intern_alley @ 2004-07-01 23:58:00 |
To: You
Mood: tired
Right now I ought to be writing an email to the NA players, but I don't even know the appropriate thing to say there. So I am starting this first, though the other should be done before it. It is easier, somehow, to make this post--easier, I think, because I cannot be very personal here, rather I ought to be businesslike, and that saves me a bit of grief.
Let me start off by apologising for my brisk post last night. I was very, very tired, and knew that I ought to at least say something, but I didn't have the time or emotional energy to write a proper post. Reading it later, I realised it sounded a bit brisk, but it wasn't my intention. I was just a little speechless. This will be long and a bit rambly, so bear with me if you read it in its entirety.
First, I am sorry for taking NA away. Someone compared it to packing up toys prematurely and saying that no one could play with them anymore (this, I assume, she meant jokingly). The other mods and I decided a very long time ago that NA would end once Harry's seventh year was over. One of the things that was very important to me, personally, was that NA end with an actual ending at everyone's decision, not because we could no longer come up with things to do. RPGs so often die because everyone has stopped posting, and this, I think, would have happened had we continued past Harry's seventh year, past the last fight with Voldemort.
I'd like to clear a couple things up, which, I am sorry to say, are not answers to mysteries:
We didn't kill characters off just because the game was ending. We killed characters off because it's unrealistic to think that they would get through a final fight without anyone dying. There was a lot of deliberation over which characters would die, and when they were chosen it was done carefully; it was not, as someone suggested, because we wanted to get rid of the players. Those deaths hurt, they hurt us as they hurt you, and we certainly didn't want to see them go. I am sorry for it. It would probably be too masturbatory for me to comment on the characters themselves, but suffice it to say, we loved them and their players.
Additionally, the reason we didn't tell anyone NA was ending had nothing to do with suspense or trying to draw out angst. We knew that many people realised that it was going to end soon, but we didn't confirm it. This was mostly at my request. I didn't want people to read it with the ending in mind, reading every post as though it might be the last. I wanted people to be able to read it as they had always read it, without the black cloud of doom hanging over everything. I know that most of you read it that way anyway, but I also know that once McGonagall posted that the journals were closing, you were sadly counting down the minutes. This is what I wanted to avoid for the last months, and that is why I requested that no one confirm or deny that it was ending. I knew that it would be inevitable once McGonagall posted, but I wanted to put that countdown off as long as possible.
I know that some of you think, to steal a phrase from someone, we are sitting somewhere cackling evilly, but nothing could be further from the truth. Closing NA hurt more for us than anyone, and I am still a bit dumbfounded about it. Anything that you are feeling/have felt, we are feeling/have felt that way, too. I am not saying this to say that it is worse for us, but rather because I do not want you to think that we are enjoying this or are trying to be cruel. (You are not alone!) In some respects--and I can only speak for myself here--I am satisfied. It is nice to have a finished project. Mostly, it is difficult for me to wrap my mind around the fact that when I check NA's friends list, the lack of updates doesn't mean I'm slacking off. The short of it is that I am heartbroken, and I think I speak for most all of us in NA when I say that.
If you really need to contact the players, you are welcome to. Largely, their email addresses are in the character userinfo. If you email, the mods and I can pass on anything you need passed on. Likewise, if you have anything you want to ask, go for it.
Anyway. The point of this post is: thank you, for everything. For papering your schools with duel propaganda, for plotting Snape's movements on a map, for organising historic_alley, for watching NA, thank you. We are happy that you found as much joy in NA as we did. It means more than I have the words for. I don't really know how to even start expressing gratitude, here, and when that happens I usually find that simplicity is the better form of expression.
So, thank you. And goodnight.
Yours sincerely,
the NA "GM" (I never say that, but whatever.)
evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:06:33 UTC |
Much love to you and all the players. <33333 I don't think you killed players just cause the game was ending and I certainly don't think you're sitting somewhere in a corner cackling evilly - this game was as much (if not in fact more) a part of your lives as ours.
