a_player @ 2004-08-13 17:46:00 |
(no title)
Mood: curious
Hello! I like how we have all started our posts by saying hello, it tickles my heart.
I'm Arthur's player, and I'd love to answer any questions you might have about me or my character. As the others have said, there may be questions I choose not to answer, and I apologise for that in advance. However, fire away! I have been looking forward to this.
Please don't forget that you're all welcome to ask questions of the players that have gone before me! We're not looking on past posts as being "done with". Cheers!
silveryouko @ August 13 2004, 22:52:07 UTC |
Arthur was an absolute riot! Thank you thank you for doing such a good job with him! It was like you lifted him right from the pages of HP and brought him to life!
What was your favorite part about N_A? Did you have a least favorite part?
And...What was the whole deal with Arthur and Pansy? Maybe you could clarify a bit for me?
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a_player @ August 13 2004, 22:59:34 UTC |
Good grief, that was quick! And thank you, it pleases me so much to hear things like that.
Are we talking general or specific? In general, the Weasleys. Of course, I'm biased here, but Weasley posts thrilled me. Specifically, I could pull up a few mentions. A least favourite part might have been bringing myself to comment with Lucius Malfoy, who I'm sure everyone knows was a brilliantly evil character. I felt compelled to argue with him but it made me horribly frustrated and anxious every time!
Arthur and Pansy, haha. I was expecting this to come up! To be perfectly honest, Arthur is just a bumbling old man, and to have a young thing like that paying him attention and wanting to ask him questions was just horribly flattering. He couldn't really see how hurtful it was, and how it could have been misconstrued, I suppose.
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kearie @ August 13 2004, 23:12:12 UTC |
What exactly made you decide to give Arthur such a fixation with smileys etc?
Sorry for such a stupid question! I LOVED Arthur :) (Incidentally, I also assumed that he and Molly were the same player, but I'm sure I'm not the only one on that boat!<---is a silly, silly fangirl.)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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a_player @ August 13 2004, 23:24:59 UTC |
I can't say I'm really sure on this one! He was just very thrilled with little things. The fact that a colon and a uppercase 'd' could be a face? THRILLING! :D NO, REALLY! Also, it is a lot easier to type ">:O" than type, "I am not very impressed with you currently".
Thanks, a lot! (I think we had a lot of people going on that. I only wish I were that brilliant! Unfortunately, there can be no other Molly for me, now. I am spoiled.)
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 02:13:14 UTC |
Coherency is overrated at times like these, really.
I have to admit that a lot of Arthur just came naturally, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. However! I really enjoyed Arthur in canon, and the Weasleys in general. I liked the way that Arthur could be overly exuberant about some things, and very serious and businesslike in others - I only wish I'd been able to use this a little more, I feel like a lot of my Arthur was more towards the over-the-top scale of things. I did try and work with canon as well as using a couple of other sources. One of those was my own father, who (despite having a serious profession) can be a terrifically embarrassing person to be seen in public with. The other main source I'd go by was actually Ron, so you're right on there about the similarities. Also, the day that livejournal announced fifty keywords was the day that Molly's player and I popped a bottle of champagne.
I did work with the other Weasley players, indeed! Not so much deciding how Arthur would be, I think from the get-go everyone was okay with his commenting. I fell into a groove with, for example, Ron's player and the likenesses there.
How flattering! I'm most definitely not blushing.
portkey @ August 13 2004, 23:22:08 UTC |
How easy or difficult was it to portray a character so intrigued by the little things that are so common to us, and yet have him confused by them (misspelled words, et cetera)? The way you had Arthur so delighted by little things like emoticons was always so amusing and delightfully canonical, but as someone who (presumably) knows quite well how to use a computer, what was it like trying to show his insatiable curiosity at the tiny things?
