a_player @ 2004-08-27 22:23:00 |
Mood: curious
I don't know if you'll have much to ask me, but I'm here anyway, just in case. You can just say hello, if you like!
Uh, starting now! Don't forget about the other Q&A posts up, as well.
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Anonymous @ August 28 2004, 05:58:46 UTC |
<3 Parvati! I admit she annoyed me first with her random capitalization, but... she grew up. So! Questions!
What, exactly, did Parvati see in Ron?
Was the friendship between Hermione and Parvati affected by Parvati dating Ron because of Hermione's prior relationship?
Who was your favorite character to interact with?
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 11:18:58 UTC |
I just typed up a reply to this and then livejournal ate it, where is the fun in that! Honestly!
<3 Thanks! I don't really Know why you'd Be annoyed with It, though. ;;)
RON :X Ron was just funny, was the beginnings of it, I think. Even if he didn't mean to be, he'd just be terribly funny and it was really fantastic. Also, I'm sure everyone's heard the theories about redheads.
I don't think it was affected that much - I mean, the two girls weren't the closest of close friends at all, more acquaintances, and by the time Parvati and Ron started dating, Hermione was all lively and happy with Ernie. Parvati didn't feel all that awkward, but of course I can't talk for Hermione!
Seamus :x
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mustyouwait @ August 28 2004, 05:59:01 UTC |
Your character was very intruiging ;)
I'm going to be boring and ask, do you have any moments of NA that you loved so much, and it stood out more than any of the others?
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 11:20:19 UTC |
Hello! :D
I feel very mysterious now...
Um! Maybe Love Your Neighbour week - I almost felt like an nrager with the amount of f5ing I was doing! And although he was an NPC, I got a terrible crush on Theodore Nott.
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 11:23:06 UTC |
;;) :-*
I never really had somebody else in mind, I was just happy to be a part of the game! I think with the smaller characters there was a lot more freedom with moulding them, as well, so I don't know how well I would've done with a character that had a lot more canonical backstory.
Uh, the most I like about my Parvati, what a question :)) I actually have to admit that I liked the random caps while they lasted. Don't tell anybody, I think they'd want to crucify me.
I really like the Weasleys! And Tonks, I hate to admit this because a lot of people don't like her all that much, but I think she's cool. I also think Harry is okay! :))
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a_player @ August 31 2004, 10:22:01 UTC |
Your secret is safe with my secret is safe with you is safe with me! :> :"> <3333
(parent)comava @ August 29 2004, 20:43:03 UTC |
Chalk up another one for the random caps. It seemed very fitting and I loved it.
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Anonymous @ August 28 2004, 06:27:46 UTC |
1. Did you interact with Padma's player very much?
2. What made Parvati stop being so into Divination?
3. When did Parvati and Lavender's friendship really start to change?
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 11:25:39 UTC |
1. I didn't, actually, and I really wish I had; I think the Patil sisters could have been a lot stronger in the game than they were but I take the blame for this.
2. After the end of sixth year incident, she was really thrown by having had the premonition, and she didn't want anything to do with it. It was a bad way of coping with one of her strengths.
3. Their friendship really changed when Parvati came back from holidays with a much healthier outlook on life, whereas Lavender just kept going down and there didn't seem to be anything Parvati could do to help. She distanced herself a bit, which was another bad move, I think, but she didn't know what else to do.
aome @ August 28 2004, 18:19:52 UTC |
As I recall, Parvati was participating in the mega-diet storyline for awhile, but never let it get as serious as Lavender did. What made Parvati stop, and how did she feel about watching Lavender? Did she approve? Did she get frightened? How was their friendship after Lavender was sent off to recover?
And, the typical - what was your favourite Parvati moment and favourite game moment overall?
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 14:26:41 UTC |
Parvati stopped on the mega-diet when she went to India to visit relatives on the Summer holidays between sixth and seventh year - the food over there was just too good, to be honest :"> but also, the beautiful things that Indian women wear can make you feel beautiful no matter what your size. She felt awful when she got back and couldn't convince Lavender to stop, and so she distanced herself a fair bit, though it was probably the wrong thing to do. When Lav was recovering, Parvati tried to be by her side again like old times, though there was a friendship to mend as well as Lav's health.
I don't know if I have an overall favourite moment. I really liked when Snape got his kitten :"> and also giving Remus a complex about his weight before his wedding. My favourite game moment was probably the thread about West Side Story, actually, before the Ravenclaw party a few months back.
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Anonymous @ August 28 2004, 18:53:09 UTC |
I really enjoyed seeing the way Parvati grew in the past year--she went from a somewhat annoying character (sorry!) to someone that was really quite interesting, and I thought, ended up being one of the stronger females in the game. It was interesting to see how her dawning maturity developed, especially with how she had moved away from Lavender's mindset and seemed to develop a closer relationship with the more serious Padma, and yet still wanted to be Lavender's friend. So:
1. When/why did you decide to make Parvati grow up?
2. Was it difficult to have her character start forging all the new relationships that she did (Ron, Seamus) while seeming to leave behind some other ones (Lavender)?
Also, because I can't resist shippy questions:
3. How/why did the Ron/Parvati come about--both for you guys as players and for Parvati herself?
4. Do you think Ron/Parvati will continue to see one another now that they're out of school?
I actually really enjoyed the Ron/Parvati--they ended up being a surprisingly good match! It seemed to me that she could handle Ron's occasionally volatile moods and his sense of humor really well, even better perhaps than Hermione. :)
Thanks for doing this!