So once again thank you. And much love. ♥♥♥♥♥♥
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intern_alley @ July 1 2004, 23:07:40 UTC |
Oh, I just did not want anyone to think that we were trying to be cruel. <3333
(parent)evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:11:37 UTC |
I didn't think you were. :) Life is cruel anyway, we just gotta deal. And NA was a big part of my online life, so it was like losing a real friend. But thank you for making it what it was - I'll have may fond memories of it. <333
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a_player @ July 1 2004, 23:17:42 UTC |
I know just what you mean. It's - my character is gone. I feel like my best friend just moved away. That sounds stupid. Oh, precious anonymity, how you cloak me from embarrassment.
(parent)evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:24:11 UTC |
It's not stupid. I can imagine - what with the dedication of all the players in this game to making their characters seem just that little bit more real, it probably feels like there's just this other half of you that suddenly went away.
Thank you for commenting, even if it's anonymous! :D <3333
oconel @ July 1 2004, 23:07:29 UTC |
Thank you for all the good times I've shared with this game.
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kearie @ July 1 2004, 23:08:28 UTC |
So the domain is remaining in place? This is something I was concerned about.
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intern_alley @ July 1 2004, 23:09:34 UTC |
Yes, it's registered until March of 2005. I guess I'll probably pay it off for a bit more.
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kearie @ July 1 2004, 23:43:12 UTC |
Good to hear :) Much love to you and all of the players. That was a fantastic game, down to the very last.
(parent)kate_nepveu @ July 2 2004, 01:34:03 UTC |
I for one would be very pleased to chip in towards the domain registration and hosting, or to host it as a tribute--I'd hate to see the notes and pictures go away. Please feel free to contact me now or later if this should be an issue.
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left_your_heart @ July 1 2004, 23:10:59 UTC |
Although many are unsatisfied with it ending, at least it ended on an appropriate and realistic note. If all the questions had been answered, it wouldn't be as.. special, I guess.
1anonymous1 @ July 1 2004, 23:14:24 UTC |
Im glad that I got to read NA, and I appreciate all this a lot.
I hope to see at least some of these players still active somewhere else.:)
comava @ July 1 2004, 23:17:55 UTC |
Thank you. All of you.
For what it's worth, I still haven't been able to read some of the last posts, I'm just not ready for NA to be gone. All in good time, I suppose.
And again, thanks. I don't think that can be said often enough.
carnivallights @ July 1 2004, 23:18:51 UTC |
And here I thought I was done crying.
Thank you so much, you, the players, and everyone else who made nocturne_alley something that I can't possibly forget. <3
danibennett @ July 1 2004, 23:21:03 UTC |
I never thought that the players or mods were sitting around cackling. I always thought that whatever we are/were going through, it must be/have been worse for the players, because it seemed like they WERE the characters. What must it be like, to have lost this person that you've put so much of yourself into?
My heart goes out to the players and the mods.
Thank you so much for this post, and for the past fourteen months of my life. <3
breze @ July 1 2004, 23:22:30 UTC |
I know this might sound like a selfish request, but please know that it isn't my intent: will there ever be a collective players q&a?
I don't mean that in a 'let's discover their identity' or 'uncover all unsolved mysteries' sort of way, but in a 'how did you realise your character sounded the way they are portrayed?' sort of way. Am I making sense? It's just... I am curious about how they began, how they continued, their favourite moment, etc, because it must have been interesting, if at times difficult, to play true to the characters they were throughout the years NA went on.
Regardless, thank you for providing me with all you guys have given us via NA. This may sound sappy, but NA did bring me a breath of fresh air when RL got a little hectic. Thank you, thank you, and thank you all over again.
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intern_alley @ July 1 2004, 23:29:35 UTC |
Well, I've been thinking about that for the past month or so, but I keep pushing it to the back of my mind because things have been hectic. I've only discussed it with a couple of other players, but I think everyone would be happy to do it. The difficulty is deciding which forum it would be in, whether it would be a post on nraged, or several posts on nraged, or a chat.
(parent)chinae @ July 1 2004, 23:37:28 UTC |
Should this take place could it please be on nraged. Some of us can't access chat.
(parent)frozen_jelly @ July 1 2004, 23:40:13 UTC |
I would love this! It would be amazing to have a player q&a to rival those of the characters :) and I second Nraged as a forum, purely because it can then be put in my memories and I can look back on it while feeling nostalgic for NA!
