laurac0re @ 2004-07-01 10:33:00 |
thanks, that was fun...
All week long, those of us in Wibblechat have been exchanging Livejournal info and e-mail addresses so we can keep in touch easily after NA finished and slowly we've been watching our friends list grow because of it. However, since so many people weren't able to get into Wibblechat someone suggested we make a post here so that anyone interested in getting contact info (LJ username, e-mail, MSN/AIM/Yahoo!/etc.) for other members and lurkers can get it easily without having to go through old posts and chat logs.
So, if anyone's interested in keeping in touch with fellow NrAgers now that we've had our grand finale leave a quick message here with your contact info for anyone interested.
name: laura
LJ username: laurac0re
e-mail: lholton(AT)trentu(DOT)ca
AIM: laurac0re
MSN: laurac0re(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
P.S. Over the past week I've been logging the wibblechat as well as last night's chat with a few players. If anyone's interested in reading the files leave a quick message on my LJ with your e-mail address. The chat logs are divided into five files all of which will be sent in .zip format (some of them are a little large).
There's a lot of non-NA talk (NEWSRADIO) and a lot of complete randomness (and utter madness) so please don't feel like you've missed anything huge.
Please note that I was offline for a few minutes twice (gasp!) so the chat logs are not entirely complete. If anyone DOES have the complete chat logs they might want to leave a message here too.
manynames @ July 1 2004, 15:12:25 UTC |
Name: Hazel
LJ username: manynames
Email address: apocalyptica[@]
AIM: chariot in verse OR comein2myparlour
Yahoo: slouchingtowards
pokethegeek @ July 1 2004, 15:19:57 UTC |
Name: Mille
LJ username: tigertune
Email: mizz_icemat(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
Aim: xdiddlemyskittle
Msn: mizz_icemat(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
And I will not have anyone mocking the greatness of my email. Baahaahaaa. I was nine!!!
heliopath @ July 1 2004, 15:27:50 UTC |
I have a few logs saved too, if you need suppliments.
name: Cai
LJ username: heliopath
e-mail: squeeful[at]gmail[dot]com
AIM: cai hybrid
MSN: shadowed_starlight[at]hotmail[dot]com
dexstarr @ July 1 2004, 15:42:48 UTC |
I, too, would appreciate being sent the chat logs.
anjelchyld @
ungemmed @ July 1 2004, 15:49:09 UTC |
I would love logs.
Name: Betsy
LJ name: muffinchan
AIM: betsythemuffin
corsiva @ July 1 2004, 16:21:24 UTC |
Oh gods, I would love the logs if it's not too much trouble.
Name: Amanda
LJ username: Madammalfoy
AIM: Amandahiding
jujusfoo @ July 1 2004, 16:24:30 UTC |
LJ username: Jujusfoo
AIM: AngelaH2007
onthehillside @ July 1 2004, 16:44:34 UTC |
name: Callie
LJ username: Stupidtrucks
AIM: Stupidtrucks
MSN: Stupidtrucks [at] hotmail [dot] com
I am boring, no? >;)
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empress_nothing @ July 1 2004, 16:44:36 UTC |
I'd love to read the logs and keep in touch, despite not ever having been in wibblechat. :( My email is empress_nothing (at) yahoo (dot) com. My AIM sn is empressnothing. ^__^
(parent)bluekivrin @ July 1 2004, 16:47:03 UTC |
Name: Kivrin
Email: Kivrin(at)hotmail(dot)com
LJ: bluekivrin
AIM: bluekivrin or cheeserandom
Y!M kivrinblue
Much love to all of you, and especially to the players. You've all done a brilliant job, and I appreciate the chance to follow along. Ta!
saucy_kate @ July 1 2004, 16:54:29 UTC |
name: Kate
LJ username: saucy_kate (fandom), kaedabean (RL)
e-mail: kaeda(at)water-witch(dot)net
AIM: Mizu no Tenshi
MSN: n/a
frozen_jelly @ July 1 2004, 16:59:37 UTC |
name: Eleanor
lj name: frozen_jelly
email: e(DOT)o-donnell(AT)warwick(DOT)ac(DOT)uk
aim: frozenjelly85
MSN: glitter_bug_uk(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
thanks for this!
immora @ July 1 2004, 17:02:03 UTC |
Whoops, I originally replied to this with my RP journal by mistake >_<;;; So let's try this again!
