a_player @ 2004-09-10 16:46:00 |
Well well well!
Mood: nervous
Yo! It is Ron's player! Ask me anything, but there is a high chance I may not know the answer because my short term memory is not what it used to be. But ask! And remember to keep asking the previous players too, especially Percy, for Percy is my man.
readyornot @ September 10 2004, 09:35:21 UTC |
Sort of a general question.
Are many of the players English?
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 09:40:01 UTC |
No, but most of us to try to keep to the British spelling and do our research for details such as food and events.
There will be a mod post/q&a after all the players have gone, so you can direct more general questions then, if you wish!
readyornot @ September 10 2004, 09:45:13 UTC |
Ah, good job, then. ;-)
Sorry. I'd have more personal questions for Ron, but, alas, I'm one of the more late arrivals to this RP, and managed to find it only after it had closed. Cheers, nonetheless.
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 09:48:35 UTC |
Aw, no problems, I hope you enjoyed the game nonetheless. ;-)
(parent)readyornot @ September 10 2004, 09:52:01 UTC |
I have enjoyed it! I remember a time when I hadn't the faintest what an "RGP" was. I imagine if I had found this game, perhaps a year ago, I might've thought I'd actually found the diaries of the HP kids.
I'm afraid this may say something about my stupidity level! Hah.
readyornot @ September 10 2004, 09:52:43 UTC |
And if that doesn't say something about it, "RGP" certainly will. Quite.
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 09:57:29 UTC |
Haha! I'm glad the LJs were realistic enough for you to think that!
(parent)nannyo @ September 10 2004, 09:58:44 UTC |
ROn, oh Ron, I have so much Weasley Love...SO MUCH and a reasonable amount of it focussed on you.
I adored Ron's clueless, dive in and damn the consequences attitude, and his way of charging in to fix things and making it worse.
What precisely was the agreement between Ron and Cho? I kept interpreting it as different things, and couldn't decide in the end.
Apart from Hermione and Parvati, which of the other girls where objects of Ron's interest?
I was very intrigued by the moments of Ron/Ginny taunting you added to the mix, was this just a way to torment us Nragers or was there more than appropriate emotion between the two of you?
THanks so much
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 10:23:11 UTC |
:D!!! Thank you! I'm all delighted and HEE HEEly smug now. I enjoyed playing his bull in china shop moments too.
As for Ron and Cho, I assume you've seen the treaty they both signed? Basically the agreement is that if Cho treats Ginny badly then Ron will destroy her systematically from the inside out.
Ron's not very into girls really. Not to say that he's into boys. I mean he's just got a very short attention span, and doesn't really understand girls. He grew up in a family of like, 400 boys and one sister who is just like one of the boys, so females baffle him a lot. He liked Hermione for a really long time, but didn't really have the emotional capacity to take their relationship far enough. I think he liked Parvati because she is not very girly with him and isn't scared of teasing him, etc, so Ron felt comfortable with her.
Haha, the Ron/Ginny. Well, it wasn't to torment the Nragers, it's just that Ron and Ginny are terribly close, closer than most siblings are, so if you want subtext, you're going to get a lot of that from them. :D
You're welcome and thanks for the questions!
nannyo @ September 10 2004, 10:41:09 UTC |
I often had problems seeing the pictures put up by NA players, so no, I missed that, ooops!
OK, leading on from that question, how did Ron feel about Cho and Charlie then?
Can I also say that I cried with laughter about the Ron's hand thing, sitting at work, chortling away to myself, hoping my colleague in the next office wasn't in early.
Ron was like "teenage boy to the max!" superhero loads of times, if that makes sense. His bafflement about the world made me feel that NA was pretty real, and I loved his communicating by shouting peoples' names.
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 17:39:54 UTC |
Aw I'm sorry you couldn't see the pictures! If I can find the pic of the treaty again, I'll upload on a different server and link it here so you can see it.
As for Charlie and Cho... well. It was really uncomfortable and Ron never really could respect Cho the way he did before again.
