a_player @ 2004-08-16 07:44:00 |
(no title)
Mood: excited
Hello everyone! Seamus' player here, ready to answer your questions.
There will be some questions I won't or can't really answer, but ask them anyway, because you never know! Keep asking questions to the other players as well; we all keep checking our threads after other players go.
I'm really looking forward to this—you've asked such interesting questions so far!
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nyxforsythe @ August 16 2004, 11:53:02 UTC |
YAY! Much love for Seamus!! Oh god now I don't know what to ask.... Ok so Draco and Seamus and the paper dolls!! Love love love. What was it between Draco and Seamus that made them friends? And after all that happened would they ever be as close as they were?
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 14:55:21 UTC |
Thanks so much!
Draco and Seamus have very obvious things in common, like a sense of visual style (though not the same sense!) and feeling that the world should be aesthetically pleasing, that this means something. It's really more than just a superficial "I want things to be pretty" but more a feeling that the outside of a person actually does matter.
Draco was often so extreme that Seamus found it very difficult to take him seriously. I think this worked very well at the beginning of their friendship because if Draco would say something unkind, Seamus wouldn't take it to heart. But after the attack on George and Charlie, they had to shift the inner mechanics of their friendship, as you saw. But really, I think they're closer now, at the end of the game, than they were before because they are more honest with each other than they had been.
Thanks for that great question!
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unknownwisdom @ August 16 2004, 12:07:06 UTC |
Wow, my LJ timing rocks. Also, your mood icon is somewhat hypnotising...*stares*
So, Seamus was an amazing character, did you have as much fun playing him as we all did reading about him?
He seemed very comfortable with his sexuality, was that always the case for him?
One of my favourite NA moments was when Seamus re-organised Harry's wardrobe (and the conversations about it between Seamus and Draco ^_^). I've always wondered why he did that exactly, as Harry never seemed that bothered by his own appearance. Was Seamus just sick to death of the violet, or was it an effort to help Harry think about himself more positively etc? He almost seemed to become a mentor to Harry, was this conscious, or just an extension or their friendship, did either of them even notice?
Thank so much for doing this! <3!
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 15:02:43 UTC |
Thank you so much! Seamus is one of my favorite canon characters, really right behind Harry and Hermione and I don't think I could play either of them. I was really really honored and happy to be able to play him in NA. I had fun playing him the vast majority of the time, but when he was sad, it wasn't fun, exactly!
The game really started with Seamus being pretty much out of the closet, so a lot of that drama had passed for him. I think that he had occasional rough spots but yeah, he was definitely comfortable with being gay.
Well, Seamus didn't exactly reorganize Harry's wardrobe. If you look back at that thread between Seamus and Draco, they are talking generally about the way Harry looks and after that, Harry asked Seamus to take him shopping. And Seamus does say to Draco later that Harry was wearing jumpers and jeans before, and they bought jumpers and jeans, just ones that fit. I think it was really more about Seamus feeling that Harry was really quite hot (though not Seamus' type) and Seamus had a very hard time understanding why Harry didn't "work it" more than he did. Seamus didn't think of himself as hot, but he knew how to make the most of what he had.
I don't think that he was a mentor at all to Harry! It was just a friendship thing: you help me with this thing you are good at, and I'll help you with that thing. I think that after that rough outing, Seamus wanted to find a way to say, "Being gay can also be fabulous!" to cheer him up a bit.
Thanks for the question!
breze @ August 16 2004, 12:47:56 UTC |
Dear gods, offline for a few days and already I've missed out on a whole bunch of events!
Anyway, I noticed that Seamus was under a different user name at the start of NA. Was there a change of players? If so, was it difficult to build up your own adaptation of Seamus when you not only had to keep in mind the canon characterization, but that of the previous player as well? How *did* you come up with his unique persona?
Sorry about bombarding you with questions! I actuallt have a few more, but I'll see if other asks them first.
In the meantime, ♥♥♥!!
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 15:06:18 UTC |
The change in LJ names does indicate a change in players, though I am the only player under seamus_f. In any RPG you must keep in mind canon--that's your job--but with any character large or small you have to add your own spin to it to make him come alive. A lot of Seamus' persona came from certain people in my life, and I'm sure some of me, and then it just becomes about how they react in given situations. So I wouldn't say I came up with his persona as much as that it grew as the game went along.
Please, bombard away! That's what we're here for!
aome @ August 16 2004, 13:04:00 UTC |
How did Seamus feel, having a friend who was technically old enough to be his father? Did that matter at all? What was the most important/useful/meaningful bit of advice Remus gave him? How did Seamus feel about having the flat after Remus *sobsobsob* died?
What did he love most about Dean? About Charlie? How did he feel about realising he and Draco had something in common, at least in terms of their fashion sense? How did he find out about H/D?
I feel like an idiot, but I somehow missed that the horse icon was because Seamus was a horse Animagus. That only became known to me at the very end, and I felt so stupid because I'd been wondering for ages what the deal was with the horse icon, and who he was referring to. So - sorry about that.
Seamus was so delightfully charming. And the interaction he had with Remus always made me smile - that friendship was something special.
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 15:30:50 UTC |
Remus was a good deal younger than Seamus' own father, and very different, so Seamus tended to not think of him that way, particularly after he wasn't teaching any more. It didn't matter that much, except in that Remus was more experienced about many things, mostly because Remus was a bit more playful and silly in his friendship with Seamus, and Seamus is a pretty serious kid, really. Of course, Remus was immortal so Seamus wasn't really too worried about him dying . . .
The most meaningful advice Remus gave him was more of an object lesson in not letting the people you love walk all over you. That was the thing that the two of them had in common, and when Remus left Sirius that really made Seamus think, because he knew how much Remus really loved Sirius. If not for that I think Seamus would have reacted differently to Dean later.
He felt horrible about the flat, but what Remus said in his owl, and that he had given so much to Harry and Sirius, made Seamus feel better about keeping it. With the painting party and all, he'll be redecorating, perhaps even removing a wall or two, but he will probably keep a couple of special things to remind him.
Charlie is easier so I'll do him first! Charlie was just a very loving, very accepting fellow who was also very, um, skilled. He was the sort who always gravitated to people who were hurting (though I think that got him hurt a lot as well). He was good, and kind, and how could you not love him?
