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empress_nothing @ 2004-07-08 00:34:00 |
Right, this is a very stupid reason to post, but I'm at my wit's end.
Mood: annoyed
Every time I try to read just_harry's single memory, LJ tells me that the database it temporarily unavailable. It's driving me crazy. I was even able to read Luna's memories in a different window, much to my irritation, whilst I tried to get to Harry's.
So can anyone tell me what post it is?
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Anonymous @ July 8 2004, 01:08:54 UTC |
I think it's doing that because the memory is private.
(parent)yamapea @ July 8 2004, 06:12:47 UTC |
Yea, I've done the same thing repeatedly. And eventually I figured it was either deleted or private. :( *sniffle*
(parent)xnera @ July 8 2004, 13:26:18 UTC |
Hmm. I'm actually leaning towards it being a bug in LiveJournal.
If the memory itself was deleted, we wouldn't be able to see that he has a memory. Not sure what happens if the entry in question was deleted, but I think either the memory goes away or you get an error message saying the entry does not exist.
If the memory was private, we wouldn't even be able to see that he has it memorized. If the entry is private or friends only, then we would be able to see that he has it memorized (I think) but when we click on the entry, we would get an error message saying "You are not authorized to view the entry" (or something like that).
I don't see why we would get a "Database temporarily unavailable" message if the memory or entry is deleted or private. That message usually means that something with LiveJournal is broken. The only possible way I could see that message appearing with a deleted or private message would be if there was a bug with the error messages themselves (there was recently a bug with the screened comment text not appearing correctly on S2-style comment pages). I took a quick peek at the Support board yesterday, but I didn't see any requests that match this... but then again, I didn't look too hard. *shurgs*
(and yes, I am a LiveJournal geek. Can you tell?)
I'm trying to remember what the memory was, because I am pretty sure I've looked at it before. I thought maybe it had something to do with Remus or Sirius, but I might be confusing it with Lupin's first memory here.
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a_player @ July 8 2004, 22:01:40 UTC |
The memory is private, I think it's a bug in the error messages.
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empress_nothing @ July 8 2004, 22:21:18 UTC |
Thank you so much for the reply and for killing a lot of confusion on my part. ^__^
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fevvy @ July 8 2004, 20:26:49 UTC |
oooooh it's a mystery! ooooh maybe it's like a FINAL CLUE!! a MYSTERIOUS Final Clue!!
< / obsessive et stupid stupidity >
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empress_nothing @ July 8 2004, 21:54:37 UTC |
You... [leaps on icon and molests] DYLAN MORAN. BLACK BOOKS. You are, by default, fabulous.
Now I have to be on topic. Your was exactly what I wasn't allowing myself to think when I had problems with reaching it, but part of me was screaming that it HAD to be some sort of Final Clue.
Sharpen your pitchforks, people!
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fevvy @ July 9 2004, 21:10:51 UTC |
i have seen dylan moran. live. *preens*
i agree absolutely. we must take our demand for an answer to the playorz. yay, petition time!!
omfg we are actually so sad, has anyone noticed.
*loves fellow nragers*
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empress_nothing @ July 10 2004, 08:16:59 UTC |
You've seen him live?! Oh, I weep in jealousy!
And according a_player the memory is PRIVATE. I say we take this petition to the next level: a seige of just_harry's journal.
(Oh my god, not only are we sad, but oh so dorky.)
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fevvy @ July 10 2004, 10:18:26 UTC |
hello this is so unfair. if people are constantly trying to remind us that this *game* is not *real* then there can be no such thing as a private memory because who the hell would 'he' be trying to hide it from? i bet it's le love letter to ps. *stamps* this is so unfair.