I had a lot of fun with the potted hand too! :D And I'm glad his teenage boyness was convincing enough. Seamus's player once said something about Ron that summed him up perfect, I feel: "Ron is very normal about things that are not normal, and not normal about things that are normal". Something like that. :D
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nyxforsythe @ September 10 2004, 10:01:25 UTC |
I LOVE YOU! Ahem, I just thought I would get that out of the way before I start asking very very serious questions.
Such as why are you so awesome?
And if there was anyone as awesome as you in the NA who would it be?
Ron was very accepting of the H/D which was he usually isn't in most fanfics, this was very awesome.
Are Parvati and Ron very serious and if so will they get married in a secret type wedding like Percy and Penny? That would be awesome. It could be like a Weasley trademark.
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 10:28:25 UTC |
I think it is because I eat the stalks of my brocolli.
Draco, of course.
Haha, it wasn't that he was accepting of the H/D, I mean he isn't exactly thrilled that it has to be Draco of all people, but that he's just trying his best to be happy for Harry, and if Harry wants it to be Draco then so be it.
I don't really foresee a wedding with Parvati and Ron. But I think they'll be friends for a really long time. Their romantic relationship was very comfortable and casual, which is very nice but I don't see it as a OTP 4EVA!! type.
Thank you for asking!
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nyxforsythe @ September 10 2004, 10:40:32 UTC |
Thanks for your answers.
See you say it was the broccoli stalks but I think it was the "THIS COULD BE YOU" icon. It never fails to make me laugh. Again and again and again.
bookshop @ September 10 2004, 10:29:54 UTC |
What was the hardest moment for you as Ron's player during the game?
What do you think was the hardest moment for Ron personally during the game? I mean, obviously the attack on his brothers, losing George and almost Charlie too--but additionally, what other kinds of events during the game took the biggest toll on him emotionally?
How do you think Ron grew during the game? And where do you see his character progressing after this?
If we presume that Harry and Draco stay together, do you think that Draco and Ron will ever be able to be friends/friendly...ish?
What do you think Hermione and Ron's biggest problem was as a couple? Do you think they'll ever have another go at it?
So. Ron/Millicent? How 'bout it? :D (This was one of my 2 secret NA ships, for real.)
What was your favorite Ron moment of all time?
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 17:47:11 UTC |
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ September 10 2004, 10:43:52 UTC |
Whee, Ron! Here's a boring question - favourite NA moment?
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 17:44:29 UTC |
That is not a boring question! But it's really hard. I've to say the one memory that sticks out most is of Ron and Draco talking on YM for pretty long after the attack where Ron accused Draco of being a Deatheater when in actual fact Draco was the one who taught Harry to use the turning wand into fish trick. It was all behind the scenes but I think their interaction there really showed a lot of sides of them and how they care about Harry in different and yet not so different ways. I really liked that.
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Anonymous @ September 10 2004, 13:20:04 UTC |
hermiones player wouldnt answer this--did ron and hermione ever have sex? damnit i want to know about love lives!
(parent)kat99999 @ September 10 2004, 14:00:42 UTC |
<33333333333333333333333333 SO. MUCH. LOVE FOR RON!!!!1
That is all. >:D
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 17:31:51 UTC |
<33333333333333333333333 I STILL OWE YOU AN EMAIL. >:D
(parent)pokethegeek @ September 10 2004, 14:42:19 UTC |
WHO CAME UP WITH THE POTTED HAND? omg that was sooo funny! You're like my hero <333
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 17:31:14 UTC |
Hahaha! Oh man the potted hand. That was so damn random, it's actually funny. It wasn't planned at all. I remember we were just in chat together (Draco's player, Harry's player and I) and having the comments war, and suddenly I went, "Oh no, I've no idea why I said that." And they went, "What?" and then saw the comment about Ron owling his hand to Pomfrey and everyone cracked up. It is a lot funnier in my head, I promise. So then of course we had to grow Ron's hand back, and where else to grow a hand but in a pot! The end. :D Thank you <333333
(parent)heavenscalyx @ September 14 2004, 20:18:53 UTC |
It is a lot funnier in my head, I promise.
