a_player @ 2004-08-25 02:02:00 |
I played Sirius Black.
Ask me something?
evieangelique @ August 25 2004, 06:16:03 UTC |
Did Sirus ever feel possessiveness when it came to his relationship with Harry? Especially in terms of Lupin getting along so well with him.
And I just have to say that OMG. I just. There are no words for my love. ♥ ♥
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a_player @ August 25 2004, 06:20:01 UTC |
Of course he did. I'm certain that most of the time it hacked him off to no end that Harry seemed closer to Remus, and seemed to want to be closer to Remus, more than he was to Sirius. Sirius was just too blind stupid selfish to realise that it was because of him. But never doubt that Sirius loved and loves Harry. He does. He just had to learn how to stop loving himself more.
evieangelique @ August 25 2004, 06:24:32 UTC |
Did you and Remus' player have discussions about where you wanted your respective relationships with Harry to go? Whether Harry would feel closer to one or the other--or did it just pan out that way?
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a_player @ August 28 2004, 07:16:44 UTC |
Not really, no. It just sort of happened that way.
elyciel @ August 25 2004, 06:16:09 UTC |
SIRIUS! <3 I can't believe I'm the first comment. Where is everyone else?
My question is about something which happened behind the scenes. At what point did Sirius decide to reconcile with Remus, and what made him do so? Was it conscious or did they just drift back together slowly towards the end? And did Sirius ever come to understand just why Remus was so upset about him fraternising with Lucius?
elyciel @ August 25 2004, 06:16:36 UTC |
Dang. Almost the first - look at the timestamps! *g*
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a_player @ August 25 2004, 06:21:45 UTC |
It happened quietly and slowly for a reason - and that reason is that they just had to come back together on their own, beyond the scrutiny of the journals, and at their own pace. It didn't seem fitting to really make it a huge deal. Subtle seemed to work better.
And yes, Sirius did understand, finally. He is a good dog. :-)
elyciel @ August 25 2004, 06:28:40 UTC |
Yay! It warms my little heart to hear that he understood in the end. <3 to him, and you.
(parent)raincreature @ August 25 2004, 06:19:40 UTC |
why did you have to go and break my heart? :O
please disregard. i love you. you're incredible. thank you for bringing sirius to life. <3
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a_player @ August 25 2004, 06:22:18 UTC |
I'm sorry. It wasn't even mine to break!
You're welcome. It's great that Sirius made such an impression!
sylvertongue @ August 25 2004, 07:00:27 UTC |
Ack! Sirius! <3!
My question is: Snape, and all those drunken threesome posts. How did Sirius really feel about him?
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a_player @ August 28 2004, 07:17:33 UTC |
Tempted. Because it was something he ought not to have had. Because it was something he ought not do. Why climb the mountain? Because it is there.
jiffy_spiffy @ August 25 2004, 07:29:36 UTC |
Whee, Sirius. <33
Hmm, what to ask? When you and Remus had your seperation Re: Lucius, and Remus/Snape started to develope, did you always know that you were going to return to Remus/Sirius in the end, or where you just playing it a bit by ear?
Dang, I was also going to ask the question above me, but I beaten to it! So I'll ask something similar. Remus and Snape seemed to have an understanding, do you think Sirius would ever have been able to understand Snape the way Remus did, or is it just not in his nature? Did they part on relitively neutral terms, or was it still very much a hate/hate relationship?
Thank you for all the fun and leather pants, you were always a joy to read :)
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a_player @ August 28 2004, 07:19:05 UTC |
Actually for a long time the R/S in the game was seriously up in the air. I know Remus's player would have been content with Remus/Severus if it had come down to it, but at its heart NA really wanted to be R/S again. The canon ship, you know. ;-)
Sirius would never have been capable of understanding Snape as Remus did, because Sirius would never have been able to stop thinking about himself long enough to.
eponis @ August 25 2004, 07:42:40 UTC |
Four questions:
1) Was Sirius ever physically unfaithful to Remus during their marriage? During their courtship? (Anything consensual for all involved doesn't count.)
2) Even if Sirius wasn't physically unfaithful, he was certainly repeatedly flirtatious to Lucius in particular, despite knowing how much it upset Remus. Why did he continue to do it?
3) Severus. During Sirius's short-lived relationship with Severus, was it ever about more than the sex? Before, during, and after Remus's relationship with Severus, was Sirius ever jealous of the way that they intellectually connected?
