pink_faerie @ 2003-04-11 23:16:00 |
(no title)
NA is my life blood. Me, oddsocks and
bohemianchic all go to the same school and have been taken by surprise by DUEL FEVER. Shirine supports Boot while Ruka and I firmly believe in spreading the Potterstinks love. It all started so innocently... but then... it spread and of course ended in violence.. I speak of this advertising campaign. Oh woe! The horrors we have seen! Now you may see them too, for we took pictures and BE WARNED.
Sometimes competitions go to far. (See what I did to protect your honour, Draco, my love?)
It started off alright... We posted our propaganda.. Shirine hers. Support Malfoy! Boot is cute!
But then! VANDALS, vile creatures that they are, started to deface our Malfoy posters. GASP.
So we fought back!
The vandal was soon covered by posters herself! Both sides insisted she support THEIR duelist.
Shirine (on the right with her boot) and I (in the red with scissors!) disagree. Our difference of opinion begins to take the horrid shape of HATE.
We are informed the camera is on. Everyone poses by our display. False smiles all around.
Convinced that the camera man is gone, we resume our fight, slinging verbal insults at each other...
Oh the hair pulling and the booting! How did close friends get torn apart his way?!
Hope you all enjoyed. ^ ^; We do silly things to amuse ourselves and this little project was made specially for NrAged. Remember kids: Don't run with scissors.
tonic_x @ April 11 2003, 20:59:18 UTC |
LOL! That ROCKS! Oh my goodness, I so wish I could do that...I may be expelled or something...those are so great! *applauds*
(parent)pink_faerie @ April 11 2003, 21:00:24 UTC |
I go to an arts school so there's tons of stuff hanging everywhere. We can do whatever we want, really. ^ ^;
(parent)tonic_x @ April 12 2003, 07:58:41 UTC |
WHERE? Can I go?! No art schools around here, damnit. :(
(parent)taradiane @ April 11 2003, 21:06:48 UTC |
That was...beyond hilarious.
No doubt if I were still in high school my locker would look very similar indeed.
Well, at least where Support Malfoy is concerned.
Damn, now I wish I had a locker.
samenashi @ April 11 2003, 21:48:56 UTC |
Oh my god. I am laffing bad, man. Hysterical. I'm just loving the posters.
(parent)samenashi @ April 11 2003, 22:10:28 UTC Re: |
So I see! Did you get in trouble for putting the posters up or anything?
(parent)pink_faerie @ April 11 2003, 22:25:01 UTC |
Not sure. I mean, we hadn't by the end of the day... and if they're an issue the caretakers will just take em down. Our school is very liberal like that.
(parent)pink_faerie @ April 11 2003, 22:29:03 UTC |
XD Yeah. We're really big on insanity, and I'm big on organizing random events for crazed amusement so it was fun had by all. Cept I cut myself at one point. But I tell you, it was worth it.
We are fuled by love.
samenashi @ April 11 2003, 22:30:51 UTC Re: |
Hahaha, god. NA is so the bomb. <3333 D'you mind if I add you to my friends list? You seem interesting. :))
(parent)pink_faerie @ April 11 2003, 22:35:55 UTC |
Ahhhh! Expectations to live up to. If nothing else, I'm pink. So go ahead. I will add back as your enjoyment of literati is a plus and your DNA test results came back saying you have nothing to do with any of Bertha's children! :D
samenashi @ April 11 2003, 22:38:15 UTC Re: |
XD man oh man, I have played literati like, 4 times. But am enjoying it thouroughly.
I am going to SHH now because I'm getting really OT and I always seem to do that here. -.-
katrionaa @ April 12 2003, 07:55:14 UTC |
*applause* Excellent! You guys are very dedicated fans, I hope boot_boy and
potterstinks appreciate the support. :D
pink_faerie @ April 12 2003, 08:33:18 UTC |
Heheheh. We wouldn't stop even if they thought it was creepy. Evil things we are. BWAHAHA.
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 12 2003, 08:19:20 UTC |
*admires* I have a Go Boot! sign on my locker, but it really doesn't compare to your many signs. *loves*
(parent)lore @ April 12 2003, 12:07:59 UTC |
You guyz rule! Thanks so much for thinking of us!
love, lore
sistermagpie @ April 12 2003, 15:26:13 UTC |
You're mad! Mad, I tell you!
Also, you rock my world. :-)