If this whole sequence was funnier in your head, you must have been utterly incapacitated, because I can tell you, I was on the floor, gasping and rocking back and forth. Or I would've been had I not been at work. As it was, I was choking to death to not laugh out loud.
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a_player @ September 17 2004, 21:38:25 UTC |
*GLEES* Thank you! It's comforting to know that it wasn't just funny to me :D
(parent)steph_hime @ September 10 2004, 16:17:36 UTC |
My question. Why the heck is Ron so damn cool?
<3 you for being such a good Ron (and doing the Ron Q+A on my birthday last year, and saying happy birthday).
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 17:26:29 UTC |
I remember you!!!
Ron looks very hot in your icon, I must say.
Thank you for loving Ron <3333333333
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Anonymous @ September 10 2004, 16:43:28 UTC I'm anonymous because I'm shy, okay? >:| |
I think I may be going to hell for asking this.
How did Ron, er, entertain himself while his hand was incapacitated?
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 17:05:52 UTC Re: I'm anonymous because I'm shy, okay? >:| |
By waving it at Dean, of course.
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 17:42:42 UTC |
What is wrong inside of you that would lead to you hating Quidditch?
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 17:47:42 UTC |
But how can you ignore the grace of the game? The thrill of watching the Quaffle tossed so quickly? You disgust me.
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devilzzz @ September 10 2004, 17:53:02 UTC |
You must marry me. We must live together and raise Ron. He is real. Of course he is *looks around* Well, he is!
To the questions!
1 How did Pansy's death affect Ron? Did it affect him at all? How did he really FEEL about her?:)
2) Do you and most of the players know each other in real life, or did you all connect through the internet?
3) Was there a moment outside of the game that consisted of something besides the 'good ol clean fun'? Like...drama? Arguments? Misunderstandings? You must fill us in!=)
4) When you joined NA, did you ever think it was going to become this popular, or that it would be such an experience?
5) Your emotions on NA ending? Good? Bad? Bleh? None? (I doubt that one) :D
Again, <3<3!!!!
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 18:09:22 UTC |
OF COURSE RON IS REAL. I will marry you.
1) Pansy's death really freaked Ron out. Not so much the death itself, cos he's seen his fair share of bad crap, but the way Draco and Millicent reacted to the death. He was really freaked by them. And Pansy is really the Slytherin he interacted with most, other than Draco, so it was weird for him, too.
2) Some of us do, yeah. Some of us have been best friends for 4 years, some don't even talk at all, so there's a mix. A couple have met in RL but we all started off as online friends.
3) Well naturally we can't get along all the time and with a RPG that big, there's bound to be disputes now and then, but I'm sure all RPGs go through the same thing. Sometimes, a certain plot/arc can cause irrational feelings among the players, for example when Ron was getting yelled at for accidentally outting the H/D, I actually felt really awful and shunned for a while.
4) Not really, it started off as just something among friends to amuse ourselves. There were only like 6 players at that time playing all the roles, so it is pretty surprising how popular it became.
5) Sad, very very sad. I miss it terribly.
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devilzzz @ September 10 2004, 18:33:26 UTC |
I am hyperventilating, really, I am:O YES WE MUST MARRY. IMMEDIATELY. ELOPING IS PERFECT.
I am sorry you felt shunned, sometimes I feel that way when my characters are hurt too, guess it's just impossible not to, huh?
We all miss it terribly, we do. Who else are we going to stalk read about now?:(. Don't forget to visit.
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 19:08:20 UTC |
Yeah, it's hard not to over-relate sometimes after playing a character for so long. I'm glad you understand. I foresee a long and fulfilling marriage ahead of us.
In a few months, when no one remembers NA, I shall be the one stalking you guys, hiding in trees and screaming I WAS KNIGHT_TO_H3!!!! LOVE ME!!!
bubblebee @ September 18 2004, 06:49:11 UTC |
*big sad face*
I don't think we'll ever forget you <3
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 19:09:23 UTC |
THANK YOU!! I didn't think there would be many questions for Ron either because he is so transparent but I'm glad you decided to say hello! :D
slinkhard @ September 10 2004, 19:12:09 UTC |
Hi there! I <3 you!
