a_player @ 2004-08-15 11:33:00 |
(no title)
Mood: calm
Hi and Hello. Dean's player reporting next in line for Q&A. This should be fun. :D
You know the drill: I can't promise to answer everything and can't answer for others, but I will do my best all around. Also, don't forget to ask the other players who've gone before me any questions you had intended for them.
All right... shoot. :)
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 17:15:17 UTC |
Seriously, I just always saw him as creative and easy-going and natural. If that makes him awesome, so be it. ;)
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 17:39:46 UTC |
But see, I would be thinking about something else, and then Dean would trundle along and comment somewhere and I would have to shriek, "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOOK WHAT DEAN JUST SAID" at whomever I was talking to. Then I would just sit there wondering how Dean was so awesome. My questions will never find answers.
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 17:43:58 UTC |
Ahahahahaha... perhaps he is just a scene disrupter in that way. Like a clown at a rodeo. *gives him a funny hat*
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Anonymous @ August 15 2004, 17:22:29 UTC |
Okay dude, why Boot? WHY WHY WHY when there's Seamus? Insanity. Excellent drama, but insanity. SO glad it all worked out between Dean and Seamus again in the end. God, but I'd love details about that wall-painting afternoon you boys planned... ;)
Oh, the hair and dancing? <333
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 17:33:17 UTC |
*cough* Well... Boot and Dean became friends at a time when Dean was sort of emotionally whacked vulnerable. Seamus was there for him with patient and sensible advice, as he always is, but Dean is a not-often-sensible teenaged boy who found himself wanting to throw himself into a new and reckless experience in order to escape the judgement of his parents. It worked for a while, but eventually he had to confront the issue in a more practical manner. I think in the end this was a good thing because Dean had to deal with the situation with his parents on his own; he had to make mistakes and learn from them, without Seamus to bail him out.
But I, too, am glad it worked out between them in the end. :D
jheaton @ August 15 2004, 17:27:09 UTC |
Why was Dean's most prized possession his hair? I wouldn't think that most people would even think of their own hair as a possession.
Great icon, by the way.
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 17:38:53 UTC |
Aha, yes. Well, first of all, I thought it was hilarious that his most prized possession was his hair... but that's just me. Also, I think the fact that Dean had basically come to terms with his parent's rejection of him at that point made him more cynical about possessions in general: any of the childhood things he had valued were sort of tainted by the fact that his parents had more or less disowned him as their child. I'd also like to think that the things he values are more immaterial, but he does have a teeny vain streak, so viola! Hair!
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 17:40:38 UTC |
I would also point out that Dean sees his hair as a reflection of his personality, and while it isn't a possession, per se, he does value it in a self-identifying way.
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 15 2004, 18:12:50 UTC |
Dean! DEEEAAAN! Sorry, I got all excited.
I still sometimes crack up thinking of poor Dean getting knocked out by that xerox machine. (I think of this comment: "Thomas?")
Well, since this was revealed by the end of the game I must ask, could you tell us more about your little games with Malfoy with you as the Alpha dog--like, how did you notice it turned Seamus on and how exactly did that work? If you don't mind, of course.
Can you tell me about having Lavender over to your house for the holidays?
How did you ultimately wind up feeling about Terry? Good lord, weren't you his second in the duel? What was that experience like??
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 18:44:29 UTC |
Dean doesn't take himself very seriously and PS obviously does, so Dean soon took delight in needling Malfoy whenever the fancy struck him. Seamus always egged Dean on in private, claiming it was good for Malfoy to have someone not back down from him. It was only in the last few months, after they had re-established their relationship, that Dean realized Seamus "approved" in a different way, as well. As for how it "worked"... in the usual way, I expect! ;) After that, Dean might have intentionally picked on PS just because he wanted some. Possibly.
