lazy_daze @ 2005-01-25 00:05:00 |
Mood: enraged
Wibblechat reunion: will be held on the evening and night of Sunday 30th and Monday 31st January , starting at 5pm GMT (Timezone converter website...) on the Sunday afternoon and running until whenever (e.g when most people end up needing sleep :DD) and then starting again officially on the Monday at 8pm GMT - though I imagine you can hang out in there at any time :D but having official starting dates will hopefully prevent too much spread-out, and have it so enough people in at a time that it'll be busy enough to be fun, and stuff won't be repeated too much :P
How to actually join in the chat, if you haven't before/have forgotten: you'll need an AIM account if you haven't already, sorry! Tis easy to get and use, though I guarantee your first (and second, and third...) username choice will be taken :P
Then simply ping 'wibblebot01' with 'invite me' and he'll send you a link to the chat and an invite :D!xnera's baby
(Sorry to anyone for whom that part was totally redundant.)
Any ideas on if we should have topics, or just general reminiscing or what, or any ideas on anything else, or any problems/questions/comments, comment away :D
(Mood is, of course, in PS' honour.)
pyrae @ January 24 2005, 19:24:49 UTC |
Hurrah! Just wanted to thank you for organizing this, I'm looking forward to it.
(parent)bookofjude @ January 25 2005, 20:39:47 UTC |
Actually, the first username I registered was bookofjude, and then I lost the password so I had to reregister as bookofjude09. Haha, I am so dumb.