I don't have any pressing questions, but I will ask you: What did you think of OotP!Ron?
comava @ September 10 2004, 20:29:25 UTC |
*hugs the stuffing out of you*
I loved Ron's cluelessness. Twas AWESOME. And, um.. the only question I can think of right now is how Ron felt when he came across Ernie's g-spot post, because I am oddly fascinated by that thread.
And let me just say that your Ron was the creme de la creme of all the RPG Rons out there!
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a_player @ September 10 2004, 20:41:20 UTC |
Not my stuffing! <333
That post must have been like a car wreck for Ron. Fascinating but so fucking squicky. I mean, it is Hermione, it's all very wrong. Yet he sat there reading it all..
Aww thank you, that's really really flattering and sweet :D
comava @ September 10 2004, 21:16:07 UTC |
Okay then. *stuffs stuffing back in* Your icon is beginning to hypnotize me, you know.
So he wasn't the littlest bit jealous?
You're welcome. It's also true.
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 15:11:42 UTC |
*pets stuffings*
Of course he was jealous, it's Ron. But I think the wrongness of the whole thing kinda shoved jealousy to second priority for a while.
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windsor @ September 10 2004, 21:27:40 UTC |
AH. I am having a keyboard mash moment over here and can't think of a question, but. RON. WAS SO AWESOME.
asjfkj;dfl! I adored him to bits and I just want to offer huge amounts of gratitude. Y
jetsam_porridge @ September 11 2004, 13:03:53 UTC |
This is a little random, but how did you that that curly heart?
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windsor @ September 11 2004, 21:23:41 UTC |
I love the curly heart; one of my friends was doing it and, man, the little flip at the end killed me. :x What you do is use the font webdings and type Y. :)))
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 15:18:53 UTC |
Thank you for loving him. Seriously.
sistermagpie @ September 11 2004, 01:08:43 UTC |
I'm kind of speechless. It's Ron. I loved NA!Ron with a passion. I will ask questions anyway.
I was going to ask about that time when Ron felt so badly about outing H/D. I loved the way he jumped right on it later when Seamus did it, like it was still kind of painful for him--did it make him feel like Seamus was more important to Harry ever? You said how you felt shunned...how did Ron feel, exactly? Like, I asked Percy about how he defended you (you da man, Percy!!) and Harry didn't reply. How did Ron wind up reconciling? Harry seemed to get that Ron was clueless, but was he angry at him too, or just Malfoy?
I loved how there were lots of times like that--how did Ron feel about that time Harry snapped at him for his reaction to Lupin, for instance? Or when Harry got upset about the Cannons application? Did Ron ever really understand what he was doing wrong, or hold it against Harry? (I loved how Ron would act when he was fighting with anybody btw--still obviously being their friend. Go Ron.)
I adored Ron's "conversations" with Malfoy--how did Ron wind up feeling about him? Especially at big moments like Draco's reaction to the attack on his family? Was he really unsurprised by Lavender getting her arm broken?
Can you say anything about Ron's feelings about the attack--he really got serious after that.
Are Ron's thighs really too big??
What was Ron's reaction to the contents of Pansy's secret box?
Also, you referenced this above but I'm dying know--what was it about Draco and Millicent that freaked Ron out, having already watched his mother reacting to her own grief etc.?
Err...and I'm really sorry for the many questions but you're RON and you're GREAT!!!
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Anonymous @ September 11 2004, 21:33:47 UTC |
Sorry to butt in...
Ron outing the H/D, had totally forgotten about that thread--can you provide a link to it?
sistermagpie @ September 12 2004, 22:34:34 UTC |
No problem--just took me a little while to find it!
Here it is!
Basically, Ron referred to Draco as Harry's boyfriend, prompting Harry to desperately tell him he didn't have a boyfriend, Seamus quickly telling him to hush up and Draco to yell about Potter.
Poor Ron.
