a_player @ 2004-09-24 08:55:00 |
Milli, yo.
Mood: menstruating
portkey @ September 24 2004, 08:06:30 UTC |
With the possible exception of Cho as the cowboy, those all make a disturbing amount of sense in my admittedly whacked-out mind.
So. How does it feel being God?
portkey @ September 24 2004, 08:14:14 UTC |
Yes. Especially Harry the French maid. Somehow.
Well. Fine. How did it feel playing God?
Because, as we all know, M.B. Is God.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:18:32 UTC |
Draco the school girl is strangely hot. Somehow.
Ahhhhhhh don't ask me god questions, I get very embarassed and some say I am religious offended, and it makes Draco's player laugh. Don't let Draco's player laugh. Make a stand. *shakes fist*
portkey @ September 24 2004, 08:22:40 UTC |
Myrtle makes a good clown, but I think peee_eeeeeee_eeeeeeee_howeverthehellit's
Draco's player? Laughing? Clearly this is an affront upon humanity.
How about this- what was it like to play someone who was so.. well.. Millicent-y? She's kind of a powerful force, in her way.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:26:14 UTC |
Are my one word answers making me look angry? I am just shy.
(parent)portkey @ September 24 2004, 08:31:19 UTC |
Ack! No, I was being silly. :)
It's just.. ah hell. I didn't intend it to come off that way, honest. Sorry! :|
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:34:45 UTC |
Oh, do not apologise. I was worried when I was giving one word answers.
(parent)portkey @ September 24 2004, 08:36:48 UTC |
It's okay, truly. I suspect I'd be just as bad at the answering part as I am with the questioning, and I certainly understand being shy.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:33:13 UTC |
I'll have you know that Draco's player laughs a lot. The laughter, it echoes in my sleep.
Playing Millicent is empowering actually. She's who I really want to be. I love that she is able to really not care about things and people she doesn't want to care about, and always so sure about where she stands, and she stands firm. Though I suspect it is easier to stand your ground when you are that tall. Also, I like that despite being so indifferent to most things, she gets really vulnerable around people she cares about. Milli makes me want to be a better man.
portkey @ September 24 2004, 08:36:02 UTC |
I'll be sending earplugs.
And thank you for your answer! I'm about to get (even more) rambly, so I think it's best to be off to sleep so I can't inflict anybody else with my half-coherent self.. so, uh, yeah. Thanks for playing along, not to mention playing such a cool character. :)
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:39:45 UTC |
Feel free to ramble more when you wake up! :) Sleep tight. Your icon is adorable, I've always wanted to tell you that.
(parent)context @ September 24 2004, 08:14:10 UTC !!! |
<3333333333333 for you and M.B.!
That is all. =D
jiffy_spiffy @ September 24 2004, 08:17:45 UTC |
Hi! I wish I had something to ask, but I can think of nothing so I'm going to be really boring, uh, sorry! Favourite NA moment?
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ September 24 2004, 08:18:56 UTC |
Also, thanks for the French Maid mental images.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:22:35 UTC |
Draco yelling at Neville for Milli. It was very T_T
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ September 24 2004, 08:35:11 UTC |
Thank you!
Oh, and I forgot to tell you - "I have no time for your windswept hair"? I have so much love for that line. You were an excellent Millicant, the best I've seen and you always inspired giddiness. Which is strange, actually, but there you go. Thank you for it all!
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:42:07 UTC |
Thank you!
Aww I love that line too, it's sweet that you remember it. :D Thanks again for the compliments!
jiffy_spiffy @ September 24 2004, 09:26:32 UTC |
Not at all! And I seem to have a commenting problem here, so just: I LOVE YOU, THANKS :D and I'll go away.
P.S. I do know how to spell Millicent! Honest, I do!
jiffy_spiffy @ September 24 2004, 10:23:23 UTC |
And I just remembered something I always wondered about! Who was in your default icon? Or where did you get it from? (I hope this isn't some sort of common knowledge because that would be embarrassing ...)
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 15:17:03 UTC |
It is Janeane Garofalo! Most of my icons of her are from the movie "Mystery Men" because I like the green streaks in her hair. The reason I chose Jeneane is because she is real life Daria to me, and Milli is quite Daria-ish in a way. Also, Janeane's role in Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion is really very fucking Milli. :D
yamapea @ September 24 2004, 15:36:07 UTC |
I love Daria! And MB is very Daria! I can't believe this never occurred to me. Clearly I did not obsess enough.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 16:53:29 UTC |
Yay! Pansy's player and I love Daria to bits, we think Daria and Jane are very Milli and Pansy :D
(parent)yamapea @ September 24 2004, 17:05:52 UTC |
Yes! Aww... <33 Pansy+MB.
Also, brilliant choice of Janeane Garofalo. xD
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Anonymous @ September 24 2004, 08:29:21 UTC |
Psalm 91:1-2 tells us to let the Lord God be our shelter, our refuge and our fortress. A fortress is a stronghold of a permanent nature. So placing our trust in God is placing our trust in something that is permanent.
This is what you are to me. This is what Millicent has been to me. Thank you for making my life worth living, God.
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nyxforsythe @ September 24 2004, 08:38:26 UTC |
You make me want to be a better person.
Or more evil.
Either way is good.
M.B/PS/J_H forever.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:45:41 UTC |
I also make me want to be a better person.
vassilissa @ September 24 2004, 08:40:36 UTC |
(You were wonderful, I loved your character, you were totally cool, thank you, etc)
How did you and PS's player manage the Sleep Duel? Do you even live in the same time zone?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:48:08 UTC |
(Thank you so much!)
No, we're not in the same time zone. We didn't stay up at first but eventually we did. We figured it was easier than to try and match our schedules and also to actually experience the sleepless hysteria. We even called each other up on phones to make sure no one is cheating and sleeping away. Everything was very funny for a while there.
woo2step @ September 24 2004, 08:43:14 UTC |
Were you close to Pansy's player?
Related question: when did you learn she was one of those who was to die in the final battle?
I love(d) Millicent. I have made many attempts in my daily life to become slightly as cool as her, to no avail. Alas.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 08:50:48 UTC |
Yes, pretty close.
I knew that Pansy was going to die pretty early actually, like during the planning stage. But it didn't really hit me until it actually happened, i.e. Ron's post. It was all very, omfg not my girl :(( :(( :(( :(( :((
Thank you for lov(ed)ing Milli. <3
nannyo @ September 24 2004, 09:23:26 UTC |
M.B. shocked me a little with her random acts of cruelty (wehavefive), I went through phases of loving her, with her stroppyness, her independence, her strong mind, and really loathing her cruelty. I think this is proof that you did a really good job of making her a rounded character. Do you think that she cared about the politics of the Wizarding world, or just about the people that she loved (and tormented)?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 10:09:26 UTC |
Hullo! I'm actually really pleased that you went through phases of loathing her, because I think people tend to forget that Milli is really not a nice person. She's a Slyth after all, she's mean and doesn't really care about feelings of humans, other than the ones that she cares about. Like when she did the wehavefive thing, she really had no other motives other than the fact that she finds it hysterical. She never liked the Weasleys from the start, she isn't going to start liking them just because they lose family. I think a lot of people who like Milli tries to explain her cruel behaviours, but the fact is that she's just not very nice. I think it makes her human, though, and I'm glad you think so too. As for the politics, if you mean like war and such, she's very indifferent and mostly pretend they are not there. If you meant like, politics within the school, she enjoys drama of others the way people enjoy reading celebrity gossips. She finds it entertaining and she mocks. Unless of course it involves her or her friends, then it is The Biggest Deal Ever.