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 02:28:20 UTC |
Good question! I really love hearing about grandparents and the like trying to get hip and funky with the technological age! 23 Skidoo! I guess I put Arthur in that kind of mindset, of not wanting to fall behind, and being absolutely flabberghasted by the things he was learning. A lot of the curiosity was me pulling desperately at canon. Also, my love of >:O prevailed.
(parent)tocomfortyou @ August 13 2004, 23:23:18 UTC |
Truly, I have no questions, just love and lots of it. ♥ ♥ ♥ SEEDY indeedy.
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 02:16:49 UTC |
There is nothing quite so delightful as a lot of love, I must say! ♥ back at you.
(parent)morganmuffle @ August 13 2004, 23:25:52 UTC |
<3 Weasley love! Seriously, the Weasley threads could always be relied on to cheer me up when I was down (well up until the end anyway).
Now that's out of the way :D What was the hardest moment in the whole RPG for you (with Arthur involved or not)?
Oh and do you mind if I imagine you running off into the sunset with a stapler?
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 02:23:28 UTC |
Weasley love! <3 I have to admit, they did the same for me.
I think that for me, predictably, the hardest moment of the RPG was George's death. The Outing was a very full-on time as well, but as I wasn't involved at all, I didn't feel as connected to it as a lot of the other players did. With George's death, I spent a good few days trapped to my desk chair feeling ill. Even the planning of it was really emotional for me, and I'll stop before this starts sounding like a soap opera.
I do not mind at all! Perhaps there could be two staplers, masquerading as maracas.
aome @ August 14 2004, 00:40:32 UTC |
More Arthur love. :D
You did a fabulous job with him, felt very canon - eccentric, I suppose is the word.
Hmmm, questions:
How did he feel about having so many gay children? I remember Molly once wondering if she'd done something wrong, but I'm not recalling off the top of my head (which isn't to say there wasn't a post about it) just how Arthur felt. What about Charlie's past with Remus? Percy's almost-secret wedding to Penny?
Tell me a bit about Arthur's past: Why is he so fascinated by Muggle things? Was there some initial object which first captured his attention? Does he have a favourite Muggle object?
How did he propose to Molly?
Okay, will stop being obnoxious now. Congrats on a job well done!
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 06:25:25 UTC |
Thanks, it really means a lot to read comments like this.
I guess Arthur didn't think about it that much, or tried not to. I won't say he wasn't relieved when Ginny got herself a boyfriend, though. He didn't ever really post about it because he tried not to think about it too much! You always want the best for your children, so when they're happy, you try to be happy for them, too. Percy's wedding, though? ONE OF THE MOST BRILLIANT DAYS OF ARTHUR'S LIFE.
To be honest, Arthur is so fascinated by Muggle things because J.K.R. said so. He's highly impressed by staplers, and fond of plugs, but this already came through pretty well, I think. Also, a motorcycle with a sidecar would be thrilling.
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 02:15:02 UTC |
Hahaha! It very well could be! I made the icon from the screencap of Arthur's desktop in this post.
(parent)negativedust @ August 14 2004, 02:09:11 UTC |
1. Which is your favorite of the following?
2. What is the most interesting Muggle invention you've come across so far?
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 02:19:12 UTC |
1. I am drawn to that lovely Weasley Red stapler, I must admit. Though, STAPLING WITH A LOG? WORLDS OF WONDER.
2. I read about a breadmaker/coffeemaker with an in-built alarm the other day and got tingles all over. If only I were lying.
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corrupteddreams @ August 14 2004, 02:41:10 UTC |
Was there any one place you got inspiration from? <3
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 05:26:46 UTC |
Hello! I can read this, you know.
I answered something a little similar to this above, but condensed - it was a combination of canon and my own father. Also, a lot of it was just my off-kilter mind, haha! <3
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 05:30:41 UTC |
I really liked the verbosity of cadoganthebold and
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 05:35:00 UTC |
Seriously, though. To limit myself at five, I will say: Ginny, Molly, Ron, Fred and Percy.
