a_player @ 2004-09-14 16:48:00 |
(no title)
Mood: flirty
I am Blaise! You possibly have questions! Possibly you do not! Either way.
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a_player @ September 14 2004, 21:22:11 UTC |
Blaise spent Blaise's days scuttling around the dungeons and learnt the way around them very well. Blaise knew secret places all over the dungeons.
(parent)portkey @ September 14 2004, 21:23:52 UTC |
That sounds kind of freaky, really.
In a good way, though. I think.
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a_player @ September 14 2004, 21:25:45 UTC |
Blaise is much like the evil twin in the attic whom you feed fish heads.
(parent)portkey @ September 14 2004, 21:26:20 UTC |
I think I might have nightmares, now, because of that comment and icon accompanying it.
(parent)portkey @ September 14 2004, 21:28:24 UTC |
I suspect, by some mystic force of earth, that I'll end up eating seafood tonight.
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a_player @ September 14 2004, 21:29:30 UTC |
Ask a fish head anything you want to. They won't answer. They can't talk.
portkey @ September 14 2004, 21:30:03 UTC |
Before or after they're severed from their bodies?
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a_player @ September 14 2004, 21:30:38 UTC |
I took a fish head out to see a movie. Didn't have to pay to get in.
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a_player @ September 14 2004, 21:32:50 UTC |
For I am Blaise ('s player), mystic warrior of the merciless night.
(parent)nocturnaldragon @ September 14 2004, 23:22:52 UTC |
Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads
Fish heads fish heads eat them up yum
bloodybrilliant @ September 23 2004, 03:40:24 UTC |
I was so gonna say that. Alas. I am a bit late.
ginger_slam @ September 14 2004, 22:52:46 UTC If I'm thinking what you're thinking |
Then... didn't the evil twin turn out to be the good twin, thus being allowed and the dinner table to eat chicken?
And if we are referencing the same thing, poor Pigeon!Mouse!
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 04:34:04 UTC Re: If I'm thinking what you're thinking |
We are indeed.
(parent)hachi_08 @ September 15 2004, 00:13:18 UTC |
Are you sure they got the right twin and it's not the good one stuck in the attic?
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hezzabeth @ September 16 2004, 09:42:45 UTC |
But that twin turned out to be the good twin, what are you implying?
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hezzabeth @ September 17 2004, 00:45:16 UTC |
The blaise was'nt evil but really a good guy and the head boy might be his twin... no that is way too far fetched!
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a_player @ September 23 2004, 08:00:07 UTC |
:)) You are reading too much into it, I was joking.
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Anonymous @ September 14 2004, 23:12:48 UTC loretta/lottie |
are your eyes yellow and your hair green or is it the other way around?
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 04:33:26 UTC Re: loretta/lottie |
It's more like the other way around.
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Anonymous @ September 16 2004, 02:46:19 UTC Re: loretta/lottie |
any opinions on all god's children?
and how's that prozac doin' ya?
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Anonymous @ September 16 2004, 17:11:05 UTC Re: loretta/lottie |
And what the hell did you do with my prize-winning terrier????
(parent)sistermagpie @ September 14 2004, 21:37:06 UTC |
Could you give us some insight on Blaise's campaign against Malfoy--the why's, the how's the what's?
Blaise's thoughts on the Head Boy, as much as you can reveal without telling us who he was?
Blaise's most prized possession?
Who were Blaise's favorite and least favorite people/teachers if any?
*squee!* IT'S BLAISE!!!
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a_player @ September 14 2004, 21:41:53 UTC |
Blaise hated Malfoy because Malfoy was Malfoy. Blaise had to sleep in a broom cupboard in the dungeons, Malfoy got to sleep in a dormitory. Malfoy ignored Blaise. So Blaise left notes in his food, or the mirror after he showered, and dyed his socks orange. Blaise also whittled his bed down for an entire year. Blaise did these things while Malfoy slept or was not paying attention. Blaise was very good at stealth.
Blaise hated the Head Boy because ambiguity and mysterious notes had been Blaise's thing and no one noticed. Then the Head Boy did it and everyone was excited and paid attention. He stole Blaise's schtick. Blaise had no idea who it was.
Blaise's most prized possession, uh, probably a blanket.
Blaise didn't really know anybody, so it was hard for Blaise to like anybody! Blaise was very fond of St Nicholas.
slinkhard @ September 15 2004, 13:01:31 UTC |
Blaise had to sleep in a broom cupboard in the dungeons.
(Also, hello!)
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 18:20:55 UTC |
Hello! No one knew which gender Blaise was, so they put Blaise in a separate room from the dormitories and forgot all about Blaise.