I don't have complete chat logs, but I may be able to supplement them for the times that I was on. I left wibble going a few nights this past week.
name: Immora
LJ username: immora
e-mail: immora(AT)psyche(DOT)nu
AIM: Immora
MSN: immora(AT)airashii(DOT)org
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zonko @ July 1 2004, 17:47:47 UTC |
name: Lane
LJ username: zonko
AIM: and blotts
MSN: none, as of now.
steph_hime @ July 1 2004, 17:52:00 UTC |
name: Steph
LJ username: steph_hime
AIM: keepersakura or stephybrown36
Feel free to contact me.
muggleangel @ July 1 2004, 18:02:57 UTC |
name: Denise
LJ username: muggleangel
e-mail: muggleangel @
AIM: fearmydarkmark
MSN: muggleangel @
primroseburrows @ July 1 2004, 18:16:48 UTC |
Name: Kelly
LJ Username: primroseburrows
AIM: primroseburrows
Y!M: primroseburrows (although I'm not on Y!M often)
I missed Wibblechat; I guess I didn't understand that it was occuring. *sigh*. I would like to keep in touch with the group. I wonder if there's talk of continuing it with another focus.
crybabyxoxo @ July 1 2004, 18:40:58 UTC |
i'd love logs, thank you :)
name: Shar
LJ username: crybabyxoxo
e-mail: [but it is very likely to change]
AIM: battle scars 3 x [but you can always reach me ther]
thedaytheystop @ July 1 2004, 19:09:09 UTC chat logs! |
Can I have the log of last night's chat with a few players? I would love to read it.
Thanks! You rock for making these!
email: wolfambition [@]
bizznana @ July 1 2004, 19:32:00 UTC |
name: Anna
LJ username: bizznana
AIM: go banana45
Thanks :)
snowballjane @ July 1 2004, 19:33:06 UTC |
name: Jane
LJ username: snowballjane
AIM/MSN: these things I do not have, sorry
And please may I have the log where the players chat?
kenboy @ July 1 2004, 19:57:34 UTC and I'm always up for isketch! |
name: kenboy
lj username: kenboy
e-mail: ken (at) nac (dot) net
AIM: Ken Alper, kenboy wibble (but now that there's nothing more to wibble about...)
I'm always up for isketch!
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unknownwisdom @ July 1 2004, 20:02:05 UTC Anytime you want to psycho-analyse PS, give me a bell! |
Name: Lara
LJ Username: unknownwisdom
Email: moons_end[at]hotmail[dot]com
AIM: Lyra Silverheart
MSN: moons_end[at]hotmail[dot]com
Also; logs would be great! Someone did try to send them to me (twice, and I love them for it), but hotmail is being a complete bitch and wont let me access them. Can you not use an attachment? (If possible ^.^)
lazy_daze @ July 1 2004, 20:02:27 UTC |
name: Daze, or Sam if you want my real name
LJ username: lazy_daze
e-mail: lazydaze[@]gmail[.]com
AIM: teh lazy daze
Y!M: lazy_daze03
although, am not on either of the IM IDs often as have limited online time, at least until I leave home for uni :)
Love you all <33
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corrupteddreams @ July 1 2004, 20:33:12 UTC |
name: Stephanie
LJ username: corrupteddreams
e-mail: thisisnotsteph(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
AIM: strikemeout33
MSN: thisisnotsteph(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
anjaliesque @ July 1 2004, 20:47:24 UTC |
Name: Anjali
LJ username: wildanjali
AIM: wildanjali
ekaterinn @ July 1 2004, 20:51:46 UTC |
Name: Ekaterinn
LJ: ekaterinn
aim: ekaterinn
I wasn't able to be around much this week, but I would love to keep in touch!
darlulu @ July 1 2004, 21:05:46 UTC |
I would also appreciate the chat logs being sent my way eventually, that is, if someone would be so kind. :D
manynames @ July 1 2004, 21:08:42 UTC |
Oh, I would LOVE the log where there were players too.