Thank you so much!
pokethegeek @ September 24 2004, 09:48:33 UTC |
Hello there almighty player of M.B.
First I would like to say THANK YOU. Your Millicent was so fantastic. An inspiration for all of us. Heil!
Secondly, tell me about Terry Boot.
kat99999 @ September 24 2004, 10:03:18 UTC |
Yes, Terry Boot! I was about to ask! Will he ever get a chance with M.B.? He's quite the hottie :D
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 10:17:24 UTC |
He sure is! And they had sex! Sort of, but sex nonetheless! Milli isn't really relationship-material. She gets bored really easily and she finds romance very inconvinent. I mean, where do you find the time to fall in love, really. She has Pins and a Draco, what more does a girl need?
(parent)saltroseortopaz @ September 24 2004, 10:27:51 UTC |
Or, alternatively,
More salt?
...I feel mean now.
kat99999 @ September 24 2004, 10:35:47 UTC |
Oooh... sex with Terry Boot. Go Milli! :>
How much does Millicent love Pins? Because I love Pins and I do not even know the cat personally. :D
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 16:57:07 UTC |
I'd very much prefer sex with Lindsay Lohan.
If Pins and Draco were on separate ropes hanging over a cliff and Milli can only pull one of them up, Draco'd better know how to swim.
kat99999 @ September 24 2004, 17:32:17 UTC |
That is because Lindsay Lohan is so hot it should be illegal. She is one of those Outrageously Stylish girls that I want to sleep with on the pure basis that their hair is GORGEOUS. *sigh*
Do you have pictures of Pins? I want to see pictures ;)
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 17:49:16 UTC |
She really really is. Did you watch Mean Girls?
I had pictures of Pins in my external hard drive but it crashed very recently. :( She is kind of like Garfield but black and long furred.
kat99999 @ September 24 2004, 17:53:21 UTC |
I've seen Mean Girls twice :)) I have procurred a not entirely legal version of it :)) One day I will make screencaps and post them all over my LJ :D
Oh, Pins. I pick Pins <3333333 I am such a cat freak :D
kat99999 @ September 24 2004, 18:00:28 UTC |
You can have all the icons you want. I am not fussy about who I share my icons with :> Of course, you are special to me anyway <3
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 16:58:48 UTC |
It has come to my attention that Draco really cannot swim. I am torn.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 17:02:02 UTC |
That is true. You are a lot lighter than Pins. Surely you can claw your way up the cliff on your own.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 17:00:28 UTC |
One would live to 150, one probably has two good years on her before she dies.
Let us keep this in mind.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 17:03:46 UTC |
You don't see Pins invading my post to fight her case here, do you.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 17:05:33 UTC |
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 10:15:32 UTC |
Aw thank you!! That is so sweet :D
Terry, Terry, Terry. He is hot. He was one of the few people who managed to keep Milli's attention span for more than 2 days. He was very much like a really good-looking toy slave.
saltroseortopaz @ September 24 2004, 10:27:11 UTC |
Okay, moment's over. Questions! How did Millicent really feel about Pansy? And I can't ask that without it sounding dirty in my head because y'know, 'shipped Pansy/Millicent the entire time I was reading NA...and-and-and I have to ask because I will DIE if I don't. Or something. [cough] How did Pansy's death effect Millicent? Well, we sort of saw, but still. Querying. (That was my more serious note, with less winkwinknudgenudge action now with 25% more Eric Idle!
. Thankyouthatisnotall.)
And like, I have no other questions, because I totally form my own opinions and do not want them to be CRUSHED AND DESTROYED. Or something. (Then why oh why did I ask the questions I have opinions about...? Am silly.)
saltroseortopaz @ September 24 2004, 10:28:47 UTC |
...that strike-out was only supposed to get Eric Idle. Typo demons, I tell you.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 17:15:08 UTC |
Oh Pansy my girl. Milli loved her dearly. And well, you shipped the right Milli ship. :D They were more than friends, best friends with benefits. So you can imagine how awful her death was for Milli. Pansy's player sent me a batch of baked goods once, together with a note from Pansy to Milli. I have it up on my wall. A few days after Pansy's death, I saw the note and burst into tears.
saltroseortopaz @ September 24 2004, 17:19:53 UTC PP + MB 4 EVAH |
When Pansy died, my first thought was, "OMG MILLICENT!" followed by "Oh, um, and Draco." Followed even quickly-er by "Nope, not true, denial is happy place."
AHA, I knew it, I was right all along. [boogies]
That's sort of cute and sad and STUFF all in one.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 18:02:18 UTC Re: PP + MB 4 EVAH |
I can't even imagine what it must be like to lose a best friend and almost lover like that. There was a lot of anger in Milli's last post, she was pissed that others got to keep their little trio and she did not :((
(parent)saltroseortopaz @ September 24 2004, 18:12:40 UTC Re: PP + MB 4 EVAH |
I don't want to imagine. It was all very "WAIT WHAT NO" when I read it. In my head Pansy is ALIVE. (of course, in my head, Draco is permanently a sulky six year old, let's not trust my head)
(parent)devimelete @ September 24 2004, 11:10:12 UTC |
Okay. I got two questions for you!
1)Who is that girl in Millicent icons? I keep on thinking Angeline Jolie for some odd reason.
2)What gave you the general idea that Millicent will type in single-sentence paragraphs while adding her initials in the end?
I really love you. Alot.
Will you marry me?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 15:21:45 UTC |
1) It is Janeane Garofalo! Most of my icons of her are from the movie "Mystery Men" because I like the green streaks in her hair. The reason I chose Jeneane is because she is real life Daria to me, and Milli is quite Daria-ish in a way. Also, Janeane's role in Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion is really very fucking Milli. :D
2) Well Milli is pretty no-nonsense and straight-forward about things, so I imagine her to be very curt with her responses and getting straight to the point, thus the short and monotone-ish sentences. As for the initials, it's mostly just a quirk but it is also her way of like, ending the discussion/having the last word.
I love you too, and so I will marry you.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 15:25:07 UTC |
Of course, I've got the whole package.
THANK YOU. I, too, fondly remember the time she stuffed Draco into the gunny sack. I love that she is so much bigger than him. Draco's player and I stayed up for pretty darn long, I can't remember how many days exactly because it came to a point where I no longer knew where I was and how long I've been there.
Milli is basically me with balls.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 13:14:09 UTC |
Millicent's player has left the computer. She is not just being rude. She will be back soon.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 17:17:26 UTC |
What if I was trying to be rude, huh? Huh huh? Tsk.
