a_player @ 2004-09-23 04:06:00 |
(no title)
Mood: hungry
Um, well, I played Sinistra. Honestly I don't think you could have any questions to ask me so I feel a little silly and arrogant going. But I guess we're all sort of nostalgic for NA, and doing these Q&As is really the only opportunity left to still do something with NA. So please don't find me silly. :D
Though no, I won't say who is in Sinistra's icons. So there is the answer to the one question I think you might have. :D
saltroseortopaz @ September 23 2004, 08:12:20 UTC |
Man, you totally ruined my question. Dammit.
Let's see...
Well, much SinistraLove, etc, etc. Because she was Just That Cool, which makes you Also Just That Cool, complete with capital letters and everything.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. If Sinistra could have ANYONE for one night, who would it be?
So, um...what was your absolute favourite moment in NA? One relating to your character, one not?
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a_player @ September 23 2004, 08:18:48 UTC |
Capital letters are a good thing.
one) Sirius Black
two) I do not think I could pick an absolute favourite moment but to name a couple: a) when Sinistra and Snape tangoed and then vandalised Diagon Alley. Snape's player and I were dying as we plotted it out. I loved Snape and Sinistra. b) The visit to Muggle London.
evieangelique @ September 23 2004, 08:12:48 UTC |
Hi! :> I just have to say, I loved your interactions with Remus with the pick-up lines. :D That was one of my favourite moments in the game ever, so thank you! :-*
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nyxforsythe @ September 23 2004, 08:22:53 UTC |
Sinistra the young hip hufflepuff astronomy teacher!!
You were awesome.
So Snape and Sinistra, not even a little bit?? We all know how Snape was but Sinistra and Snape seemed very very close at times.
And the Sleep duel interaction with Draco and M.B. is one of my favourite posts ever!! That reaction to the the insanity and the conversation. It was awesome.
Well done on playing a great character!
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a_player @ September 23 2004, 08:25:12 UTC |
Snape was Sinistra's best friend and she loved him as you do your best friend. She was not interested in him though.
yamapea @ September 23 2004, 08:48:48 UTC |
Actually, I really liked Sinistra. I think that, no matter what happens canonwise, if we ever get a deeper glimpse of what JK envisions for Sinistra, yours will always be the real Sinistra for me. How could you not love the sarcasm? The wit? The clever observations and snide remarks? <33333
And now for a question, because I have been a very bad Nrageder thus far, and I'm afraid I haven't asked a single question.
And um.. Having said all of this, the fact that it is 4:45 in the morning is hampering my questioning skills and so I am left with probably the worst question I could ask, which you may or may not answer.
Did you play any other characters on N_A?
I will return later with some better questions. It is a solemn oath.
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a_player @ September 23 2004, 08:54:05 UTC |
Thanks! I doubt we'll ever get more canon on Sinistra.
I am one of those who prefers not to answer either way.
yamapea @ September 24 2004, 16:42:18 UTC |
Understandable! Hope you don't mind that I asked!
Out of curiosity.. How much of yourself did you put into Sinistra's character? Or perhaps was it none at all?
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 10:38:37 UTC |
I don't think any, I'm nothing like Sinistra as far as I know.
(parent)devimelete @ September 23 2004, 10:56:48 UTC |
Damn. You bet me to it.
Well, I got a question: What was your favorite Sinistra-related role-play? Your non-Sinistra role-play? I like it when she did her Love-Her-Neighbor Week to Lucius and Snape with that icon.
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a_player @ September 23 2004, 11:15:42 UTC |
one) I mentioned it above, vandalising Diagon Alley with Snape.
two) The Bleu Ball.
three) Actually she was mocking Snape and Draco because they'd had to hug for Love Your Neighbour Week.
tabiji @ September 23 2004, 11:09:23 UTC |
Hello Sinistra's player!
I loved loved loved Sinistra's icons!
For the NA t-shirts, what are your favorite quotes from your own character, and any other NA characters?
Thankyou! <3
PS: Wah! I miss you all so much. It still hurts to click onto the NA page.
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a_player @ September 23 2004, 11:13:58 UTC |
Um... I really don't have any quotes memorised I'm afraid. Sorry!
(parent)tabiji @ September 24 2004, 19:53:48 UTC |
If I had to choose favorites, I would probably have to pick the Veritaserum Wedding. The responses were so spontaneous and funny and REAL! Also, I have a special fondness for it because those were my first live threads.
[/sentimental assyness]
jiffy_spiffy @ September 24 2004, 08:28:15 UTC |
Oh, well. Thanks for letting me down gently.
Truly though, I enjoyed Sinistra an awful lot! Well done on doing such a great job.
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sadfoot @ September 23 2004, 15:57:41 UTC |
Oooh, Sinistra. I'm so excited, I haven't asked questions yet, but Sinistra was so cool! I didn't think you were going to do a Q&A! :D
I started watching the game around November last year, so maybe the answers to some of these questions came up during the game, but here we go:
1) Sinistra's favorite students were Neville and Colin, but she was kind of mean in some of her comments herself. Why did she like them? Does Sinistra have any favorite memory of them? If so, can you share? :D
2) What did she like most about being a teacher? Least?