(parent)vassilissa @ July 2 2004, 04:58:45 UTC |
The other advantage to NRaged over chat is that we can reread it. (I guess someone could host a chat log, but I kinda like the idea of it all taking place over LJ.)
(parent)laurac0re @ July 2 2004, 16:15:21 UTC |
I think generally there's also a limit to how many people can get into a chat. I agree that if there was going to be a Q&A, holding it on NrAged would be a lot better
(parent)breze @ July 1 2004, 23:38:37 UTC |
That'd be great, I think. For a minute there, I thought someone would yell at me for asking something like this so soon after the game ended.
I'm not quite sure about the chat part, possibly because if it requires a program, I know some computers (like my ancient one) probably wouldn't be compatible. But anything goes, really. You know we'll all be there, one way or another.
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intern_alley @ July 1 2004, 23:43:15 UTC |
No, not at all. To be honest it's something I probably won't think about for at least a week or so, because I think we're all a bit worn out at the moment. But definitely it is something the other mods and I have considered before.
(parent)breze @ July 1 2004, 23:54:58 UTC |
Then take a rest (you actually do sound weary... or am I not suppose to comment on that?). Three years is a quite long time, isn't it? We've sat out this long, I'm sure we can wait a little longer.
Besides, questions don't pop out of nowhere.
vassilissa @ July 2 2004, 04:57:00 UTC |
Well, while you're all recovering, we'll all be digesting the huge amount of plot we've just received - all that and a Q&A at the same time would give us indigestion!
I think it'd be *much* better once we're all hungry again, and it's sunk in that there'll be *no more NA*. (It still hasn't for me - I'm still rejoicing that the end was so satisfying and shiny.)
evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:38:49 UTC |
Please let this take place on nraged, as AIM doesn't work for me. :(
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intern_alley @ July 1 2004, 23:42:17 UTC |
Well, I hate AIM, myself, and I know there's a limit on the amount of people you can put in there. Were it a chat, it would be on YM, I imagine.
(parent)evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:46:44 UTC |
Well, I guess that would be fine as well, but also another problem is time differences and stuff - considering I'm in Australia and fans are more or less around the globe it's kind of hard to sync everyone up! :S Perhaps just leaving messages on nraged would be easier?
frozen_jelly @ July 2 2004, 00:03:20 UTC |
Being in the UK I have what i call 2am-syndrome, where I'm just about ready to go to bed, and then decide to check NA and what-do-you-know a live thread has just begun. And there goes my good nights sleep. And I would hate to miss out on something as excellent as a q&a!
(parent)susan_voight @ July 2 2004, 01:37:31 UTC |
When and if players are reading, I would really like this. I'd beg for LJ (several posts, one to a player?), though, over chat.
I've been putting my thoughts on the ending in my summaries, but I just wanted to say that I completely agree that this was the way for NA to go out, and while it was sudden, it was extremely fitting (and I kinda guessed Wednesday if you would believe it).
It's been wonderful. Thank you all.
bookofjude @ July 2 2004, 04:34:59 UTC |
Likewise do I vote against chat, because, with all the time zone differences, I likely wouldn't be able to attend.
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pixelbit @ July 1 2004, 23:23:51 UTC |
It's still sad, but I also get a feeling of something like satisfaction when I see the userinfo and:
"As of 30 June, 2004, this RPG is finished."
Yep - finished and finished well.
Thank you, for doing this whole thing so brilliantly and for sharing it with us. Be very, very proud.
sincelastjuly @ July 1 2004, 23:24:02 UTC |
Things must be ten times worse for you all.
Thank you.
sylvertongue @ July 1 2004, 23:25:39 UTC |
Thank you. Thank you for your bravery in ending like this, thank you for keeping the world real. As much as I never never never wanted it to, it was perfect. I offer you my awe, my grief, my absolute admiration and all the love I ever had for the characters. Which is alot.
We can always imagine the painting party.
frozen_jelly @ July 1 2004, 23:25:39 UTC |
Its hard to find words to encompass how much joy, laughter, tears, sadness, heartbreak every other emotion under the sun - all this and more has NA been. And I have felt while wathcing and theorising and F5-ing that the players care about their characters and the world they created and also about us, the watchers! Its definately a loss, but it was the most perfect of endings and so wonderfully orchestrated as with every other event that has occurred in NA. So thank you! So. Much. LOVE!!!