(parent)yamapea @ September 24 2004, 14:15:42 UTC |
I will be back later with questions, yes, and perhaps a small diatribe on the amazingness of MB!
yamapea @ September 24 2004, 15:47:58 UTC |
Ok. Right.
First of all, I just have to say that you are truly amazing and talented for making Millicent Millicent. That being said...
Did you follow Nraged? I'm curious because it was always my feeling that some players did, but not all of them,and as there seemed to be an MB discussion at any given time, I wondered if you were one of them. And if so... what did you think of all of the MB discussion? Were you surprised at the reception of her?
Tell me about MB and Nott.
Are you rping now? You might not answer that, which would be understandable, and I certainly won't ask where, if you are, because it would be grossly unfair to all other rps if it was known that you were at another one plus it is somewhat disrespectful to NA to go on discussing other rps...and now I'm rambling. But curious.
Another question you may not answer, but I felt as though I had to ask. Did you play anyone else?
Hmm.. I think I had a few others, but they've already been answered. Oh yes. I also have a fairly straightforward and duh comment, but I loved the interaction between MB and PS. I think it is one of the things that I miss the most about NA.
Thank you x 1 billion.
<3 Ariel
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 17:55:35 UTC I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
Thank you so very much for liking Milli as Milli :D
I do follow Nraged most of the time, I get very stressed and embarassed about MB discussions. Mostly I get rather uncomfortable with the god-references and I was totally surprised at how much people liked her, because she's not exactly a nice person. I get really nervous after posting an entry and reading the reactions on Nraged. It's frustrating when my posts gets misinterpreted but it happens to everyone, I'm still very touched by the support from Nraged. :D
MB and Nott. There isn't much of a story there. He knocked her off her broom and thus winning her affections. So she was all intrigued and trying to be his friend. Nott is pretty easy-going. Their little meaningless one-sided flirting ended when the attack started. Oh young love.
No I'm not RPing now, I don't read RPGs either. It probably sounds rather snobbish but I can't really imagine RPing with anyone outside of the NA cast, it's become like a family bond/loyalty thing for me.
Yes I do play other characters.
Thank you for loving PS and MB. :D They are the highlight of the game for me. Draco's player and I even toyed with the idea of having a private RPG just for ourselves of Draco and Milli: The Later Years.
Thanks for the questions, Ariel!
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 17:57:09 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
(parent)yamapea @ September 24 2004, 18:12:06 UTC |
I am usually much worse than that. :P
xD I have become far too addicted to emoticons and it shows.
I apologise for my contributions to that :P (addiction is hard to break). She was just so... well.. Millicent. It was very hard to not like her. Although, I mean, when her cruelty shined through for us (like with wehavefive), it was a bit of a reality check in the M.B. worshiping. Still, one of my favorite characters ever.
((I cannot express how much I enjoyed the MB and Nott developments near the end. And Draco's reaction to them. What a fascinating non-posting character.)) Even if it was meaningless... Feeding Pins salad xD.
That is entirely understandable. I imagine it would be incredibly difficult to go from something like NA to other rps. And I imagine it's changed your perception of HP characters and maybe even your ship preferences? If you had/have any?
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 18:50:40 UTC |
I'm so glad you loved Milli with her flaws and all!
I thought Nott feeding Pins salad was really adorable as well. I think they'd have made an interesting pair.
I don't really have any ship preferences. I'm mostly a friendshipper and I love the Weasleys. That hasn't changed. Though now I get a bit weirded out by the fact that Draco and Milli are not BFF in canon :(
Draco's player and I have been best friends since before NA started :D
You're so not harrassing me! I love your questions so feel free if you still have more!
yamapea @ September 24 2004, 20:05:59 UTC |
Of course! I think, if I had to pick, her and turpinol have got to be my two favorites... Although arg, with such brilliant characters, I am hard pressed not to just say the whole of n_a is my favorite. *cries softly*
I refuse to accept Millicent and Draco not being BFF in canon.
Aha! I suspected.. sort of.. well, wondered at least.. Just because you two had such real repor with one another, even in these Q&As. I thought about asking, but since I wasn't watching in the very beginning, I didn't want to look stupid. And erm. It is likely a little late for that. :P
Oh good!!! I'll see if anything else comes to mind, although I may just detain you here indefinitely if you give me free rein.
xD <333
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 07:09:34 UTC |
Lisa was an amazing character. You seem to like the girl power characters :D
I'm tempted to write to JKR as a dying cancer patient to request that she writes Milli and Draco as BFF. It is my dying wish, I will say.
Aw thanks, I think it's just a lot easier playing with close friends because chemistry is really hard to fake sometimes and the relationships between the characters can end up looking a bit forced. That's another reason why I can't join another RPG, I'd be so lost with a stranger. :(
Feel free to handcuff me here if you like! I just woke up so I can be yours for hours. ;;)
yamapea @ September 25 2004, 08:10:22 UTC |
Only the interesting ones! No, really I suppose you're right :P. I hadn't really thought of that. Can I ask you if you had a favorite character in N_A?
Definitely!! How could she resist? I think I will always try to find it in the subtext, regardless. Somehow.
Yea, it is much much better playing with friends. Although some of the best friends I have now I met rping. But it was my first rp and they are very special people and etc. :P Had you done a lot of rping before N_A? (Last rping question, I promise!)
Rawr! *handcuffs*
Although I'm afraid I'm only going to bed now, as it's 4am here. And I shall likely catch you just as you are going to bed again.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 16:23:00 UTC |
My favourite character in NA is Sinistra. Everything she says just kills me so bad.
Aww are you still rping with the same best friends? NA was my first RPing experience, it was a totally new thing for a lot of us so it was a nice and fumbly learning experience :D
I, too, am going to bed soon. I shall never catch up with my comments :((
yamapea @ September 26 2004, 15:29:35 UTC |
I really liked Sinistra as well. And her interaction with PS and MB during the sleep duel killed me.
Yes yes xD. I am impressed that NA was your first bit RPing.
And I have no question. :*(
Perhaps I will think of another.
Or maybe I should stop commenting so you can actually catch up. :P
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a_player @ September 28 2004, 08:15:18 UTC |
I was dying so bad when Sinistra went, "Student!" to Draco. I dunno why.
I feel the need to show you this:
I've actually given up on trying to catch up. Multitasking and I, we are not one.
yamapea @ September 28 2004, 18:10:21 UTC |
I did too. Well, the whole sleep duel killed me, in actuality. But the Sinistra part was, I think, the funniest. "My skinny, skinny, professor."
That is amazing. I shall have to find something equally interesting.
Excellent. I shall find other ways to detain you. What is your favorite thing, right now? Person, place, thing, mineral, animal, vegetable, abstract concept, what have you.
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sadfoot @ September 24 2004, 18:13:19 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
Their little meaningless one-sided flirting ended when the attack started. Oh young love.
