lupercus @ 2010-07-14 22:18:00 |
Saving Nocturne Alley
This is Lupercus's player - we're trying to preserve NA as best we can, but the passwords have long since been lost and e-mail addresses abandoned, so it's a bit tricky.
I've posted a few comments on posts made in the community, but I can't make a post myself. I hope the comments are enough to keep the community 'active' by LJ standards.
Otherwise, I hope someone's archiving everything. It'd be a shame to lose something that was so big, so important, to so many of us.
Party on, kids.
- Remus's player
muggleangel @ July 15 2010, 03:26:21 UTC |
I archived it all way back when, and I mean ALL, comments, icons and every, way back when before the paid statuses ran out, and I'd be happy to email around a giant zip file, worse come to worse. :/
(parent)davechicken @ February 11 2011, 17:55:38 UTC |
I used to follow NA and I got a craving to reread it all... any chance I could have a copy of said ZIP file?
bloodybrilliant @ July 29 2011, 23:54:00 UTC |
oh so late and all but zip file???
If you know, ... still after all this time... :D
musesong @ July 15 2010, 05:35:46 UTC |
You know aside from my own HP RP community my thoughts first went to yours and the range of wonderful players and posts and how to preserve such in the wake of the recent post in news.
I am in the same position of people having drifted away, changed emails and had a restless night thinking about the issue of conserving the archive.
I was going to suggest a campaign to Save our RPs' or something with banners and a writing campaign to LJ Staff.
The good news is that there was such an outcry from members like ourselves who have invested time and love into communities that LJ have revised their definition of 'inactive':
Revised bit from news: A journal is defined as inactive if it has not been logged into for 24 consecutive months and has only one post (i.e., the welcome post). A community is defined as inactive if has not been updated for 24 consecutive months and has only one entry and no comments.
owner sphogwarts
bookofjude @ July 15 2010, 08:26:01 UTC |
I know it's not the real thing, but I've still got the NocturneAlley backup if worst comes to worst. If I can find good hosting, I could even put the whole thing online somewhere, so you don't have to download it...
(parent)franticgoddess @ August 15 2010, 21:39:44 UTC |
I think I have one of the giant files/backup things that were floating around a while ago.
Oh how I miss it!
franticgoddess @ August 15 2010, 21:40:15 UTC |
Also, it was such a funny feeling seeing a post from lupercus anywhere! My little heart!