think potterstinks and
boot_boy are working together in putting on this show. They're both so over the top.
milenalupin @ April 11 2003, 02:27:00 UTC |
They're both so over the top.
... that they'd make such pretty bottoms. Mwahahahar.