gossymer @ 2005-07-19 16:33:00 |
(no title)
I recently stumbled onto Nocturne Alley and was blown away by the RPG. I was wondering if there would be any way for the entire sum of the RPG to be compiled for offline reading. The reason I ask is because, at one point or another, the NA archives and ljs *will* go down- putting them in memories is not going to stop that from happening. That's the way of the internet. I'd like to find a way to preserve the efforts of the players- and give friends and family back in asia (who don't have the same internet available here) the opportunity to read this brilliant work.
Thanks, and I'd appreciate any input.
orpheusinjapan @ July 19 2005, 15:58:11 UTC |
I've printed off 2002 (all 1000 pages of it), and have 2003 on my computer waiting to be formatted (it takes ages to figure out what posts are in what thread). 2004, I've still got to make sure I have any graphics that are still on-line before I start formatting it.
It's a project I've been working on forever but have put on hold because of a new job and no time.
The files are huge so I can't send them by e-mail and they are formatted on my own whim and may not be the way someone else might do it. It's readable though and I will eventually print the whole thing (I've loved reading it again).
I can send you the first couple of months if you want. No graphics left from that time so the file's pretty small. Send me your e-mail if you're interested.
gossymer @ July 19 2005, 16:58:24 UTC |
2002= 1000 pages? *collapses* Ouch- just ouch.
Yes, I get the entire issue of formatting- keeping all the images though they add so much, would also blow a fuse.
I'd appreciate anything you could send:) My email is gaild82 [at] yahoo [dot] com
That's about it :)
jupistrahan @ July 19 2005, 18:19:02 UTC |
I have to say, WOW. I'm very impressed. It would be very awesome if someone found a way of compling all of NA into something that is a bit more easy-access then the LJ archives. If anyone would be interested in doing so, I'd be willing to donate to the cause. *glomps you*
(parent)bugger_this @ July 19 2005, 19:58:29 UTC |
oh, could you send it to me, too?
I'll give you my gmail account- that should be able to handle any size file you're able to send out.
Thanks in advance! I only came across this in like the last month or so that it ran, and was so bummed to have missed so much.
![]() |
intern_alley @ July 20 2005, 01:49:28 UTC |
Man, I'm impressed. I can't even work up the energy to finish adding the entries to the memories, let alone a task like that.
(parent)orpheusinjapan @ July 20 2005, 15:29:44 UTC |
Heh, heh. It appeals to my love of fiddly repititous things. I make chainmail as well.
(parent)dissident_dream @ July 20 2005, 04:21:53 UTC |
Would you mind sending it to me too?
So impressed that you've done all of that!
muggleangel @ July 20 2005, 11:24:46 UTC |
Could I have a copy of your files as well? I have all the webpages and journal entries and comments and such saved from directly after the game closed, but I've never dreamed of trying to format it for something like printing. The collapsed threads would be such a nightmare.
muggleangel @ gmail.com
moocow1985 @ July 24 2005, 18:23:09 UTC |
Jumping on this thread a little late, would you or anyone else on this thread be willing to send the files to me please?
sogrammatical [at] gmail [dot] com.
katilicious @ March 22 2006, 20:59:55 UTC |
Heh, this is really late, but I just found this community...so, could you email the file to me too if possible?
0perspicacious1@gmail.com (zero and one)
Thank you!
orimornie @ November 27 2007, 06:37:39 UTC |
Hey, this is ... a LONG time ago lol, but I was wondering if you still had the NA files? I'd love to read the whole rp and send it to my sibs. Thanks so much!
Email is rticulatedspline@gmail.com btw
ryuuseigun @ July 19 2005, 20:15:58 UTC |
I have no idea how to 'rip' all the comments, but there is a pretty simple way to at least save the posts and have them all sorted neatly if you manage to get permission to do so (well, permission isn't necessary, but it seems polite?). LJSM worked wonders for my own journal, and I've used it for the journals of a couple of friends. It basically grabs all the posts/comments/graphics if you want them, saves them as html files and creates a chronological index page with post titles. The problem there is that the pages where there are so many comments that you normally have to follow individual threads will have to be saved manually (and NA has lots of those pages).
(parent)gossymer @ July 20 2005, 15:43:29 UTC |
Hmm, wouldn't you need the ljs' passwords to do this- to get into the ljs and save all the posts and comments for each journal would require access, right?
I wonder if there'd be a way to either donate money towards having someone do this OR split up the work load among fans to then have it all compiled...
ryuuseigun @ July 20 2005, 22:07:53 UTC |
Um, no, you wouldn't need passwords unless you're trying to get locked posts, which don't really exist in this case. Just grab the program, load DOS prompt, and type 'ljsm.exe -r -i [1] USERNAME' and it should work. It's only the collapsed threads that won't work, which sucks because they were half the fun.