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Anonymous @ July 1 2004, 23:32:09 UTC Goodbye. |
Having only started to read NA seven months ago, I'm sure that there are many others much more tearful than I am, but it was still an amazing thing to find. The depth, the clarity and the *humour* of this RPG was astounding, and I can't describe quite how sorry I am to see it go. To be able to make me gasp with shock or dismay, while only half an hour beforehand I had been falling off my chair with laughter is just a brilliant achievement.
Lupin's last post made tears come to my eyes, and his death preoccupied me at work all day, trying to think of a way round it. Draco and Harry in these last few days have made me smile so much, and I salute Narcissa. (I think she is just wonderful - I congratulate her player.) There are so many things I wish I could list and comment on, but I think that would turn into an essay of dissertation proportions. Suffice it to say that each and every character has been loved.
The ending felt right, and I do see your point. To have let it tail off would have been heart-breaking; perhaps even more so than the reality. NA really has given me so much joy, and it deserves all the acclaim it gets and more. I only wish I'd come across it earlier, and that there was some way to make it last forever. Thank you so very much for everything. Goodbye.
discordia @ July 1 2004, 23:33:22 UTC |
It sounds stupid, but knowing the fact that I will never again see a new entry from potterstinks on my friends page is killing me. It makes me feel like I'd just lost a dear friend.
I really have no words for it, only this:
THANK YOU NA, for everything, and thank you potterstinks (whoever you are - I'm still a bit curious about that) for making me laugh with you and cry with you.
potterstinks will always be the one true Draco Malfoy for me. Thank you for taking my favorite character and turning him into something real.
evieangelique @ July 1 2004, 23:37:55 UTC |
OH GOD, I totally second all that. I don't think I'll ever be the same without seeing "Current mood: enraged" on my flist ever again. :((
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a_player @ July 2 2004, 00:42:23 UTC |
I feel similarly. The a_player above talking about their best friend moving away is me. My full-on mushiness is now revealed.
-PS's player.
discordia @ July 2 2004, 00:43:51 UTC |
Did you know that you are my god?
Honestly, I have bee worshiping you ever since I first ran into NA :)
evieangelique @ July 2 2004, 00:53:17 UTC |
**loves you and potterstinksforever and ever and ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥**
susan_voight @ July 2 2004, 01:41:33 UTC |
I think a little mushiness is in order.
He must have been a very fascinating, challenging character to play. When reading his posts, I really admired the delicate balance you walked with him. After living with him so long (you don't have to answer if you don't want, but am I right in guessing that you originated the character on NA?), well, *I've* had dreams about NA, and I've only been intensely following it for a little bit.
It's been a wonderful run. I hope you and all the other players are proud among the bittersweetness.
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a_player @ July 2 2004, 04:17:10 UTC |
Oh, yes, no one ever played Draco in NA but me.
Thank you. I imagine that we are. I've dreamt about Sinistra and Lisa Turpin, for some reason, with odd regularity.
susan_voight @ July 2 2004, 12:28:20 UTC |
Such a long time--and so *many* posts, he must have posted more than anyone else. There are novels out there that are considerably shorter and took less time, you know? At least one writer I know says that the time when she has just finished a novel is extremely weird--what am I supposed to do now?
I think it's not a bad comparison, especially the way it ended.
(And I thought so, though if you hadn't originated him, the consistent and distinctive voice would have been impressive in a different way.)
Hope you don't take too long recovering, and if you should feel like it sometime later, I and I'm sure the rest of nraged would be glad see your pixels again to talk about the game proper. Or not, as you like.
vassilissa @ July 2 2004, 05:00:23 UTC |
I just have to tell you that I admire you so much. Thanks for PS.
(parent)lilychick @ July 2 2004, 06:42:15 UTC |
<3 <3 <3
I've always thought that ps had to be extraordinarily hard to play -- there's just so much going *on* with him, in everything he says -- and so I just wanted you to know that you have done an outstanding job.
(*grovel; worship*)
divinelight @ July 2 2004, 06:56:20 UTC |
You are the reason I became obsessed with N_A. Thank you!!!