But, but... at the end of NA Draco said to Terry that Nott also liked Millicent quite a bit (that was June 30) and it seemed like they were in a relationship. T_T I feel cheated. :P
I need to know! You've described Terry as very hot, was Nott hot, too? ;)
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 18:46:11 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
Nott is just very easy going and likes most people T_T
MB's Player: Is Nott hot
MB's Player: I assume he is
Nott's Player: Yes
Nott's Player: Well
Nott's Player: He's not like *stud*
Nott's Player: He's attractive in that uh
Nott's Player: Let me think how to describe
Nott's Player: Like dirty rockstar kind of way
MB's Player: I shall c/p
Nott's Player: You wouldn't really find attractive if they weren't a rockstar
Nott's Player: But he is so great on his own that suddenly he seems really hot
MB's Player: Milli the groupie
Nott's Player: fghfj
Nott's Player: Well I was trying to think how to explain, cause he's lanky and weedy looking
Nott's Player: So I was trying to think of attractive people who are
Nott's Player: All I could think was the guy from the Strokes
Nott's Player: Not that he looks like him
Nott's Player: adsgadg
MB's Player: *pastes*
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sadfoot @ September 24 2004, 19:06:28 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
It's too bad that they didn't stay together. Heh. Mostly everybody has asnwered that their characters didn't marry their Hogwarts sweetheart, and it makes sense, but come on! Somebody has had to marry their couple at Hogwarts! It's only fair. :P
Thanks for doing the Q&A!
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 07:36:54 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
I guess it's just a bit unrealistic to marry high school sweethearts but hey, Percy and Penelope did! So, there is hope! Milli really isn't the marriage type. She'll just live with Draco forever, I suspect.
Thank you for the questions!
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 16:34:07 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
Nott is a ladies' man, he doesn't like to be in one relationship.
(parent)yamapea @ September 24 2004, 20:09:27 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
So Nott had a player???
Teh cool.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 07:38:00 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
Hahaha not exactly a player, we had a Nott Specialist whom we had go to to consult Nott things. :D
(parent)yamapea @ September 25 2004, 08:11:53 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
I would like to be a Nott Specialist. xD
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 16:24:13 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
Dr Katarina Evanla
PhD Nott Specialist
yamapea @ September 26 2004, 15:30:15 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
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frowl @ September 25 2004, 19:18:43 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
Forgive me for butting into this but darling, you already are a Nott Specialist :P
(parent)yamapea @ September 26 2004, 15:30:27 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
I am not.
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frowl @ September 28 2004, 19:59:54 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
Terrible pun (n)
(parent)yamapea @ September 29 2004, 00:25:14 UTC Re: I deleted previous comment because I mistook Nott for Boot for I am retarded. |
You know you love it. ;)
(parent)comava @ September 24 2004, 14:31:37 UTC |
That post that Millicent made after Pansy died - it was.. guh. Somehow I just loved that post so much. Was it hard to write, or did it just all come out naturally?
There's a scence in Cruel Intentions where SMG and SB kiss and I'm always thinking it's Pansy and Millicent now. When did their relationship start, how did it develop? I can't picture Millicent as the jealous type, but how was it for her to see Pansy and Draco together as a couple? (even if they were only playing to cover up their own romances)
Pansy and Millicent always seemed quite supportive of Draco's relationship with Harry. Was this just me or did they really like him?
What were the best and worst parts of playing Millicent?
Can you tell me some general stuff about her? (Her likes, dislikes, habits, favorite things, quirkes, opinions on various people and so on)
Thank you so much for all your work in NA and for doing these Q&As with us now.
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 18:35:33 UTC |
That post wasn't hard to write, as in I didn't take a long time thinking of what to write in it, but it was very emotionally tough. There was a lot of anger in there. Milli dealt with the death with anger and being pissed off at the world, angry that others got to keep their Trio and she didn't. She also always thought Pansy would outlive her.
Pansy's player and I both think of that scene in Cruel Intentions and Pansy and Milli too. :D The relationship didn't really start officially. They've been friends since they were kids. During Pansy's goth phase, they drifted apart a little but after she came back to Hogwarts, they started getting really close again. And as best friends, there were experimentations going on, and liking it and sticking with it.
Milli is actually a very very very jealous and possessive person. It is hard to tell because she doesn't like a whole lot of people and things. But she has very serious territorial issues, which is the main reason why she hates Seamus so much. So when Pansy and Draco made that whole agreement to be a public couple, she was seriously pissed off with both of them.
Pansy never really knew what was up with Draco and Harry. Denial is an effective coping mechanism. It sound sappy but Milli just wanted Draco to be happy and Draco seems happy with Harry so she tries to make sure they stay together. Also it amuses her to no end to see Draco blush. Milli had a nice friendship with Harry, I think. They weren't close friends but they had respect for each other.
Best part of playing Milli is getting to insult the world, but the worst part is trying to come up with witty insults on the spot.
General stuff about Milli.. hmm. I could go on and on about her for pages so I'll just give a quick summary. She likes eggs to quite an obsessive extent. She loves Pins to the sky and back but doesn't really like cats in general. She sees Pins as more than just a cat. She dislikes small talks. She doesn't understand why people would do things they don't want to do, so when they whine to her about it, she wants to kill them and everyone around them. She also hates ginger but likes ginger soup. She needs to sleep with 3 pillows, 2 for her head and 1 to hug. She's actually a very huggy person, contrary to popular belief. She's sensitive to touch and textures and enjoys material comforts. A wrong threadcount on her bedsheets will ruin her entire week. She worships her father. She doesn't see him much at all, he works away from home and doesn't really care for Milli. Milli writes letters to him that she doesn't send. That was what Draco was referring to in their very last fight before NA ended. It really stung. Draco is her favourite thing.
comava @ September 24 2004, 18:54:26 UTC |
Wow, really? I never had her pegged as the jealous type. She seems like someone who hates and loves very passionately, on the whole.
I was upset that they didn't get to keep their trio too.
You did a good job on the witty comments, though. It was always such fun to read.
You're welcome to go on for pages, you know!
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a_player @ September 24 2004, 19:02:05 UTC |
Yeah she is, she'd pee on the Draco and Pansy if it wasn't frown upon. She really wanted to scream at Seamus and be all AHHHHHHHHHH GO AWAY DRACO IS MY FRIEND FIRST :(( but of course she has to look all cool and raged herself into oblivion instead. It's because of how she loves very passionately that makes her jealous and possessive. She doesn't really show it. She just gets pissed off but Draco knows her well enough to know why.
And thank you! <3333
devimelete @ September 24 2004, 22:23:14 UTC |
She needs to sleep with 3 pillows, 2 for her head and 1 to hug.
Ha, the same applies to me, especially when I wake up from a nightmare or had a bad case of sleep paralysis.
Especially the sleep paralysis. O__O;;
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 07:40:37 UTC |
Omg I get sleep paralysis so often! I don't really know anyone else who has it. Omg so scary :((
(parent)devimelete @ September 25 2004, 14:00:19 UTC |
Surely everyone has it during their lifetime. I remember one time when I had a case of sleep paralysis and all I could think was "Oh God, Steve is dead." Scared the living crap outta me. o.O
Steve is my snake, by the way.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 17:46:18 UTC |
They don't seem to have it as often as I do. I'm almost used to them now but the first few seconds are still terrifying :(( You have a pet snake! What type?