No, it's really hard to pick just a couple of favourites. I am also fond of Ernie, Harry, and Pansy, to name a couple more.
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 07:00:19 UTC |
OH. So much love. Do I get to ask you questions too?
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 08:23:26 UTC |
I was going to ask you one but chickened out, hahaha! You can ask me a question if you like, though I fear my ears have turned Weasley Red.
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 13:34:50 UTC |
<3 <3 <3 You should have asked!
To be honest, I didn't have a real real question. I was going to ask goofy things like what your latest YM name was, or if you would e-mail me as arthur constantly. LOL
<3 I love the Arthur Weasley. That should be said. I want to print out and frame that one e-mail you sent. Honestly.
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a_player @ August 18 2004, 12:17:53 UTC |
<3 Embarrassment got the better of me!
I will randomly surprise you with emails to keep in touch by. And maybe picnics, I'd like us to have picnics.
:( I love the Miss Parkinson. It's so hard leaving it all behind, haha.
cadeyrn @ August 14 2004, 03:59:28 UTC |
Was there a character Arthur got to interact with that was really unexpectedly a lot of fun? Or did some of his interactions with family or friends ever surprise you with where they went?
(Please ignore the icon. :3 It is something I use in sheer exuberance only, I assure you.)
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 05:39:44 UTC |
I will say the Remus threads, here. I usually ended up howling with laughter after commenting with Remus - the duel post and the following day, and the time he turned into a female, just to name a couple. I always loved commenting with Ron, too. I don't know, I was always up for a good comment spam. Any long commenting you see, I had a lot of fun with.
(I'll take your word on it! Hahaha.)
digitalmeowmix2 @ August 14 2004, 04:31:57 UTC |
What was it like being a Weasley,
and what other character would you have liked to play?
could you do one last smily face for me?
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 05:44:08 UTC |
Being a Weasley was the most WONDERFUL THING IN THE WORLD. I am not even exaggerating here! BETTER THAN CHOCOLATE OR STAPLERS EVEN. I find it hard to watch the Burrow scene in the Chamber of Secrets movie now without feeling gleeful.
I really don't know! I suppose playing a Slytherin would have been fun, if only for the irony of Ron and Arthur then screaming about SLYTHERINS!!!1. A Hufflepuff would have been fun, too, I imagine. To be perfectly honest, I was happy with Arthur.
No >:O
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Anonymous @ August 14 2004, 05:30:15 UTC |
hiii~ XD i love you so much, i think arthur threads were the funnest ever, i really wish arthur were my dad! he really seemed dadlike, did you have to think about being a dad a lot or did it just come natural? did you feel like a parent?
also! when molly left arthur and was in the shed, what did arthur do?
<33333 you always
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 05:54:13 UTC |
Hahaha, thank you so much! I didn't think about it much at all, it just sort of happened, which was lucky. I don't know if I felt like a parent so much as just horribly protective of the troops. I guess that's hard to answer, because I don't know what feeling like a parent implies!
Arthur posted a lot, annoyingly. Hahaha! He cooked (badly), and cleaned (badly), and annoyed his children (quite well). Sometimes he would go out to the shed and talk to the door. He wasn't very happy during most of that time.
doubtful_salmon @ August 14 2004, 05:45:41 UTC |
That's really sad, now I feel bad, and I'm just looking at this thread!
See what happened.
doubtful_salmon @ August 14 2004, 05:47:24 UTC |
To me, movie!Arthur and book!Arthur always seemed so different despite being the same character.
Do you see where I'm coming from in saying this, and to which (movie or book) do you felt you kept closer in your portrayal of Arthur?
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 06:04:51 UTC |
I see where you're coming from, to an extent. I'll also say that PoA!Arthur felt different to CoS!Arthur, but I assume this is because of the different situations he was in in those scenes. I'd been looking forward to seeing Molly and Arthur arguing in the Leaky Cauldron, and was disappointed when the movie scene ran the way it did.