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 15:34:04 UTC |
IT IS SISTERMAGPIE!! Sorry for the late reply, the last few days have been insane, oh and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you had a great one :D
Okay answers!
Ron was over the incident when Seamus did it actually, but of course that incident was truamatic and it still stung a very tiny bit to see Seamus getting away with it so easily. So he sort of pointed it out, but not in a bitter vengeful way. He doesn't think Seamus is more important to Harry anymore. He did. Harry and him had talks about it and he knows where he stands now. He'll always be Harry's best friend and he'll just never be Seamus in the whole Harry and Draco show and he's okay with it now.
As for how Ron felt during the first incident, well, it was really really awful. He was confused at first, and then indignant and angry, and it quickly changed to guilt because he thinks he singlehandedly ruined everything for Harry. It was a really lousy time for him. When everyone started screaming at Ron, I was all *pales* and when Percy came to defend Ron I actually burst into tears. This is all very embarrassing :))
Harry and Ron didn't speak for days. But they missed each other a lot obviously, and eventually they just broke down and had a manly talk. Lines were drawn and all were well again. :D Harry wasn't really angry, I think, you'll have to ask his player about this, but I believe it was more Ron shunning Harry out of guilt than Harry actually ignoring Ron. Malfoy, on the other hand, wanted to murder Ron.
Harry snapping at Ron about his reaction to Lupin was hurting and confusing to Ron. Ron often doesn't realise how things look to another person. He is very black and white about things really. To him, the transformation was wicked cool, so having Harry snap at him so badly for that was really O_O. Charlie explained the situation to Ron from Harry's POV and then he understood. Same with the Cannons application incident, Ron doesn't ever do things with malicious intent, so he gets defensive and upset when they blow up in his face, but he does get over most things easily. Plus he's deathly loyal to his friends.
Continued in part 2!
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 15:42:35 UTC |
Hahaha Ron's "conversations" with Malfoy are my favourite things too. I think Ron's eventual feelings towards Draco is very much like how you feel towards your insane mother-in-law. After a while, you just stop being surprised about the fact that Draco's an ass. And Ron does try, for Harry's sake, to get along with Draco but they will never really be friends because they just don't get each other. Of course Ron would gladly give up a limb for Harry's boyfriend to not be Draco, but since he can't, he will live with it and make nice. Ron is easy, once you get past his initial outburst.
I doubt Ron was really surprised about Lavender's arm, but Lavender was paper-thin so I don't think anyone was really surprised that it broke, just moreso about how it happened.
As for the attack, he felt really, you know, startled and overwhelmed and helpless about this absolutely huge blow to his family, all he could really do was let Ginny cling to him and cry. Shellshocked would be the right word for how he was, maybe. I am not sure anyone who hasn't experienced the murder of someone close to them can comprehend how Ron and the rest of the Weasleys felt. Even accidental death or sickness or old age lacks the terrible, poisonous edge murder brings to death. But he quickly (within a couple of days, even) got retaliatory and began to sort of self-consciously map out in his mind what he needed to do to get back at the ones who did this to him. It was sort of like when he plotted to try out for Quidditch in OoTP, though - he didn't tell anyone except Ginny what he was going to try to become an auror in case he failed miserably. (Eventually even Molly was like, wtf is Ron up to? Hermione and Harry found out as well, because Hermione gave him a very strict study schedule to try and help him prepare.)
And he also felt that need to step up and try and help cover the holes where George and Charlie used to be, if not fill them. He was very conscious of it being not right, not the same, and a lot of the time he tried to do things with enthusiasm and distract Molly and Ginny.
Continued in part 3!
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 15:47:33 UTC |
Yes, his thighs are big, but only because he is so tall. :)) It bothers him to no end.
Pansy's box had letters from her father, Millicent, and Draco in it, which of course Ron found very boring and girlish, and never mentioned it again after he got it open. It sat in the corner collecting dust until he had to give it back to Pansy. He was disappointed that there wasn't some sort of 'real' treasure in it.