Dean is complicated. Dean is always in the back of Seamus' head whether he's there or not. Seamus, despite a great deal of his bravado and bossiness, is quite fearful and Dean makes him feel safe. And Dean can keep Seamus calm and feeling loved, and absorb a lot of Seamus' craziness without getting crazy himself. And I think Seamus liked that Dean was quieter and was almost Seamus' little secret--which is why the Terry Boot thing was such a threat.
Yeah, um, the icon is called Seamus Animagus, haha. But that plot happened in the fall of 2002, so I wouldn't worry about it too too much.
Charming? Really? That's interesting because I certainly don't think of myself as charming per se, and I always wanted to create a character who was charming but I wasn't sure that I could do that. So it's good to know he came across that way.
The Seamus-Remus was one of my favorite parts of the game as well! Thanks!
taradiane @ August 17 2004, 04:32:05 UTC |
No question here, but I just had to pop in and tell you that Seamus was ten different kinds of charming.
Definitely, absolutely, positively charming.
nannyo @ August 16 2004, 13:34:02 UTC |
I loved all the Gryffindor boys interactions, and was a massive Seamus/Dean shipper. Watching Seamus grow, and I think he really did grow up and become wiser as the game went on was amazing. So thank you for the great job you did. OK, here we go! Did Seamus have a crush on Remus as well as admiring him and taking him as a role model? Would he (or did he) ever try to initiate anything there?
I really like Seamus's friendship with Lavender and how he reacted to her prejudice and her eating disorder. Do you think they would have become friends again later in life?
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 15:39:29 UTC |
I would have to say, despite personally being a big Seamus/Dean person myself, that my favorite bits of the game were definitely when you could see the dynamic between the five boys, so thanks so much!
Remus. I wouldn't say that Seamus had a crush on Remus because that implies a distance from Remus that Seamus didn't have. And both men had these difficult complicated true loves that they couldn't see themselves being completely free from. I think after watching Remus and Charlie Seamus knew better than to really let himself fall in love with Remus, because Sirius would always be there, somewhere in the background--just as Dean probably would be for Seamus. But I think that Seamus could easily have truly fallen for Remus if he had let himself.
And while Remus was certainly older than Seamus, their friendship actually grew to be quite equal in many ways. Remus occasionally needed a good swift kick in the arse and Seamus was sometimes the only one close enough yet far enough away to do the job.
I really hope that Seamus and Lavender do become friends later. Seamus was very disappointed in Lavender's behaviour from the Outing really until just before they left school. He just didn't recognize her at all as the girl he had once dated. Toward the end of their seventh year I think he was finaly able to see beyond his own hurt that she was really in trouble, so that door is open.
snowballjane @ August 16 2004, 13:35:13 UTC |
Thanks for being such a delightful Seamus! <3
Did the student-players know who the head boy was? Or was it a secret known only to the game mods and/or the teacher-players?
You don't have to tell us who it was, I'm just curious how that worked.
No, wait. Who was the head boy, dammit?
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 15:42:14 UTC |
Thank you so much! ♥
I can neither confirm nor deny any knowledge regarding the Head Boy. But I will say this: I think that one of the reasons that NA worked so well, and that it was so much fun to play, is that we as players kept very few secrets from each other. We were pretty clear about what our characters knew and what we wanted to reveal, but as a general rule, there wasn't all that much that you couldn't know, as a player, if you asked.
Now, whether the identity of the Head Boy was one of those rare secrets is . . . still a secret!
catiadoodle @ August 16 2004, 14:42:21 UTC |
<333333333333333 to Seamus and you !!! Shameless Seamus love... Easy pun, I admit, but I only indulge because I found out about how "Seamus" is pronounced just recently (after the end of the game)... I thought "Shay" was just a sweet pet name Dean created for his love. Hey, at least I knew Seamus was an animagus !
OK, on to the question.
How did Seamus feel and react when he saw that it wasn't really Malfoy who outed Harry but himself ? Do you know if Harry ever resented him for that (if only a little)?
Thanks a lot for a wonderful character, and for doing this.
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 15:25:44 UTC |
I can answer that. Seamus was basically Harry's hero over that whole thing, and I would say it made them closer. He didn't resent him at all. It was completely the opposite.
(parent)catiadoodle @ August 16 2004, 16:12:41 UTC |
Harry's player ! I love you !
But I digress.
Oh, I thought Harry might have wanted to hide his sexuality a bit longer, and was first uncomfortable with Seamus because of his blunder, before he realized Seamus handled the whole debacle admirably and defended fiercely Harry's honour.
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 16:16:27 UTC |
No, Seamus went and found Harry and talked to him before he ever posted. That is why Seamus tells Ron to go to talk to Harry at one point: he had been talking to Harry. Harry knew everything that Seamus was saying, so it was not a blunder at all.
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a_player @ August 16 2004, 16:02:40 UTC |
Thank you so much! ♥!
Yeah, that was a slight misreading, which Seamus talks about a bit. There is a purposefully put in period of time between when Draco says what he says, and when Seamus replies, when Seamus was talking to Harry. Everything that Seamus said in that thread was said with Harry's full knowledge and permission. So when Seamus says to Draco, "You outed him because Harry is the sort of person who could only tell the truth to an accusation like that" he means it.
catiadoodle @ August 16 2004, 16:17:11 UTC |
Oh, I get it now, it was no blunder of him. Well, that kind of answers what I said to Harry's player. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
<33333 again !
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a_player @ August 17 2004, 19:39:12 UTC |
No, don't be sorry! It's very okay, it was a pretty prevalent interpretation of what was going on.
♥ ♥ !
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Anonymous @ August 16 2004, 17:08:07 UTC |
Loved Seamus.
1. Is there any song that reminds you of Seamus?
2. What made you decide to have Seamus aspire to be a Healer? I thought that was a really interesting plotline, and I loved how it always came up instead of sitting at the back of things.
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a_player @ August 17 2004, 03:43:19 UTC |
I've been trying to think of a song all day but I can't! Every song does in some ways, but that's a cop out. Probably "Under the Milky Way" by The Church, because of the way that Seamus could be such an observer, rather than a doer? Particularly during that period when Dean was off with Terry, but also generally.
Seamus being a Healer is something that has stuck in my head for a very long time, likely because I have a good friend who is a physician and has many of Seamus' qualities. It does come up, because it shapes so much of the way you look at life, I think.
