loverly @ 2005-04-17 04:31:00 |
anyone have just_harry and
potterstinks icons? their paid accounts expired and i miss the icons :(
pyrae @ April 16 2005, 11:34:09 UTC |
I have all but maybe three or four of potterstinks's I could email or YSI (they're screencaps from his usericons page), but none of
slinkhard @ April 17 2005, 12:52:54 UTC |
I have two of just_harry's, and quite a lot of PS's, also, if you still haven't got them all.
(parent)loverly @ April 17 2005, 18:24:09 UTC |
i've got all of ps's now i think, could you send me the j_h ones?
(parent)slinkhard @ April 18 2005, 01:14:09 UTC |
As long as you're sure about the PS ones? There's like, 35 or something.
Just_Harry's PoA ones: (I'm not sure about the last. I think it's his. It might be a CU made by someone else?)
loverly @ April 18 2005, 01:20:21 UTC |
yes, it's his :D pyrae sent me screencaps of ps's icon page, 48 icons. i might miss two though.
slinkhard @ April 18 2005, 01:28:28 UTC |
Oh, good! I'm not sure how many Harry ever had - there's probably only a couple more out there. (I remember there was a CoS one from when they got caught flying the car?)
Which two?
loverly @ April 18 2005, 04:52:22 UTC |
i have four other j_h icons if you want :)
i don't know, just that i got 48 icons and the icon limit is 50 :[
slinkhard @ April 18 2005, 04:55:39 UTC |
Oh, no, I'm okay, thanks!
Perhaps they weren't filled to capacity?
I've got about 30 of ps' saved, if you're really worried, you can tell me which you have, and I'll tell you if there are any others I have that aren't listed, but it might take a while for you to type out descriptions for 48! ;)
slinkhard @ April 18 2005, 05:32:44 UTC |
Good idea!
Okay, here are the ones I have that don't appear to be covered there:
loverly @ April 18 2005, 06:00:48 UTC |
thanks! i seem to be unhealthily obsessed with them lately, hahaha.