Having Lavender over to his parents for hols was likely the worst idea Dean EVER HAD. He was feeling pretty isolated at that point, realizing that Seamus had moved on, and that Terry had gone from being fun and spontaneous to decidedly unreliable for anything but sheer chaos. He was missing his parents very much, too. So he had this wild idea... "why not take Lavender to my parents, because then maybe they'll let me in the house, and..." I don't think at the time he was using Lavender in a calculated way, but let's face it, he was using her. Seamus was the one who pointed this out to him , and was understandably quite hurt by Dean's actions. Lavender was hurt, too, as she took Dean's invitation as a sign of romantic interest in her. So yes, Dean messed up big time, but it was an important step in him recognizing his own short-sightedness. Eventually, I think it led to him accepting his parent's rejection as well. He figured out that it wasn't worth lying and hurting people just to appease their narrow-mindedness.
Terry is a good distraction from reality, but can never be a reality. I think Dean will always think on him with both fondness and extreme exasperation. As for the duel: Fear a man who knows how to use paint-thinner.
aome @ August 15 2004, 18:53:10 UTC |
Lame question: What did Dean think of Seamus' fashion-friendship with Draco?
What was your favourite Dean moment as his player?
Much affection and appreciation for your presentation of him. :)
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 18:59:39 UTC |
Dean was a little amused and did not mind as 1) Dean himself already had a good visual sense that Seamus didn't object to and 2)it meant that Seamus didn't try to fashionista over him too often, except for the occasional prodding to be more outrageous now and then, which Dean was generally all too happy to do.
As for a single moment, I'd have to say... when Dean asked Malfoy to "be my duck". Mostly because I was cracking up at the visual implication of that, and PS's offended response was priceless. But I also loved every single one of the threads that involved ALL of the Gryffindor boys, who had a very natural, real vibe, I think. It always seemed to me like they really had known one another for seven years.
Thank you!
shachi @ October 3 2004, 10:34:18 UTC |
*tattoos the Duck Thread on my heart* That was *wonderful*. Every part of NA was wonderful, but that bit has this little extra "*ting*" that comes to me every time I read it because it's so incredibly, uh...wonderful. *is redundant*
I'm not on nraged, but I do adore NA and everything that the players and mods brought to the game. :D
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unknownwisdom @ August 15 2004, 19:02:55 UTC |
<3! Dean love!
Okay, it has to be asked: Favourite NA moment?
Also, you played a character that whet through a very hard time with his parents concerning his sexuality (I loved Dean so much during this time, you played him fantastically), was this hard to do? Did you feel at all pressured or uncomfortable playing out such a realistic issue within a magical game? (I hope that makes at least some sense...)
Sorry if that's too personal or makes no sense, you don't have to answer. Dean/Seamus forever ^_^
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 19:12:50 UTC |
I have to say Love Your Neighbour Week was my favourite NA moment because there were some brilliant revelations about the characters, many unforgetable interactions, and yet none of it hinged on a Dreadful Moment like Harry being outted, or the summer 2003 attack on the castle, etc.
Playing a gay character in an RPG is a touchy subject because it often seems impossible to do this without some level of exploitation, even if you're trying desperately to avoid it. I tried to keep Dean's pain over the matter off-journal, if only to avoid 'using' his parent's rejection as a way to create drama or in-game angst. For him it was a very real and private experience, and I wanted that experience alluded to, but not necessarily displayed for the world to see. So yes, I guess I did feel uncomfortable in the sense that I never really know if I did the issue justice, or even if it's terribly presumptuous to think that I -could- do it justice. But I'm probably over-analyzing at this point, so I'll leave it at that.
Thanks. :D
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goth_the_goat @ August 15 2004, 19:15:11 UTC |
The "be my duck" discussion shall ever be my favorite. I even printed it out to Corel WordPerfect to have in of my school notebooks, which ALL of them are decorted with NA stuff. Need to take pictures of them, and quick!
Anyway, what did Dean thought of the fact that Malfoy and Seamus were playing with paper dolls? What was your thoughts on it? Why did Dean hated Quidditch so much?
Oh, and I love you.3333333333333333
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 19:29:04 UTC |
Thanks. "Be my duck" kills me, too.