Your Draco is perfect. He will always be canon to me.
bluekivrin @ July 2 2004, 08:10:50 UTC |
Yes. I love you, thank you so much. Like someone else said, you and Lupin were my most favourite characters because you possessed this magical...thing that was good and perfect. It was real and definite and sharp and you, YOU going away makes me want to cry.
Also, I love you.
nmissi @ July 2 2004, 18:46:54 UTC |
Oh, wow. I first discovered N_A via Ps's journal. I think I'd been reading you for several weeks before I discovered the whole of the game.
Thank you for a perfectly crafted, canonesque character portrayal. It's breaking my heart that I'll never read another of his entries.
xnera @ July 1 2004, 23:37:00 UTC |
Thank you for sharing your story with us. I feel so very blessed to have witnessed such remarkable storytelling.
(parent)muggleangel @ July 1 2004, 23:38:03 UTC |
Er, I'm not sure if this is entirely appropriate, but I have to ask: would you ever consider doing some sort of downloadable version of the story? (some of us are super paranoid and wish to keep everything they love on their hard drive, possibly even backup copies, in case Hell freezes over and the LJ servers are gone in a poof of smoke)
Could this even be a fan project?
Also, could blogbinders ( be a possibility?
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intern_alley @ July 1 2004, 23:41:27 UTC |
I'm not sure. I would really, really love to have all of NA printed out and in a book. It's something I've personally wanted for a very long time. I'm just not certain how feasible it would be, with the collapsed threads, and the threads going way across the screen. I'll try to look into it a bit more.
(parent)chinae @ July 1 2004, 23:50:21 UTC |
Could you please consider this, I'm sure there would be many of us who would buy the book.
(parent)divinelight @ July 1 2004, 23:57:02 UTC |
Just thinking about it makes me happy. The fact that it might actually be possible somehow is just... wow.
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ex_lev195 @ July 2 2004, 00:11:11 UTC |
I'm a poor college student, but I would so buy it no matter what the cost. Who needs electricity for a month or two?
(parent)heliopath @ July 1 2004, 23:52:22 UTC |
Thank you so much, all of you, mods and players alike, for telling us this story. Your characters are truly unforgettable, and I'll miss each one more than I can say.
saucy_kate @ July 1 2004, 23:57:15 UTC |
NA has been wonderful, but I almost like where it ended. It ended with potential, with life, with that hope for a future. I will always have the memories it has left me with, and you have touched my life for nearly two years now.
Thank you to all the players and to you mods, for giving us such a wonderful story to follow and such wonderful people to meet and read about. I don't think I shall ever forget you.
sistermagpie @ July 1 2004, 23:57:59 UTC |
Wow. This post completely surprises me because I had no idea anybody felt that way. I mean to me, it seemed like the ending was absolutely perfect (which is why it's painful and beautiful at the same time), that the "perfect" characters died (which definitely doesn't mean I wanted any of them to die, but because their deaths seemed the most "correct" as dictated by the story both for the meaning and the plot), and that every decision was made to be true to the story and the characters. I can't imagine this would be enjoyable for any of you, beyond, as you said, the satisfaction of ending the game well.
I'm a big believer in endings, even when they're painful for me. This was just one more in a series of good decisions about NA, imo. One thing I always appreciated about the game is how safe I felt with the players--it was clear how much you all respected the characters.
Also, I really thank you for keeping the ending a secret. Even when it seemed like it was ending, I didn't really want to see anybody jumping the gun about it. As I think I said in another thread, it was sort of like being at the theater and having someone in front of you get up before the end so they can get to their car. As far as I'm concerned, you did everything.
You all get O's. :-)
retired_ego @ July 2 2004, 04:12:15 UTC |
I mean to me, it seemed like the ending was absolutely perfect (which is why it's painful and beautiful at the same time), that the "perfect" characters died (which definitely doesn't mean I wanted any of them to die, but because their deaths seemed the most "correct" as dictated by the story both for the meaning and the plot), and that every decision was made to be true to the story and the characters.