Thanks so much!
frozen_jelly @ August 16 2004, 21:20:49 UTC |
Hi there! So much love for Seamus, his posts were always really insightful in a completely different way to any of the other characters, and I think in the journals Seamus opened up more about himself and what he was feeling at any given time, in comparison to some other characters. That was something I really loved <3!
My question is...How or why did you decide that Seamus would be an animagus and why was his form a Horse?
Also, I totally loved Seamus' friendship with Parvati - which no-one seems to have mentioned so far! - it was so lovely.
I have only good adjectives for you! And these q&a's are so exciting that I'm finding it hard to think of good questions!! oh - was there any character(s) that you really looked forwards to interacting with or that you got a real buzz from playing off?
Thanks so much.
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a_player @ August 17 2004, 03:58:43 UTC |
Thank you so much!
Seamus was a very open and contemplative character, I think somewhat purposefully to balance a lot of closed characters like Harry and Draco. That was the joke at the Veritaserum party, that his affect change at all.
The decision for who would be Animagi was a group one. We all went in with various characters "on the list" and at the end of those lessons the game decided who would go on. The horse came because I felt he would be something very boring, pedestrian, and a working animal, because that's what he's like. He isn't glamourous, but he's reliable. So a strong little palomino-coloured farmhorse it is.
Both Parvati's player and me wish we had started that earlier, so thank you so much! It was fun to do.
Hmm. I really, really loved when all five Gryffindor boys were chatting together because I think they had a really fun, close dynamic. Playing with PS was always a challenge! And playing against Remus was as lovely as you'd think it would be. But I also loved when we had big crazy group events and you ended up doing odd things like casting West Side Story with Lisa Turpin.
Thank you for those questions!
black_dog @ August 16 2004, 23:59:07 UTC |
I really loved your Seamus. Other characters I might call fascinating, or funny, and Seamus was those things, too, but I just hugely liked Seamus as a personality.
Just a little reader reaction for what it's worth: I thought his charm was sort of inseparable from a certain oblivious disregard for boundaries -- I sort of guessed he could never conceive of himself as unwelcome, or out of order, in any social situation, but it was impossible for anyone to take exception because he always focused on whoever he was dealing with with a sort of intense openness and goodwill. I liked his bits of vanity and the fact that he seemed generally very happy with himself, and his bad moods sort of passed as quickly as they came, and when he was hurt, he mostly seemed shocked and incredulous and sort of in denial about being vulnerable. He seemed very strong and seemed to have his head screwed on better than just about any other peronsality in the game. So those are some reasons why I loved Seamus.
Questions: you mention canon several times in this thread, but I think canon!Seamus is actually kind of lightly sketched by JKR. What aspects of canon did you start with or were most important to you for NA!Seamus? Did you see anything in canon that made him such a source of strength for his friends, or did that just come about as the game went on?
Beneath the controlled surface, it seemed like Seamus had a few issues, which he also seemed to mostly have a handle on -- maybe an unusually strong craving for attention, affection, control. If Seamus had any demons, what would you say that they were? In particular, did you as a player mean Seamus' flirtatiousness to be at all problematic?
I wondered if the initial Seamus/Dean breakup shocked Seamus, in that he might not have thought Dean was strong enough to walk away from him. Did Seamus feel any responsibility for the breakup? Did he change or re-evaluate anything about himself as a result?
At the time of the murder/attack in Diagon Alley, had Seamus decided to reconcile with Dean or to stick with Charlie?
Seamus/PS: was Ron even a little bit right? Did Seamus fall for PS a little? A player once commented in NrAged that "Seamus is a better friend to Harry [with respect to Malfoy] than anyone understands." What did that mean?
If it doesn't compromise PS' privacy -- did Seamus and PS ever reach a point where they could talk frankly about JH/PS?
As you can see, I've got a million questions for Seamus, but I will take a break here and see who else asks about stuff.
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a_player @ August 17 2004, 05:25:53 UTC |
I can't imagine I'll be able to fit my answer in one reply!
I'm so glad you liked him. I liked him, of course, very much, and I do miss him now. Seamus was definitely a pusher, a catalyst. It could keep him from looking into his own life too much, this is true. I think he was surprised when people hurt him because he really didn't see the point--like, what do you get by hurting me?
1-Canon. In PS/SS JKR portrays him as a very normal boy, somewhat spirited. By GoF there's a sense that he's fairly straight ahead (he asks Lav to the ball without any drama) and not afraid of emotion (he comforts her over her rabbit without too much stress) but that he's still just a regular boy (he still gets excited over Christmas presents). I wasn't really able to put a lot of OotP canon into him as he was already fairly set, but he does have that almost Hufflepuff-like sense of loyalty. As for a source of strength, yeah, I think that came out more as the game went on.
2--Was he so controlled? He certainly didn't think he was. I think the issues that came out for Seamus during the Dean/Terry thing was more that he felt that he was too serious, not very fun, all of that sort of thing. He could be sort of controlling of other people and he had to realize that he had to let other people make their own mistakes, and that it was okay if he made some, too.
3--I wouldn't say that was the thing that shocked Seamus, as he always saw Dean as stronger than he was. In his mind, he was fighting Terry for Dean, and he just never thought he'd be the loser. It was plain to him that Terry wouldn't care for Dean in the same way that he could, and it really hurt and confused him when Dean chose to go with Terry. At first, he felt that he should be more like Terry, more "fun", more chaotic, but talking to Remus a lot and being with Charlie made him realize that this wasn't the problem, and he just had to let go of some things a little bit.
4--You tell me what you think! There were a lot of clues for that one.
5--At no time was Seamus ever attracted to Draco. As for that comment, could you link me so I can see what they were responding to? Then I can probably answer the question.
6--No, but not because of Draco, but because Seamus couldn't have discussed Harry with Draco without violating Harry's privacy. Seamus and Harry were emotionally intimate friends, and Harry shared things with Seamus that were really up to Harry to share with Draco (though, of course, not everything!) Seamus and Draco rarely discussed Harry and almost never discussed JH/PS.
Thank you so much, not only for all these interesting questions (and please, do ask more!) but also for being such a great fan of Seamus, and for taking such an interest in him. I really do appreaciate it, so much!
sistermagpie @ August 17 2004, 18:07:31 UTC |
As for that comment, could you link me so I can see what they were responding to? Then I can probably answer the question.