I think Dean hated quidditch just to be a little bit contrary and dramatic. It was also a fairly painless way of remaining loyal to his muggle past and love of football.
As for "paper dolls", Dean just saw it as Seamus and Malfoy conspiring on how to instruct certain people at Hogwarts on how to dress better. Dean knows that Seamus likes for people to look their best, because he sees it as an extension of making them feel good about themselves, so he wasn't a bit surprised. He also knows that Malfoy likes any opportunity to feel that his taste is superiour to others, so he wasn't surprised in that regard, either.
And *blush*, thank you!
akimbie @ August 15 2004, 20:04:52 UTC |
i just wanted to know, really, what you think contributed in the end to Dean's decision to go to art school?
What were the reasons/circumstances around dean and seamus getting back together? do you think they had a happy ending?
i really loved the interaction between dean and seamus - it made me go all girly when i read their posts/comments!!! thanks!
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 20:18:02 UTC |
Seamus was very encouraging about the Art School route, and Dean values Seamus' opinion muchly. Even though he loves being a wizard, Dean had an innate talent for art and I think he recognized that it would only be to his benefit to nurture that further. Plus, it may not be well known, but the art school he was accepted at, Goldsmiths, is very famous and exclusive. How could he say no? :)
There was a point in early spring where it suddenly occured to Dean that all the things that had previously bothered him about Seamus before (his sentimentality, his steadiness) were also the things he most loved about him. When Seamus started casually flirting with him again, he became really really hopeful about a possible reunion, but tried to remain calm as at that point Seamus was still with Charlie. He didn't know if the flirting was just Seamus' innate flirty way, or a sign of something more. During the camping trip he and Seamus had a physical encounter that left him wondering if it was a one-time thing, and then they hooked up again when staying at Remus' flat in London over Easter (around the time Pettigrew was spotted in the castle). But it wasn't until Seamus resolved his situation with Charlie that they were really a couple again.. and it's probably best that Seamus' player explain that side of it.
Seamus and Dean were closer than ever when the game ended, so I think things looked very positive for them. Does that make it a happy ending? Not sure. :D
And thank YOU. :)
akimbie @ August 15 2004, 20:23:29 UTC |
how did dean feel when he found out about seamus and charlie though? did he ever regret what happened with Terry?
One of my favourite posts was the one where seamus and dean are talking about moving to london and maybe about finding somewhere together - was it planned that they would be so solid at the end or did it just come naturally?
sorry for asking a million questions!
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a_player @ August 15 2004, 20:28:43 UTC |
A think he felt a tiny bit jealous and a bit regretful that he'd screwed things up with Seamus to begin with. But he liked Charlie, so there was no ill will there at all. And yes, Dean did regret what happened with Terry quite a bit. As his player, I think his experience with Terry was a necessary one that caused him to do some needed growing up, but I'm not sure Dean views it as that just yet.
It wasn't really planned, no... we were just lucky in that both characters seemed to come full circle in that way.
Don't be sorry at all! Much love. <3
portkey @ August 16 2004, 02:55:48 UTC |
How difficult was it for Dean to actually use the paint thinner on Sir Cadogan?
Speaking of which, did Dean draw anything about the attack, in memorial of those who died perhaps?
I'm horrible at coming up with interest questions, but I just wanted to say thank you. It happened that just when I started following the Dean/Seamus arc (and really, NA in general) was when I was just beginning to discover that I was gay; reading Dean's early stages as he tried to process his feelings for Seamus always struck a rather strong chord within me, because of that. So, thank you.
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 03:41:18 UTC |
Oh, I doubt it was very difficult in that he was quite adept with paint thinner, but I think any artist has quite a few reservations about destroying a piece of art.
I'm sure he did. After what happened to George and Charlie Dean was lamenting the helplessness that he felt, and Neville reminded him that artists were there to help the people remember what it was they were fighting for. Dean told Neville he would remember that, and he did. So I think all of his experiences have most definitely worked their way into his art.