(parent)devimelete @ September 25 2004, 21:52:28 UTC |
Steve is an Eastern Checkered Garter snake. He likes to stare at people, but freaks out when they come too close to his cage. OMG THEIR HEAD IS SO HUGE I MUST FLEE! *hids in his shell*
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 05:28:46 UTC |
AWW THAT IS SO CUTE!!! I'm usually a bit scared of snakes but that is fucking adorable :))
(parent)heavenscalyx @ September 24 2004, 16:30:32 UTC |
Millicent. Love. Millicent.
Seriously, I think Millicent is one of the only characters from N_A that I'd really really want to know in person (Remus and Neville being the other ones, mostly, so I have a large spread of personalities, I suppose). Mostly just to watch in action.
Partly because I think big women are majorly hot.
M.B. is God, indeed. She's part of the same pantheon, obviously, in which Ivanova is God.
And, in creating M.B., that makes M.B.'s player MetaGod.
I note that you have already accepted a proposal. So, will you cheat on your loving spouse with me?
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 07:43:34 UTC |
Awww it means a lot that you'd want to know Milli in person! I'm glad she was realistic enough for you to think of her that way.
I've a huge thing of Amazon women too.
Ahhhh I'm not God or MetaGod, not worthy! How embarrassing :">
To answer your last question, the only reason I'd ever get married is so I can cheat on my loving spouse, so yes.
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Anonymous @ September 24 2004, 17:08:42 UTC |
Hey there! :D A few questions, sorry if it's too many..
Why did M.B. hate Seamus so much? I know she hated all the Gryffindors but she hated Seamus the most it seemed. Was it really the horse pic? :D
M.B. was totally my homegirl in H/D shipping. How did she really feel about the H/D as Draco's bset friend?
And finally, is there an official Prayer to Our God M.B.?
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 07:59:53 UTC |
Hello there!
Oh Seamus, he was the bane of Milli's existence. He trotted onto her turf and therefore he had to pay. It was simple as that really. She hated him for being friends with Draco and being a smart ass about it. She also hated that Draco did nothing to discourage Seamus, so she raged not-so-quietly. The horse pic really did not help. She thinks Seamus tries too hard and their personalities clashed quite a bit. Though I suspect if the game had gone on, they'd eventually become friends.
Haha, Milli was no H/D shipper. Just to clear this up once and for all, she isn't a H/D shipper, she is Draco's best friend. She wants him to be happy, and it seems to her that he is happy with Draco so she tries to make sure that happiness stays. She didn't actively ship them. She was also very tickled by inlove!Draco. She also had a good sort-pf friendship with Harry and she respected him enough to think that he is good enough for Draco.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 20:49:43 UTC |
Though I suspect if the game had gone on, they'd eventually become friends.
Though this is likely because Seamus would have broken down and let her ride Leigheas. He did try too hard, poor lamb.
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 05:32:18 UTC |
I think they'd have made a hysterical pair of friends really. Unlikely alliance. The Fox and the Hound. T_T
sincelastjuly @ September 24 2004, 17:26:33 UTC |
was there anything you regret not doing in NA?
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 08:16:12 UTC |
I regret not have a tiny Ron and Milli arc. I think it would have been fun to see them interacting.
sistermagpie @ September 24 2004, 18:24:42 UTC |
mrrphh. Tis very hard to formulate responses to you guys. I want to just squee.
But I shall soldier on. I LOVED MILLICENT! That was somebody whose bad side I would not want to be on. Sometimes Millicent almost seemed like some throwback to ancient times when thinking anybody outside your tribe deserved death was totally normal:It is funny if something bad happens to you. It is not funny if something bad happens to me. If you have any problems with that, you may discuss it with my bat. Did M.B. ever think about the possibility of being killed herself, or her friends? She was so callous about the Weasleys; did she just not think that could ever happen to her own friends, not really think about it at all, or did she just figure if it did everyone would be just as callous to her?
I would LOVE your thoughts on Millicent's Patronus! How did you decide Patronus' worked that Millicent's was a little Draco with tiny fists?
Can you tell us anything about Millicent's experience in the Great Hall? Specifically, how did her meeting with Draco go right after. Seems like both of them had devestating news for the other, but Draco had gotten the one-two punch at once. But also it seems like Millicent must have been blind-sided by Pansy's death. What was it like for her and ps sitting by her bed? Why was it so important she not be taken away? (Shoot, now I'm getting all sad over Pansy again.)
Millicent seemed like the character most like Lucius to me in a lot of ways. The two of them seemed to share a real understanding at times. What did she think of him and Draco's relationship with him? That said, what did she think of Narcissa?
Can you tell us about the early years of the Unholy Trio? It seemed like Millicent was often hoping Draco and Pansy would follow her lead and dismiss their parents completely.
M.B.'s fight with ps after the sleep duel seemed to be about Draco's jealousy re: Nott, but how did the fight break down? Were there other issues that came out there that needed to? Who smashed the candle?:(
Did M.B. really think Seamus was trying to steal her Draco?
Did she have any thoughts on Draco's dealings with the DEs? Did Draco tell her about meeting Voldemort before or after?
What was M.B.'s reaction to the outing-I remember her post about Hogwarts making homophobia an expellable offense or something. Heh.
Why was M.B. upset at the beginning of seventh year, and angry with Draco? And why did a Hufflepuff seem like a good idea?
It seemed like she felt betrayed when Pansy and Draco started going out again. What were her feelings on that?
What'd she think about Harry? In fact, what was it she really loved about Draco and Pansy? Like, why did she think the two of them deserved the kind of affection she gave to no one else? Was there anyone else she cared about?
I must drag myself away from this post or I might never stop with the questions.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 09:02:51 UTC |
!!! HI!!!! :D :D :D Draco's player and I have been waiting for you to arrive. We were like, "She wakes up early! Where is she!" So, hello! Do squee if you must.
Thank you so much for loving Millicent!! I, too, would not want to be Milli's enemy. She's very barbaric in her ways, but it is quite awesome to have her on your side during a fight.
It is funny if something bad happens to you. It is not funny if something bad happens to me. If you have any problems with that, you may discuss it with my bat.
*DELIGHTED!!!* THAT IS THE BEST SUMMARY OF MILLI I'VE EVER HEARD. I'd like that on a tshirt, I really would.
Milli doesn't think she would live very long. One of the reasons why Pansy's death impacted her so much was that she never expected Pansy to die before her. So now she's terrified that Draco would, too.
About her callousness towards the Weasleys deaths, Milli doesn't really consider a lot of things when she does something mean. I mean like, when she made the wehavefive LJ, she was completely not thinking that if the situation is reversed, she'd hate it etc etc. All she was thinking at that moment was that she is sick of everyone posting about the death and people who previously wasn't close to the Weasleys saying how sorry they are. So she had to mock and she found it hysterical. She layed off after Harry spoke up because she does like Harry quite a bit. At the same time, just because she likes Harry, it doesn't mean she is going to pretend to be sorry for the Weasleys. And Harry understood that which in turn made Milli respect him even more.