4) By the conclusion of NA, it featured both of the most traditionally popular slash ships in HP fandom (Remus/Sirius and Harry/Draco). I know that you can't comment on the Harry/Draco, but how much of the R/S was planned, or at least kept in mind, from the start?
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a_player @ August 28 2004, 07:21:30 UTC |
1. Yes. He was unfaithful. He did sleep with Lucius after he married Remus.
2. Because he had no clue about boundaries, no sense of responsibility and was a complete and utterly selfish bastard, to be honest. :-)
3. No. Sex. And yes. Because it was something he could never quite reach.
4. The R/S could not be planned, to be honest, because its nature was so volatile. We never knew what was going to happen. We aimed for R/S in the end and luckily we struck true, but for a while it was really just touch-and-go.
saltroseortopaz @ August 25 2004, 09:47:58 UTC |
Yeah...I'm not Sirius's biggest fan (I was the evil bitch laughing at everyone when OoTP came out), but hey, I gots a question. (It is my trusty handy dandy question for when I don't have anything better)
So. Sirius. Boxers or briefs?
[attentive; is compiling a list of NA underwear choices -- okay, not really, but I've asked two people so far and I'm TELLING people I'm making a list]
eponis @ August 25 2004, 10:49:56 UTC |
(You weren't the only one. I kept having to remind myself that I was supposed to be sad for Remus and Harry's sakes. Or, uh, something.)
(parent)saltroseortopaz @ August 25 2004, 10:51:45 UTC |
(I don't like Harry, either, and I figured any number of people were gonna mend Remus's broken heart with Snapey, in fic, so...FREE TO BE EVIL. Not that, I ah, was anything other than totally respectful and um, stuff.)
(parent)saltroseortopaz @ August 28 2004, 07:24:15 UTC |
Dude, BEST answer ever.
Remus: Boxers
Ernie: Briefs
...this is the most fun fangirly thing to do EVER, even if I did kind of forget to ask the Lucius!Player.
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a_player @ August 28 2004, 07:23:04 UTC |
1. Probably the Veritaserum fiasco, because I got to make the Lists. So yeah, you got it in one!
2. The Remus/Snape exchanges during Snape's Magical Mystery Tour.
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a_player @ August 28 2004, 07:23:47 UTC |
It's not like it was one person per day. Or per hour, really.
Sirius made up for lost time, obviously.
luna_lg @ August 25 2004, 18:29:09 UTC |
Sirius--our beloved, yet fucked-up (pun unintented) puppy! ^^
Knowing minds must know: Was a threesome really possible? And if so, how do you think Harry would've handled BOTH of his stepdads sleeping with Severus?
As a matter of fact, did Harry really have trouble with the brief Sirius/Snape thing?
luna_lg @ August 25 2004, 18:30:18 UTC |
Add-on to Question #2: How do you think everyone else would've handled it (Seamus, Dean, Draco, McGonagall, etc)?
(parent)jupistrahan @ August 27 2004, 05:08:22 UTC |
Oh god, that icon is unbearably hot, in an "I'm an old geezer with a long fuzzy beard" kind of way. I want to glomp you. May I?
(parent)jupistrahan @ August 28 2004, 00:58:22 UTC |
Mahvelous! *glomps!* Oh, and for good measure... *glomps the dumbley one*
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a_player @ August 28 2004, 07:25:41 UTC |
Okay, here's the truth - the threesome was implied, but in the end we really tried to play it off as having not happened at all because it just seemed silly and pointless. So just think of them as having got very drunk one night, maybe attempting to fool around but passing out before anything could get going
And if Harry didn't have trouble with that, he must have been asleep that year.
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a_player @ September 4 2004, 03:00:16 UTC |
I don't think a threesome would have been very believeable, really.
Harry would have rioted, I think!
You'd have to ask Harry that. ;-)
aome @ August 25 2004, 19:29:44 UTC |
First of all, the litany of Everyone Sirius Ever Slept With on his wedding day has to be one of the funniest moments ever.
One of my earliest recollections of NA was when he and Snape were forced to spend some time together and clearly ended up hooking up as a result. How did Sirius' view of Snape change over time (both before and after this event), particularly when Remus ended up with Snape during the S/R separation?
What was the first thing that went through his mind when he saw Remus take the fatal shot at the end? I have to say, even though I *cough* knew it was coming, Sirius' terse "Remus is dead" post just about broke my heart, and the follow-up post where he explained in greater depth was wonderfully, sadly done.
