wildfaery @ 2004-07-02 03:29:00 |
Mood: blank
Yes, well... I just joined this community to have my little say, now that NA has ended.
To be honest, I didn't really follow the entire RPG. I stumbled onto potions_master a year ago, and I absolutely adored the characterization. I wasn't quite conscious of the rest of the game, but I would check for Professor Snape's updates quite often (imagine my fangirlish squee when my favorite faculty member posted about a brief visit to my fair city).
I think it's really only hitting me just now how much I'm going to miss whatever it was that made me adore the Professor. I think I just shed a tear, in fact.
I know that there are more adored characters, with the obvious examples of potterstinks and
lupercus, and I'm quite sure that if I'd paid more attention to the overall RPG while following the Snape journal, I'd be one of the adoring legion (I'm still laughing at some of the old Draco posts I found while snooping).
But, as it happens, the loss of potions_master is my punch in the gut.
Just wanted to share.
Quickie Edit: By the way... I suppose I should thank the player. I really don't think I could express my gratitude properly at 4 AM (my time). Just know that it's there. ♥
femmequixotic @ July 2 2004, 16:02:36 UTC |
I would have to agree. For the past year and a half, I kept an eye on nocturne_alley because I absolutely adored
potions_master. He was funny, smart, and had that perfect biting dry wit that would send me into spasms of laughter. I would check threads in other journals, hoping to see his icon in the list, and over the last two weeks, I'd check every morning just to see if he'd been removed from the list of injured students and staff. If he had been killed---God. I don't even want to consider it.
When he woke up--I cried. Then laughed. Then bounced around my cubicle at work.
And I will never, ever, ever forget Lilitou. Or potions_master's perfect reaction to
potterstinks's outing
There were other characters whom I came to enjoy, just through potions_master's interaction with them.
potterstinks and
But my first love always was and always will be potions_master. To his player, thank you. I will miss
potions_master. Greatly.