Her Patronus! I'm glad you liked it too. I thought it was the cutest thing ever :)) Well I remember talking to Draco's player when I was trying to think of my Patronus, and Draco's player was like, Surely there is something that Milli likes or makes her feel safe. Something like that. And I went, Well yeah, you. And so it was decided that it will be Draco. The reason why it was mini Draco instead of grown up Draco was that Milli has the tendency to cling on to childhood memories, she felt the safest then. In that particular memory, Draco punched out her teeth and she bled, and he cried. For some reason, that was the moment she knew she could trust Draco wholeheartedly, maybe because she knew then that Draco wouldn't hurt her on purpose. And seeing him cry is always hysterical. The tiny fists protects her! The Patronus was very embarrassing as Draco never let her live that down. Oh friendships <3
LJ keeps eating my comments so I shall post this first and continue in next comment :D
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 10:02:32 UTC |
Milli's experience in the Great Hall. Well, she saw her best friend's father get murdered. I think that pretty much summed it up. I can't even begin to imagine what it must have been like as I've, thankfully, never experienced any of that.
She was already dealing with a lot of guillt at the start as the reason the Unholy Trio were separated at that point was because of Draco and Milli's fight. She was worried out of her mind when the attack happened and she couldn't find them. And then she saw Lucius getting killed and pretty much lost it and demanded to know where Draco and Pansy are. Sinistra eventually told her to look in the hospital wing.
There, she finds Draco crying over Pansy's dead body, and she had to tell him that his father is dead. Ahhhhh the horror :(( Sometimes she still thinks that it was her fault that Pansy is dead because if she didn't fight with Draco, they would not be outside at that time :((
Draco and Milli were horrified when people tried to move Pansy's body. There wasn't a specific reason why her body shouldn't be moved, it was just sheer horror that she is being disturbed and taken away. They were having trouble coping with the reality of it all.
It's interesting that you think Milli is the character most like Lucius because there were several occasions where Milli and Lucius had the chance to interact with each other and I thought, Milli is going to grow up into Lucius. I think they share very similiar sense of humour and they're not afraid to speak their mind even if it meant offending an entire nation at the same time. The only difference is that Lucius is big on playing social games to achieve his aims while Milli hates pretending, but she does admire how shrewd Lucius can be.
Milli knows how much Draco looks up to and loves Lucius and she can understand why. But she gets pissed that Lucius does not seem to care about Draco enough at times. Lucius gets caught up with his own business a lot and would ignore Draco for ages, and that sits badly with Milli. Other than that, she does think Lucius is a good father. Narcissa on the other hand, is a total flake to Milli. She had no personality. She wished she was Madonna. Milli thinks she is insane, fake, and pathetic and a horrible mother. She's really rude to Narc most of the time because she thinks Narc is a bloody joke.
Early years of the Unholy Trio! :D! Well their parents were friends so naturally they became friends but they really liked one another as well and so were joined at the hip. You already know this but Milli's mother is insane and enjoys dressing all three of them up. Milli has long given up on her mother being a sane and good mother, but what most people don't know is that Milli worships her father. She sees him like, twice a year or so. He works away from home. She writes letters to him that she doesn't send. Draco knows this. And that was what Draco was referring to which started their fight. :( So really, none of them really succeeded in breaking away from family dysfuctions. Though Pansy's family is the worse of all and it frustrates Milli to no end that Pansy does not tell them to fuck off. I suspect when Milli meets Mr and Mrs Parkinson after Pansy's death, it will not be pretty.
Ahhh I'm late for an appointment so I've to end here for now, I'll continue when I get back! I'm sorry! I work like a snail, I know :((
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 18:36:21 UTC |
I am back! Okay!
Milli's fight with Draco was really just a typical tiff among friends. Jealousy/possessive issues. So basically it was just Milli spending a lot of time with Nott because Nott fascinated her and Draco having territorial issues. Draco threw fit and mentioned the letters that Milli writes to her father but never sent. Milli was hurt and refused to talk to him. Draco smashed the candles :((
Yes, Milli really think Seamus was trying to steal her Draco and she was not happy. >:O She's not used to Draco having friends, it has always been the Unholy Trio and Crabbe and Goyle, so having someone suddenly in her face and Draco not doing anything to discourage it was really disturbing, so she was all *stabstabstab*.
As for Draco's dealings with the DEs, she doesn't really ask much. I mean, she is there for him if he wants to talk about it, but it is not exactly a topic they really discuss over lunch. She wants Draco to be safe, obviously, but she also knows that there are a lot of things that are out of his control. :-<
Yes Draco did tell her about meeting Voldie, both before and after. He told her about it before the meeting and Milli knew he was shitting his pants over it, so she gave him Pins for a while. That was why Pins was sleeping in Draco's bed for a couple of days. After the meeting, Draco tried to tell Harry about it but Harry was furious about the Weasleys so Draco went home instead. When he came back to Hogwarts, Milli moved into his bed. He has nightmares and Milli was there for him :((!!!
Milli was very indifferent to the outing. At first she was just all, "Oh it is just Draco and his ranting again" and then the whole thing blew out of proportions and she was like, Wtf. It is just not right to have that much drama over one person's sexuality.
I will be back.
cho_malfoy @ September 24 2004, 19:20:16 UTC |
Am I the only one who recognized the M.B. icons as Janeane Garofalo? I always thought using her picture was very appropriate. :)
Anyway. I digress.
Millicent/Pansy/Draco was so my OT3 for Nocturne Alley. The three of you had such a dynamic, even though Millicent was really a cold-hearted bitch. (Well, so was Draco, but...;D) I had two questions that I really liked, but one was taken and I forgot the other one, so I'm going to ask a really stupid one.
What was your favorite NA moment that didn't involve you?
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frowl @ September 24 2004, 19:33:25 UTC |
I really do wish I had more to say but sadly I am riddled with a curse of being she-of-very-little-words (that and the fact I have flu right now and my fingers have swollen to a much more stupider size than usual thus making even this utterly nonsense sentence awfully hard to type)
I beyond positively adored your portrayal as Millicent.
So, do you like cats at all?
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 19:37:23 UTC |
I will answer your first comment when I wake up, but I have one thing to say for now: BUTTON MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH THE LOVE.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 19:38:03 UTC |
Has she been resisting? :O We must put a stop to that :O
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frowl @ September 25 2004, 20:36:01 UTC |
I have been trying to resist from commenting in the fashion which Ariel clearly has been unable to stop herself from acting in but I cannot say that I really blame her for doing so. If only you knew how excited she was that you had replied to her, it was most adorable ;)
( I am a terrible friend and she probably will not speak to me for days after saying this :( )
I have another thing to thank you for actually as Ariel is my partner in crime in another rp and I only ended up looking into the idea of rp's because of N_A. Kudos!
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 05:49:36 UTC |
Aw you two are too cute!! It's so nice to be able to RP with best friends. All the best with your RPG!!