I have a feeling it was a general thing...like people were thinking Seamus was making moves on ps or that Harry was jealous of the time they were spending together, the way Ron thought Seamus was trying to "steal Harry's boyfriend." So I think it was just a player saying that really, Seamus had Harry's best interest at heart.
black_dog @ August 18 2004, 09:56:35 UTC |
In PS/SS JKR portrays him as a very normal boy
Well, I thought NA!Seamus was anything but an ordinary and "normal" boy! He was remarkably charismatic, in a way I can't quite put my finger on. I think it had to do with the way he approached other people, with the directness and sincerity of his interest in what they were about and of his own reactions to them. Really, focusing one's attention on another person and keeping one's issues out of the way can be amazingly seductive!
I suspect (cranking up the old NrAged theory-making machine one last time) that this was one reason he made such an impression to PS -- that he was just genuinely curious about what made PS tick and accepting of whatever PS disclosed about himself (within limits, of course, relating to PS' more vicious or dishonest poses.) I'm struck by your comment to Magpie, below, that the PS/Seamus friendship just sort of developed spontaneously. Did your take on PS include a notion of why PS was so receptive to Seamus, when he had difficulty connecting with almost everyone else? I mean, we have reson to think from Harry's experience that this kind of calm, interested acceptance is what unlocks the doors to PS. Plus, of course, Seamus was clever enough to keep up with PS and vice versa.
I think my favorite Seamus/PS thread was the long rambling one they had right after seventh year started, when Harry and Ron were at the Cannons game, and PS was listening on the radio and just alternately bored, lonely, worried, whimsical, and silly, and Seamus just seemed to know where he was coming from, to have a frame for him and deal easily with him. What did you make of PS' feelings, that night?
You tell me what you think! [re: Charlie]
Well, I don't know! It's not clear that the answer is driven more by character than by what constitutes a pleasing shape for the story, and emotionally, since you know the answer, you may forget how convincing you made Seamus' dilemma. I mean, structurally, Charlie is certainly set up as the sweet, wonderful guy that restores Seamus' zest for life after a wrenching breakup, while Dean is the One True Love who is the ultimate beneficiary of the Charlie episode. But I take at face value that Seamus genuinely agonized over the decision and desperately wanted advice on it, from Parvati if he couldn't talk to Remus.
Poor Charlie ends up quite literally as everybody's rebound fling, a comfort relationship, but he was so kind and funny and deserved so much more than that -- it occured to me that Seamus of all people might see that and take him more seriously and take things to the next level. If I had to weigh the evidence, I guess I'd pick the always-Dean-all-along option, because of the way Seamus seemed to dread his final talk with Charlie once the path back to Dean seemed open, and procrastinated about it. But perhaps I can rephrase the question more cleverly: what did Seamus actually tell Charlie, after it was too late for Charlie to hear him?
And if I'm wildly wrong here, please tell me what I've missed!
could you link me so I can see what they were responding to?
I hunted around for an hour but I couldn't find it! If I manage find it while Q and A is still going on, I'll come back and link it.
Seamus couldn't have discussed Harry with Draco without violating Harry's privacy.
And yet I loved Seamus' little indiscretions, his (Sorry, Harry) and his "How many times have you woken him up, then?" Was this just careless, or playful, or was he deliberately trying to raise the comfort level for public discussion, or did he just keep forgetting himself because he was naturally so open?
I don't know if this is a lot more questions; call it just a lot more Seamus-love!
sistermagpie @ August 18 2004, 14:51:59 UTC |
I hunted around for an hour but I couldn't find it! If I manage find it while Q and A is still going on, I'll come back and link it.
IF it helps, wasn't it actually not a comment but part of that...I can't remember what it was. It was like a little ABC poem about the different characters, I thought, with little hints about each one.
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intern_alley @ August 18 2004, 19:29:17 UTC |
Oh, my! That was me, and I am not Harry or Seamus. I just said as much because people seemed to think Seamus really was after Draco for himself, when he was being a good friend to Harry.
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 18 2004, 19:31:42 UTC |
Oh yeah! Thanks!
I remembered that was the idea put across in it (that Seamus wasn't after Draco) and just couldn't remember where it came from!
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intern_alley @ August 18 2004, 19:39:15 UTC |
I think someone was teasing me to give out information about characters, so I just said a bunch of stuff about characters that people were a bit confused/misled about.
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a_player @ August 18 2004, 18:27:06 UTC Part 1: Charlie |
This wouldn't fit into one answer, so I'll do Charlie first.
What healed Seamus that summer was both Charlie and Remus, taking care of someone and being taken care of in return, and he grew up a lot that summer, being around adults and all of that. So he absolutely agonized over that decision, but I think you can see from the way that Parvati replies to him what that decision ultimately was. And anyway, when he talked to Remus later he said the same thing she had. I think Seamus knew what Remus would say, anyway, Remus being who he was.
You'll have to talk to Charlie's player about the rebound thing, although that is absolutely true. My sense was that he had a bit of hurt comfort in him, as he'd always be drawn to people in pain--Remus, Seamus, Cho.
When they parted at the end of that summer that was supposed to be the end of things--just a fling, etc, though Seamus was cagey about it because he'd hoped to make Dean a little jealous. But that really didn't happen, and so when later, they started talking again, it seemed like the right thing to do. But if you see the timing of that initial conversation--they may both have been reacting to another person, that other person being the one that they were relating to more. I would see their relationship as one side of a triangle, and it's nearly impossible to understand what was going on between the two of them without taking into account their feelings toward the man who introduced them in the first place.
The best answer, though, is to say that what Seamus said to Charlie in the owl post was the same thing that he would have said to Charlie in person, had they met that day in Diagon Alley. The sad thing is that Seamus is the only one really left, of the three, but I'm sure that Charlie will be getting a visit nearly every day.
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a_player @ August 18 2004, 18:36:29 UTC Part 2: Harry and Draco |
Charismatic! I'll have to remember that. ♥!
At first--well, at very very first, before they were friends, before the outing, Seamus' attitude to Draco was forward because in a sense he had something on Draco, because he knew he was gay, not so much because of Harry, but because of Draco himself, so he was always sort of implying, Come on now, you know it and I know it. But after that, it was more, okay, Harry must see something in this bloke so let me give him a chance, and also, to open things up for Harry's sake. Then their own personalities took over, really, though Seamus was as you say, able to keep up with Draco and even earn his respect, as well as have things in common, really moved their friendship forward. And of course, Seamus found it very difficult, particularly at the start, to take anything that Draco said seriously. I think for all the characters that interacted with Draco the key was to work out when he was posturing and when he wasn't, which was really tough, and I would say, not speaking for his player but as an observer of his behaviour, that Draco himself sometimes didn't know and kept things obscure to give himself some space, some deniability. Which, as a general rule, is quite the opposite of Seamus.