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a_player @ September 14 2004, 21:43:57 UTC |
Oh, and once, Blaise stole all of Malfoy's socks.
(parent)xnera @ September 15 2004, 00:55:53 UTC |
I loved loved loved the socks plot.
Just like I loved loved loved Blaise. I squeed terribly everytime Blaise posted. <3!
*sad that she does not have a Blaise icon she can use*
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 04:36:01 UTC |
I would be very surprised if someone had a Blaise icon. Unless it was the eye in the tinned peaches. Because no one can resist it.
(parent)exprophet @ September 14 2004, 22:11:58 UTC |
I am too full of admiration to come up with a question. I loved all of NA (past tense! Le sigh.) but Blaise's posts, icons, comments, and layouts always filled me with a sense of, perhaps loosely speaking, insane glee.
Oh, I've got one. So. Uh. Is Blaise graduated? Blaise didn't attend any classes.. and sometimes Blaise didn't seem to know that s/he should have left for the summer/holiday/what have you ...
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a_player @ September 14 2004, 22:48:16 UTC |
Thanks! I gleed for Blaise as well.
A good question. Blaise is still in the dungeons. Eventually, Blaise will realise.
discordia @ September 15 2004, 04:36:21 UTC |
You are! And you're welcome :>
Would Blaise be totally offended if I asked it to marry me? If so, would you marry me?
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 04:37:05 UTC |
It would offend Blaise's delicate nature. My nature is sturdier.
(parent)discordia @ September 15 2004, 04:44:30 UTC |
When I grow up, I want to be just like you. Because you are too cool for words :>
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 05:07:06 UTC |
I could be as disgruntled postal worker, you know.
(parent)discordia @ September 15 2004, 14:13:31 UTC |
I think that would just increase your coolness factor.
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jgoreham @ September 14 2004, 23:58:19 UTC |
If I got to roleplay your Blaise, I think having a stiff drink or two before logging onto LJ would be helpful to me.
Did you find a stiff drink helpful in rp-ing Blaise?
not_concerned @ September 15 2004, 07:52:32 UTC |
Wee, Blaise!!
Does Blaise have any family? If so, what is his/her/it's relationship with them?
Random question, I'll understand if you don't want to answer - did you play anyone else on NA?
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 18:17:08 UTC |
Blaise has parents. They are a bit strange.
Yes, I played someone else in NA.
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Anonymous @ September 18 2004, 22:14:19 UTC |
This is pretty silly and unfounded, but was it Harry?
(parent)comava @ September 27 2004, 12:19:47 UTC |
Or was it Terry Boot? Will you even tell us if we guess right?
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a_player @ September 28 2004, 13:34:40 UTC |
Nope! Not Terry Boot! And I'm sorry, but I sort of wish you'd stop guessing. I would feel bad lying if you got the right character but I'm not going to tell because I don't think it would be good for the game if you knew which two characters were the same person.
(parent)comava @ September 28 2004, 17:11:09 UTC |
Oh, okay. You're right, I'm sure I'd go looking for comparisons if I did find it out. So! No more guessing.
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 18:18:45 UTC |
No one knew which gender Blaise was, so Blaise was given a separate room in the dungeons, which was a broom cupboard. Everyone forgot about Blaise after that, so no one alerted Blaise as to when lessons were. Blaise waited for people to tell when they were, but instead Blaise was just forgotten, and so Blaise attended no classes.
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ September 15 2004, 10:10:58 UTC |
HI, BLAISE! Someone mentioned the words 'insane glee' up there, and that just about sums it up - whenever I saw your comments or what have you, there was glee. Of the insane variety. Uh, so, question.
Will Blaise ever discover its gender? And did he wear Hogwarts uniform? Because don't the girls have to wear skirts? So what did he wear? ... Or am I making that up? I might be making it up.
... ... Either way, yay, Blaise.
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a_player @ September 15 2004, 18:19:55 UTC |
Thank you kindly!
Blaise knows what gender Blaise is!
Blaise didn't go to lessons, so no one would have seen Blaise in a uniform.
devimelete @ September 15 2004, 21:56:37 UTC |
So if Blaise didn't attend the classes, how did he/she/it got all the way to graduate Hogwarts?
(parent)devimelete @ September 17 2004, 10:55:44 UTC |
I don't know. If he failed all of his classes, why wasn't he kicked out of Hogwarts, never mind reaching the seventh year?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 20:43:27 UTC |
No one saw Blaise. Like, ever. It's hard to kick out something you don't realise is there!