What did Sirius think of Remus-as-a-woman?
What does he remember most fondly about the S/R relationship?
And, to repeat what someone else said, what was your favourite NA moment and favourite Sirius moment?
The wedding night, when Harry was upset and barricaded himself in a room, and Sirius and Remus just camped out on the doorway to keep him company - that touched me so much. That they would do that for him.
I admit I would have loved to see Sirius post more, but I always enjoyed it when he did.
jupistrahan @ August 27 2004, 05:10:10 UTC |
Oh my GOD. Your icon. It kills me. So much...! It took me two goes to get it, but now that I do.... *chokes, and hopes no family members ask why*
(parent)aome @ August 27 2004, 10:37:13 UTC |
Isn't it great? Credit goes to samiamicons. This one too. :D
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a_player @ September 4 2004, 03:04:19 UTC |
That was an impressive list, wasn't it? Goodness. Had I that much free time I'd, you know, garden.
I don't know that Sirius's view of Snape really changed. He didn't put much stock in sex. It was just that - sex. A way to get off, an incredibly selfish thing. He didn't really think on who it was with, which is what got him into trouble later. He still thought of Snape as just SNAPE - only now Snape had a body he could do things with and to. You know?
He was not amused at the Remus/Snape. Nope.
The first thing in Sirius's mind when Remus fell as everything he'd never said, but should have. It was a long moment - like page 806 was for the rest of us. :-(
Sirius liked Remus's bits as a woman, definitely. Didn't take him long to adjust to it.
He remembers Remus's hands - not like THAT, you pervert. Remus just had good, strong, soft and warm hands. He fell in love with the hands first. The man followed shortly thereafter.
I really can't PICK!
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dragonelle_fics @ August 25 2004, 22:44:46 UTC |
Hello, Sirius's player! Oh, boy. Sirius is one of my favorite characters in the HP universe, so I always observed N_A Sirius with affection. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that means that I have questions upon questions for you, and that some of them are rather broad. I'm so sorry! (But it's not going to stop me from asking them!) :-)
1) Teh obvious: N_A Sirius was the character hit hardest by OotP. Did you find it strange or difficult to play him after reading OotP?
2) Sirius's devotion to Harry is/was one of the most touching aspects of his character, both in canon and in N_A. To what extent did Sirius's dogfather status restrain him from posting more introspective thoughts in his journal?
3) In a related vein: Some of my favorite Sirius posts are the ones in which he addressed the students, or his dealings with the students. No matter what he did in his private life, he seemed very conscious of his status as a professor. How did Sirius feel about teaching? Did he ever post anything that he regretted later, in light of that responsibility? Did he have any favorite students, aside from Harry?
4) Remus had several close friendships outside of the S/R relationship, with Seamus and Narcissa in particular, while Sirius's deepest ties seemed to be to his immediate family. What were Sirius's thoughts on these friendships? Did he ever feel left out, or perceive a comparative lack in his life? Did he *want* other close friendships, and if so, with whom?
5) What did Sirius get up to when he wasn't grading papers or spending time with his family?
6) How do you think Remus's death will affect Sirius in the future, especially in light of the emotional stress that lingered from his time in Azkaban?
Thanks for being such a wonderful Sirius, and for letting me... er... bombard you :-)
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a_player @ September 4 2004, 03:08:19 UTC |
It was weird with Sirius after OotP. Took a while to get over the canon loss, even though we had no intention of killing him in-game.
It wasn't so much Sirius's godfather status as it was his complete inability to be introspective, period. :-)
Sirius LOVED to teach. It gave him something outside his pants and everyone else's to focus on, something constructive. It gave him control in a world where he had little. He was fond of Ron, because Ron reminded him of himself.
Sirius would have liked a few more friends, but he did not know how to approach someone as a FRIEND, and not as a potential roll in the hay. He destroyed a lot of potential friendships with his libido.
Sirius liked the Prophet crossword, going for a fly on the bike or a broom, or shedding on things as Padfoot. Simple delights really.
Remus's death actually forced Sirius to become the responsible adult he always should have been. He stopped sleeping with everyone he came across, was more of an adult for Harry. He had to be the person Remus always knew he could be, because Remus wasn't there anymore to remind him. He had to grow up. :-(
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dragonelle_fics @ September 4 2004, 05:56:58 UTC |
It wasn't so much Sirius's godfather status as it was his complete inability to be introspective, period. :-)
Hahaha! :-D I almost tacked that on to the question (...or was it more an extension of his personality), but I thought it might be gauche!
