a_player @ 2004-08-28 22:29:00 |
Hello hello!
Mood: working
Hi there! This is Ginny's player! Do you like my icon? It's a potterstinks original.
Anyway, if you have any questions for me please do ask!
saltroseortopaz @ August 29 2004, 03:51:22 UTC |
...anything I might possibly have asked, I cannot remember. And the boxers-or-briefs question just DOESN'T WORK on the female characters. (have got quite an amusing little list building)
All righty. Ginny. Luna. What was that about? In a, "TELL ME THINGS" not in a "WTF" manner of interrogation questioning hm, not much better than interrogation.
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 04:20:34 UTC |
Haha! I can tell you Ginny's side of the story. I think what Ginny just loved about Luna was that Luna never treated her like a little girl who didn't know any better. Ginny's very dreamy and chatty, but next to Luna she seems almost practical sometimes and I think she liked being the practical one in a friendship for once. She never scolded or talked down in any way to Ginny and so Ginny felt very free around Luna to do or say anything she liked. She may have taken too many liberties with this freedom, though, and I always sort of wondered if Ginny took advantage of Luna's friendship or if it was really an even give and take. They were really good friends and I think Ginny had some attraction to Luna that she didn't quite want to fully act upon. I just loved threading with Luna's player.
I hope that's a good answer! If you'd like to know something more specific, just ask!
saltroseortopaz @ August 29 2004, 04:22:43 UTC |
That's a great answer, thank you! =D
OH and one more thing. How did Ginny feel about Pansy's death? And stuff.
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 04:38:09 UTC |
Oh, gosh. Ginny had SO MUCH experience with death in NA and she felt, a lot, that the Dark Lord was somehow taking out everyone she dared to become close to. First went Soblessa, then George and Charlie, and then Pansy. When Pansy died it was almost this feeling of, 'I'm not surprised.' After George and Charlie died there was almost no room left for more grief so she could only experience it in small waves of smothered pain, if that makes any sense; also Luna was unconscious at the time and Ginny was mostly worried for Luna. However, Pansy was extremely kind to Ginny and, like Soblessa, is a death that Ginny will do her best to remember and honour every day in her heart.
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 04:40:03 UTC |
Oops, pardon me. I know Charlie didn't DIE but I feel his fate was almost worse than death, and I basically considered him dead too.
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devilzzz @ August 29 2004, 04:20:27 UTC |
1) Who is the girl on your default icon?
2) What inspired the relationship between Cho/Ginny?:)
3) Best OOC moment in NA?
4) Best IC?
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 04:32:07 UTC |
WHEE! Is that a Harry/Hermione icon? ;;)
1) It's a really cute girl from Getty Images. I altered her hair to be more reddish, though! I have the original picture around here somewhere if you'd like me to find it.
2) I think it was just that I liked the idea of it! And I wanted Ginny to make a clean break away from liking Harry. Luckily Cho's player was all for it! Cho/Ginny seems very random, in hindsight, but it clicked pretty nicely.
3) Oh, gosh. There were just so many, and the game was so long. We had a lot of fun group chats and I had a ball every single time I talked to Ron's player. We were incoherent Weasley kids together and we were just so passionate about the Weasleys, it was like we were really family.
4) I'd have to say either threading with Ron or Ernie or having Weasley chats on AIM. It really gave me a sense of how it would be in the Burrow sometimes, with a bunch of loud family you have to try and be be heard over.
5) <3<3 for you too!
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devilzzz @ September 2 2004, 19:05:17 UTC |
1) Oh, no need! I don't wanna give you any trouble, but thanks I was wondering:D My friend mentioned it to me and I realized that wasn't Bonnie, hehe.
2) It did! I liked it a lot.
3) Oo. Any specific moment that sticks out? *hint*
4) Did you guys rp everything you posted on your journals out, or did some of the things just become plotted and were just "known"?
5):D Thank you!! And yes, that is ;)
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a_player @ September 4 2004, 04:39:55 UTC |
3) OOC moments are so plentiful, and the fact that a lot of people in the game are friends and would chat anyway, even if it's not about NA, just makes for good times every day! If I had to pick one I would say that when the fifth book came out, Ron's player, Molly's player, Arthur's player, and I all sat in a chat and talked about it for basically twelve hours straight! It wasn't game-related but it was really fun.
4) We definitely didn't RP everything we posted out. Some players liked to RP things that happened off-journal and some didn't. I mostly didn't. A lot of things were just plotted and "known".
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hezzabeth @ August 29 2004, 10:01:12 UTC |
Hi hi!!!!
