evieangelique @ 2004-07-02 08:35:00 |
(no title)
Mood: nostalgic
For those who were around yesterday to see The End, I give you something to remember it by ---
chuffing @ July 1 2004, 22:45:42 UTC |
That's great. Thanks. I may use it and will credit you, of course. *sniffle*
(parent)evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 22:53:51 UTC |
Welcome! *sniffles also* <333
I keep hitting F5 pointlessly. It hasn't sunk in yet.
sylvertongue @ July 1 2004, 22:55:36 UTC |
Taking and holding and crediting and loving and patting and calling it... George.
Oh, hell.
Thank you.
silveryouko @ July 1 2004, 22:55:50 UTC |
I'm going to take it and proudly display it in my journal. Thank you!
(parent)lisdelacroix @ July 1 2004, 23:06:47 UTC |
I took it ... it's great. Thanks for making it.
[sniffles at Remus!quote]
evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:16:44 UTC |
Thanks, and you're very welcome. <333
Reading that quote again after he died just made me bawl like a huge baby...and I felt like it was the appropriate quote remember this RPG by. :((
lisdelacroix @ July 1 2004, 23:19:10 UTC |
Oh, I know. Absolutely lovely. I have a feeling that somehow it will invade my life.
Hey, and there are shirts on the way for extra remembrance. Looking forward to that.
frozen_jelly @ July 1 2004, 23:13:02 UTC |
So. Much. Love! I am taking and will look fondly at this forevermore!
(parent)evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:18:32 UTC |
<3333 I put it on my userinfo so I can always remember it. *sniffles*
(parent)evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:20:54 UTC |
Thank you, and you're welcome. <333 It was the least I could do to pay tribute to such a wonderful RPG.
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 23:26:02 UTC |
Oh, definitely taking. I was there and proud of it. Thanks so much.
(parent)evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:34:42 UTC |
I still can't believe I saw it end right before my eyes and there was NOTHING I COULD DO. *weeps* And you're very welcome. <3333
(parent)pyrae @ July 1 2004, 23:38:53 UTC |
I keep compulsively checking, just to make sure it's really over ("What if someone posted one last comment somewhere and we all missed it?!"). Must find new crack. Must find new crack.
(parent)evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:40:50 UTC |
I keep hitting F5 just in case, and found myself going through past entries and making myself cry harder. :(((
I follow other RPGs, but NA will always have this little place in my heart, soppy as that sounds.
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 23:50:00 UTC |
When I'm a little more desensitized, I'm going to start from the very beginning and reread everything. I think if I do that now, I'll cry too. Wah.
I tried to follow others, but since I starting reading NA first, I can't read any others without mentally complaining about how everyone is "out of character." >.
evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:56:25 UTC |
I was going through lupercus' journal last night, and just....I wish I had someone as close to me as Lupin was to Harry. :(((
Me too! I guess it's because they just made their characters just that little bit more real - they put in so much work to make them seem like real people. And I totally take my hat off to them for that.
pyrae @ July 1 2004, 23:59:50 UTC |
Harry needs a hug still, I think.
Now I want to throw the players a party. We need a chat party with chat drinks and chat music and...
pyrae @ July 2 2004, 00:06:37 UTC |
I will just hope that, upon reuniting, Draco and Harry will be doing more than hugging.
Yes! We so need to...find someone with the organizational skills and ambition to set it up. Which rules me out. Aww.
evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 00:27:09 UTC |
...Draco and Harry will be doing more than hugging.
OH MAN, a girl can wish.
Erp! Well, that rules me out too. *pines for chat!cake*
pyrae @ July 2 2004, 00:55:47 UTC |
I'm going to wish very, very hard. :D
Darn. I want chat!cake, too!
evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 01:02:40 UTC |
Well, as soon as the NEWTS are over....
*bakes chat!cake*
evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:35:29 UTC |
You're welcome, and thank you! <333
Your icon makes me giggle. :D!
muggleangel @ July 1 2004, 23:40:34 UTC |
I'm gonna plug it into my userinfo, if you don't mind.
evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:44:58 UTC |
That's exactly what I did, and I think is a good idea in general - it's like your own virtual tshirt to show that you were there.