(parent)yamapea @ September 26 2004, 16:58:47 UTC |
It's the reason I looked into rping too. We must be teh awesome. Teh awesome N_A groupies. xD
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frowl @ September 26 2004, 20:57:55 UTC |
You love me.
Oh yes you do.
Teh agreement is most certainly present.
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frowl @ September 28 2004, 20:04:46 UTC |
I should go, I feel like I am spamming greatness with my stupidness.
yamapea @ September 29 2004, 00:28:46 UTC |
Greatness has a sense of humor.
But I feel much the same. :P
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 19:39:51 UTC |
Okay so I lied. I am back. I shall sleep after this. I hope you're feeling better :( And thank you so much for adoring Milli!
I love cats, especially persian cats. The squished >.< faces, omg so cute.
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frowl @ September 25 2004, 20:37:23 UTC |
I hope you are sleeping well and thank you, I really do feel feel much better today!
tabiji @ September 24 2004, 19:49:58 UTC |
Hello Millicent's player!
I've always wondered what prompted Millicent's dislike of Seamus. Was that her being territorial about his friendship (for lack of a better word) with Draco? If not, can you elaborate on what that was about?
Do you have any fave M.B. quotes for the NA t-shirts? Any favorite quotes from other characters?
Thank you for doing this. <3 Miss you lots.
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a_player @ September 28 2004, 08:09:22 UTC |
Hello you!!!
Yeah it was her being territorial and the fact that Draco wasn't doing anything to deter the friendship just added on to her rage.
I'm really bad with remembering quotes so can't really help you here, I'm sorry. But I'd like to request that the "I am God." is not used, haha.
I'd like this on a tshirt, however:
_kissyfish @ September 24 2004, 22:51:24 UTC |
Woa. It's really creepy to read your reply comments. You're all happy and cheerful. *blinkblink* SO! I am commenting to say:
a. I love you.
b. It's sick how much pf an influence you and PS had on me. After reading NA, I use some of the phrases that you and PS used in your comments back and forth to each other, and I sign all non-legal documents with my initials in the bottom left corner.
c. You are incredibly good at sarcasm. How on earth did you do it? It's so perfect. Gahhhh *swoons*
d. What made you decide to do the skipping-lines-between-sentences thing?
e. Would you like a cookie?
rain206 @ September 25 2004, 03:53:45 UTC <3 |
I love your Millicent for she is awesome. Especially her icon where she had a scar on her head and that whole thing with the Literati competitions.
How did you come up with a characterisation for Millicent? (since she's nothing more than a name with a cat in canon)
For a while there (I don't remember when) it seemed like Millicent wanted to be friends with Harry. Was she trying to be nice to him because Draco liked him? Or was it something else?
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 17:08:21 UTC Re: <3 |
Thank you! I had a lot of fun making that scar icon. I was all *cackle cackle* about it.
As for Milli's characterisation, I kind of just took whatever little information I had of her in canon and ran with it. Like, she has a black cat, black hair, she is huge and tall, rather bulldog-ish, so I assume she is rather grumpy in nature, and she doesn't seem to like Hermione much. It just kind of grew from there. I didn't really have a fixed idea of how I wanted to play her from the start. I mean I knew that she would be sacarstic and mean and direct, but her backstories and relationships with others were developed during the course of the game.
She wasn't really trying to be nice to Harry. She was testing the waters at first, the same way people would test their best friend's siginificant others to see if they are good enough for their BFFs. So, knowing that Draco had the interest in Harry, Milli wanted to get to know Harry too. And well, Harry passed the test and Milli liked him quite a bit, so they did become sort of friends. There's underlying mutual respect there. Also, Milli finds Harry really entertaining and amusing.
pink_faerie @ September 25 2004, 04:01:20 UTC |
What would Millicent wear to her hypothetical wedding with Pansy?
Pointless question seeing as, well, you know.
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Anonymous @ September 25 2004, 04:23:50 UTC |
I would just like to take this opportunity to apologize. I have wronged you in the past (although I am a coward and so post anonymously) and I am completely and totally sorry from the bottom of my heart for it. This is probably the only chance I've got to say that I'm sorry, and I really am, and I do declare my love for you here, in this very post, and my apology! You do not have to forgive me - although, you don't know who I am, or how I wronged you from this post - but this is less getting it off my chest and more apologizing a lot! A lot indeed!
That said, I have to say my very favorite Millicent moment was at the end of the game when, and for some reason I can't remember whether if it was Crabbe or Goyle, whoever it was said that he missed Pansy and Millicent just said, "Yeah." It was a very powerful moment and I won't ever forget how much that one word impacted me because we had been taught that Millicent was kind of ice woman and in that moment she, instead of being the sort of person we had known her to be, was so affected by Pansy's death that she just responded with that one word kind of seemed like the one thing that had really touched her.
I know it's weird that that's my favorite thing, but it is!!!
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 13:48:26 UTC |
I am passionately curious about this cryptic comment.
(parent)redbowties @ September 25 2004, 04:28:57 UTC |
Mmmmmmm. I have actually been thinking about what to say. So while I thought I asked Draco's player a question because it seemed to flow easier.
On my RPG I play Theo.. and he and Millicent are in love but like, not going out (very frustrating hear me you) so I was all *squee* when I saw that Milli and Theo were flirting at the end of N_A. Even though in N_A it didn't seem very promising, is Theo the type of guy that Milli could see herself with or just the flingy type? (Can you tell Theo's player that I think Theo is handsome too <3 thanks muchly)
I don't know if this has been asked but what did Millicent think of Susan Bones? Was it complete annoyance like I thought or did she find her amusing? (As the Hufflepuffs are amusing perhaps she laughed at them?)
One of my fondest memories of Millicent is when I got to ask her a question ^^; I was in such awe and I didn't want to sound stupid or anything (though I probably did) it's weird though.. that you are just people and not them. Is that weird for you? That you are a person and not M.B. and will never really be M.B. like how she is ever again? (*tear*)
I also love Millicent's post "give me chocolate or give me death" I can so relate :D
I will probably ask something later. Just for now much ♥ and love.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 17:21:28 UTC |
Hello! Thank you for commenting :D I hope your Theodore and Millicent works out happily in the end. In NA, Milli doesn't really see herself with anyone. She was very happy and content with whatever she had with Pansy. She's open to flings and such, but long term commitment isn't really something she looks for. But I imagine that Nott and Milli would make an interesting pair of friends. (I have passed on your message to our Nott Specialist!)
Milli thought Susan Bones was mentally challenged. The problem is that, Milli's every attempt at mocking Susan has been vicious thwarted by Susan. It came to a point where Milli was actively staying away from Susan so as not to get herself into embarrassing situations. Susan sent Milli a Christmas card that was a cut-out picture of two girls hand in hand, with the words FRIENDS FOREVER below it. Milli wanted to take her own life.
Nah it's not really weird for me because I've never actually thought of myself as Milli, but I really, really, really do miss playing her. But I guess I do understand what you mean, it's always surreal to me to meet actors of characters I love and having to reconcil reality and fiction. Does that even make sense? Haha.
I could kill for some chocs right now.
Feel free to ask anything now or later! Much <3 to you too.