I've always loved the entry where Ginny talked about how she's comfortable with her sexuality, and my question was what steps did she take to come to this conclusion?
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 10:42:11 UTC |
Hm, that's a good question. Ginny started off really naive about people and really wanting a boyfriend or a relationship. She was really romantic and had Harry-centric longings, of course. The first person who really turned her away from that was Cho. (This doesn't follow how she is in the fifth book AT ALL, which is only bad characterisation on my part!) Ginny took to being a lesbian, or at least bisexual, like a duck to water, and it sort of made an odd kind of sense to be so attracted to a girl after living with all those boys and she enjoyed the sense of empowerment she had with Cho, and all the attention and physical things which were her firsts. When she took to liking Evan she was much more confident and flirty and had a sense of self and a sense of her body. In the beginning of the game she looked forward to romance and growing up and was very sensitive to criticism and teasing, and toward the end of the game she had experienced a lot more and grown up a lot more and had become pretty self-assured and was no longer so concerned with what others thought of her. It was a pretty natural thing.
Thanks so much for a great question!
luna_lg @ August 29 2004, 22:07:49 UTC |
Your development of Ginny is superb, I must say. It shows how a teen is growing into a woman who is comfortable with herself and is NOT willing to follow the mainstream so much. Much love and joy to you!
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 22:11:04 UTC |
Thank you very, very much! And oh my God, your icon! Hahahahahahahahaha.
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 29 2004, 15:19:12 UTC |
You give awesome answers!
I really really loved Ginny in NA. People have covered a lot of what I wondered about her.
How did Ginny's relationship with her parents and siblings change after the attack? Her birthday was so sad after George died...what was that like for Ginny, with her mother blaming herself? Did she and Ron talk about it? Did she do anything to try to help?
Ron did a lot of growing up too--what was his relationship with Ginny like by the end of the game? They were always close, but they both had grown up by the end of the game.
What did Ginny make of Millicent's awful comments after the attack? I remember her post to Millicent (where she said she just didn't know why anyone would write something like that) really impressed me--it seemed very weary as opposed to angry, yet Ginny was the only Weasley who commented. Was she hoping to get any response from her post?
Was it more difficult for Ginny thinking that Cho got involved with Charlie of all people? Did that come into her mind at all after Charlie "died?" (I don't know if she'd gotten through the initial shock enough by the end of the game to even think about things along those lines.)
What was Soblessa like and can you tell me anything about her friendship with Ginny?
Thank you!
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 21:57:12 UTC |
Hello! Thank you! :D
Ginny's relationship with her parents and siblings - after the attack, she alternately felt extremely bonded with her remaining family and very alienated from them. There would be moments when she would be in a crushing hug with someone in her family and then the next she would be afraid to touch her mother. She was emotionally exhausted sometimes and other times she was frantic with the need to distract herself and do things for her mother so Molly wouldn't have to. I know she cleaned the entire house top to bottom (except Fred and George's room). Molly was definitely the difficult to be around in the usual way. She tried so hard to make Ginny's birthday a celebration but it was just so forced that it felt awful. I know Molly felt like a really bad mother in addition to her devastating grief and Ginny could pick up on that in a feminine way and wanted to do whatever would make Molly feel better.
Ron, actually, had a very unusual response (for Ron, that is). He was incredibly silent after the attack and hardly said anything, even though he was always there for Ginny if she needed a hug or someone to spend time with. I know at that time he was sort of channelling his grief into a cause, which was becoming an Auror so he could help stop things like this from happening.
Ron and Ginny's relationship was my favourite. I really felt like a little sister to him and I loved it when Ron's player would have Ron ruffle Ginny's hair and stuff like that. It really did change toward the end of the game. I think Ron's attentions weren't so focused on hating Ginny's boyfriend by principle, and they still teased each other a lot but not as maniacally. I feel so bonded to Ron, as Ginny. Very looked out for and cared about.
Millicent's awful comments, truthfully, did momentarily horrify Ginny but moreso for her family's sake than her own. She forgot about them fairly easily because at that time there was so much more to feel bad about, and I don't think she would have wanted a response either way. I always portrayed Ginny as a sort of sensitive girl, so she felt bad for Millicent because Millicent was so devastated by Pansy's death, but she also had a bit of flint in her eye where Millicent was concerned and probably secretly thought, "Now you know how it feels. Triple it and that's how I feel."