I do think Mark Williams does a great job of Arthur. I hope he gets some great (if, and I am accepting of this, short) screen time in the Goblet of Fire movie. I have to say that I thought of the movie character when I thought of Arthur's voice, most times, because in the Burrow scene of the CoS movie he is so enthralled, and such a family man, and so in love with his wife, and so curious all in the one go.
WAIT! HOWEVER! When I first saw the Chamber of Secrets movie, how I longed for Arthur and Lucius Malfoy's brawl in Flourish and Blotts! I was so disappointed that Arthur seemed to just take what Malfoy gave out, and make a few grumpy faces. I think NA Arthur would have tackled him head on and given him a noogie. So perhaps I leant towards the books, there. Look at me, I just keep writing, how embarrassing!
So, after being disgustingly verbose, I'll give you a weak answer and say that I used both the books and the CoS movie, not one more than the other. Aren't I awful? I apologise!
doubtful_salmon @ August 16 2004, 01:27:43 UTC |
But I get what you're saying which puts me like, three steps ahead!
And yeah, I agree, I loved Mark Williams and I was looking forward to a Flourish and Blotts Brawl. (Flourish and Brawl.)
doubtful_salmon @ August 16 2004, 01:30:26 UTC |
Oh, isn't it? It's a teh_indy creation and seemed so suitable.
It looks so weird on 1024x768 though, now I can't see the "Arthur/duckie" text.
doubtful_salmon @ August 17 2004, 04:21:31 UTC |
Oh, this is most excellent news. Perhaps I am just going blind (I thought I might be so this is not a new development).
Also, I must say, it was the Weasleys that got me using the LJ thumb. I find it livens up comments quite nicely, and gives them that special touch.
aeiriz @ August 14 2004, 08:08:17 UTC |
Hello there. ^.^
Did you have a favorite post that you'd written? Was there a post made by another player that you particularly liked?
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 09:04:10 UTC |
Hello to you, too!
Do you know, I've just skimmed through all Arthur's posts and I can't pick one, they're all rather silly. At the same time, if I said I liked Remus' post concerning the duel between him and Lucius Malfoy, I would basically be saying that I quite liked Arthur's handiwork there, so I guess I can say that is my favourite post.
As for other posts - Molly's player mentioned this briefly on their Q&A and they were right, almost all of Molly's fairly heartwrenching posts made me cry, which was just awful, but at the same time I absolutely loved them. So, there you have it.
black_dog @ August 14 2004, 08:15:17 UTC |
First, I'm just going to fanboy you shamelessly, because I thought your Arthur was just deliriously funny. I'm trying to pick a favorite thread, and maybe the one where Arthur tries to be Remus' second against Lucius stands out (the poor owls!), but it's hard to pick just one!
I wondered, if it's a fair question, did you by any chance play Charlie as well, because I thought his own special silliness was the most like Arthur's?
And I'm going to ask you something I asked Molly's player, too -- tell us something you thought about each of the Weasley kids that you wouldn't normally admit in public.
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 09:56:47 UTC |
That is perhaps one of my favourite threads (that I was involved in), too. Clearly Remus could have done with that kind of help in the duel.
I did not play Charlie! Charlie actually wasn't even going to be in the game, at all, which is why he's never had his own journal. He just started showing up on other peoples' and couldn't stop! :-D
Weasley kids, Weasley kids. I, too, will skip non-game Bill.
Arthur thinks that Charlie is a huge show-off for living in Romania.
He likes to talk about the Ministry and serious things with Percy but often feels as though Percy is talking down to him, and it makes him feel like an old fool.
This will sound awful, but when Arthur would speak about the twins to his colleagues - and there were only a small number of them - he would refer to them as the queer one and the normal one sometimes. I honestly hope he doesn't refer to them as the dead one and the queer one, now.