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 16:28:45 UTC |
Thank you! I'm so behind on questions omfg. <3 to you too!
(parent)digitalmeowmix2 @ September 25 2004, 16:21:40 UTC To M.B |
1.were you emotional at anytime in the game,
Pansy's death, The End,etc?
2.How did playing MB affect you?
3.what inspired you to play her the way you did?
4. Do you agree that MB is god?
5.does Pins love me?
7. Why are you so cool?
8.Does the Unholy Trio exsist between the players?
Your posts were wonderfully nasty and sarcastic. I love your interaction with Draco and everyone else.
MB is my favorite character, thank you and infinite love
P.S. I will be posting later with an icon i made for you
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a_player @ September 25 2004, 17:41:30 UTC To digitalmeowmix2 |
1) I cry at the drop of a hat. I seriously do. The smallest things get to me. I can get all teary-eyed just over something small like an exchange of affectionate comments between Molly and Arthur. So yeah, I was hysterical during the major events and deaths.
2) She makes me more gutsy and honest, I think. Being able to mock yourself makes life a lot easier to deal with somehow.
3) I just took whatever I had of her in canon and just expanded on it really. I got the impression from her brief appearances in the books that she is a big angry girl, so that was the direction I took her. I also gave her a lot of my own traits to kind of fleshed her out.
4) No, no I do not.
5) I'm afraid she only has room in her heart for one and a half.
6) Why is there no number 6? :O
7) I eat carbohydrates.
8) Yes.
Thank you so much! I adore Milli and Draco moments too. I'm really flattered that she is your fave character. Thank you so very much :D
P.S. I can't wait!!!
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Anonymous @ September 25 2004, 19:44:50 UTC |
M is for Milli, that's good enough for me. Oh! Milli, Milli, Milli starts with M.
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Anonymous @ September 26 2004, 16:57:07 UTC |
I am trying to start my comments without a paragraph of OMFG SQUEE and I find it very difficult.
Did Millicent have any trouble coming to terms with her sexuality? Did she see herself as bisexual? Or straight but Pansy-sexual?
Millicent never seemed to doubt or second-guess herself. Did she have any hidden insecurities? Did she ever worry about losing Draco's friendship?
How much time did Millicent spend on her appearance, and did she worry about it at all?
Did Millicent have any heros/idols?
If Millicent were a fruit or vegetable, what would she be?
If Millicent had a muggle theme song, what would it be?
If Millicent were a Monopoly piece, which would she be?
Oh, and if it isn't too personal, do you write fanfic at all? Or draw fanart?
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 17:58:45 UTC |
If Millicent had a muggle theme song, what would it be?
I would like to suggest this.
pornography @ September 27 2004, 22:06:31 UTC |
asdf jkl;!
With wisdom power and love, Our God is an awesome God!
That's Millicent alright.
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Anonymous @ September 26 2004, 17:06:50 UTC |
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal saviour?
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a_player @ September 26 2004, 17:08:16 UTC |
Everytime someone asks a God question, a puffskein dies.
(parent)raye @ September 27 2004, 03:21:17 UTC |
I have no questions because when it comes to these things I am terribly unimaginative, but I still wanted to share my immense love for your portrayal of Millicent. I got into the game late (think the day it ended -- bad timing, right?) and it was Milli's wonderfully sarcastic sense of humour that got me hooked. I can't help but worship you. ♥♥
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a_player @ September 28 2004, 07:52:31 UTC |
Thank you so much! Better late than never, I say. I'm very flattered that it was Milli who got you hooked. I hope you enjoyed the game, raye! <3
(parent)gorynna @ September 27 2004, 04:52:46 UTC |
Oh, wow, I've been waiting for your post like a kind of crippled puppy, trying to wag its tail despite the fact that it has none.
Yeah, it's late, so pardon that.
But just wow. I'd always been intrigued by Millicent and the teeeeny tiny role she got in the books, and I was idly searching through LJ one day and came across- lo and behold- petitemillicent. I actually read Millicent's journal for like a month before I actually started reading the rest of NA, and I was hooked, and etc. etc. etc. everyone's already said it but I have to say it again. You really played her wonderfully, and God or whathaveyou bless you for not making her reformed and/or suddenly!shockingly!attractive! or any of that rot.
Now, here's my question: FAR too many Millicent roleplayers out there rape your style entirely. I mean, not a chance thing, but it's Incredibly Clear that they're copying you. What are your feelings about that?
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a_player @ September 28 2004, 07:59:54 UTC |
I've always wanted a tail, too. Like Nightcrawler. [-o<
Not late! I'm glad you made it. I'm really late with a lot of my replies as well, so make yourself comfortable.
Wow, thanks for the very kind words. That's the nicest feedback ever. I'm happy that you liked my portrayal of her! I never really understood the need to redeem characters or make them suddenly gorgeous. I think it is a lot more fun playing ugliness.
As for you question, I'm actually more disturbed than pissed off or upset by other Millicnt RPers who adopted M. B.'s style. Ahhhh it feels so obnoxious for me to be typing M. B. :( Well, I put a lot of myself into her since there isn't much canon for me with, so when I see others taking similiar style, it always feel like someone else is RPing me, instead of Millicent. So it weirds me out in that sense. It wouldn't be that way if it was someone copyng say, knight_to_h3, because it is easier to argue that there is canon evidence for Ron TO TYPE LIKE THAT!!! But it's hard to justify anything for Millicent, so yeah, a tad weird. Thanks for asking that question, gorynna!
Here, have a panda:
the_plebe @ September 28 2004, 00:51:23 UTC |
I am late. Woe.
Still, no questions. Just <33333333. :> <3 MB/PS/J_H too (in the er...purely platonic sense of course. >.>).
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a_player @ September 28 2004, 07:51:01 UTC |
It is very squicky to think of Draco that way because he's like her little brother. Some incest are hot, this is just really not. <.
taradiane @ September 28 2004, 03:25:17 UTC |
Harry would look hot in a french maid's outfit. But Draco would look better. Agreed?
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a_player @ September 28 2004, 07:49:08 UTC |
I think Ron would be funnier because he is poor.
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Anonymous @ September 28 2004, 08:14:07 UTC |
Why do you keep posting a picture of a panda ^^;;; Does it signify something??? Does this mean that you are taking a stand against racism, as Pandas are black and white? If so, I applaud you. Keep fighting the good fight. :(
(parent)slinkhard @ September 28 2004, 14:15:24 UTC |
I usually can't come up with any questions for these, but I am curious: Will you give me some background on Millicent/Crabbe?
bentley @ September 30 2004, 11:01:58 UTC |
Hurray, I'm getting around to reading these and the more I read, the more questions I have and the more love I have to give (considering I didn't plan on asking any questions, I think this demonstates my lack of willpower.)
Okay like a million people have asked about Janine Garofolo, whom I adore, but who is it in this current a_player icon you are using with the groovy eye makeup?
Anyway, much lessthanthree for Millicent's badassishness. <3
floweringjudas @ November 23 2004, 15:51:11 UTC |
Millicent was/is my favourite. Not just of NA, of ANYTHING.