I was just reading that thread you mentioned the other day, actually, when I was putting things into Seamus' memories. Seamus also had a sense, which is somewhat patronizing but part of Draco and Seamus' friendship was a bit of mutual condescension, that when Draco wasn't getting "enough" attention from Harry he tended to run amok. So Seamus liked to keep Draco occupied when Harry wasn't around. I think it was that behaviour more than anything else that led to Ron's suspicions, because rather than engage with Draco along with Harry, he'd do it when Harry was off someplace else. Then again, I think Seamus respected Harry and Draco's privacy and tended to leave them alone when they were talking to each other.
After seeing what Magpie had to say about that comment, and talking to the GM, I realize that it was probably referring to either the Ron jealousy plot, or the Outing, or just general suspicion over Seamus' friendship with Draco. I've covered some of that ground in other answers, but:
--Seamus didn't out Harry, Draco did
--Whatever self-interest guided Seamus in the Outing post was no more and no less than the obvious: defending himself, his newly out boyfriend who was having troubles with his own family, and Harry
--Seamus was never after Draco. He grew to like Draco, and was always amused by him, but he wasn't interested in him. Seamus, I think, likes a man who makes him feel safe and cared for and that really isn't Draco. I never really thought, actually, that there was a sexual charge to the way that they spoke. That said, it was entirely natural for Ron to jump to conclusions.
I hope that makes it clearer. Harry and Seamus grew to be quite close, though of course they each had boyfriends and female friends and best friends.
Seamus definitely forgot himself, though I will admit that the (sorry, Harry) was actually me as a player being a bit careless! We were working on that thread and Dean's player said, "Do you realize you called Draco Harry's boyfriend?" so I said to Harry's player, "Ooops, lookie here" and then we did what we did. I think this wanting to raise the comfort level for public discussion, as you put it, was more with Draco than Harry, but even then he was less trying to push than both teasing and saying in a small way, "I know many things"
Not to be big-headed, but if the plots in NA made people love Seamus even a tiniest bit more than they used to, that makes me so happy, as he truly is one of my favorite canon characters, and the more Seamus-love there is, the better we are, IMHO. So again, many, many, many thanks.
sistermagpie @ August 18 2004, 19:27:08 UTC Re: Part 2: Harry and Draco |
Sorry I'm butting in again, but Seamus fascinates etc...
At first--well, at very very first, before they were friends, before the outing, Seamus' attitude to Draco was forward because in a sense he had something on Draco, because he knew he was gay, not so much because of Harry, but because of Draco himself, so he was always sort of implying, Come on now, you know it and I know it.
I'm not sure if this is stepping into ps' player's boundaries, but did Seamus eventually think he right in feeling this way then? Because I wasn't sure Draco *did* know it until far later than anyone would have thought. To me--and I could just be wrong here--it seemed like ps was kind of in a fog of denial about his sexuality and just assumed he was straight because straight was correct, and that was part of the reason Harry's almost-kiss sent him into such a tizzy, because the idea was not only scary but new. (Originally this is where I started wondering if ps had had some kind of trauma because he *so* overreacted to it all. Looking back I realize I think that night sort of woke him up for the first time.)
I have a feeling this is information you don't really have, but I wonder how Seamus felt about ps' state that way. I mean, Seamus himself was so out and comfortable about his sexuality, and I thought he might have been wrongly concluding ps was just as aware of his own and hiding it, because he didn't really know all of Draco's issues about the subject, or couldn't really understand the kind of...homophobia?...ps seemed to suffer from.
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 02:36:31 UTC Re: Part 2: Harry and Draco |
You should ask Draco's player! But I'll give you Seamus' impressions, which are in no way informed by what the other player has said to me--
Seamus never really said this outright, but he started thinking of the outing precisely as you say—that his reaction to the kiss itself had shocked him out of a fog. But during the course of that evening, Seamus realized that Draco still had absolutely no idea. None. And that really, really surprised him, because as I said, Seamus had thought that Draco was just some typical closet case, when actually he had no idea. Which is part of what Seamus meant when he called Draco a kid playing with fire. And honestly, Seamus after that just sort of felt sorry for him, and if Harry hadn't been hurt in all that was going on he probably would have stopped being angry.
sistermagpie @ August 19 2004, 14:32:29 UTC Re: Part 2: Harry and Draco |
Thanks! I know you're not speaking for Draco here, but Seamus' perceptions are just as interesting.
That was something I thought got overlooked a lot in the outing. Harry was the true victim, of course, and Draco's feelings didn't excuse what he did, but there were so many good portrayals of homophobia that were different--like Lavender's and the Hufflepuffs, I thought Draco's himself was the saddest. Being homophobic and gay is just so tragic.
black_dog @ August 19 2004, 01:56:09 UTC Re: Part 2: Harry and Draco |
I'm glad Magpie asked you more about Seamus' impressions of PS' sexuality, because I wondered the same but I've questioned you to death, here. If you feel like it, though, I'd love to hear some elaboration on why Seamus concluded so long before the outing that Draco was gay.
Seamus didn't out Harry, Draco did
I'm proud to say that I always defended Seamus on this point in NrAged, against some formidable opponents! *pats self on back* I thought it was clear from the timing that Seamus changed the tone of his reply to PS, and made his wonderful speech on coming out, only after checking with Harry.
I have to admit I was always guilty, though, of thinking that Seamus had gotten a little infatuated with PS, even if unintentionally, and that he was therefore responsible for some of the unfortunate impressions of bystanders like Ron and Terry and even Dean. So, thank you for clearing this up! And since another player has now clarified the "Seamus was a better friend" comment, all is now in order!
You're right, also, that I overread the Charlie business. But thank you for the pointers. :)
:D about (Sorry, Harry!) And I still love it, that Seamus invited PS to come ogle workmen at his flat.
Charismatic! I'll have to remember that.
Well, you know, the sexiest people are the ones who don't know they're sexy . . .