Arthur doesn't think Ron will be clever enough to be an Auror, like he wants to.
He dislikes Ginny's boyfriend just as much as he disliked Ginny's girlfriend.
sistermagpie @ August 14 2004, 15:14:45 UTC |
He dislikes Ginny's boyfriend just as much as he disliked Ginny's girlfriend.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2004, 08:49:00 UTC |
How would Arthur have felt if Molly had started getting attention from a fit young wizard?
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 09:58:30 UTC |
He would have felt really expired and old, actually, but he's not one of those "put yourself in their shoes" people, to his own detriment. I mean, he is, but only if they're well-off shoes he gets to put himself in.
(parent)tabiji @ August 14 2004, 10:51:41 UTC |
Hello Arthur's player!
Could you tell us more about Arthur's decision to retire? Since he's relatively young (especially by wizard standards), and since the Weasley finances were a concern, I wondered at the time if he had been manipulated into retirement? Or if not, then what sort of financial arrangements did he make to for the family's financial security?
Thank you so much for doing this! <3 I miss you all terribly!
PS: Would you consider adopting me?
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 12:19:04 UTC |
Hello tabiji!
There was no manipulation, actually. The past couple of years have just been tolling, and he felt years and years older than he is, so he thought he should give it all in and stay at home to be with his wife. However, there's only so many things a sprightly young man of fifty-nine can do before he goes stir crazy. To be honest with you, Arthur will retire for a year - possibly even only months - before he gets twitchy fingers and takes his job back again for another thirty or so years, at least.
I miss us all, as well, haha.
PS: Consider it considered.
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a_player @ August 14 2004, 12:15:16 UTC |
Hello! <|B-D <333333!
JUST ONE? This would possibly require me re-reading the entire RPG. For Weasley sake I am going to say the chat log, I think we were still probably crying with laughter once the actual chatting was done and the post was up and possibly still as we went to bed. Also, random future readings have been known to make me cry with laughter.
Also - knowing NA, lack of sleep. And Weasley love.
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goth_the_goat @ August 14 2004, 12:28:16 UTC |
I LOVE YOU WEASLEYS!!!!!1111oneone
Why do you chose staples as Arthur's Muggle obsession, next to plugs?
Will you do a smilie for me? I'll do you one.
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 05:34:06 UTC |
<3333333333333 RIGHT BACK
When I first started as Arthur, I was going to let him be fascinated with a different Muggle thing every month or so, but that sort of fell by the wayside. The staple thing, though - I always imagine there to be some kind of charm that holds documents together, so that wizards and witches don't have to bother with things like staples. The more mundane something is, the more Arthur is kind of gleeful about it. Also, staplers are just so exciting.
No >:O
comava @ August 14 2004, 14:27:30 UTC |
Ahem. Thanks so much for doing these Q&As with us.
My questions: How was it for Arthur to hear about the attack on the Great Hall and that Lupin, Pansy and Lucius had died? Bit of a lame question, I know. And what did Arthur think about Harry's relationship with Draco?
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 05:52:03 UTC |
Lucius' death - he was pretty happy, actually.
Lupin's death - Arthur and Remus had been fairly good chums, especially when Molly left him briefly. They drifted apart a little towards the end of the game, but it was still a huge blow to him.
Pansy's death - Again, a huge blow. He still thought very highly of her, and was looking forward to having her working at the Ministry. His comment to her last post was made after she'd died, but he didn't know that, and even I didn't realise it until after he'd commented, it was really quite upsetting!
Arthur didn't really know about Harry and Draco's relationship, so I couldn't answer that for you.
comava @ August 15 2004, 15:07:00 UTC |
Thank you!