When I was discussing this with one of my friends, this is what I tried to say, but far less eloquently. The characters that died did seem to be chosen to die based on a very strict concept: to make us feel their deaths. I did, and I know many others (watchers and players alike) felt the same way. The way it ended was perfect and I will never be disappointed that those characters died, or Harry killed Voldemort and lost his scar, or that we will never know who the Head Boy was (I say this with resignation, because the Head Boy did kill Lisa and cause other events to be set in motion, but the ambiguity of it is still perfect).
Thank you, n_a and nraged as well. I may have only lurked, but it was fun all the same.
pokethegeek @ July 2 2004, 00:02:59 UTC |
I don't know how to thank you players for what you have given me, well, us, over the past couple of years. Thank you all <3
(parent)sabrinanymph @ July 2 2004, 00:03:57 UTC |
Well said and well ended. Nocturne_Alley is the first Harry Potter RPG I ever read and it's still one of the only ones that I read (or I suppose that's past tense now!) on a regular basis.
Kudos to you and your players for knowing when it was time to down the curtain and thank you for all the hard work you and all of the players put in to making this an excellent game.
Congratulations on that success, and I know I'll miss reading updates!
saffronlie @ July 2 2004, 00:13:46 UTC |
Thanks for everything. I've loved being able to watch and you and the rest have been so very awesome. :D
(parent)dallazkatt @ July 2 2004, 00:21:46 UTC |
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said and my head hurts from crying so I'm just going to say thank you for so many times bringing a smile to my face. I shall never forget. Good luck to you all.
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empress_nothing @ July 2 2004, 00:23:41 UTC |
Don't apologise for taking it away. The ending was perfect and beautiful, and I wouldn't have had it any other way, and it makes me so happy to know that you feel the same way about it. I don't think the final events of the RP were cruel, nor do I believe that ending the RP in general was you packing up toys prematurely. I'm just glad that I was there for such a long time to read it, that it didn't fizzle away to nothing and its little mysteries are left untouched, because that's what half of the beauty of it was: the tiny details. I'm glad that was preserved. I'm glad it ended when and the way it did.
I think I'll offer you a gold star, because you all got it right.
And thank you. I don't think there are adequate words for what n_a means to us all. Thank you all for giving us something so wonderful.
the_plebe @ July 2 2004, 00:26:40 UTC |
I think it's more of a thank you for actually creating this and letting us experience it along with you. There's nothing I can say that others haven't already, so <3 to you all.
(parent)anjaliesque @ July 2 2004, 00:30:30 UTC |
Dear me, I always had such a crush on intern_alley. The paper bag icon? So hot. Literally. >:D
But um, otherwise. Yeah. Thanks. I thought you ended it beautifully. Like a story, with a well-worn back cover that can be turned over at the end and grinned at happily. And, well, there's always re-readings. <3
kitaoroshi @ July 2 2004, 01:10:05 UTC Thank you for everything! |
I have so much love and respect for all the players. For their talent to pull us all in emotionally and their time to maintain that attachment. Thank you so much.
dragynville @ July 2 2004, 01:23:06 UTC |
Following NA has been my favorite of all internet journeys. It's the only full-on large-scale RPG that has ever held my interest. And although I wasn't there for the very beginning, I thought the ending was perfect and poignant and touching. Thank you NA for both the joys and the sorrows; though they were fictional, they were also real.
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dragonelle_fics @ July 2 2004, 03:23:27 UTC |
When I came to fandom a year ago and first learned that there were people who followed RPGs devoutly, the whole idea made my head hurt-- but over the last few months, you all have thoroughly converted me. I was amazed that a fictional world could become so completely immersive just through the interactions and imagination of a small group of people. You created characters that dragged me, kicking and screaming, into caring for them, and there are no words for the gratitude I feel towards you for that.
You handled everything beautifully to the very end.
The experience of following NA has touched me like nothing else in fandom, really.
Thank you.
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miserykiddie @ July 2 2004, 04:03:52 UTC |
Thank you for the endless entertainment you have provided... Honestly, NA kept me going this year. I wake up every morning and read a random entry (usually off potterstinks's memories) and it would always keep me grinning for the rest of the day. I'm amazed that you all never ran out of amusing things to say and post and do, because I know I would have.
potterstinks is my true love, fer serious. Sometimes I was convinced that his player HAD to be either superhuman or about 60 people, which would explain why they never ran out of material. I am forever in love with all of you, and will continue to read everything over and over again, because it just never stops being amusing. Thank you for OWNING THE WORLD........ I can't believe you lot are human. Surely you are gods. Admit it.
yamapea @ July 2 2004, 04:11:43 UTC |
There is so much I want to say. So much of it has already been said. I've been avoiding posting a comment here. And avoiding posting in nraged. Because there's just too much to say. And I get all wibbley every time I see Nraged or N_A.