Much <3 and thanks. There can never be too much Seamus!love.
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 03:48:29 UTC Re: Part 2: Harry and Draco |
Why. Hrm. I think it was the way that he behaved generally, and the things that he thought were important, and the way that he just sort of generally flounced around, but not, ironically, his obsession with Harry. Seamus thought that was just plain old creepy.
Thank you for those defenses! I saw them and I think I pinged you on YM and thanked you at the time.
What surprised me about readers seeing an attraction for Draco in Seamus is that I never saw any even sexual playfulness between them. Seamus could be sexually playful with Harry, because even though Harry also wasn't precisely his type, he found Harry to be very attractive. But he never felt that way about Draco, so I remember being quite surprised by that; I thought it more likely for a reader, or even other characters, to think that Seamus had something for Harry (though, he didn't).
I think that if there was one thing that Seamus was very closed about, a relationship that didn't primarily happen in the comments, it was his friendship with Lupin. And most everything that surrounded it, he was a bit cagey about, not always honest even with himself. I suppose I'm amused that people think he was falling for Draco, when actually, he was trying desperately not to fall for Lupin.
So I'll give you this: When Seamus was commenting with Draco about the painting party, and said that, he nearly said--I actually typed it and then deleted it before I posted the comment--that there couldn't be a better way to honour Remus J. Lupin's memory than to sit around ogling workmen. Being a dirty old man was something Seamus was always teasing Remus about. But Draco, really not the person to say that to! I was always sorry that didn't get said in the game.
akimbie @ August 17 2004, 06:51:48 UTC |
I wanted to say that Seamus really seemed, to me, like a concrete backbone to Nocturne Alley. He was always there with a thoughtful comment or some good advice for people and I even loved it when maybe he overstepped the mark a little - like the "harrys wardrobe" incident - how did Seamus feel when PS reacted the way he did? Did Seamus think he had done anything wrong or did he stick to his guns?
Also, how did Seamus feel about Charlie? Did he consider what happened at Dogear Wryde a bit of fun? Obviously there was more to it but do you think Seamus saw himself in a relationship with Charlie?
And, (sorry one more question!!) how did the whole paper doll incident even happen?? Was it planned out that PS and Seamus would have this girly kind of relationship? (if you dont mind me calling it that!!!)
Thankyou for this - Ive been so excited to read all your answers!
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a_player @ August 17 2004, 12:14:44 UTC |
Wow, really? Thanks so much!
Seamus didn't feel he had overstepped anything. That doesn't really give a lot of agency to Harry, does it? Harry bought the clothes, Harry asked to go shopping. Seamus thought Draco was being ridiculous since it was his comments that started the entire thing. Also, Harry's wardrobe didn't really change that much; he just bought clothes that fit.
What happened at Dogear Wryde was supposed to be a bit of fun and Seamus found himself feeling a lot more than that, but steeled himself against it and pretended he didn't. Seamus actually spent almost a year trying to make himself feel something other than what he actually felt.
Girly! PS and Seamus happened in a very organic way; it just evolved, so it was what it was, and it was fairly unplanned, really.
Thank you! totally, not too many questions! Ask away!
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goth_the_goat @ August 17 2004, 10:59:50 UTC |
I will love you forever and ever and ever ever ever . . .
Was this your first time role-playing? What is your favorite post that is involved with Seamus? Your favorite non-Seamus post?
Dean is so lucky to have a boyfriend like that.
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a_player @ August 17 2004, 12:18:20 UTC |
♥ ♥!!
It was my first time role-playing; I was really, really lucky in that.
This is so difficult! I think my favorite post involved with Seamus is probably any time that all the Gryffindor boys were together, talking, as they had such a fun dynamic. The post I'm probably most proud of in terms of just game play, though, is The Outing.
My favorite non-Seamus post is likely when Sirius and Remus reconnected, before they were married, on that rooftop over Christmas, because it was so beautiful and sweet. Or any of the Werewolf Lectures.
You damn right he's lucky!
1anonymous1 @ August 17 2004, 13:38:02 UTC |
1.)I adore your character, the way you do him, and I adore you for it.<3
2.)What was your favorite bit of the RPG? What was your least favorite?
3.)What do you think will happen to Seamus in the future?
4.)Have I mentioned that I love you?<3
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a_player @ August 17 2004, 20:21:41 UTC |
Aww, thank you! ♥
My favorite? There were so many moments! Shopping with anyone. Canoodling with Dean. Maybe the best was the Gryffindor boys playing poker at the end of their sixth year, when Ron was trying to get Seamus and Dean talking again.
My least favorite, I must admit, was the period of time immediately following Seamus and Dean's break up. Seamus was so devastated, so lost, so unsure of anything that it was very difficult to be in his head space from then until he arrived at Remus' house.
You know, I really don't know what will happen to him. Working at St. Mungo's, living with Dean I suppose. I've been so used to only looking ahead for at the most a few months that I really can't see beyond the next bend in the road.
Awww! ♥!!
1anonymous1 @ August 18 2004, 05:27:03 UTC |
That was very cute.<3
I was devastated as well. I think I had just started reading the RPG,and I was like, "NO, not now!!!".*loves the s/d*
Do you think he will ever find some sort of cure for Charlie? I know thats corny,but a girl can hope, even if she does think of things in the hollywood sense too much.
*loves again*
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a_player @ August 18 2004, 18:40:40 UTC |
Well, I hope so, for him and for the Longbottoms, but I'm not sure, with canon and all, that it would be possible. I'm sure it's something he'd want to work on, though. And at the very least, he'd visit Charlie every time he was on duty, and probably sometimes when he wasn't.
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 18 2004, 22:43:27 UTC |
Sigh, Seamus was/is a very good friend in that RPG. Again, you played him ver well.:)
sistermagpie @ August 17 2004, 18:21:24 UTC |
Hi Seamus! *waves shyly*
I'm trying to think of Seamus questions, but as you say, he's just so open!
I think the thing that really surprised me at the end in a good way was that final reconciliation between Seamus and ps. Of all the conversations in NA we didn't see, that's probably one of my top times of wanting to be a fly on the wall! I felt like they were connected after that conversation more than they had before, and might never have if they hadn't laid things out. I really liked that they valued each other enough they would talk (well, especially taht Seamus would after what ps said). It seemed like before ps started getting bratty (again) Seamus was willing to just put his own feelings aside, and I was reeeeally happy he didn't do that in the end.