That comment on Pansy's journal is eerie! And I didn't know that, I'm gonna go check right now!
sistermagpie @ August 14 2004, 15:22:18 UTC |
I can't believe how much you made me love Arthur. The way you were so funny but then that exact same personality could push into Ministry Official To Be Reckoned With. I'll bet Ginny grew up thinking you could slay a dragon that was threatening her if you really had to.:-)
I would also like to know Arthur's thoughts on Pansy's death, and how he felt about her last post about working at the Ministry--enough that he wanted to congratulate her secretly. Did he think she would make a great career, apart from just enjoying her muffins and compliments?
And how did Arthur feel about Percy being accused of helping Peter escape?!
Molly said she secretly gave Ron more credit for things like CoS than she did Harry. How did Arthur view Ron's part as brave and loyal friend to Harry Potter?
I know you said Arthur wasn't sure he was clever enough to be an Auror like he wanted. Does Arthur have any ideas for what Ron should be doing, or an idea of how his Auror training will work out and how he'll deal with it?
Finally, I loved your secrets about all the kids--if it's not too much, what's the thing Arthur admires most/is most proud of about all his children?
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 07:38:14 UTC |
Things like this are really wonderful to hear, thank you so much. Arthur is very handy with dragons, naturally. :-"
Arthur and Pansy actually had some good conversations over lunches, about the Ministry and family and all sorts of things, and he found her to be a very clever girl with a bright future. So, yes, he thought she had a long way to go. He kept quiet about his feelings on her death, and he hadn't spoken to her for a good while, but he was still shaken by it.
Arthur was so biased towards his son, that even if the accusations had been true, he still probably would have argued against them.
Harry Potter is a good lad but clearly Ronald's better, Potter's lucky to have him as a friend. I'm sure Arthur feels the same way Molly does.
I'll get around to the other questions shortly, I've got to pop out for a bit but I didn't want to leave you completely unanswered!
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 08:42:11 UTC |
And when I said I had to pop out for a bit, I clearly meant, "and come back only to accidentally forget about finishing answering these questions". I am clever like that.
I don't think Arthur really thinks he knows what Ron should definitely be doing, but I imagine he puts Ron on the same kind of intellectual level as himself, and so to hear him wanting to be an Auror makes Arthur think that he just won't have it in him. Personally, I hope Ron kicks butt. He's been through so many rough things lately that I think he could well come up trumps if he really perseveres.
Things to be proud of and/or admire. Let me see.
He's proud of how brave Charlie is, because Arthur would never dream of working with dragons, even though it sounds like one of the most exciting things there ever is to do.
Arthur's proud of Percy for a lot of things, and if only he balanced out getting more family time in, Arthur thinks Percy would have life pretty well-packaged now. He thinks if he doesn't get onto the Wizengamot in the future, then something's got to be wrong with the system.
He admires the ingenuity of the twins. Arthur gets to see all these Muggle artifacts go completey wacko at work, and he loves the job in part because he's intrigued by what they do and what people have done to them. He wishes he could do more of that himself, just on the sly, but he finds that even when he sits down to do it, nothing too clever comes up. The twins, with their gag products and all of those things, are just so creative and inventive, and if only that came from his side of the family!
Arthur's proud of the way Ronald's matured in recent times. He'll admit he was worried that Ron would never have a serious side at all, but now seems to have it due to sheer determination.
He is proud of his little girl growing to be a clever young woman, even if he doesn't like to think of her as growing up at all. He keeps getting proven wrong when he tries to convince people she's still just a child, but at least now he's sure she'll be one to stand on her own two feet, and leave her old dad and mum in her dust like the boys.
hermione_like @ August 15 2004, 00:32:04 UTC |
No questions from me, just a <3333333 from a huge fan. :D
(parent)bookofjude @ August 15 2004, 23:28:22 UTC |
I am trying to think up an intereting question! And then I realised fuck it! Haha. I actually get really annoyed when I see Serious Arthur in an RPG! Because I am just like "wtf? THAT IS SO WRONG HOW CAN YOU BE SO WRONG ARTHUR IS NOT SERIOUS". Have you ever seen Cats? Do you think that it is seriously disturbing in parts? I have only seen a few bits of it right now BECAUSE IT IS ON CABLE AND I AM WATCHING IT WHILE I TYPE THIS COMMENT. Uh.