That's wonderful to hear, allthough I cannot take credit for all of that as I was not Dean's original player. But perhaps he/she is reading this and will know that their characterization had an effect on you.
portkey @ August 16 2004, 04:28:42 UTC |
On that note, is Dean doing anything to possibly be a more active person after the attacks? Maybe planning to use his art to somehow help people out?
It still fits. :) Dean's characterization late in the game started to have various paralells to what was going on in my life at the time, once again, so he still had an impact on me. For whatever it's worth.
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a_player @ August 17 2004, 04:46:25 UTC |
I haven't thought about what he might be doing specifically, but he is definitely more active than he was before what happened to Charlie and George--it was really what happened to them that made him realize that he needed to be more active. Of course, Voldemort is dead at the game's close, so the war can be said to be over--that doesn't mean there's not a lot of healing and such that's left to be done. His first step is to become a student of art, and I think after that he would be looking into ways in which his art can sort of transcend the division between the wizarding and muggle worlds, if that makes sense.
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a_player @ August 20 2004, 23:27:27 UTC |
Yeah, I really liked that interaction, too.
- Neville's player.
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hezzabeth @ August 16 2004, 03:40:34 UTC |
First thing I loved Dean even though he really frustrated me sometimes.
Ok my question.
Why did Dean decide to change his hair?
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 03:44:46 UTC |
He occasionally frustrated me as well!
Well, I think experimenting with hair and style is a pretty teenagery thing to do, particularly if you're artistic/creative minded. Dean changed his hair right around the time he was coming to terms with the situation involving his parents, so I think it was an extension of his developing independence. That could be me overanalyzing, though--it's just hair, after all. ;)
black_dog @ August 16 2004, 04:26:32 UTC |
Dean rocks (rox?), and that is all there is to it! Of course he had his trials and troubles, but I loved it when you played him as this calm, assured, teasing presence who mellowed everyone out -- including Seamus, who sometimes needed it badly. I always loved the way he -- maybe alone among all the characters -- handled Malfoy so masterfully and with such amusement, and the revelation that it turned Seamus on just put a wonderful bit of spin on that at the end.
Couple of questions, for puzzles I never could quite figure out.
Did the Seamus-PS friendship ever seem to cross a line, from Dean's perspective, or was Ron just hallucinating all of that? It sort of felt like, when Dean started cheating with Boot, that he maybe felt Seamus had let things go too far with PS, and that he was jealous and sort of paying him back. Was there anything to that?
In their very last thread ("all packed") about summer plans, Dean and Seamus both allude to something that's "not quite behind us." I am thick and can't figure out what that means. Charlie? Or something else?
More generally, it was possible to read Seamus as sometimes inappropriately flirtatious with people -- one of his remarks even rattled Harry a bit on the big Gryffindor boys' sex thread. Was this an issue for Dean or was it just a habit of Seamus' that didn't mean anything?
It amuses me to no end that, according to Seamus on that same thread, Dean and Seamus once had a conversation about "helping Harry out" sexually. And I loved the possessive way they both talked about Harry on the big thread when Draco wrote a post for Harry. How close would you say Dean was to Harry, and did they bond at all over being gay? Were there any behind-the-scenes discussions or RP's about that?
Thanks again for taking questions, and for playing an extremely cool Dean.
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a_player @ August 17 2004, 05:13:39 UTC |
First, thank you! I always enjoyed reading your commentary on Nraged. :D
I think that once or twice Dean felt vague unease over Seamus and PS's friendship, at least in its early stages: 1)because Dean is muggleborn and at that time didn't see at ALL why Seamus would even want to befriend PS and 2)because Seamus and PS talked about things that Seamus did not talk about with Dean. But then again, Dean realized that he really wasn't -interested- in talking about those things, either (like fashion; Dean appreciates it, but that's about the extent). But yeah, as for what Ron said on the matter, Dean thought he was definitely hallucinating; he never believed there was anything to Seamus and PS than an odd, nervous sort of burgeoning friendship. Dean's interest in Terry started around that time but wasn't really related; it had more to do with Dean himself than either Terry or Seamus.