*sobs and clings!*
allthat_jazz @ July 1 2004, 23:44:29 UTC |
I'm taking it and crediting you. Thank you thank you thank you!
(parent)green_is_lovely @ July 1 2004, 23:55:04 UTC |
very nice and yeah i'm taking... who wouldn't?!?!
(parent)carnivallights @ July 2 2004, 00:27:35 UTC |
Thanks for making this, it's very lovely. <3
Sticking it in my userinfo. :)
evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 01:33:47 UTC |
Thanks so much! <333
I did the same. :D!
Waaaah Lupin. :(
evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 00:40:23 UTC |
Thanks very much, and you're welcome! <333
Your icon is hilarious. :D!
onthehillside @ July 2 2004, 01:02:19 UTC |
I am taking, and putting it into my userinfo. I will credit! Thank you!
(parent)evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 01:05:45 UTC |
I did the same, ahaha. Thanks, and you're welcome! <333
*glomps Cuaron*
muskratalex @ July 2 2004, 01:18:06 UTC |
Perfect, and much appreciated. Thank you, will credit and use in my userinfo.
(parent)bloodybrilliant @ July 2 2004, 01:33:34 UTC |
Thank you. I also took it to display in my lj. I can't believe I stayed up last night til the end.
evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 01:34:56 UTC |
That's fine! I can't believe it was happening right before my eyes....
You're welcome. <3333
![]() |
kearie @ July 2 2004, 01:37:30 UTC <3<3<3<3<333333!!!! |
Taking it and displaying it proudly! <3
(parent)evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 01:42:45 UTC Re: <3<3<3<3<333333!!!! |
As you should!! You're welcome! <3333
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ July 2 2004, 01:49:06 UTC |
Its lovely and it now has a home in my eljay profile. <3 to ya!
(parent)evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 02:03:34 UTC |
*mwah* Thanks, I feel that's the best place to put it, hee. <3333!
(parent)saffronlie @ July 2 2004, 01:49:47 UTC |
I've used it in an LJ entry, with credit. Thank you, my fellow Aussie (in a non-stalkery way! I was only looking at your info!). :)
(parent)evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 02:04:52 UTC |
That's wonderful, and you're welcome!! *peers at your userinfo* Ooooh, fellow Aussie? Yay! <33333
BTW, I quite like Gwen Harwood's poetry, too. :D!
mira_nevlome @ July 2 2004, 01:59:51 UTC |
Like the others, am taking and will credit you in my user info! :)
You are so lovely for doing this! <3
evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 02:09:22 UTC |
Yay, best place to put it!!!
Thanks! *blushes* <33333
viridescence @ July 2 2004, 02:02:09 UTC |
Thanks so much for doing this. I'm totally putting this in my userinfo.
(parent)evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 02:11:39 UTC |
<3333 You're welcome, and a great place to put it! :D!
(parent)evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 02:17:42 UTC |
You're welcome! <3333
ahahaha that icon is totally cute.
evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 02:39:09 UTC |
It makes me cry too just thinking about it. <33333
(parent)evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 03:20:37 UTC |
Thanks! <3333 Yeah, I've been crying since yesterday. ;__;
(parent)evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 04:19:09 UTC |
You're welcome! <33333
And I totally love your icon, Thewlis!Remus h0r that I am. :D!
![]() |
seren_himitsu @ July 2 2004, 05:17:45 UTC |
And I'd just stopped crying, too.
Thank you for making this.
evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 05:57:14 UTC |
*hugs and hands you a tissue* You're welcome. <3333
I couldn't stop crying all last night.
laurac0re @ July 2 2004, 05:49:43 UTC |
this is fantastic. I'm taking it for the userinfo :)
snackbreak @ July 2 2004, 07:42:20 UTC |
Commenting to let you know I am taking. Thank you for making it.