orpheusinjapan @ 2008-06-11 11:35:00

Printable Version
Hello, everyone,
It's funny.  After almost four years, I still think about the game often.
I have very fond memories of sitting in Japan keeping up to date on the game with all of you, and hitting refresh during the on line battles.
Who can forget Ron's disappearing hand?  The game ended two weeks before I left Japan and it was a very nostalgic time for me.  
I spent that summer downloading the entire game into Word files as I had this paranoid fear that the game was going to disappear forever.
I went through every entry and every thread, added every picture and link that was still there, and connected threads through colour and font.
I then started work and only managed to play with it every once in a while.  
My goal is to complete a printable version that I can take out and read whenever the mood strikes.  To date, I have completed up to the end of April '03.  It is in a format that makes sense to me and may not be everyone's ideal, but it's available.
Now, I have no idea if any of you are still out there, (four years is a hell of a long time - and we've even had book 7 in that period) but I have decided to post what I have in honour of the 4th anniversary.

I will be posting a link where you can find the files in the next couple of weeks.  In the meantime, post a reply.  I'd like to get an idea if uploading everything is even worth it.

Good to touch base again!



cadette @ June 11 2008, 16:19:20 UTC

Wow, that's dedication! I'd definitely be interested if you uploaded the file!


xnera @ June 11 2008, 16:20:39 UTC

I love you for this. <3 It sounds rather awesome! What I'm really interested in seeing is the original icons used for posts/comments. It saddened me when paid accounts expired and the icons were no longer correct.


orpheusinjapan @ June 11 2008, 22:18:59 UTC

Sorry, but I couldn't include the icons, It just took up too much room/pages and my plan has always been to print. I'll upload the Word documents though, rather than PDF's so you can change or add to suit your own preferences.


babbled @ June 11 2008, 16:43:02 UTC

oh i'd love to see it. i followed this in the beginning for a while but then school and things left me out of the loop and i'm afraid i wasn't able to catch up completely, even now :/


pyrae @ June 11 2008, 16:43:16 UTC

I'd definitely be interested. Wow!


saltroseortopaz @ June 11 2008, 16:56:50 UTC

I'd be interested :O!


lazy_daze @ June 11 2008, 17:20:03 UTC

That's AMAZING! I would COMPLETELY ADORE THAT OMG. I went on an NA nostalgia trip a couple of months ago and it was very fun :D


jupistrahan @ June 11 2008, 17:25:11 UTC

Wow! You have my vote for uploading it - I came into it a little late, and missed quite a bit of the beginning of N_A; it was always difficult to backtrack, and just by mentioning this you have filled me with renewed hope!

Much <3 to you! =D


morganmuffle @ June 11 2008, 17:37:20 UTC

Wow, that's dedication! I'd ve interested in having a copy certainly!


seashellz @ June 11 2008, 17:54:32 UTC

It's safe to say I got teary eyed when reading this! :) I'd love it!


orimornie @ June 11 2008, 19:12:07 UTC

Ooh, wow, I'd love this. I missed the beginning of NA, but stumbling across it was what got me into RPing where I met my best friend!


anemonerose @ June 11 2008, 19:31:14 UTC

Oh, wow, I would definitely be interested in this. I was just rereading some of my favorite N_A posts the other day. The whole game was so fabulous. ♥


scrabble @ June 11 2008, 21:19:50 UTC



oneminutemovies @ June 11 2008, 22:44:43 UTC

That sounds wonderful.


star_watcher81 @ June 12 2008, 03:53:18 UTC

Yes, please! I'd be very interested in the file.


divinelight @ June 12 2008, 04:13:02 UTC

That sounds amazing!


tabiji @ June 12 2008, 05:24:56 UTC

Thank you so much for doing this!

How cool is it that after four years there is still so much love for this game!


black_dog @ June 13 2008, 09:25:19 UTC

Yes I said yes it is Yes