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 07:44:32 UTC |
I get slightly troubled, yet intrigued by serious Arthurs. I guess I'm interested in the way other people take his character and what they do with it, really, but I can't help but feel slightly possessive! Which is silly, but true.
Are you asking me or Arthur about cats, haha? I, myself, have seen it, and I think rather highly of it, though when I first saw it at a young age I was terrified by Macavity and the Rumpus cat. Nightmares, I tell you.
franticgoddess @ August 16 2004, 03:46:04 UTC |
Like others, I am not witty enough to think of a good question at the moment, but still wanted to express my OMG<3 for your Aurthur :D It is through your posts that I came to know the joy that is CAPS LOCK!! And embraced it for all it's glory ♥
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 07:41:21 UTC |
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 17 2004, 13:33:25 UTC |
1.)I love you, your adorable.
2.)Do I know you?
3.)How does your character feel about grandkids?
4.)What was your most favorite moment on the RPG?
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a_player @ August 18 2004, 12:22:33 UTC |
1.) Thank you, your quite fine, yourself.
2.) I don't believe so!
3.) GRANDWEASLEYS ASAP PLEASE. I'm hoping that Percy and Penelope's wedding was a rush job, actually, if you know what I mean.
4.) Trashing Lupin's study.
1anonymous1 @ August 18 2004, 14:18:10 UTC |
1.)We are sexy bitches.:D
2.)Just curious.:)
3.)Grandweasleys! *cracks up* I hope it was too.;)
4.)Haha, I love you.
lmblackjack21 @ August 17 2004, 17:33:21 UTC |
This is more of a general question, but I liked your Arthur a lot, so you get it. Were the male characters played by males and females by females, so on and so forth?
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a_player @ August 18 2004, 12:24:57 UTC |
I'll take that as a compliment. I shouldn't really answer for the other players, though, I hope you understand. I will say that in my case, no.
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zonko @ August 18 2004, 03:28:26 UTC |
I am pretty sure that no other Arthur in any game will measure up to yours. He was very much my favorite character in this game. I named my fish "Staple", actually! He's dead now, though. R.I.P.
Question: Were you in hysterics while typing up the especially hilarious posts or comments?
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a_player @ August 18 2004, 12:26:29 UTC |
I will never hear these kinds of things enough; thank you so much! R.I.P. Staple, indeed. :/ I hope he was flushed with love.
Answer: Yes. Actually, it's kind of awful, I still burst my ribs laughing when I go back and read them now.
susan_voight @ August 21 2004, 16:28:17 UTC |
Hello! I hope you're still checking this, I was away from a computer for a while and catching up with all this has taken some time.
I see people have already asked favorite & hardest moments. So, is there anything you'd have done differently (and anything Arthur would have done differently); and do you write any HP fanfic, and has it affected your RP'ing, or the other way around?
I loved reading Arthur, he was always so expressive and I could tell his player was having a great deal of fun. We miss you!
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a_player @ August 22 2004, 09:25:16 UTC |
Hello! You're lucky I pay attention to the comment count.
I don't know if I'd do things differently so much as flesh them out, follow them through a bit more. I would have loved to have had more in-character Weasley chat logs, because the one epic one was the light of my life. I would have liked to have taken on Lucius Malfoy in comments more, to make Arthur seem like a stronger character and balance out the comedic with the controlled.
I've written some fanfic but not in the recent past; RPing's affected my fanfic writing in that I haven't written much at all since I joined! I don't think the two things would clash in any kind of creative way, though - they're fairly separate entities to me, at least.
Thank you, so much. I did have a ball, and I miss it, too.
tabiji @ September 23 2004, 10:46:03 UTC |
If you manage to check back here, I have another question:
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?