(parent)devimelete @ September 24 2004, 22:04:40 UTC |
So he didn't go to the hospital wing when Hogwarts was attacked in the sixth and seventh year?
(parent)onthehillside @ September 17 2004, 13:39:49 UTC |
Did Blaise graduate from Hogwarts? Also, did he ever meet Dumbledore? I would think that a student living in a cupboard in the dungeons of Hogwarts that doesn't go to their classes would raise the attentions of the school's headmaster. Or not. (either way.)
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mindo_ @ September 16 2004, 23:03:07 UTC |
1. What color are clouds?
2. In a fight, who would win, a caveman or an astronaut?
3. How would one go about looking at Blaise's icons?
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a_player @ September 17 2004, 00:36:25 UTC |
1. Orange.
2. Cavemen win.
3. The same way as any other, I assume.
eponis @ September 17 2004, 16:27:46 UTC |
1) Will you be my interior decorator and/or webmastress? Pleeeeeeeeease?
2) Did Nraged read too much or too little into Blaise's ambiguous posts?
3) Would Blaise identify hirself as androgynous, ambiguous, hermaphroditic, male, female, or something else?
4) OMG YOUR ICONS SO FREAKING COOL <333333333333333333
5) Can I keep Blaise as a pet? Pretty pretty please? I'll feed him and water him and clean him and everything!
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a_player @ September 23 2004, 07:58:27 UTC |
1. I guess, but I am not really good at interior design.
2. Too much.
3. Blaise would identify Blaise's self as Blaise's proper gender, which Blaise of course knows.
4. Thanks!
5. You would have to find Blaise first.
lieblich @ September 23 2004, 00:47:11 UTC |
Dear Blaise,
Thank you for all the fun times.
I've got a theory.
Are you a ghost?
That is my theory.
tabiji @ September 23 2004, 11:06:10 UTC |
Hi Blaise's player !
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?
Thankyou! <3
PS: You're still choosing the creepiest icons in the history of ever!
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a_player @ September 23 2004, 11:19:31 UTC |
I don't know any Blaise quotes off the top of my head. I liked calling the community a communisty.
PS: This is not that creepy. I don't even know what it is.
yamapea @ September 24 2004, 16:43:19 UTC |
Finish this statement:
A shark on whiskey is mighty risky...
coocoocthulhu @ September 26 2004, 05:40:53 UTC |
Random comment: Blaise used to have an icon of the guy with the towel over his head from 'Ring', and I loved Blaise from that moment onwards.
PS: Woo/Yay/Hoopla
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 15:40:08 UTC |
Hee! I had that because one of the players is terrified of 'Ringu' and hasn't even seen it.
(parent)black_dog @ September 26 2004, 06:23:08 UTC |
Thank you for adding so memorably to the weirdness quotient at Hogwarts. I am sorry the Head Boy stole your shtick.
Couple questions:
The Golf postings: any intended subtext there? Were they just taken from the Gulf book Harry lent to Draco?
All this scurrying around the dungeons and secret passages: Did Blaise know any good dirt on people? Was s/he a bit of a voyeur? Any stories?
Who fed Blaise? Did s/he get along with the House Elves?
Thank you for your time!
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 15:39:44 UTC |
They were just taken from the golf book, but of course I picked those things on purpose.
Blaise knew plenty about people but it wasn't really important stuff, like, Blaise knew what size trousers they wore.
I have never thought about who fed Blaise! What a good question! I bet Blaise just stole food from the kitchens. The idea of Blaise getting along with the house elves is funny but I think they would probably have told someone about Blaise eventually, those rascals.
the_plebe @ September 28 2004, 01:00:17 UTC |
Hello Blaise!
Do you have a message for the rest of the world? Any information you would like to impart onto the general public regarding something you did in N_A that no one has asked about?
Other than that, <3333333. :> Also, your icon scares me, yet I find it oddly facinating. >.>
the_plebe @ September 29 2004, 09:28:23 UTC |
Oh, Blaise. You disappointed me. :(((((
I still love you though. <333333
bentley @ September 30 2004, 09:39:55 UTC |
Wait, wait, so how did Blaise access a computer?
Man, I think you were my favourite character that I didn't already love in canon (*cough, Snape*) and your icons and posts and just everything were generally squeeworthy. The fact that you've put thought into it, too, amuses me.
What was it like when you first decided to be a minor character? Did someone suggest 'thing in dungeons = blaise' or did you decide that (very unique) take on the character?
Any hopes, dreams or whatever for the next two books in regards to Blaise (because JKR says he's going to actually have his name mentioned, liek woah.)