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mustyouwait @ 2004-09-30 18:37:00 |
(no title)
Hello, friends.
So, I know a while ago atorable was doing the whole NA-listed-by-date thing.
I'm wondering, is anyone continuing this? Because I've started to do it since I am dull and have no life, and I've gotten from May 1st to July 12th or so, and I'm just wondering if anybody wanted me to post it or if someone else had already done these parts or what. I didn't want to make anyone angry at me or something, haha. So if no one has continued it I'll post it and such.
That is all.
neviachiel @ October 1 2004, 03:07:46 UTC |
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about (and I don't see why not, even if I haven't been watching this comm with that much fervor of late), I think whoever was doing it is going to continue it after the Q & A is done with. Though I'm not sure when that is, considering we've already had what seems to be like most of the players. Snape comes to mind as not having gone yet. Or I could be mistaken. McGonagall?
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ October 1 2004, 10:28:23 UTC |
Snape hasn't done one, but he hasn't got an icon up, has he? So possibly he's not going to do one.
(parent)black_dog @ October 1 2004, 06:06:32 UTC |
Go you! This is valuable stuff, whoever does it. By all means post it, and if several people are thinking about doing this, maybe there can be a coordination thread to divide up the rest of it.
(parent)akimbie @ October 1 2004, 14:32:00 UTC |
id love it if you did... i started as i was in a panic about not being able to carry on reading after faerikitten's post had finished but never got very far! =)
(parent)heavenscalyx @ October 1 2004, 14:38:29 UTC |
I've been doing this for my own (and my friends') use, having started with faerikitten's posts (and copied them to my own LJ for redundancy purposes!) and added May 2003 here. I'm about halfway through the June-December 2003 listing (have just gotten to Remus, as I work through the LJs in alphabetical order), and will post that in my LJ when I'm done, which may be in a week or two, as I'm doing this as a brain-rest at work.
(parent)heavenscalyx @ October 1 2004, 14:41:04 UTC |
I should note that this shouldn't stop you from posting! I certainly won't be upset if you do. :)