comava @ 2004-07-07 15:39:00 |
(no title)
Mood: enraged
I miss NA.
I miss it alot.
jiffy_spiffy @ July 7 2004, 13:58:55 UTC |
Me too. I keep going to open it from the link of my Flist, and then I remember there's nothing to check!
I miss Ernie!
jiffy_spiffy @ July 7 2004, 14:40:25 UTC |
Does that help?
It's not the same! I miss nraged as well.
pyrae @ July 7 2004, 15:46:50 UTC |
Sigh. I was just thinking about it this morning.
What happens when the paid accounts run out and everyone's down to three icons? It won't be the same.
pyrae @ July 7 2004, 21:24:43 UTC |
Maybe I should take screenshots of every single post. I could have a giant CD collection of NA screenshots, preserved for eternity.
(parent)tabiji @ July 7 2004, 21:37:26 UTC |
Somehow I feel better knowing that other people are having withdrawls strong enough to make them consider things like that too.
(parent)pyrae @ July 7 2004, 21:50:57 UTC |
Well, really...what else am I gonna do with all this free time I've suddenly got?
(parent)yamapea @ July 8 2004, 06:09:44 UTC |
(psst: I was thinking the same thing... and I went and saved all of Lisa's icons with their keywords, because she was one of my very favorites... *sniffles*)
Yea, that will be sad.
pyrae @ July 8 2004, 16:38:27 UTC |
I was thinking of the people that tended to use icons to help the impact of their posts and comments. They won't look right anymore. Wah.
(parent)ginger_slam @ July 7 2004, 16:03:31 UTC |
Let us beg insist they have another q&a on nraged to ease our withdrawal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jupistrahan @ July 7 2004, 16:59:50 UTC |
^ ^ I was kinda hoping for the same thing; in fact, I was hoping they would give us sort of a clarification of what happened all those times when we *didn't* get gold stars. *wibbles* I'm so sad it's gone...
(parent)kievstar @ July 7 2004, 17:23:57 UTC |
The first thing I check when I'm online is still potterstinks' friends page (I used to read NA through it) just in case...
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pixelbit @ July 7 2004, 19:38:33 UTC |
Same. I miss M.B. most of all. Especially her conversations with... actually, her conversations with everybody.
I'm already thinking wistful thoughts about what's going to happen on 31st of July that we're not going to hear about.
primroseburrows @ July 8 2004, 02:40:30 UTC |
I've been thinking of Harry and Draco sitting outside in the dark on some day during Newts, and just talking, talking. *sigh* About so very many things. *loves them so much*
(parent)wednesday_tea @ July 7 2004, 19:50:10 UTC |
I did have a dream where Sirius and Harry went to Hades and asked him if they could see Remus, and they talked to him for a while. It was sort of sad. But then Draco bought Harry a $150 ceramic fish at a school function, so.
comava @ July 7 2004, 23:06:08 UTC |
*giggles* A ceramic fish!
Ï also have been dreaming crazyass HP things of late. Going to see HP+PoA today again will probably not help.
onthehillside @ July 7 2004, 21:02:24 UTC |
I've been getting into Queer as Folk. Which is nice, but I miss Draco and Harry. And Ron. and Lisa. and Pansy. And, well, everything.
(parent)morganmuffle @ July 7 2004, 22:13:57 UTC |
Yeah. None of the other RPGs around are quite like it, however good they are.
We should have some reunion wibblechats and remember the good bits (ie. everything)
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hezzabeth @ July 8 2004, 01:01:01 UTC |
I've been re reading historic alley since it all ended, it feels like I'm re reading my favourite novel.
Its so sad.
elizzy @ July 8 2004, 02:10:18 UTC |
Sigh. I had a dream about a boy in eyeliner named Terry and woke up all wibbly.
(parent)anoni @ July 8 2004, 07:39:31 UTC |
I had my first NA dream last night, which is very stupid timing. And I've also been abusing a portion of my list with daily thread links and wibble posts. It's starting to drive some people up the wall. ^^;;