I love you all. I cannot express how incredible this game was. It cheered me up, it made me cry, it provided me with hours upon hours of entertainment and slowly sucked me into addiction. It inspired me to join an rpg. All of the players are amazing. I want to write a little about each character but I don't think I can right now. Hopefully later. At the moment, I just want to say...petitemillicent was incredible. MB really is God.
Thank you for everything. You ended things very well. Goodnight, Nocturne Alley, and good luck to you all.
daisy_drabbles @ July 2 2004, 04:13:31 UTC |
Thank you so much for over a year and a half (for me) of one of the most amazing RPG's I've had the pleasure to witness. I have so much respect and love for you, the rest of the mods, and the players themselves, I couldn't possibly put it all into words.
The characters and stories on NA have been more real to me then canon HP, the mysteries, the games, the laughter and tears. It was all worth it. Every moment, every frantic f5, every thread.
I hate to see it end, and the loss you all must be feeling is something I cannot even imagine at this point. But that it has ended in such a beatiful way leaves me breathless. If this was a play, I would be on my feet, whistling and applauding and crying like mad.
Thank you, so much.
If you ever do want to compile NA in it's entirety, I would love to help -- it may be awkward to get it into a book, but I'm a web designer by trade, and would offer you my services pro bono to help get it up on the web. I just wanted you to know.
bookwench31 @ July 2 2004, 04:15:04 UTC |
Today I was looking back and realized that I've been reading NA for two years. Two. I could hardly believe it. The storylines and characters have been so interesting and lovely and wonderful and funny and heartbreaking that I never got bored.
I don't think it has truly sunk in yet that it is over. That I'll never see a new post by potterstinks, never laugh and wibble and speculate wildly with my best friend or stay up half the night hitting f5 and wibbling/laughing. I suppose this is a good thing for my sleeping habits. In a week or so I'll cry. When I realize it's over.
I appluad everyone involved. The players, the mods and the fans. Take a bow, and know that you have been a daily part of my life for two years. I'll miss you all.
bookofjude @ July 2 2004, 04:43:32 UTC |
I was going to say something but now I don't know what to say.
(parent)crybabyxoxo @ July 2 2004, 05:02:59 UTC |
i have absolutely nothing to say either. i've been following this RPG for only about half a year, and it has offered endless laughter for me. i'm still amazed at how you were all able to stay so well in character and the others with the characters JKR has not focused on much were all able to mold the characters into complex i-can't-believe-they're-not-real people. i think you all are absolutely fantastic and i only wish i could have found you sooner. after reading your RPG, i am simply unsatisfied with others. having said all this, i will say one more thing.
anyway, thanks again, i absolutely adore you :)
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seren_himitsu @ July 2 2004, 05:16:08 UTC |
I'd always thought that if N_A were to end, it would be fitting to end it after their seventh year. This isn't to say that I'm not going to miss it terribly, but I thought the ending was very well done. And again, thank you for everything.
(parent)orpheusinjapan @ July 2 2004, 07:06:51 UTC |
I am now realising that losing something that is such a part of your daily life requires a definite mourning process. Right now it's denial. The ache is almost physical. I still have not been able to take N_A off my bookmark bar.
That being said, I would have asked for it no other way. N_A ended exactly where it should have, much as JKR's story will end after Harry's 7th year. And what a send off! I agree with the poster above who said a standing ovation is in order.
I can't thank you enough for the joy and entertainment N_A has given me over the last two years. Your creativity and devotion, your humour and your emotion. The fact that the conclusion has affected so many people truly indicates the incredible talent of each and every player.
You have created something that will live on in memory for a long time to come.
Thank you.
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dry_your_eyes @ July 2 2004, 08:05:32 UTC |
thank you for everything. we all appreciated and will always appreciate the miracle you gave us. <3