I'd also asked what Seamus' thoughts were on Neville. He was always still the odd man out at times, and I'm sure that didn't escape Seamus' notice.
What was it about MB Seamus so disliked? It seemed like the two of them really didn't like each other--was it just a personality clash? If so, what was it about MB that stuck out for Seamus?
And this isn't a question, but since I mentioned to Dean how fondly I remembered his being knocked out by the xerox ("Thomas?") I must also say how fondly I will always remember Seamus knocking Terry and Draco's heads together at breakfast. That did it.
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a_player @ August 17 2004, 21:12:10 UTC |
Hi! ♥♥♥♥♥!!
I am really glad that Seamus and Draco reconciled as well, but your comment about the conversation brings up something about their dynamic as a whole. Many of the things that happened in the game, at least for me, weren't so much rp'd out in a chat as much as decided on and then posted about with a bit of threading. But there were many wonderful moments that were much more spontaneous, like nearly all of the Gryffindor boys conversations, which were generally live on thread.
Seamus and Draco's entire relationship, really, was spontaneous. Both of us were just feeling along as we went, and it was one of the pleasant surprises of the game, but as a general rule it happened on the thread itself. But the reconciliation was one of the few moments where we had to rp it out in a chat, because we weren't sure where we were going or how. Are you saying that you are happy that Seamus didn't back down? With that I would agree, and ultimately, he did get satisfaction. I think if it had happened before the Dean breakup, he might not have been so willing to say, no, you can't treat me like this without consequences.
You touch on something interesting that went on in the dynamic of the Gryffindor boys, with that comment about Neville. I think that each of the boys had one thing about them that set them apart from the other four. For Ron I think it was his total lack of subtlety, for Seamus, his bossiness and tendency to take himself too seriously, for Dean possibly just his general shyness, for Harry I think anyone can guess, and for Neville I think it was that he often didn't seem to be in on the joke. So sometimes when the other four boys were messing about he didn't really catch the irony. Seamus really valued Neville, but I don't think he ever felt that he understood him.
Seamus really disliked MB because MB so thoroughly disliked him and yet wouldn't leave him alone. She always had to have the last word and that really pissed him off. I think it also annoyed him that she seemed to like Harry well enough. It was one of the things he hated about Terry, that because of Terry he had to deal with MB. Seamus is one of those people that really just is upset if someone dislikes him. But at the end, yes, I think it was as simple as a personality clash, not like, some event that made them hate each other. Though you should ask MB's player, as I never have, hahaha!
Honestly, I think that knocking their heads together is the funniest thing that Seamus ever did.
And I must admit that while I was not a player who frequented nraged as a rule, I was always amazed at the discussions that you and blackdog had about Seamus. It was often illuminating (though on some occasions, frustrating!) to see how he was coming across. So thanks again, and thanks for these questions!
sistermagpie @ August 17 2004, 21:43:40 UTC |
It was often illuminating (though on some occasions, frustrating!) to see how he was coming across. So thanks again, and thanks for these questions!
Heh. I'm just glad you didn't come and knock our heads together!
It was great talking about Seamus with B_D, I think especially because in some ways Seamus is so different from me and it was fascinating watching him, the way he was like the perfect friend, but then in other ways that's exactly what tripped him up, you know? That's why I loved the moments when Seamus seemed, as you say, at a loss. Where he just had to say, "Look, I really don't understand how to make you happy/make you not mad at me." And that's was great because sometimes that was just the answer--that he couldn't make it happen. They just needed to know Seamus wanted it...or soemthing. (If that makes any sense.) So...
Are you saying that you are happy that Seamus didn't back down?
Yes--I was very happy he didn't back down. Although really it wasn't so much about backing down, because that makes it sound like Seamus was just being stubborn, and that he wouldn't speak to ps at all until ps came crawling to him with an apology. It was more that he spoke up and said look, I want to be your friend and it hurts me that you do this and friends don't do that. I am not going to put up with being treated that way, and I hope you like me enough to respect that. If you don't, then you're not my friend, period. That just rocked my socks! Especially because it seemed like ps, even though he was completely in the wrong with his comments, wasn't just being a brat, that he, too, was feeling vulnerable in the relationship. I could be totally off here of course, and I know you can't answer for ps' player, but I liked that it seemed like it wasn't just a case of ps being brought into line, though that was part of it, but that maybe Seamus got more out of it than that. Like he got to see that ps really did want him as a friend and could be hurt, too, when he got it into his head that Seamus didn't like him.
And now I'm actually wanting a real description of how Seamus' fashion sense differed from ps'.
I love the fact that the friendship was spontaneous, because it did seem right that the two of them would meet in the library to look at magazines, but at the same time it really did seem like one of those awkward beginnings of a friendship where you're not sure if it will work or not. I could completely believe it.
And I can COMPLETELY see how it drove Seamus crazy that MB didn't like him AND wouldn't leave him alone. She must have just driven him crazy. I do wonder what it was about Seamus that set her off! Probably everything everybody else liked about him.:-)
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goth_the_goat @ August 18 2004, 10:54:17 UTC |
Do you realize that we all love you, M.B's player?
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a_player @ August 18 2004, 12:11:56 UTC |
But now our secret love can be revealed to the world, my darling MB!
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 18 2004, 15:03:12 UTC |
M.B. owns Draco forever!!!! Look at how jealous he is when she talks to Theodore!!!
(I guess Harry made it clear he wasn't a threat?)
I love M.B.
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a_player @ August 18 2004, 12:48:49 UTC |
Heh. I'm just glad you didn't come and knock our heads together!
Ha! That is not my style, man. I was just happy to be noticed!
I think that really, in the time of their early friendship before Easter, Seamus was more playful and less serious than he was later. He took his exchanges with Draco seriously (because if you don't he'll flatten you) but he didn't really think he had much emotionally invested in the relationship and vice versa. So when Draco said what he said about the Weasleys after the attack, Seamus was amazed--both at what Draco said and at his very emotional reaction to it. It wasn't that he was stupid enough to think that Draco had discovered some great love for the Weasleys, but that you just don't say those kinds of things if your friend's boyfriend has just been essentially rendered a vegetable for life, and if there is anyone who can understand the difference between private and public speech, it's Draco Malfoy. So there's that very long fuck you, and then a reconciliation which I really feel was both of them saying, okay, this friendship actually is important to me in ways I couldn't have predicted, so we have to be really honest so we can save this. Also, Seamus got some very good and important advice from Harry, but I'll let Harry's player decide whether or not to talk about that.