As for Draco and Millicent's reaction to Pansy's death, well, when you've been sort of mortal enemies with someone for most part of your life, it just really weirds you out to see them in a vulnerable state. Feeling bad and sorry is not a sentiment Ron is used to having for Draco, but he really was, and so it freaks him out. And also, Ron never really realised how close the Unholy Trio is. It's common perception to think the Slytherins are incapable of having friends as they are selfish and all that, and Ron thought that too. So to see both Draco and Millicent huddled together, obviously devastated, it is really freaky.
sistermagpie @ September 17 2004, 00:53:38 UTC |
OMG, I didn't think it was possible but you have made me love Ron even more. Go Ron!!!
You know, even if things don't last that long with Parvati, he is so going to wind up being somebody's great husband.
Now I totally want to see a new TV Show about Ron being an Auror.
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a_player @ September 17 2004, 21:40:59 UTC |
*HAPPY* Thank you so much! Ron is mini!Arthur, he'd be a great husband and father of a basketful of freckly kids. I'd pay to see Ron on a reality tv show too. :D
(parent)rain206 @ September 11 2004, 05:06:44 UTC |
I can't really think of anything to ask, I'm so overwhelmed with Ron love. Especially your Ron, your Ron is awesome.
Where did you come up with Ron's eye-hurting LJ layout? It's truly a sight to behold.
And this is totally random, but knight_to_h3 is the best username ever.
bubblebee @ September 18 2004, 06:53:37 UTC |
(I'm a dork, and stupidly proud of my icon way too much. Feel free to use! :D)
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 15:50:09 UTC |
Thank you so so much! :D
Ron has seriously outlandish taste in things. I thought the animated Maloney glove gif embodied everything that is Ron, so it is fitting to use that for his layout. That said, I never ever read his friends page :))
I'm glad you like the username! :D
bubblebee @ September 18 2004, 06:53:00 UTC |
(you have no idea how proud I am of taht icon)
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Anonymous @ September 12 2004, 08:29:22 UTC |
Hello. You made me love Ron. I thought you should know.
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 15:51:12 UTC |
That is the nicest thing I've ever heard, as a player. Thank you.
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zonko @ September 12 2004, 22:45:22 UTC |
Nothing to ask, just lots of love for you and your Ron! :** No other Ron can compare. Honest.
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 15:51:45 UTC |
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu :D You make my head swell, you do. <3333333333
(parent)devimelete @ September 15 2004, 22:15:05 UTC |
Just like NA!Ron, you fill me up with great joy. Cheers!
Anyway, question:
What do you think of everyone's reaction to Ron's severed hand? What does Ron think of everyone's reactions? I burst out laughing when Lupin said "Good lord, that woman can scream."
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a_player @ September 17 2004, 21:45:29 UTC |
Thank you so much! Your icon is terrifying :-S
Everyone's reaction to Ron's hand really killed me. Especially when Lupin went, It is a severed hand, Ron. I died and died. And also when Draco went, "PARDON?" It kills me everytime. Ron didn't understand why everyone was reacting so weirdly. To him it was a perfectly normal thing to do. Your hands are not the same size, you remove one to grow it to the same size as the other, problem solved. Oh Ron.
tabiji @ September 23 2004, 11:04:10 UTC |
Hi Ron's player!
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?
Thankyou! <3
Confession: I miss you all terribly, and it's painful to read these because it's all so final. :((
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 10:24:45 UTC |
Oh man that is a tough question. Hmm. I like Draco's "Pardon?". I don't really know why, they just really crack me up. I can't seem to think of any favourite Ron quotes at the moment. Sorry :( I miss NA too :((
the_plebe @ September 28 2004, 01:04:56 UTC |
Am late, but Ron! :>
Much love to you...and your potted hand. :D
darththalia @ September 28 2004, 02:20:32 UTC |
I'm also late, but I just had to say how much I always enjoyed Ron's posts. They were pretty much guaranteed to make me smile. I'd love to come up with a profound question, but I can't seem to think past the potted hand, which was the funniest thing ever. When Ron announced he'd sent his hand off to Madame Pomfrey, I thought I'd die laughing.