The "not quite behind us" was Seamus and Dean's way of understanding that part of life is dissapointment and death and general ups and downs they had gone through together... and that just because the war is over, doesn't mean that those things will ever be behind them.
One little known fact about Seamus (and Seamus' player has okayed my revealing this) is that he often flirts with people he is not at all attracted to. Dean knew this, and so thought very little of it.
Dean was really close to -all- the Gryffindor boys, and the Gryff. boys dynamic was one of my fave things about the game. Harry was pretty shy and tentative in general, and I think more than anything Dean (and Seamus) wanted him to know he could always talk to them about matters, even sexual ones, comfortably. But they are teenage boys, and I expect a lot of joking and crude remarks about sex were passed around, all in good fun. Honestly, I think Dean and Harry probably bonded more over their muggle childhoods and art (Harry always asked a lot of questions about Dean's art, which Dean really appreciated) than being gay. Just a feeling I have. ;)
Thank you!
digitalmeowmix2 @ August 16 2004, 17:35:28 UTC |
how was it having so much freedom
for your character becuase hes a minor one?
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a_player @ August 17 2004, 05:17:24 UTC |
I love playing minor characters, because it's a challenge to make people care about them, and to make them stand out in the world you're playing around in. :D With Dean, I did have some canon information to go on: West Ham, and interest in art, Black, best friends with Seamus, and so on. I even incorporated mention of his boggart (a disembodied hand) into one of the thread's following Ron's unfortunate detached-hand incident. But yes, the freedom is nice, but needs to be approached sensibly and with care. It's just a great deal of fun all around. :D
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 17 2004, 13:35:17 UTC |
1.)How did your hair grow so fast? Its probably by magic but I thought Id ask anyway.:)
2.)I love you.<3
3.)What was your favorite and least favorite part in the RPG?
4.)I know you, dont I?lol
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a_player @ August 21 2004, 07:11:29 UTC |
1) Definitely magic!
2) Aw, thanks! <3
3) Favourite? The Gryffindor boys' interactions, Love-your-neighbour-week, hassling PS, the thread where Seamus and Dean decided to get a flat together after Hogwarts... Leave Favourite? No such thing!!
4) Possible. *is mysterious*
tabiji @ August 18 2004, 23:19:26 UTC |
Hi Dean's player!
My questions are ridiculous and pervy, but I can't not ask.
Seamus vs. Boot - who's better in bed? Who's better endowed? hee! ;)
And of course, boxers or briefs?
Thank you so much for doing this! <3 I miss you all too much!
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a_player @ August 21 2004, 07:14:12 UTC |
Awwww..that just wouldn't be fair to answer. ;) Dean has no complaints about either, but he loved/loves Seamus, knows him much better than Terry, and therefore I think Seamus would always win in the bed department. Seamus definitely says the sort of things that make a bloke blush, too.
For Dean it's boxers, I'm sure.
Thank you! <3
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a_player @ August 21 2004, 07:16:16 UTC |
Thank you! I think he was the sort of person who was funny without even realising, thus his surprise when Harry asked him how he got to be the funniest thing ever.
I really adored those interactions.... from Dean breakdancing for them to Ron admitting he wished he had Dean's hair. <3
OH, haha, the tent! Well, I am sure other havoc happened, but the encounter with Seamus is pretty much all that Dean can recall. ;)
susan_voight @ August 21 2004, 16:32:52 UTC |
Hi! Thanks for doing this. I came to NA kind of late and missed a lot of good Dean stuff, but what I read was great (marzipan!).
I see you've already talked about your favorite moments, and don't have a least favorite--but was something the hardest moment for you?
Is there anything you'd do differently? That Dean would? (He seemed as happy as possible, under the circumstances, at the end.)
Do you write any HP fanfic, and did that affect the game, or the reverse?
And is there anything you'd like to answer that hasn't been asked yet?
tabiji @ September 23 2004, 10:46:55 UTC |
Another question if you check back:
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?