Oh! It's as you would think it would be; Draco is more classic and designer and Seamus is more hip and street. Draco is more Armani and Seamus more DG. I think the street is also Dean's influence. Seamus really trusts Dean's eye, for good reason.
I am so glad that it was believable, because on the face of it, it really isn't. You have to do a lot of work to go from GoF canon to Seamus and Draco being genuine friends--in some ways, more than even a Harry and Draco relationship because that path has been paved by the fandom and hey, love is a strange thing--so it's good to know that we really earned it.
MB. She is Seamus' great failing. I do wonder how Seamus and Dean's visit to Malfoy Manor went, and how she reacted to Leigheas!
Thanks again! ♥♥!!
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a_player @ August 18 2004, 14:42:41 UTC |
I suspect she'll like him if she gets to like, ride him as a horse :D
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 18 2004, 19:20:38 UTC |
Oh my.
I wonder if that would have the kind of effect on Dean as Dean's teasing of Draco has on Seamus.
sistermagpie @ August 18 2004, 15:08:36 UTC |
So there's that very long fuck you, and then a reconciliation which I really feel was both of them saying, okay, this friendship actually is important to me in ways I couldn't have predicted, so we have to be really honest so we can save this. Also, Seamus got some very good and important advice from Harry, but I'll let Harry's player decide whether or not to talk about that.
Yay! And just to let you know--that did totally come across. It really did seem like both of them had been going along making a point of their friendship just being casual, and then winding up both feeling like they cared more than the other one did. In the beginning their friendship seemed important mostly because it produced great threads for us to enjoy. In the end I liked to imagine them as real-people friends, if that makes sense.
And of course I'd love to hear j_h's advice on dealing with ps (I loved just the little hints he gave on the live threads--you could tell he didn't consider himself an expert, but through careful study he was pleased to have figured out some logic to the madness!) But naturally, that is up to j_h's player.
Thank you so much for talking about all of this!
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 01:49:51 UTC |
The question that plagues us all:
What would Seamus do for a Klondike bar?
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 01:56:36 UTC |
Dig in his pockets for £1.50 and buy one?
Or, but only for YOU, sing "America" from West Side Story, since I beleive he is Anita, isn't he?
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a_player @ August 19 2004, 02:14:47 UTC |
Yes, I believe he is. Although now I cannot remember as we were discussing it simultaneously and the answers were not identical, but I do remember that Millicent is Tony and Dean is Maria. I keep trying to think of good questions to ask on these but alas, I come up empty-handed.
If you could have Seamus have dinner with five fictional characters (assume HP is excluded, as that is a bit boring), who would they be and why? Or five celebrities, if fictional characters proves too difficult. I enjoy these types of questions on memes and such.
susan_voight @ August 21 2004, 16:45:45 UTC |
Hi! Thanks for doing this--everyone has been fascinating so far.
People have already asked favorite and least. Would you do anything differently if you had to do it all over again? Would Seamus?
Do you write any HP fanfic, and did it affect the game, or the reverse?
And I always thought of Seamus as the sane one--I came to the game late-ish and missed a lot of angst, I think--did you see him that way, did he see himself that way, and did you or he ever find it a burden to be the sane one in a school of nut jobs? :-)
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a_player @ August 23 2004, 14:42:48 UTC |
The only thing I would do differently is have gotten more into the game as a whole faster, and played with more players, than I did.
I think Seamus, looking back, might not have made such a big deal over Terry. It wasn't until LYNW that he realized that Terry was never the problem, and that knowledge gave him a lot of peace. But I'm not sure that isn't a 20/20 hindsight thing, so maybe Seamus wouldn't change anything at all.
I do write! It effected the game in that apparently it was my unknowing audition to play Seamus, and it got me to think about other characters in certain ways, but other than that the two things are quite separate. I think that I wrote less because a lot of creative energy went into NA, and now I'm going to be writing more again, because my Seamus-muse isn't one to shut up.
The only time Seamus really felt low about being relatively level headed was when he broke up with Dean, because Terry was so crazy and he thought well, if I were more fun, then Dean would be with me. But by the end of that summer he'd moved past that, thanks to talks with Remus and being with Charlie, and later, in the autumn, his roommates and other friends.
As a player, I really loved that Seamus was both fairly stable and fairly open because it was a contrast to the other characters and it meant he could often be of service to the game, either by his habit of relating things that happened, or just by goading other characters to be more open. Selfishly, it was frustrating sometimes that he wasn't a flashier type because sometimes he'd go unnoticed, but I think that happens to everyone.
But a burden, of course not, because it really was such a privilege to play Seamus in Nocturne Alley.
susan_voight @ August 21 2004, 16:46:08 UTC |
Oh! And is there anything you've been hoping we'd ask and haven't yet?
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dragonelle_fics @ August 24 2004, 08:31:33 UTC |
I wasn't going to comment, because everyone else has asked the questions I would have asked-- but now that traffic has subsided here, I'm going to indulge in some belated fangirling. I loved your Seamus, and found his friendship with Lupin intriguing, and your answers to all the questions have been so insightful. And now I'm wondering a little how Seamus must have felt toward Sirius, as an unobjective observer of the Sirius/Remus relationship?
And since I've already revealed my nosiness in Hannah's player's post, your a_player icon text also made me smile.
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a_player @ August 25 2004, 14:58:17 UTC |
Thank you! I had a hard time, I'll admit, deciding on an icon for this and I was looking at palominos at Getty and I saw this picture and thought, "That horse, it is so gay. Gay, gay, gay."
The first thing to remember always about Sirius is that he is HOTTTTT and Remus is very visually oriented (note his ogling). Seamus for obvious reasons understood what it meant to have fallen for someone at a young age and never be able to get past it. And for that reason he was suprised when Remus left Sirius, and unsurprised when they ultimately reunited. I don't think he ever clearly understood why Sirius would push Remus away until a while after he broke up with Dean. But he had to put any anger toward Sirius aside because he was still a professor and anything else would have been inappropriate.
Thanks for your question!
tabiji @ September 23 2004, 10:48:14 UTC |
Hi Seamus' player!
I'm so late, I hope you check back!
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?
Thankyou! <3