The Charlie/Cho still freaks me out to this day. You have no idea how much I yelled about it to Molly's player. I was really "OH MY GOD, YOU JUST DID NOT!!!!" about it. How is that for a really awkward flip? Cho goign back to ating boys I can understan completely, but I thought Charlie was supposed to be gaygayGAY so I didn't quite understand how it could be possible. Anyway, I protested them coming for Christmas vehemently. Ginny felt sort of awkward about it and didn't really want to see them, especially together, but she had moved on to Evan and also wanted Charlie to be happy, so she tried her best to ignore it. Out of sight, out of mind, I guess!
Oh, and I'm so happy you asked about Soblessa. I loved Soblessa and I cried when she was killed. Soblessa was a serious card. She was sort of a role-model for Ginny in the Noble Art of Not Caring What Others Think and really drew her out of her shyness. Soblessa told dirty jokes and limericks, had rude playing cards, was boy-crazy (she was later tamed by Colin, I think!) and could be pretty blunt at times. She could be a bit flaky at times, like forgetting about her homework in favour of reading a magazine and stuff like that, and around boys she would get sort of nauseating, but she had a great sense of humour and was as talkative as Ginny was. She and Ginny had beds next to each other and would leave the curtains facing each other open so they could whisper at night.
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 22:08:53 UTC |
Also, just so you know, I broke my 'D' key last night so if there are any missing Ds in there, that's why! I keep forgetting that I have to go back and mash in the missing Ds!
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 22:04:36 UTC |
I loved the few and far-between times that Ginny would comment to Lucius (so bravely, with her knickers in a twist!) so I think I'd have liked to have commented with Narcissa! I've no idea what she and Narcissa could have commented about. But she hated Naricssa, especially for Molly's sake, so it probably wouldn't have been a friendly conversation.
Ginny is one of my many favourite canon characters. (When the fifth book came out I was so dead pleased about Ginny!) I really felt like I related to Ginny, moreso than Hermione or Parvati or Lavender. But I really love a lot of characters - Harry, Ron, Hermione, Sirius, Mundungus Fletcher...
I very particularly fancy Ron/Ginny! But I really like Harry/Ginny, Luna/Ginny, Sirius/Ginny, and, of all things, Ernie/Ginny! I've even written those last two. You know, before I look like I'm just choosing random characters an putting them with Ginny.
:-*!! Redheads rule! Thank you for the questions!
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a_player @ August 29 2004, 21:58:59 UTC |
Only joking! Of course that would be Ron! BUT DON'T TELL PERCY.
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a_player @ August 30 2004, 22:33:49 UTC |
And to think, here I was, ready to comment about my pleasure in regards to the lemon icon. I see.
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Anonymous @ August 31 2004, 19:32:34 UTC |
Sorry, I don't have a LiveJournal account, but I thought Ginny was
One of the questions that I haven't seen asked is about LYNW. Ginny's
prized possession was a page of Tom Riddle's diary. Was this a working
page? Why was this her prized possession?
Does Ginny still have this or did Ron manage to get it away from her?
I really liked your Ginny. Thanks for a lovely portrayal.
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a_player @ September 4 2004, 04:32:33 UTC |
Oh, no! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to answer this. I don't get any email notifications and I didn't realise I had any more questions! >:D<
The page of Tom Riddle's diary was not a working page - it was one she'd carelessly torn out before she even started writing in the diary and she discovered the page after the diary had been destroyed. She kept it to remind her always of Tom, who really was her friend for a while in her first year. She always had this sort of partition put up in her mind between "the sweet Tom that was my friend" and "the Tom that wanted to kill me." She ended up telling Filbert Snodgrass about it, although she didn't mean to, and Filbert suspected that she missed having a secret like that and terrorising the school. Ginny would deny it but I think a very small part of her does miss it!
Ginny still has it; she hid it in a different place before Ron could take it.
Thank you so much for the questions!
cottons @ September 3 2004, 18:47:52 UTC |
Hello! wow, you give wonderful answers, it makes me wish I had a question! I just wanted to say how much you converted me to being a Ginny fan, NA!Ginny will always have precedent over canon!Ginny for me. *crushes on you some more* <3
(parent)tabiji @ September 23 2004, 10:56:52 UTC |
Hi Ginny's player!
I'm obscenely late, but I'm wondering:
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?
Thankyou! <3
bentley @ September 30 2004, 11:16:27 UTC |
I think you got OotP Ginny before OotP came out, and that was one of the reasons I didn't agree when my friends yelled about how JKR had 'abruptly changed' her.
Uh, question, question... was there anyone else Ginny was romantically involved with or had a crush on that Nrageders don't know about?
I'm no good with these... anything you want to say about Ginny, do tell me, I'm interested.
Much love, anyway, for a brilliant character. :x