That's interesting about Sirius and Ron :-o The first thing I think of when I think of Ron is how he wears his heart on his sleeve, and Sirius seemed like he didn't know how to react to his heart sometimes, or threw himself into other things (*cough* Lucius *cough) in a compensatory manner. Or maybe I'm reading too much into that. In any case, what great food for thought. Now I wish I'd asked that kind of self-image vs. affect question of other players!
Re: shedding on things - <3<3<3 :-D
I'm going to run away from the computer and bawl over Remus again now for Sirius's sake!
Thank you so much for your illuminating replies :-)
corrupteddreams @ August 25 2004, 23:00:43 UTC |
OMG LOVE@U!!!!1one!
What did Sirius regret the most when Remus died?
Thank you!
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a_player @ August 28 2004, 07:26:41 UTC |
Taking him for granted.
And that Remus had never got back to Amsterdam.
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a_player @ September 4 2004, 03:08:56 UTC |
I'd argue with you, but you're right.
(Sirius misses you.)
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missgeneva @ August 26 2004, 05:51:02 UTC |
I enjoyed your characterization of Sirius, but he was a frustrating character to watch sometimes. He seemed to self-sabotage in some ways, going overboard just to prove that he couldn't be restrained, or doing things just because he wasn't supposed to. I'm thinking here mainly of the Lucius thing, but I think it extended to other aspects of his life: from the leather pants on up, I always felt that Sirius wanted to be identified as a rebel.
I suppose my first question is, would you agree with that characterization as a player? Would Sirius agree?
And part two, what I really was going for, was... how much of this near-destructive stubbornness do you think came from his experience in Azkaban? Were there specific situations or behaviors that you particularly handled with his imprisonment in mind?
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a_player @ August 28 2004, 07:16:14 UTC |
Well, we've had it confirmed that Sirius pretty much WAS a rebel in canon, but sometimes I think NA!Sirius did take it a shade too far. As he well learnt, eventually.
It had a lot to do with Azkaban, most definitely. You can't come away from the prison of your own mind and be perfectly normal, can you?
comava @ August 29 2004, 21:08:32 UTC |
Squee, Sirius!
My questions: I admit I never quite understood how Sirius/Lucius could happen. I fully agreed with Remus when he said something like "How could you, with the man who wants to kill Harry?" Even if it was only physical attraction, it still seems horrible to do. Any thoughts on that?
And how did Sirius react to H/D? I don't think he ever seemed terribly fond of Draco, but after his own sexcapades he couldn't really object, could he?
Thanks so much for doing this.
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a_player @ September 4 2004, 03:11:29 UTC |
Join the club. I really haven't any thoughts on it because I honestly can't wrap my own brain around it myself. There was some logic behind it, but it got completely out of hand and should have ended sooner than it did. It was horrible, and irresponsible and completely immoral. And Sirius.
Draco to Harry is Severus to Remus, in Sirius's mind. Not exactly the sort of dynamic he'd want to encourage, but he couldn't really argue with it because it if made them happy - well, so be it.
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a_player @ September 4 2004, 03:12:41 UTC |
Sirius has changed players over the course of NA. That's all I can really say.
digitalmeowmix2 @ September 10 2004, 01:39:44 UTC |
1.What were your feeling aboout the Siris/Remus/Harry relationship in canon and in the game
2.what were your favorite moments,
and did you bond with the players are said characters
3.What was your reaction when Remus died?
4. two words, book five and two more words,
book six,in regards to Sirius
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a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:18:39 UTC |
1. I wish the relationships could have been better, stronger. Sirius and Harry should have had the dynamic that Remus and Harry had, and it was a tragedy that it came together so late in the game, and at such a high cost.
2. Oh, I loved the Musical, and the Wedding, and the honeymoon in Greece.
3. Crushed.
4. Book Five: No Body. Book Six: No Death.
tabiji @ September 23 2004, 10:54:50 UTC |
Hello Sirius' player!
I hope I am not too late!
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?
Thankyou! <3
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a_player @ October 25 2004, 07:19:04 UTC |
God, I have NO IDEA, ha ha!
I'll get back to you on that!