lazy_daze @ 2005-01-23 23:16:00 |
Possible wibblechat reunion stuff
Mood: nostalgic
Attention NA fans and wibblechatters! maggie_malfoy pointed out to me earlier that next week, it’ll be 7 months since the end of NA. Am very surprised at self that I managed to miss the 6 month marker on January the first :(!
So I was thinking – seeing as it’s the 7 month anniversary, as it were, and I’ve always liked the idea of having a wibblechat reunion at some point, could it be then? I wasn’t a regular wibblechatter through the game, but I spent hours there near the end – primarily, wibblechatting the day and night of the final attack on Hogwarts. It was an AMAZING experience, one of the best NA related times for me, even though it was near the end.
(I have still have the HUGE chat logs saved, and can remember so many moments from it – when the first post about the attack came and took us by surprise, when people couldn’t get to the posts and we were c&p’ing it into the window, our ALL CAPS for ages after various huge things happened, oh, everything).
I had so much fun, even through the angst, and got to know so many people and made so many friends, that I’d love to go back, you know? So we could talk and reminisce about the game we loved so much, our favourite moments, the funny bits, the sad bits, the happy bits, everything. nocturne_alley was such a large part of my fandom life and I haven’t really thought about it in ages (I don’t like to think about it for too long because I get sad and nostalgic and don’t want to do anything except...reminisce and be sad :(...), but I just realised how much I miss it :(! I want to talk about it again.
>:o I will not cry.
So next Tuesday is the 1st February, which is pretty much 7 months after NA finished. Actually *looks at NA* the last post was on the 30th June, which makes next Sunday the actual date, but whatever – if it were to happen, I think it’d be best to pick the date around the 30th/31st/1st that suited most people.
So what do people think? Yes? No? Is 7 months too random a marker? Leave it till a better date? If yes to next week, what date is the best for people?
And if you’re interested but never wibblechatted before, that’s fine, this is a reunion of sorts but also I reckon anyone who wants to reminisce about the game would be totally welcome...
...and anyone else want to help me organise it, if it’s happening? Eep!
(Sorry to anyone on my flist who’s seen a similar post on my LJ!)
Am also pingable on AIM: tehlazydaze and Y!M: lazy_daze03. Though am going to bed soonish, being all awkward and English and sleep-needing and stuff :P
xnera @ January 23 2005, 16:04:27 UTC |
You know I'll be there. I was the wibblechat permanent fixture, after all.
Weekends work better for me, but I'll probably end up idle-ing in the room for several days anyway, and just say hi when I'm available. The room is actually still open; I've never taken wibblebot01 offline, so he keeps it open for us. So anyone is free to drop in at anytime. Just IM wibblebot01 with "invite me", and he'll send you a link AND an invite, whee!
lazy_daze @ January 23 2005, 16:15:57 UTC |
Yay! eponis said the 31st or 1st was better for her, and the 30th or 31st would be better for me, I think - actually, it may be a good idea to have it over those two days, the 30th and 31st? Start the reunion officially - seeing as the room is accessible all the time - on the afternoon/evening ish of the 30th and run it over to the 31st? (Or even over those three days? But too long and it might be too spread out, not enough people, or run out of steam.) And people can drop in at any time over those two days as much or little as they want? Am just throwing some ideas out here, sorry for rambling :D but I think that should be workable? And do we have topics or just let people chat about anything NA related as they see fit? Hmm! I can see myself staying up entirely too late those days >:D
maggie_malfoy @ January 23 2005, 16:24:57 UTC |
Man, totally over the three days :D :D I just would not sleep or eath though, so maybe over two days would be better :)
xnera @ January 23 2005, 17:02:24 UTC |
You're there already. :p As am I. Because we are loser extreme fans.
yamapea @ January 23 2005, 16:38:29 UTC |
I think that's a wonderful idea and I'll be there.
pyrae @ January 23 2005, 17:32:43 UTC |
I think I only dropped into chat once towards the end, but I remembered n_a a little while back and wibbled about it; I'd love a chance to reminisce with other fans. Any time over the weekend is good for me. :)
(parent)kaeda @ January 23 2005, 21:40:03 UTC |
I'm in!
Except I'm in Boston for the weekend and won't be back til Monday! Please don't be too cool while I'm gone :(
portkey @ January 23 2005, 21:54:47 UTC |
I'm totally in! Though I'm an idiot with no recollection or notice of time, so it'd be helpful if you make a post on the actual day as a reminder. *grins*
(parent)lazy_daze @ January 24 2005, 01:37:58 UTC |
Haha, I'mma be nagging reminding my flist all week and will definitely post on here and my LJ soon with actual times, just to make it more official loik, and on the day :DD
xnera @ January 24 2005, 08:03:29 UTC |
I'm going to link to it in every single post I make from now until then. Just watch me! :D
(parent)lazy_daze @ January 24 2005, 08:08:58 UTC |
Yay :D :D! And cause I have no idea - what time d'ya reckon should it start on the 31st? Like, mid to late afternoon GMT on the Sunday. maybe? :/ I don't know! And running it, say, through the night Monday and ending when people go to bed US time, Tues morning...? Darn timezones.
(parent)xnera @ January 24 2005, 08:19:08 UTC |
Personally, I plan to be in the room all weekend. I think I'm idling in there now, in fact. Am bad, and leave AIM signed on even when I am at work.
If we were officially doing the 31st, then I would say maybe around 8 p.m. GMT, which would let the USians trickle in after work. I'll be joining the room around 6:00 p.m. CST on Monday, which is midnight GMT. I'm highly in favor of starting it on Sunday so the maximum amount of people can stop in, because most folks get busy during the week with school and work. So yes, mid to late afternoon GMT on Sunday sounds perfect.
lazy_daze @ January 24 2005, 08:25:54 UTC |
Haha, I totally meant 30th when I said 31st >.> cause if we have it on both nights, it can officially start on the Sunday, the 30th - at say 5pm GMT? and we may as well just 'officially' run it pretty permanently from then on and assume it to get busier at times like the evening/night? OR have it from 5pm GMT--> whenever on the Sunday (thru Mon morning), then 8pm GMT--> whenever on the Monday (thru Tues morning), as official chat times, and I guess some people would hang out in there inbetween...
I am so making this more complicated than it needs to be XD