nmissi @ July 1 2004, 22:29:22 UTC |
I'd LOVE The log where the players were there. I only got into chat once or twice. But if anyone wants to keep contact, here's my invo:
emails are always, (either one will do.)
and I'm Nmissi on aol and messenger, as well as Irc.
danibennett @ July 1 2004, 22:43:11 UTC |
name: Danielle
LJ username: lessien
AIM: WLesssien
I'm always around for psycho-analyzing characters. And chances are I'll be up for wailing and ranting pretty much forever after...
saffronlie @ July 1 2004, 23:02:25 UTC |
Name: Lady Goodman or whatever
LJ name: saffronlie (I think I kept forgetting to tell wibblechatters my LJ name to connect to the screen one)
email: ladygoodman @ (remove the spaces)
AIM: callistomay
MSN: use the email given above
Yahoo: alias1440
I'd love the chat logs too, if it's not too difficult.
moondroplette @ July 1 2004, 23:23:46 UTC |
I love to read the chat logs. :)
moondroplette AT
twenty_seconds @ July 1 2004, 23:40:35 UTC |
name: Jessica
LJ username: _girlparts
e-mail: lovelyweapon(AT)gmail(DOT)com
AIM: slap me for fun
Yahoo: eyesbiglovecrumbs
And did someone say iSketch?!?
bentley @ July 2 2004, 00:20:00 UTC |
name: greenie
ljusername: stiletto
aim: woe and angst
y!M: prettybitter
mordororbust @ July 2 2004, 00:30:06 UTC |
name: Chelsea
LJ username: mordororbust
AIM: spooky861 and crimsonteardrop0
anoni @ July 2 2004, 00:35:18 UTC |
If someone can please send me chatlogs, I will absolutely worship you. Or... well, I'll worship you after I finish worshipping all the players. Which might take some time, but still. ^^;;
name: Anoni
LJ username: anoni
e-mail: esoteric_expression(AT)yahoo(DOT)com
AIM: EsoExpression
kitaoroshi @ July 2 2004, 00:45:33 UTC |
Could I have copies of the logs? Thanks so much!
Mail: cynda_yerinle[at]
AIM: Bian Zedda
akutenshi2007 @ July 2 2004, 01:10:57 UTC WE NEED AN ISKETCH REUNION! |
name: I am Joan the magnificent/fabulous/awesome/any other great adjective.
LJ username: Akutenshi2007
e-mail: Ibealive2007(AT)msn(DOT)com
AIM: Akutenshi2007
I don't really use msn.
wednesday_tea @ July 2 2004, 01:21:52 UTC |
name: Hannah
LJ username: wednesday_tea
e-mail:, or
AIM: teawednesday
_kissyfish @ July 2 2004, 02:20:09 UTC |
Name: Roz
LJ: "_kissyfish" and "lonelyspade"
email: rnajafabadi at
AIM: kissyfishicons
woo2step @ July 2 2004, 02:24:29 UTC |
Name: Kat
LJ username: the_familiar
E-mail: ms.cellophane @
AIM: RandomChoirHo
I'd love to get the chat logs, if you wouldn't mind! :)
pornography @ July 2 2004, 04:09:07 UTC |
Name: Sophie
LJ Username: (I think this should be obvious)
Email: eclipses @ gmail . com
AIM: eclippy (not that I am ever active)
I'd love the logs, Laura, all I have are partials.
philalethia @ July 2 2004, 04:13:41 UTC |
Chat logs sound lovely. Please. :)
name: Kristin
LJ username: rzrblade33
e-mail: rzrblade[at]kagee[dot]net
AIM: accursed witch
Y!M: rzrblade33
erie_potter @ July 2 2004, 06:57:31 UTC |
name: Becky
LJ username: erie_potter
e-mail: erie.maxwell(AT)gmail(DOT)com
AIM: ErieMaxwell
MSN: erie2222(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
yamapea @ July 2 2004, 08:10:34 UTC |
name: Ariel
LJ username: Katarinaevanla
AIM: katarinaevanla
raincreature @ July 2 2004, 09:12:49 UTC |
Name: Dani
LJ: raincreature
E-Mail: raincreature @
AIM: moodofyellowgold
MSN: raincreature @