3) Also, I really loved that one time she told Lisa she had no personality. I loved Lisa, but I loved Sinistra, too, and I really liked that exchange. Did Sinistra really think Lisa had no personality? :P
4) Aw, I think I'm going with what somebody asked Lisa... Just tell us anything and everything about Sinistra? How were her parents? How was she at school? How did she come to teach at Hogwarts? Was she loyal to Hufflepuff? How did she feel towards the Hufflepuffs in school: Ernie, Justin, Hannah and Susan? Also, did she change/learn something during the course of the game? If so, what did she learn?
5) Also, why Hufflepuff, and not Ravenclaw, Gryffindor or Slytherin? Not dissing the house, mind, just curious. :)
I realize these are a lot of questions, sorry. I hope you don't think they're too many! Also, I'd love it if Crabbe and Goyle's players did Q&As, is there any way to let them know? I didn't want to bother any player, so I didn't ask. :)
Thanks for taking the time to do this! <3!
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 07:50:12 UTC |
one) She liked them because they were losers, but I don't think she really had a favourite memory of them, sorry!
two) Astronomy, the students.
three) Thanks! Yes, she really thought Lisa had no personality.
four) Sinistra is a half-blood, her father is a Muggle and her mother is a witch. She has four sisters, all of which have children, which Sinistra does not have so her parents feel she is doing nothing with her life. She was genuinely fond of the idea of teaching and so applied for the Astronomy position when the previous professor left. There were not many candidates. Sinistra hated Hufflepuff and everyone in it - in fact she hated the Hufflepuffs more than anyone else, especially the Hufflepuff girls. She had no loyalty for Hufflepuff house and resented being put into it.
Over the course of the game Sinistra realised she was drinking too much and went without for months, but was very angry when no one noticed and continued to call her an alcoholic. She was very lonely and became progressively lonelier as Snape became wrapped up in Remus. She did come to like Remus quite a lot and the miniature tea set he got her was her prized possession during Love Your Neighbour Week.
five) I thought Hufflepuff was funniest. :D
It's really up to their players, but I don't think either of them has expressed interest in doing a QA. Thanks for the questions!
black_dog @ September 26 2004, 05:58:42 UTC |
I really enjoyed the Hogwarts' chorus of spinsters -- Hooch, Trelawney, Sinistra and Snape. Their not-quite jaded commentary on various romantic goings-on and other foolishness was always bracing and funny. And I loved the way they each stood out as distinctive personalities -- Sinistra, in particular, as a sort of junior-bitter-old-lady-in-training. I thought that behind her snark there was someone who was still young and uncommitted enough to be vulnerable and still hoping for happiness and occasionaly showing her hurt. It was a really nicely done character.
A couple of questions about Sinistra herself, and what she thought of her students. I saw elsewhere on the thread that you had a backstory about her family, but I wondered if you also had any sort of romantic backstory for her? Was she more oriented toward men, or women, or both? Was there a disappointment in her past? Was she ever frightened of what she might become if she continued to stay at Hogwarts, and did she ever consider throwing it all up and trying something new?
I'm curious about what she thought of Hooch, who I saw sometimes as a possible older version of herself.
You mentioned that she liked Colin and Neville. Any other favorites among the students? Any that she particularly despised?
Given her air of romantic disappointment, I always thought it was ironic that she presided over the Astronomy tower. How did she feel about all the unofficial activity that students got up to, there?
Sinistra assigned Draco and Harry to work together on an Astronomy project right after the Outing. Typical Sinistra perverseness, or luck of the draw? And since the project turned out to be a milestone in the H/D relationship, how did Sinistra feel about being an indirect facilitator, there?
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a_player @ January 9 2005, 13:31:11 UTC |
I'm such a jerk! I forgot to keep checking this for comments. :[ I hope you don't mind a three month late reply here!
Thank you!
Sinistra was definitely straight. She lived a life without romance, for the most part. She was one of the only people in the game who was never in a relationship throughout it, and that was intentional on my part. She was into Sirius for a bit, but that, obviously, was an error on her part. Most any romance in Sinistra's life was unrequited. Her life was often one big disappointment.
Hooch was I guess Sinistra's best gal pal. I'm not sure, myself, how old Hooch was meant to be, but I don't think she looked at her as an older version of herself or anything.
Sinistra hated Hufflepuffs the most. Especially female Hufflepuffs.
She was very bitter about the things in the Astronomy Tower and did not hesitate to confront the people she caught in there to embarrass them. She also liked to tell the other professors who'd been there with who.
She only assigned them together because she was particularly making volatile pairings there. Seamus and Terry were together, etc. I can't remember who else, now.
And since the project turned out to be a milestone in the H/D relationship, how did Sinistra feel about being an indirect facilitator, there?
She didn't really feel anything about it, since she didn't know about it. :)
bentley @ September 30 2004, 09:48:50 UTC |
Who cares about questions, I just need to stop by and give my undying love for:
a) The hair of whoever it actually was in the icons.
b) The snarkiness.
c) Insomnia.
d) >:D<
e) The interaction between Snape, Hooch, Trelawney and Sinistra (made more amusing by the fact that Trelawney is possibly the only one without an acidic tongue.)
So! Good work being the best Sinistra ever.