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a_player @ August 31 2004, 10:05:38 UTC |
This is so nice of you to say! I mean, not the bit about being annoying, you bitch. Ahahaha I swear, I'm just joking. I find people who make their characters into perfect, unflawed martyrs to be really awful, so I'm actually glad some people were like, She got on my nerves! That just makes me say, thanks! I really love what you said about her maturity and all of that, it makes me very :">.
1. It mostly started after the attack on the Weasley twins, for the fact that it was supposed to be her. That event was really very sobering, and the seriousness of it led to her making some decisions about her actions and this all sounds really serious, but the basic gist of it is that - after the Weasley twins were threatened.
2. It was difficult. It was exciting and daunting and melancholy too, because while she didn't really want to leave her best friend behind like that, she couldn't see anything in that relationship helping her to grow - at the time, with Lav's illness, she could only really go down. A few tentative friendships she attempted to form to begin with didn't work so well, and I'm glad Seamus and Ron ended up taking a liking to her and her attempts to change.
3. Hahaha! Basically, and this is really awful - okay, well, the first bit isn't really awful. Parvati got literally stuck in the library one night and was talking to Ron on instant messenger because he was the only person she could see on her list, and he just made her laugh. And then at the Ravenclaw party they made out drunkenly, how embarrassing! But a little typically teenagerish too, and then things were awkward and were-they-or-weren't-they-going-out and then Ron asked her to Hogsmeade so it was kind of on.
4. I have high hopes that Ron comes to visit her in her flat with Padma and Hermione when he has breaks from Auror training... if he gets in, of course! I don't know, it may last a couple of months more, or not at all. I do think it's a kind of sweet thing, but most high school sweethearts don't follow through for long. Or do they!
Thanks, I really liked it too :">
not_concerned @ August 28 2004, 23:31:57 UTC |
I just wanted to say that I love your Parvati :D :D :D I can't think of a question, so I will just be sneaky and say - what do you want to tell us about Parvati that no one has asked about yet?
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 11:52:09 UTC |
Thanks :D! I will leave answering this properly until last so I can tell you the juiciest information that nobody asks about. ;;)
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 29 2004, 04:05:52 UTC |
Oh Parvati. I've always always always loved you so. You helped me see the little beauties in my own life and culture, pieces that I'd abandoned and even scorned before.
I suppose I should ask if you did research for those certain entries, and if so where? The internet, books, or the experiences of friends or family or even yourself?
Sometimes I think I Grew Up with You. <3
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 11:58:09 UTC |
Oh, Anjali, you are my favourite. Don't tell anybody.
I did most of my research on the internet, to be honest. I don't want to say too much! I just hope I was right with what I did :">
This is So lovely to Hear :(( <33
sistermagpie @ August 29 2004, 05:19:20 UTC |
Parvati! What can I Say? You were truly Wonderful.:-)
Questions, questions...
Twice in the game Parvati suddenly found herself getting some surprising attention--when she had her prophetic dream and when the Prophet suggested the DEs went after the wrong twins. How did Parvati feel about that? Was there anything to the Prophet's suggestion? How did it effect her and Padma as twins themselves?
Did Parvati feel suspicious of Hermione's interest in her after she started going out with Ron?
In fact, what is it about Ron that snagged Parvati?:-)
I loved Parvati and Lavender's last days together on the game--they were so painful but I loved them both. I especially liked Parvati's post about seeing Lavender protecting younger students while Parvati didn't know what to do. It seems like that must have brought up a lot of stuff about their whole relationship-which one needed protecting, which one was "brave." How did Parvati ultimately feel about Lavender and her own relationship to her?
What do you think Parvati will be doing in the future, after Hogwarts?
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a_player @ August 31 2004, 10:20:59 UTC |
How nice Of you To say!
I've touched on this glomp of questions a little above, but basically, you've pulled out the two situations that made her throw in some big changes. When she had the dream just before the sixth year attack, it wasn't really anything but weird. However, she freaked out once the realisation hit her that she'd actually Seen something. She backed off completely and shut down that part of her life, she didn't want to have those kind of things and she didn't want people to ask her what their test scores were going to be like and stupid things like that that people tend to presume of people with that kind of gift. And then, the DEs - when the Prophet suggested that the DEs had actually been out to torture and kill her, she didn't want to leave her sister's side. Being a twin became a really important thing, and at least for a while made her realise how special it was to have someone that close to her. As far as I know, the Prophet's suggestion was actually true, so.
Parvati didn't feel suspicious at all! I don't know if this is because she's just a welcoming kind of person or if she was retaining some of the ditzy she'd been trying to lose from her personality.
Ron, oh Ron. Apart from being funny and being able to make her laugh until her sides hurt without even meaning to, he was also really brave, if kind of quietly. Having someone like that next to you is a really good feeling.
They were really painful! The commenting was so awkward but I was so happy about it. Parvati ultimately felt guilty, and then guilty for feeling guilty when it seemed as though Lav wasn't all that dependant on her, after all, and then just quietly pleased as punch to be slowly mending their friendship.
I've always hoped that the Ministry will get in touch with her about doing something with her gift, but I've never really fleshed out the idea or voiced it for fear of it being kind of, I don't know! Wanky, I guess! I'll just continue cradling the idea close.
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greenanddying @ September 12 2004, 16:30:28 UTC |
Just wanted to add my two cents: that's not wanky at all! I love that idea. <3
(parent)tabiji @ September 23 2004, 10:56:05 UTC |
Hi Parvati's player!
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?
Thankyou! <3